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Seize control of your dreams and conquer your subconscious
It's weird because I feel good when I sleep from just willingly doing more. It's hard to sleep when I have dreams like someone breaking into my car and I can't get out fast enough and they viciously stab me 20 times in the gut leaving me bleeding out and dying. I've almost died before and the death throes are fucking terrifying.
It's weird because I've been happy and working on myself to be a better man but oh my god I might have to go back to smoking if this shit doesn't stop.
Carb the fuck up nigga. Sugar, fruit, fruit juice, low fat milk, well cooked potatoes, white rice, honey.
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>Participants (N = 121) with high dream recall and an interest in lucid dreaming were randomly assigned counterbalanced orders of 3 doses of galantamine (0, 4 and 8 mg). On 3 consecutive nights, they awoke approximately 4.5 hours after lights out, recalled a dream, ingested the capsules and stayed out of bed for at least 30 minutes. Participants then returned to bed and practiced the Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams technique while returning to sleep. The percentage of participants who reported a lucid dream was significantly increased for both 4 mg (27%, odds ratio = 2.29) and 8 mg doses (42%, odds ratio = 4.46) compared to the active placebo procedure (14%).
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Never take a zinc supplement before bed
I’m on week 2 of my tolerance break and I 100% know what you mean. My dreams are finally starting to be more normal, but holy fuck during week 1 I had the wildest most intense dreams/nightmares.
Why would a lizard have nipples?
Bro, the rebound effect is very very real. Ugh gonna fall asleep playing some Bible verses, maybe it'll help to dream of God's grace being with me there too.
I am alright up not having a good time bro lol you're doing better than I am. Still within the first week fuuuuck. Days 2-3
I have nipples focker, can you milk me?
Is this the quitting weed thread?
30 now, weed has helped me live a mostly normal life with PTSD, but I can't cope with the fatigue anymore now that I'm old.
I noticed it a bit but I was never such a heavy smoker
Its when you're supposed to take it, but be sure to take it with some food. Reflux can be pretty bad otherwise I found out.
Dude the alien invasion dreams were so kino, the depth looking up into space on an early twilight evening witnessing the true distance between the earth and moon as two warring alien factions complete with the largest coolest spaceships I have ever in my life seen
Bruh, worth
Drugs are lame as shit fuck drugs. I stopped watching shit violent movies and started reading books and listenig to symphonies..the movie violence is far too stressful, to cringe I'm very sensitive to the stuff now
Fuck drugs, sobriety king reporting. No coffee either. Never been so relaxed in my life, empty mind most of the time, it's worth it pray bros the secret is prayer (and daily exercise)
I chain smoked from 16-30 and was dying near the end, switched to vapes and edibles the fatigue is gone
Thanks I'll try the switch
Shut up you nigger
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>Water sober Reformed addicts are niggers
Uh, projection?
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I'm on board with most sobriety stuff but you can pry my coffee and violent movies from my cold dead hands

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