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File: psoriasis.webm (3.91 MB, 480x854)
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Are there any specific types of clothing or fabrics that are better for working out with psoriasis?
thats from shampoo/conditioner. most products have DMDM hydantoin - which is formaldehyde. that's probably causing all that in her scalp
disgusting, honestly when this sort of shit happens you shouldn't be allowed to have chidlren.
I get this shit and it sucks. At least I'm not balding. Check your diet, OP. Turns out bread seems to make this shit spike for me. Also don't use conditioner. If you're having an outbreak, come the shit out the best you can and rub straight Tea Tree oil into your scalp and/or beard. Only thing that seems to help.
Would you fuck her though
That's dried up cum from hundreds of men.
No I wouldn't lol. I don't want head flakes in my bed bro. I'm sure she has a boyfriend/husband though, she isn't a bad looking lady but head flakes are a no go.

I mean the bitch IS the toast crumbs you need to wipe off your sheets every night. I won't stand for that.
>Turns out bread seems to make this shit spike for me
Same! I have no idea what is in bread, but eating grains makes this shit so much worse, while removing bread and grains removes this problem for me.
It's the yeast.
how does eating bread, affect yeast on my head?!
The carbs and yeast travel all over your system anon.
I know the carbs travel though my blood. But how the fuck does the yeast travel through my blood, I though that shit gets killed off in the stomach acid
Yeah seems like it. Beer probably has the same effect but I like having beers when I'm gaming with the boys. Looks like I'm gonna have to switch to liquor.
1. You have psoriasis, so you are already immuno-deficient
2. Yeast can survive in still-solid matter that gets into your intestines.

I'm not a doctor, but this is the most logical conclusion.
>1. You have psoriasis, so you are already immuno-deficient
it's literally the opposite though, your immune system is too active.
fuck my bad you're right
Nah I get the same shit and I haven't washed my hair with anything for at least 8 months
It's the glycophosphate they absolutely HOSE DOWN amerishart wheat with.
I've done elimination diets and the shit goes away. Added back in European wheat or other Euro grains that doesn't have glyco. No problems so far
that's interesting
>It's the glycophosphate they absolutely HOSE DOWN amerishart wheat with.
so all of the bread, everywhere is gyocphosphate rich?
that can't be right, has to be something with bread itself.
> Added back in European wheat or other Euro grains that doesn't have glyco. No problems so far
can't say that was my experience, euro bread and grains absolutely cause the issue for me.
>immune system is too active.
That's not what's going on.
>eat plants that have amino acid analogs
>body digests the sludge
>AA analogs are used by your body to synthesize malformed proteins and integrate them into your tissue as normal
>immune system catches up and sees the fucked up protein as foreign
>attack attack attack
>oh look my immune system is attacking my own body guess it's overactive
There are HUNDREDS of amino acid analogs. Just avoid plant sludge as much as possible. Especially "muh plant protein" shit
If you're interested, look up ODAP and the Grass Pea for just ONE example of toxic AA analogues and their effects on the human body
how come bread causes it the most then?
and not say, fruit, or vegetables?
American wheat is hosed and i mean HOSED down with glycophosphate. It's like the jews don't want to miss a spot. Go look at videos on youtube.
Most European countries ban the shit. This is opposed to stuff like corn where they spray the shit out of it too but at least there's a husk there to give the grain some protection from getting DRENCHED with the chemical. For fruit if you're gonna eat the peel (like an apple), get organic. If it's something you're gonna peel anyway like a grapefruit don't bother.
oh sorry wrong topic.
There's precious little protein or at least digestible protein in fruit as opposed to grain or legumes. But some weird fruit does have AA analogues in it. I saw it on "weird explorer" on youtube where he warned about it. I forget the specific fruit though. It's some weird fucked up cherry crabbapple looking thing that nobody would eat though
okay but why then european wheat as well?
but bread doesn't have a lot of protein in it either. So why does it fuck us up the most?
nope nah wrong
It's your us-american goyslop, but not bread. Your food is literally toxic.

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