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Why do all the women look like mutated genetic experiments, while all the men look normal?
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Not even roids does this.
short stack gymnastic body builders. seriously, they're all below five feet tall.
Roll? Blonde is a cutie.
Would sex all five of them at once.
You porn brained fuck they all look normal, tf are you talking about?

They're just all like 4'10 so they're stocky and more muscular than the average woman.

>Perfectly normal woman
>Mutated genetic experiments

You genuinely might be a faggot if you don't find a healthy female body attractive.
this looks normal fittard
I'm convinced 90% of the incel movement stems form the fact that men's standards have been warped by social media, porn and anime (idk why but when I used to binge watch animes I was less and less attracted to real women, it's like eating mcdonalds for a month then going back to a healthy diet).

The typical incel thinks he should get an 7-8 woman, even though he's barely a 3. Instead of improving himself or lowering his standards, the incel blames women and society and becomes absolutely insufferable to be around which makes him even less attractive and it's just a negative feedback loop from there.

Our ancestors would've fought wars just to bag one of these gymnasts, and OP who probably looks like melted ice cream thinks they're unattractive.
incels aren't successful with women and that makes them insecure. this insecurity causes them to view men who are more successful than them, as well as the women, as morally inferior. believing that all the men are assholes that were born attractive and all the women are stupid and shallow.

this same mindset comes up in fitizens/dyels. they aren't successful in the gym so they view everyone who's more successful as morally inferior, believing that they all inject themselves with steroids and pretend to be natty.
olympians have the ideal build for their respective disciplines

for example the reason all prominent swimmers both male and female have unusually broad shoulder isnt because they swam so much they got broad shoulders, but the opposite, they are prominent swimmers because they were genetically build to swim (meaning broad shoulders and similar), of course we arent gonna diminish their efforts but raw effort isnt gonna get you at the top of the world
>having linebacker shoulders and nonexistent hips are normal
Those are men lol
yes, go outside and look at all the fat ugly hags walking around. i know that's asking a lot
>having linebacker shoulders and nonexistent hips are normal because people can get fat
>it's just a negative feedback loop from there.
actually its a positive feedback loop
Unfortunate, but normal.
And if a non-athlete could try to minimise the effect, they gotta optimise their body for the sport, so it really jumps to the eye
It's so funny that most men adopted the feminist anti-porn position. Instead of saying porn is bad for men because it depletes them of their energy it's always about how it gives men "unrealistic expectations" of how women should look or act.
>these are the olympians fucking like rabbits
>4'10 so they're
>Mutated genetic experiments
Yeah exactly. They're womanlets. Honest to god you are fucking retarded. There's only so big a fetus womanlet womb and pelvis can handle, idiot. Also they have manlet genes. Do you want your offspring to be 5'2" maximum manlets? No, I'm fucking serious about this, fucktard. Even my filipina wife is 5'5" and would tower over these hideous genetic dead ends. And her brothers are all over 6'. Our 10 year old son just surpassed her height this year. Get fucked loser
Which is the one that quit because it was too hard?
Delusional woman post
The average incel is a 4-6 dude who wants a 4-6 woman, but that woman only goes for 8+ chads who pump and dump her due to simps inflating her ego on dating apps
Porn is largely bad for women, there's literally no downside to jerking off for a man other than damaging your dick, your relationship and wasting your time which are valid. You can go to that subreddit loveafterporn if you want to have some real women sperging out about porn.
you'll feels a whole new level of insecurity when you notice all the girls with ugly ass boyfriends that aren't you
Gymnastics is extremely physically demanding, especially on the upper body
The sport makes gymnasts' bodies develop in a very masculine way with muscular arms, wide shoulders, broad torsos, small legs, which makes the men look good and the women look like shit
so gay...
Because top female athletes inevitable end up being those with masculine bone structure, primarily wide shoulders and narrow hips.
The second reason being that top athletes in any sport end up looking disproportional because no sport requires equal exertion in all muscle groups.
Nah, I've only known 2 incels in my life and their standards are ridiculous.

I sound like a fucking goof using these terms but here we go, "Chads" who were more attractive, had better personalities etc... Had lower standards than those two.

And they were such a pain in the ass to be around, all they do is complain about their genetics and how life is rigged and blah blah blah.

They're straight up insufferable, which makes people avoid them especially women, which makes them go deeper into the incel rabbit hole, which makes them more insufferable and the cycle continues until they either commit suicide or shoot up some place.

That's the sad life of incels.
I think you guys MASSIVELY overestimate how much an 8 is willing to fuck an American 6, much less any lower. An American 6 is almost guaranteed to be fat, and visually not remotely sexually arousing. When you’re in countries where the women are thin a 6 usually still has a sexually attractive body so it’s pretty easy to overlook the average face. That is rarely the case in the US, though. A ripped or pretty boy guy is not going to be having sex with tons of 30 pounds overweight women. They’re more likely to be having sex with manipulative men with low standards than a physical specimen
Those guys are tall and wealthy though

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