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How do I get the discipline to stop eating junk food and candy?
Women are no comedians but they can be hilarious.
>did not swallow the load
I hate women
your brain is so ruined by racebait that you really think they went into the bakery and asked specifically for a white cock
it's either white or black
I know for a fact because I'm a faggot
You don't need to tell us you're a faggot, niggerboy, your kind generally is
Lol goofy bitch

When you stop taking them seriously, you then have the right mindset.
>racebaiter gets mad when you tell him his brain is rotten
you should be killed
Eat enough meat and animal fat. Eventually the cravings subside
Why won't my gf fully swallow my load bros? She'll get some of it down but let the rest drip off on me
Even hotter
imagine the faggot who had to make that cake
it doesn't take discipline, just get off your ass and find shit that isn't junk food that actually taste good. it doesn't even have to be healthy, just not unhealthy
If your girl thinks your cum is gross she isn't attracted to you. If it was that dreamboat she thinks about, she would drown in it.

I'm not saying to break up, but your in 4th place.
every day my hatred for women grows a little bit stronger
Replace it with sugarfree alternatives. I was addicted to sodas and i no longer like them because i broke free of sugar addiction. Same with nicotine addiction (2 years free of inhaling shit)
Improve in cycles, try, relapse, try harder, relapse less. Eventually you go long enough without junk building it up in your head what a tremendous treat it will be when you finally cave that when you finally do relapse it is disappointing. It just gets easier.
make your coom taste better

>minimize processed food
>maximize fruits
nah they make in brown too. they call it "natural" skin tone instead of saying beaner brown. i know because i routinely shop for sex cakes.
I believe you
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I'm trying to make popcorn my new best friend so I don't eat Cheetos anymore. Buying Cheddar powder + Jalapeno powder soon. I did make my own caramel sauce to make caramel popcorn before, but I burnt it so it wasn't great.
Fruits are better than candy but Starburst Airs are also my weakspot...
Everything is okay in moderation, just don't make it a habit. Once or twice a month should be okay.
Start replacing sugar in your diet with alternatives, currently I'm also trying to go down the route of Date Sugar, Honey, and Maple Syrup, instead of Erythritol or whatever because: Study finds common artificial sweetener, erythritol, linked to higher rates of heart attack and stroke: Those with higher blood erythritol levels were at elevated risk of experiencing a major adverse cardiac event such as heart attack, stroke or death.
Thanks for the clarification, but nobody asked, fag.
I wish that were my cock. This made me hard.
Why are Latinxas so sexual?
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why are they like this
Pretty sure those are Pajeetas
What makes you think that?
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That webm gets posted on /int/ a lot
The girl on right is wearing a kurta
What kind of latinxes would write happy birthday and not feliz cumpleaños?
>Verification not required
A Chicana who says she’s proud of her heritage but only speaks a few words of Spanish?
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They want pic related
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even the cake mog us sar
>alyx vance after gordon freeman bleaches her
she's loosing out on gains, think of all the protein.
Says the guy that goons to hentai and/or bugwomen
Latinas (and Latinos) have a big confusion at the time of talking. Contrary to what people say, Spanglish is not a meme, it’s a shitty dialect made by pochos in LA spread across the southern part of the country. Bow even Venezuelan and Puerto Rican ppl use it. Latinas will like salsa, Cuban music and their shitty diet but will drool over a white dude and have aspirations of becoming a soccer mom with big SUV parked outside.
Isn't that the goal though? His daughter can get with a successful tall white guy who'll provide a stable environment for a family vs. getting with an alcoholic 5'2 Hispanic day laborer.
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