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Do you eat before or after working out? What do you usually have?
Do you think this slut rethought her entire life after noticing the girl in the background or did she carry on with more of this garbage content?
Millenials die
She's not self aware enough to change her ways
no u
I don't like eating right before, but I've seen a considerable bump in performance if I've eaten at least 1000 calories some time before I train
my nigga you really don't know it's staged? all fucking content is staged.
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someone nutted in this a year before this video
I hate white people so much it's unreal
Her boobs are really big. Shame about the face though.
/fit/ math lmao
She laughed at it and carried on.
oh wait lol
How the fuck are people who act like this able to have kids and a house? Who would employ a child neglecting fat retard like that? I can barely afford rent in my country, let alone start a family. I'm so triggered bros..
>all fucking content is staged
Looks like a genuine reaction to me.
>and carried on
I believe this part but cannot believe she laughed at having reality brought up.
>already getting chubby at the age of one

In a normal place the judgy cunt in the background is the bad one. She should mind her own fucking business.
The girl in the back seems like a cunt though
>le judging is bad

nope. shit people should be treated like shit and told how they are fucking up so they know what to fix.
people minding their own business is why this happens:
Her bf/dad looks like a onions dweeb and she looks like shit. Who gives a shit what they think. They need their teeth kicked in for making ugly faces at strangers.
you need to go back to cutting up powdered donuts and opening an applesauce
You scared someone will bust your judgy little cunt face, bitch?
oh, it's a jeet
good morning saar
You're a literal retard
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I eat every which way
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Being judgmental to retards is just common courtesy. Dancing tiktok idiots in public places should be consistently shamed.
She seems like wife material you mean, unlike the fat, ugly overgrown 5 year old who thinks "dancing for teh delicious noms" is acceptable public behaviour
An attempts at bulking I presume
you wernt born as a woman. if you have a pussy there will be someone willing to take care of you.
Ive never felt the desire to torture someone until i saw this
90% of /fit/ who spent 20 years going gym everyday would look at her and say:
>Yup, I'll make her my wife and give up immediately
It's quite sad really. Wokring so hard only to be destroyed by mediocre pussy.
This always confused me as an American until I recently took a trip to the other side of the world for the first time and saw how lazy many of the people there were in terms of actually working. Literally every single local flight out of 10 that I went was over an hour late each time. That wouldn’t happen over here, even with how fat our populace is, people actually work at their jobs instead of taking their time. The amount of productivity lost must be amazing in many parts the world outside of here, a few east Asian countries and Northern Europe. I always thought it was just IQ differences but it was culture all along.
Don't have kids you'll raise some fucked up little gremlins with that attitude.
Me in the back
The lifeless stare in her eyes always get me. Hylic.
She should be murdered with hammers.
ure a complete retard, change ur brain
Nigga she's getting filmed
>judgy cunt
Anon, that expression was simply a visceral response to shameless attention whoring. Anyone with any capacity for self awareness would have reacted in a similar fashion. Acting like that in public is just repulsive.

*One year and nine months
Yes. Using random bystanders as props for your worthless social media """content""" is incredibly rude and even if it wasn't you should expect to be stared at and judged if you deliberately and conspicuously act like a spastic in public.
It reminded me of that thot that was streaming and an old guy just told her "You are not that interesting" and she was seething for months. Good times.
She made more tiktoks making fun of the judge girl in the background
Look at the beta male the woman in the back is sitting with. Anyone would be miserable.
Probably someone from this board, who (((made it))).
She literally is there minding her own business you absolute spastic. The chipmunk on the foreground is the one filming everyone else and doing retarded shit
You know how somebody does something that's just plain wrong and they know it but you don't have the words to incriminate them?
Like when your sibling gets in your personal space and says "I'm not touching you" and you fucking hate it and mom's not happy either but she can't do anything because they really aren't touching you and she doesn't know how to describe what it is they're doing wrong?
Because I don't like this girl but I can't explain why.
>everything is staged
>everything is a conspiracy
>nothing is natural
>everyone is planning something every second of every day
Must be exhausting thinking everyone but you is working off a script
>staged dances at dennys for tiktok clout isn't retarded
>judging attention whores for being whores is retarded
simp faggot
>teaching your children to not be annoying attention whores who only care about social media clout is bad
How often do you check your instagram?
chill out dude
this girl is just acting out unresolved trauma about how she tried to solve her hateful dysfunctional family behavior by acting badly like the happy chipper catalyst to diffuse tension, and you can clearly tell it didn't go well by how fucking wired and stressed out and anxious she looks.

It's like those fucking dogs who pee themselves in fear/happiness because they don't know how to act when they see you.

Bitch just needs to chill and calm the fuck down and unironically needs someone to stop her, like break her off of the cycle by ignoring/only rewarding normal interactions with attention.
child abuse
>1 year old
>HFCS and sugar
i want to punch her so much
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Protein and carbs, usually chicken and rice, stuff that digests fast and gives me good energy
Greek yogurt with whey mixed in, usually a glass of chocolate milk too
Are proteins that easy to be digested? Before lifting I eat some ice-cream or basically only carbs for energy and after I eat oat+whey+milk
In some other thread, someone mentioned how weird it was that everything she does seemed like it was a struggle to do. I can't stop seeing that now in certain "people".
From the way she throws the plate on the counter, to the opening of the bag and taking the doughnuts out, to the waddle to the counter. It's... weird.
Also, I despised how she threw the plate on the counter and then plopped it next to the kid on a fucking trampoline. Already this bitch is not teaching the child appropriate values, which is that you go to a proper place to eat your food, because you don't want to get shit all over your other things. Also, that you don't just eat anywhere just because it's a bad idea to associate food with literally everything.

Lastly, that "breakfast" is 100% sugar. I'm disgusted.
>/fit/ math lmao
I'm guessing he doesn't count the bar, either.
shut it fatty

Me in the back.
Isn't that child abuse
Translation: She got royally assblasted by the judge girl and made more tiktoks to cope.

Got it.

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