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is bench and ohp enough for big triceps? i don't wanna do anything else if i don't need to.
No, I bench 4 plates and The Press 115kg and have never done any serious triceps isolation work.

My front delts and pecs are well developed but triceps aren't impressive.
On chest day I'll do tricep pull downs, skull crushers, and dips. They're already pretty sore from all the chest exercises
if you're a press sperg just add JM press. problemo solvedo
Probably not, I used to skip the cable triceps exercises since they were always being used but my tri's were lacking. The good thing is you can spam them alot, do supersets or do close grip bench/Skullcrushers if you dont want to use cables but cables are ideal
bench with a close grip one day and a wife grip another
>want short cuts
heads up though u ngmi
every time i step into a mcdonalds i feel exactly like that minion because i 99% of the time go alone and its crowded with families, fatsos, single moms with their kids stuck to their ipads and teenage lovers. its over for me, i refuse to take care of fat abominations or bastard kids. pigging out at mcdonalds while being fit is an easy flex on normies, tho, i get mires from subhumans.

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