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People at the gym keep telling me training chest+back is retarded, are they dumb or am I dumber?
I've been on a Arnie split where I train chest+back then Arms (bicep, tricep, shoulders) then legs.
Would chest+biceps, back+triceps be better? where would I fit shoulders in? Leg day? That sucks since I only do 1 leg day a week.
If it works do it, or you could try PPL, which is just chest+shoulders+triceps, back+biceps+rear delts
i did ppl when i started lifting but it felt like it was lacking arm work
People say that, but it's the same amount if you do the same exercises isn't it?
working triceps and biceps on same day gave me the biggest bumps for some reason
>for some reason
I'm putting my money on working out both sides of your arm the same day, so both sides are pumped.

Finally figured out PPL hate, lack of mirror mire.
It’s fine. Try different splits and see what works best for you and what you enjoy. I did the Arnold split and liked it. I tried push pull legs and also liked it. Did push pull legs arms and it was decent. Now I’m doing a bro split and it’s probably my overall favorite. There’s no one right answer to this
arnold split is better than ppl
having to do bench press and ohp on the same day sucks ass
brosplit was my least favorite as a natty because it felt like my muscles were resting for way too long even tho i was doing 4-5 exercises per session for 1 muscle
The 'Arnold Split' is just an Upper/Lower with an extra Arms day.
It's pretty good, when you consider the Arms day as basically an active rest day.
Arnold used this split so he could superset as much as possible. Also you practically train your arms 4x per week since training back train biceps and pressing for chest triceps.
It's a good split. For some people, chest and back on the same day is too much, but if that's you, you'll know it by doing it, and if you can train chest and back on the same day and hit both with high quality then you're golden
Before roiding in bodybuilding took off for real, full body x3 a week was the norm.
People cope with 20 work sets for a single muscle in a day because they pick bad lifts and half ass every set. You only need 4-10 sets each session at x1.5-x2 frequency. 10 sets of chest and back is 4-5 lifts.
post or link a routine based on your description pls. I'm afraid it will take 2+ hours to finish, that's why people choose a split.
I never understood why anyone would train the same muscle two days in a row especially as a natty
I don't understand why people take advice from roidtroons.
Literally all you have to do is take drugs and fuck goblinas, then you can be just like Arnold.
Nah more like 1.5 hours. You also bias different things on different days. A lot of antagonistic supersets.
The alternative is an U/L split. Which your arnold split really is. Don't change shit if it works.
But I do ohp on pull day
I always trained chest+back ever since I graduated SS.

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