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Is it true that working out and keeping fit increases you libido?
A shitload, yes
So such articles only exist to demoralize "incels", right?
Yes especially if you lift heavy until failure. My big cock tears up vaginal walls and impales the cervix. I am superior.
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Probably, it's a bizarre detail to report on. Then again most normalfags are coom-brained so they probably conciser it genuine news
Most Olympians, including the women, are giga-gymcels who only get a chance to get laid every few years at best. They train like 3 times a day for hours at a time and a good amount of them still have to work and study their sport with the rest of their time. Big competitions are basically the only time where they have some free time so they go wild and fuck anything even remotely attractive
t. former S&C coach who got olympian pussy a few times
They hype this stupid marketing ploy up every Olympics and I don't believe it for a second. Normies are so titillated by the idea of a group of extremely fit people having a giant orgy that nobody ever questions it. These special branded condoms always get snatched up because they are novelty collector's items featuring the Olympic year branding and are easy to pocket and give out as a joke to friends and family later.
Based so just hang out around horny female olympians?
Cooming ruins your athletic performance for a few days so if you're training at your absolute maximum (which you will be for the Olympics) you're on no-fap. Once the competition is done you're now at the peak of physical fitness, surrounded by thousands of others at the peak of physical fitness, none of which you'll ever see again, in what is ostensibly a vacation college dormitory. There's not less sex than you think, there's more.
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I don't know about you, but I find that my libido is sky high when I just sit around like a bump on a log and stuff my face with seed oils. Really makes my dick work great when I'm sedentary lardo.
So which is it? I want to believe lmao but I could see it being way overplayed.
post cock, faggot

some of the dudes who dropped early are fucking their spouses and others are fucking prostitutes
the 300k condoms are sponsored by the plastic bag companies because that number is basically free to produce and give out
some of the ugly girls/literal whos will whore themselves out to the nobodies so they have "stories to tell", which they will lie about 90% of it

the reality is that the hot/ famous/ strong athletes are already married/ dating a model / actress
I love that so much money is being funnelled into what has become the most immoral, degenerate, disgusting display of modernity seen recurrently. The Olympics should be about true competition, not some giant gay get-together party where roided up monkeys and sheboons can fornicate
I fucking hate the West so fucking much it's unreal. Someone drop nukes on us already and cleanse this degraded "society" by fire
have sex, incel
You're foaming at the mouth
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shut the fuck up bugman
I will NOT have sex, I will NOT join the hordes of mindless zombies destroying their souls by abiding in modern lifestyles, I will NOT participate in the hypersexualised gynocracy, I will NOT give anyone a pass for participating in this behaviour.
I wish I could meet a normoid like you in real life so I could rip your head off, you fat pussy
What happened here? I'm confused. What was he trying to do? What did he even fail at?
Literally this has been the Olympics since the ancient Greeks invented it. Changing that would be the degradation
You're the reason Christians get such a bad rap.
yep, unironically
Women were not allowed to even watch the ancient Olympic Games. There was certainly no giant orgy going on.
No it hasn't retard. Women were not allowed to participate in the Olympics when the Greeks were doing it. It HAS degenerated, and to an incredible extent.
I didn't mention Christ or religion even 1 (one) time. Get your head checked, it might be an iMax 4K Laser with the amount of projection you're doing
>Entertainment > Sports
Femcel publication
If you somehow can, yes. Although good luck with that. They're constantly busy and have packed schedules
The men were all naked and not only fucking the women after the games but fucking each other. Maybe we should go back to tradition if that's what you want. Just imagine a bunch of muscular naked men rubbing olive oil all over each other being broadcast to the world.
>remains abstinent because he believes normal sexual relations destroys your soul
Christian concepts. Unless you happen to be a vestal virgin dedicated to preserving the SPQR
I ran cross country and track at a D1 school. While it's obviously a far cry from the Olympics level, we were all still very fit. I assure you, athletes sleep around.
It usually does for me
>fucking the women after the games
After the games they would go on like a week long sail back to whatever city-state in all of Greece they came from. There was no fucking.
>but fucking each other
Sodomy did only licitly take place in Greek culture within the confines of the erastes-eramenos dynamic. There was no buggery going on between what would have been considered grown men in that society.
>Christian concepts
Utterly clueless about Greco-Roman culture and philosophy.
That's why you have to leave the Village after your event
>if you just get fit you can have sex
>incels see this as demoralizing rather than motivating

and that's why they're incels
By putting the word incels in quotations he meant that it demoralizes right wing individuals who are then called incels when they speak about it.
As an actual former incel it was because I am autistic. It had nothing to do with unwillingless to lift and excercise. I'm jacked, athletic, and good looking.
And it should be demoralizing anyway on a primal level. When you're bro gets laid then yeah, high five. Anybody else does and a healthy testosterone fueled man's first instinct, regardless of how cool he is and how well he handles it, is "it should've been me."
Every Olympics they report on it like it's ground breaking, so I can only assume it's a psyop against our nicely brothers.

All animals are having sex all the time it's literally what their bodies are built to do. If that's a revelation to your or bothers you then you might just be stupid. It's not demoralizing on a primal level otherwise every creature would have gone extinct a million times over.
No but it gives you harder boners.
Greeks were a noble people, they were not faggots like you anon.
What having 0 bitches does to a nigga
Not for women.
>I wish I could meet a normoid like you in real life
Go outside
in my experience working out tires you out which affects your libido, even in the medium-term. Bern lifting for 13 years and I have better libido when I am on a gym break/only going lightly then when I have a strong routine. When I'm in a season of hitting the gym hard I can really have trouble getting in the mood, I think my body is just too spent. eating a lot also increases libido/erection quality. BUT feeling good about your body also increases libido, and if you feel ugly then you will have shitty libido. Also obviously poor general health mutes libido, so in that sense hitting the gym improves libido. Lots to consider imo.
there are not only athletes but also support staff
Im a fit incel and I dont have sex
kill yourself
Some lucky as fuck janitor/staff member somewhere has terabytes worth of hidden camera footage of all the hot Olympian chicks being fucked or just jilling off while the cocks are all occupied.
Maybe they're being traded on the deep web somewhere.
>Handing out
My school used to have a bowl and people that weren't having sex would grab a handful "just in case" doesn't mean shit but made you repost this crap
It's insane how frustrating my life as an incel is, I was at work filming some stuff for a pool that opened up and they wanted some videos for tik tok, so i planned the whole filming with that greek marketing executive qt and we had lots of meetings and organizing through phone and she was kinda into me but i never took an initiative because i thought it was in my mind and i was gonna get rejected and i should not shit where i 'eat'. So a few weeks pass and she choose the models aswell. Two women and one chad
>we arrive at the pool
>2 hot women appear
>they greet me and being polite
>i know deep inside they resent me cause im ugly
>a few moments later the aloof chad appears
>greek qt locked in
>eye fucking him non stop

She ended up going upstairs with him to find him some clothes for the next scene. We called her like 3 times and she didn't answer and it took them 20 min to get down to continue filming.

Overall terrible expierience and im devestated since that day and this happened 2 weeks ago. It's fucking over. I should just stick to weddings where more people frequent and i don't get mogged to oblivion. Now i have to talk with that Greek girl and edit her videos and have to talk to her while i know she just got pumped and dumped by that chad who just did nothing but exist. ITS OVER
the olympic village is basically an orgy the entire time the games are on
I think he was trying to yawn-reach with the arm, to get closer to his victim. You know, just like they show it on his TV! bazinga!
have you been watching the olympics lately? give me an example of an olympic athlete that is a sub5 facially.
yeah man thats crazy i heard something similar
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>Greeks were gay lol
Refer to my man >>74800297 who just spanked you virtually
>Christian concepts
>concepts appropriated by Christianity are unique to Christianity
beyond retarded, don't even need to address this
I've seen what pussy does to a mfer and it's worse
Domesticates you and turns you into a complete simp, nothing more than a mindless servant slaving away for the crumbs of pussy
I will remain free, uncaged and wild
Har har har
I obviously meant someone as aggressively retarded and arrogant in their ignorance so I could physically abuse them for the vociferous vehemence
Yes, all such articles are the result of journalists conspiring to make you feel bad.
>Cooming ruins your athletic performance for a few days
lol. lmao even.
>the reality is that the hot/ famous/ strong athletes are already married/ dating a model / actress
you didn't even mention there's a good chance the sex is lame or the bedroom is dead entirely
fit people are rarely ugly and incels are rarely fit
I don't think that's a coincidence
Idk dude
I only have libido for super hot chicks
funny considering how often the term gymcel is thrown around now
this is incel cope btw
>there was no fucking
Ah yes of course, the primo athletes who held up the highest values of Greece who were essentially celebrities got no pussy. If only Diogenes left some pussy for poor Adonis.
>Utterly clueless about Greco-Roman culture and philosophy.
You're the clueless one. Eternal soul that can be corrupted by sex and led to damnation is 100% Christian. Read Symposium, one of Plato's dialogues.
This just proves how little you actually know about Greece and Rome. Greco-Roman as an accurate term describes very little about Greece or Rome. They were extremely different and the only reason that term even exists is because the Romans admired Greek culture when they conquered them.
>who just spanked you virtually
You're pretty gay too.
>concepts appropriated by Christianity
Sex is looked down upon exclusively in Christian tradition in the west. There are no other religions which decry the sexual nature of humans so. Even Buddhists don't make as big a deal of it unless you're a monk.
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No Olympic game since 2008 has been worth watching.
Say what you want about the Chinese, they're spiritually united as a nation and are actually proud of who they are.
is the Olympics just sex tourism?
They have superior genes so yeah it is a good thing
Sex is not looked down upon in Christianity at all. Sex within the confines of monogamous matrimony is encouraged within the three major Christian denominations. "Be fruitful and multiply" is literally within the first few chapters of the Bible. You sound illiterate as fuck.
Pre and extra marital sex are what's condemned and looked down upon in Christianity, and that concept is not unique to Christianity at all.
Go educate yourself instead of embarrassing yourself online.
Of course it's fake. THINK about it. Would YOU trust a random ass condom some random ass fool gave to you?? FUCK NO. You can only trust untampered product in commercial packaging (not the individual packs). Psychos could easily poke it with a pin. Enjoy paying gold-digger "child" support with your newly gained olympic millions.
female athletes (REAL athletes) have a training regimen that is so exhaustive that it crashes the girl's hormones and they invariably become amenorrheic. Imagine being so clueless about female anatomy and exercise physiology to think they would still have a sex drive.

TL;DR: YOU are the only incell here, faggot
The Olympic athletes are primarily 18-25 years old. Anyone surprised that they are having insane amounts of sex is simply retarded. Not to mention they are basically peak bodies for a lot of them.
you are the epitome of dunning kruger
fag bot. Tell them to tune it up, bitch
>Is it true that working out and keeping fit increases you libido?
The opposite for me.
This but unironically.
Female athletes have ruined hormones from the training and the PEDs. They arent fucking like the reddit cucks might imagine.

Male atheletes are also on PEDs which can increase or decrease sex drive. They are also 1000x more likely to go afteer some jersey chaser rather than another athlete chick lol

Same retarded article is written every olympics

Just using a condom alone is already a tell lol. Female atheletes are gonna be 100% infertile. Most male athletes are as well. Condoms are for prostitutes
>Is it true that working out and keeping fit increases you libido?
For me, yes.
Hahahaha fucking delisional incel.
>the reality is that the hot/ famous/ strong athletes are already married/ dating a model / actress
Lol yeah, those 16-year-old gymnasts are totally married, bro. Fucking incels lmao.

You're a retard. By the time they're competing, the drugs are out of their system due to testing.
Fit AND famous
anyone that has been around young people and especially young sporty people wouldnt be suprised that they spend every ounce of free time fucking their brains out
you're just jewish lol
those ugly broads are not gonna use 300k condoms, fiatcel jew
The truth is always a mix of yes and no. Yes, people are having sex. I can assure you, the weightlifting, table tennis and whatever dork "sport" is getting 0.
t. ching chong vladimir
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Big time cope. Georgia (bbc only) Ellenwood was getting her snowbunny on while training and competing as an olympic athlete, as some of her leaks can show

Unfortunately she's too injured to compete this year and her career is pretty much over. Feel bad for her and all the Jamaican sprinter cock she's going to miss out on.
This shit is so unsexual I don't get how people get on with it. Some government body leaving out condoms and saying "you kids have sex now!" would guarantee i don't go near anyone for a year.

I wonder if there's something to be said about the sexless crisis correlating with school/government/media involvement in the sexual world.
>I've seen what pussy does to a mfer and it's worse
What, like conquering nations and inventing shit? That was all done with pussy in mind. The Teslas and Kazynskis of the world are an exception. No pussy makes most men feeble and pathetic. Pussy makes men go across oceans to discover shit and invent societies.
>Free, uncaged and wild
As you sit in your apartment/room in a shared house/trailer that you own/rent/have to pay taxes on, while posting from your desktop or smartphone, which you may have a personal loan out for that you have to pay back
I'd rather a bunch of athletes have oops babies rather than ghetto or trailer trash
Wonder what the dynamics are between the different disciplines. Are some of the less popular sports just filled with incels or do they still get some action? Do track and field athletes hoard all of the attention or is it more equally distributed?
American Baptist and born again Christians have an irrelevant and cringe Puritan attitude towards sex. Sex is a process to them, there is no enjoyment, no appreciation of the woman or man. Just a means for having babies.
>People with a moral code can only be Chinese or Russian!!!
Reflect on what this says about the basedciety you live in, smoothbrain
>I'm a mediocre normie like everyone else, stop putting a finger on that mediocrity! Stop pointing out that I have no aspiration for greatness other than reproductive success, something even the most basic animal can do!
You're pathetic. Keep justifying putting pussy on a pedestal - you'll end up being that old boomer in a dead bedroom situation because your ambition stops when you finally get pussy for all your hard work. There there. Want some head pats too, cuck?
Just completed avoided my point. The argument was that sex is looked down upon in Christianity, and it isn't, it's encouraged. Whether they enjoy it or not is completely irrelevant to the point. Don't reply until you've learned to read at a third grade level bud
>olympians don't have time to fuck
>this one who injured herself and ended her career made plenty of time for it
Guess she should've not had time to fuck like the rest of them who are still in the game.
Do NOT EVER post a webm of me without my permission. Do you understand?!
>Slave-owning aristocracy full of fags and pedophiles.

Pick one.
Not many things make me goon these days but this one could probably pull it off.
I'm not an incel so I don't care whether it's a psyop or not. Still, my hatred for the "people" who choose journalism as their "profession" is unreal.
Why would they even use condoms?
All the girls there are low bodyfat and roiding they cant get pregnant anyway.
here's empirical evidence that nofap is severe schizophrenia
It is a bunch of extremely athletic teenagers possibly on some form of PEDs that are in an area with no cameras in a foreign country. The horny levels in the dorms have to be off the charts. Porn wouldn’t even be able to do it justice
Because the women aren't sticking to one man, they are getting their pussy ravaged by several athletes during the event.
You aren't protecting yourself from an unwanted pregnancy, you are protecting yourself from a potential STI in case she took a pozzed load from some local or immigrant.
Sherman was a piece of shit, but based take nonetheless.
i just saw this exact post in another thread.
is this copypasta?
You would think that they test athletes for drugs dumbass
>athletes sleep around
How is not common knowledge in 2024 let alone just intuitively holy shit
Yes, not just men either.
>Domesticates you and turns you into a complete simp
Funnily enough I saw this exact same thing in an eng student mutual friend.
He went from a normal guy, to getting some mediocre/decent poon, then being all "dude, like... chill out, bro. like... nothing really matters, man. it's like, not that deep, bro... haha..."
Unsurprisingly, the girl he was seeing cheated on him several times during a vacation to Germany (he didn't write her off the second she mentioned going on a vacation, because he's a simp).
This is what pussy does to low-tier men with little else going on in their lives to derive fulfilment/actualization/self-esteem from.
>American Baptist
Why do people think new-world cults are somehow representative of an entire religion and it's teachings, history...

Why are you shifting the goal-posts? Is this about encouraging sex, or encouraging 'pleasureful' sex? Since you think it's the latter, please show me the passage where it says that two spouses don't have an obligation to fulfil each other's sexual desires (outside of sodomy). Oh wait you can't because it actually encourages the exact opposite.

I'm not even Christian and don't need to be to know this basic shit about their beliefs.
>Superior exotic designer roidtroon genes get nutted into a polyester lunch baggie wrapped around your cock
So much for spreading the superior genetics.
Do you rly believe any of these people --professional athletes with extremely busy and 'self-centered' lives/careers-- would consider anything besides instant abortion lol be real
>I wonder if there's something to be said about the sexless crisis correlating with school/government/media involvement in the sexual world.
They're involved in literally the most sterile and manner I could conceive of. It's very insidious.

Learn about (hygienically) safe sex.
Learn about how to wrap a condom using a literal sex toy.
When topic of pregnancy comes up, immediately Learn about where to seek abortions in your city. No thought is given to, maybe, perhaps... keeping the child.
Learn about how to abuse your biology by spamming hormone birth control pills.

Don't learn about sensible family formation.
Don't learn about relationship dynamics.
Don't learn about how to raise a child, or learn about how to properly budget when raising a child or children (it's not as expensive as spinster journos want young people to believe).
Don't learn about how to actually handle babies physically, through a school field-trip to the children's hospital or other institutions and be guided around by a few nurses and midwives.
Etc etc

All you're taught is sex detached from its "fruits", so to speak. You're implicitly instructed that it is, first and foremost, a self-indulgent activity. Pregnancy is presented only as an obstacle to further indulgence, a problem, a parasite that needs to be administered antibiotics.

What's the time in New Dehli rn?
>the most sterile and manner
the most sterile manner*
it's real.
I was a Track and Field Dicus thrower for 7 years
everyone is Fucking everyone.
it's not even the fit people either.
the ugly fattie girls who throw shot/discus and hammer also are getting in on with everyone.
it's the competitive atmosphere in my opinion.
it's like collage times 100x.

I loved talking up the cutie European decathlon girls.
always had girls asking for my jerseys.
super easy way to transition into going to their room.
and since an American is exotic to them it made things even easier for an Autismo like me.
thank God I'm 6ft 6in tall, otherwise I'd still be an Incel.
The world does not need the offspring of steroid homos and athlete dikes I'd give them like 10-15 dollars just so my kids don't have to share the earth with them. Then the same dudes gonna bang a bunch of chick's and turn a large population inbred because of same father half siblings will end up fucking.
Bro women absolutely do absorb your life essence
It's a sacrifice we make in order to have children, but make no mistake, you are giving up part of your soul, your inner fire, every time you bust a nut
If you're giving up your life force and not having children you are a monumental loser
Your boy has a succubus attached to him





Being unfit and sedentary decreases your libido
>retarded opinion
pick 2
No lol this is a legitimate thing that's been well documented since the Olympics began.
>Is it true

Gtfo with your damn ads
>source: trust me bro
>everyone's always been a whore goy
Thanks for the history lesson rabbi
I don't see what's wrong with just presenting the biological facts (sans the abortion pushing obviously). All that extra shit just lets them legitimise pushing their own subjective ways of viewing sexuality. "Relationship dynamics" could just be a segue for them going on about how all couples are valid and trannies are women as well etc
and here’s you, a perma vigin browncel
Anon, for most people sex is just sex. It's not something big or even all that interesting. Like anything it loses its thrill and sanctity after a while. Just like drugs, driving fast etc.
What do you think happens when you put a ton of physically attractive people in one place where they're all riding the dopamine high of a lifetime? I know that you can't fathom crushing puss because you're still a beta fag virgin who can't hold a conversation with a girl for 5 minutes without totally sperging out, but you should try seeing the world outside of your permavirgin paradigms.
He thought of something that he thinks is quirky/funny. He decides to tell the girl next to him, ultimately in an effort to attain consensual coitus. He raises his hand like he's still in school. Shes not interested at all, shes talking to some other guy. Later she shuffles over to be closer to the other guy but also to move away from quirk chungus. You can tell shes also moving away from him because she directly looks at him.

He failed to impress a girl basically anon.
You can find it with a quick Google search you tard.
There isn't anything wrong with biology, simply that they presented it with a very specific rhetorical tilt.
And beyond that bias, they don't go any further then just biology with imo is nonsense. 6th graders are expected to have a purely sterile, biological understanding of sex for obvious reasons. When you start moving up into high school, it's time for deeper guidance to interpersonal relationships and hands-on understanding of children.

>"Relationship dynamics" could just be a segue for them going on about how all couples are valid and trannies are women as well etc
True, but ofc I'm considering the situation where they pay lip-service to their sacred cows, then book the hospital field trips shortly thereafter.
They aren't going to have sex with you, Ramesh.
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? Simply commenting on the nature of public education in North America.
Why are people surprised about this every olympics?
>mostly young athletic hot people from around the world
>all put into the same apartment buildings
>parents controlled their lives, but now they’re on their own
>happy party vibe, hell you made it to the olympics, man
>definitely no sex will happen here
Do it then
back the fuck off ?!?!?
I had an abstinence only education in Texas so it was basically the opposite. Taught us about how babies are made, develop, etc. but were taught that the only safe sex was no sex so no putting a condom on a banana in class, no talk about birth control, and definitely not abortions. South Park taught me how to put a condom on, but I didn’t do it with my mouth like Mr. Garrison.
That's exactly what suggests that the article is targeted at a specific type of person.
Ah I see, must've been an interesting experience.
Too bad our institutions, wherever they may be found, seem chronically incapable of finding and adhering to that golden mean.
Although I understand, since presumably you attended a Christian school.
And yet you continue to stare at a device emitting blue light for 12+ hours a day .
Nope. I soak in the sun for 12+ hours a day, sleep 10 hours from dusk till dawn, and eat loads of red meat, eggs and organ meats, and I never have sex. You will never take my lifestyle away, cuck.
I gave up on sex. It's never going to happen so I use AI bots. I lift because its a fun hobby
Have you ever met an athlete? It's pure looks lottery and PEDs. Mentally they are sub-normie.
How many times were you given swirlies in high school?
wtf am I watching
>being so much of a worthless coomer that you fall for the nofap meme
moderation doesn't exist for retards. there is gooning and there is celibacy, nothing else.
Just a guy pretending to belong, I think.
struck a chord?
only the losers have sex. The ones that make it to the end are still focused. Unless you are that one chick on the australian rugby team, she straight up partied and couldn't pull her weight in game

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