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/fit/ - Fitness

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if you are not eating every hour of every day, then you are literally in starvation mode. make sure you're eating at least 2000 kcal per hour per day /fit/
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What just happened with all the threads....
jannies hit the delete all button
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since /wlg/ died I need advice: This is after eating relatively healthy for months and running 4 miles everyday and hiking. Do I keep it up or should I look into meds/sonobello?
>eating relatively healthy
Just count your fucking calories
>eating relatively healthy
were you on a calorie deficit? if so how much? I have no idea wtf a sonobello is but getting meds is going to be a pain in the ass. not fat enough for a script so you'll have to use the black market which has its own issues. Besides that weight loss meds don't enact permanent change; you'll lose weight using them but if you don't change your lifestyle you'll regain once you stop.
why? do we know the reason?
Doing a 24 hour liquid followed by a 24 hour fast while taking laxatives was absolute hell.
But you really don't poop for 3 days and as somebody with severe IBS that was a new experience.
Being this much of a hamplanet and still having relationships and being able to sleep around

God damn, being a woman beyond easy mode. Literally tutorial mode.
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apparently it was a 'mistake' >>4356890 jannies gonna jannie
>relatively healthy
Relative to what? If you're really that active then you're just eating way too much. Start tracking calories and macros emphasize protein and fiber.
Many fats are pre-diabetic. So they eat all the time.
The irony is that all these fat girls are dating skinny guys. None of them wants a fat guy. They don't do what they preach.
jesus who fucks these things. Have some standards
Blackbros, quit taking all the hot ones.
>Relative to what?
To a calorie dense diet. Most of my meals are small and light but sometimes I eat out. I'll typically eat pickles and water in the morning, get in some meat and cabbage during the day, and a good slab of meat at night if I've lifted a lot that day
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Oh I'm definitely going to take mental and physical health advice from an insane obese female who tells me to live in my genetically corpulent and unchangeable "real body" while it pretends to be a man.
didn't really want to but this threat forced me to think about the logistics of fat people having sex.

obviously 2 obese persons isn't going to work. the fat is going to get in the way and neither of them are able/willing to do any work.

1 skinny person/1 fat girl: skinny guy is going to have to do all the work and even then i bet its going to be a challenge to get the bell end in i bet. you really dont want the girl to do cowgirl for obvious reasons.
>white men have a tendency to kill their wives and children
I have never heard this stereotype before? was she thinking the school shooter thing and then realized it doesn't apply here so she extended it to her post?
Might as well put that slop in a trough.
It is morbidly obese, has bile colored hair, prefers niggers, and has racist delusions about White men. Let us be thankful it only wants to fuck a toxic hunk of latex nowadays.
>Find out kids aren't yours
>Find out wife is cucking you
>If you try to leave she will divorce rape you, steal the house she was cucking you in, and make you pay for the bastards
The only honorably thing for a man to do in that situation is to kill the whole family. That's where that comes from.
Who wants to bet
>at my skinniest
was still obese?
Exercise doesn’t work, you can only do it by tracking calories
Blacks kill more children than whites though
Law uh da jungle. Man them shits different
Finally found out that all Black women cheat and all white women have loose vaginas
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They're also a furfaggot with those paw icons next to their username and animal ears in their avatar.
>i was constantly sleeping, found it very hard to walk, and constantly felt like my body was eating itself to survive
you had a bad diet and didn't exercise outside in the sun.
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Remember 15 years ago when furfags were the absolute peak of weird degenerate shit you would run into? Seems almost quaint now.
>day 127 of continuous FPH threads
O wow the same thread with the same pictures and bait. I sure hope Doll spams the same things he always does, and someone posts pictures of a hand and says goblinx, and someone calls me a newfag because they think 4chan is just linking threads together endlessly just like REDDIT DOT COM
Here's your (YOU) newfag :)
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What do you mean you don't like two of the same oversaturated threads at the same time?

I agree that the goblinx posting bot got old the first time they posted it and also when they quote their own post with 'Thank you for your service' every single time
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Lesbian couples tend to unsliced the whole household in a spectacular fashion
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>got into fasting because figured it’s easier than tracking cals and macros all day
>make great progress
>personal record is 60hrs which is baby shit if you look at /fast/
>generally just have dinner and maybe something else after if still hungry
>do a few rolling 48hr fast if i want to cut
>eat 3 meals normally if i want to bulk
>chatting about fasting with some colleagues at work
>normalfags think not eating lunch is crazy
my brother in christ we sit in an office all day, how are you even hungry?? this isn’t even a fat people hate post, it’s retarded normalfag hate.
The comments here are a goldmine

Actually doll posts almost exclusively new content
No madam its not your obesity and bad attitude keeping you single its men.
Never settle hold out for that billionaire.
i would. standards don’t exist anymore. we live in a society of hedonism.
I took my grandma to Walmart the other day with my baby on my back. We needed a scooter and have a handicap placard so she doesn't have to walk as far. She has late stage Alzheimers and her body is falling apart. We had to wait 15 minutes for a fatass to take her time browsing bullshit in Claire's (a little shop in the front of the walmart full of plush animals and rainbow hair accessories) before we could get her a cart.

Repetition comforts my autism
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>yeah I use to lift in the past
What a faggy response. Should have said I use to play football.
My fat girlfriend told me she was losing weight using semaglutide after we got into an argument about her weight months ago after saying she “tried everything”. Turns out she lied about that. I’m no longer physically attracted to her and I’m thinking of ending things. She tried to pull the metabolism bs too even though her 60 year old mom mogs her. How should I go through with this, /fit/?
You're boned. Hot mom is a bad sign. Her mom still married?
I'm guessing mommy's bfs one at least abused her, she's got trauma, the wieght issues are the manifestation, and you're actually a good guy so she's pushing away.
There's my psych 101 diagnosis.
>Her mom still married?
Yes. Since 1990
I wouldn't even mind if these retards ate themselves into an early grave if we didn't have all these parasitic social services that will enable their self-destructive behavior with my tax money.
sounds like my sister
>skinny but also only lives on junkfood
>rots away inside her room
>constantly complains that she's not feeling well
>if you suggest to her to eat something healthy or maybe do some sport for once, you get the "no, I tried that once and my knees hurt for a week afterwards, it's not a lack of sport!" shit
>my dating pool is small because the only men who'd tolerate my presence are those who will ignore reality
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kek, I know this one, even if I have never been fat
I'm at ~10% bf most of the year and have been lifting for years, and yet fat people will constantly try to give me health advice
>oh, anon, you shouldn't drink energy drinks, those are pure poison!
>anon, that's way too much meat and not enough healthy food like noodles or potatoes on your plate!
>you don't look healthy, you need some more meat on those bones
and so on and so forth
not exactly sure why these jabba the hutt looking bitches always think they are experts on nutrition
I'd just end it to be honest.
Physical attraction is not all that's important for a relationship, but it's a crucial aspect of it (unless you've already been together for 20+ years).
It just doesn't work when you don't even want to look at her. Every minor compromise you have to make will now piss you off to an irrational degree, because you kinda already don't want to be together with her anymore to begin with, and now she's asking even more of you.
You should go visit her with electrolyte drinks and vitamins (magnesium, D3, B-complex, K2) and tell her to take them every day for 2 weeks.
Maybe it'll get her out of her rut and she can continue the rest herself.
I did this with my mom and it worked.
These fatties don't realize that normal people only eat once or twice a day, normal portions.
Fats eats every chance they can. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, snack, dinner, dessert, snack, sleep, midnight snack.
They eat family sized bags of chips in one sitting, pints of ice-cream in one sitting, multiple combo meals from goy slop drive through, etc.

I have maybe 300 calories of beef Jerky around noon. Then I eat a single balanced meal for dinner, around 1600 calories. Not that hard.
Change your perspective bud. You're dealing with a (food) addict that insists she's getting treatment, insists she's really going to change, then that she just can't because she just can't.
How can I get my wife of 10 years to WANT to lose weight? She’s probably 225 lbs and I want her to be around 140 lbs. She’s gained weight after each child and never lost it. I look back to photos from 8 years ago and think about how sexy she was and now I’m just so unattracted to her physically. I’m always talking about losing weight and being fit myself but I think that only polarizes her against the idea even more?
Realize your wife is a child, and she's been conditioned since birth to think she's a perfect princess just as she is. You will not convince her with logic.
Instead, take charge of the cooking (and shopping), so you only have healthy food and healthy meals in appropriate quantity. Also plan activities to keep her moving. Basically the exact same way you keep your children fit and healthy.
>no one else can fit into my clothes
>my clothes are made to measure
They don't even look that thin. This would have been considered normal size 30 years ago.
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They'll see an average normal anatomical model looking motherfucker and say (s)he's wasting away and (wo)men like a little more meat. All while they have very few willing partners in comparison to Mr(s) average, and are low functioning in general.
This has been posted many times before but you have to understand that there are different schools of thought that work for different personalities. Some women absolutely must think it's their idea because if they think it's your idea, they will dig their heels in and screech if they think it's their idea and that they just want to be healthy. Now they will do it and commit, and they will be open to advice from you. You may be waiting a while though if its suboptimal, just look into planting ideas in someone's head. Some women do very well with competition. If she thinks that you're getting a lot of attention from other women who are in good shape, then she may want to match that competition and keep you for herself. This may not do so well though because she may just buy a bunch of lingerie, new perfume, and new makeup and do the thing that a lot of fat women do where they think that they can just become more attractive by doing everything except lose weight. Or, she gets furious youre totally having an affair and she has one to get even or just initiates divorce
Some women do really well with just being told the truth. She's fat and repulsive, and you miss the woman you married because this is absolutely nothing like her. Strangely this can ALSO lead to her having an affair to "see if she's really that ugly to all nen or just you", or outright initiating divorce.
Treating her like a child and restricting the cupboard can work for some as another hard wake up call. Especially if you're in good shape, it might help her see that maybe if she does what you do, she can have success like you do. This might also be seen as public humiliation in front of her children because she's being treated just like they are with, no agency were independence. She may be afraid that the children will no longer listen to her or respect her because she can't even make proper judgments about food. So it's totally not fair that she be in charge of them. She may also start telling people that you're abusing her and you're starving her and you're becoming extremely controlling of her and still initiate divorce.
But saying that you have to treat it exactly like your child isn't exactly wrong either. But just imagine that this is your spoiled white teenage daughter youre reigning in so if she thinks you're forcing something too hard she will kick and scream and tell everyone you're abusive and possibly call the police saying that you're abusive and she wants CPS to take her.
>she will kick and scream and tell everyone you're abusive and possibly call the police saying that you're abusive and she wants CPS to take her.
Or in this case, she'll call BBC to come take her.
Well these days they're commonly called anorexic skeketons. Especially for women over 40.
You don't even need to bring abuse into it, most guys have no idea of the depth of the mommy issues some women can develop. I guarantee you ugly girls with hot mothers could give a living to multiple therapists
Was it a masterful moment of clarity where they realized this was all for the better?

Like *what am I doing? I just got dicked fown by BWC and now feel like I have been pulled out of a hormonal nightmare, google, how do I make this right?"
Can't wait to make fatties seethe when I'm middle-aged.
How hot? Be objective using conventional standards. I'd ask her either way why LIE about taking appetite suppressants.
If the mom is actually hot then it could be a couple things. She may just want to feel like the partners that she's attracting genuinely like her personality and really and truly don't care about her appearance, and she thinks the only way to do that is to make herself as unattractive as possible. She may just feel there's no point if she had boyfriends "taken" by her mother. If she perceived that every male she brought home or every male that saw her mother just said "Wow fatty, your mom is super hot" and she was cast aside. But I don't know her, she could have none of these issues at all. Her mom could have tried to help her in the past, or encouraged her to "be herself" because mom likes being more attractive than her much younger daughter. I dunno my internet psych doesn't go that far.
Maybe it was planned from the start and they wanted to kill a bunch of niglets
I think that's why then. Being a size. 4 was considered so impressive because the youngest featured in this article is 37 and all but one of them had children. The one who didn't was in her 60s and mentioned that both her mom and her sister actually became slimmer after having children.
I'm so glad I date men, none of this bullshit to deal with.
Most people eat three meals a day though.
perma virgin browncel moment
Just leave.
Were you a former plapper or why are your both even together? Is it the sex even worth? This has no future, my friend. You need to start a (healthy) family.
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Dementia is acturally stage 3 diabetes, btw.
Demented people without diabetes barley exist.
Every fit person I know both male and female eat two meals a day or one meal and a snack unless they're actual body builders in a bulk
Oh my GOD I thought thus was schizo science but apparently there are direct links
>want candy, but eating it is too slow? Introducing liquid candy
Can confirm. I only eat twice a day and I maintain 12 to 13% bf with ease
They call alzheimers type 3 diabetes. It’s not schizo shit
Most people are fat.
No they don’t
I guess it does make sense, high sugar rips apart blood vessels, who said the brains blood vessels were safe?
I don't want to psychoanalyse anon's wife because I don't know her. That said I know for a fact that every ugly girl with a hot mother either developes a deep intellectual personality OR gets good at coping with her pain but secretly is an absolute festival of psychosis that would require a team of therapists and two or three decades to even tackle.
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Nearly half the people in my office of 14 are obese and more than half overweight. There are 4 of us who are thin. It’s so funny that the fats are constantly drinking muscle milk or eating oikos protein yogurt.

Why do fat people do this? They never work out or even do light cardio. But they’re always in the break room discussing the protein contents of their processed garbage.
Bullshit, the worst part of a colonoscopy is the laxative solution you'll be drinking for the day before that tastes like liquid ass and you need to have like 3 liters of it in you.
Because they believe that protein is magical and eating something with protein will offset their 2-3k calorie dinner.

Also muscle milk is fucking garbage. Half the calories are from sugar, yet despite this it tastes like dogshit
Doesnt it take 4-5 hours just to digest your last meal?
Worked in medical at a US hospital for 8 years never heard it called that, but I don’t doubt it. Diabetes rots every organ of the body why would the brain be any different.
I know you’re right but I just can’t imagine how they remain this delusional after every fad diet and weight loss product has failed on their way to 300lbs at 5’4”.
It’s a relatively new nickname that hasn’t caught on and become mainstream yet
Because they’ve heard they need to “eat more protein” to satiate their obesity but what they need to do is actually eat less. Of everything.
Genuine question. What should I do if my wife and I had kids young (we had our first when she was twenty) and she's in decent shape? That kind of dooms her to be at least an attractive mom. Will this cause the same issues in my daughters? Am I supposed to have her get fat?
>pagan pride
Odin would be fucking revolted
FWIW it has a Wikipedia entry
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Every one of these authors has a BMI less than 19
They relate closest with vascular Dementia, which again makes sense. I just don't know how I never heard of this or made the connection myself. Most diabetics that I've known were very cognitively impaired somewhere or another.
The whole point of paganism is having based jacked gods that use earth to audition souls to see who impresses them in life to spend eternity partying with them in valhalla.
This fat gay cunt could eat sæhrimnir by himself every night, like fuck is he getting in.
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so, i love my cat and my wife and i have chosen to not have children, but what takes people to this level of identity? Also, we just went to an acquaintances house that looked exactly like this like to a T. they had pics of their cat/s everywhere and star wars fat heads on the wall, it was disturbing.
Maybe that's not the case for you, but for them they still feel a deep need to have children. So their cat becomes their child. It's just strange because the cat can't get honor roll, the cat can't get married and have its own family, the cat can't communicate appreciation for them. So they dress the cat up and make "graduation pictures", they may get another cat as a "spouse" and let them breed to get "grand kitties", or get obnoxious bumper stickers like "my cat is smarter than your honor roll student", or post weird videos of the cat mrowing and captioning it "Nr. Whiskers telling us how much he loves us! My sweet fur son! <3"
soda is and has been liquid candy for 100 years
Just leave dude. You aren't attracted to her. What's the fucking point then?
>it'll hurt her feelings if I tell her the real reason
Good. Maybe she'll fix herself then. Either that or she'll double down, but not ylur problem. Go bang her mom.
It's spelled (You), actual newfag.
Goblinx poster is former pantyboy dyel poster who kept getting called out and hopefully banned for spamming the same thing. He moved onto something new to get attention, until it starts to get old and he'll force another shitty meme into existence.
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Yeah, the edgiest dude I ever knew threw away his beautiful, loving fiance in college and rejected her every attempt to reconcile for years afterward. She finally gave up on him and settled for some schmo who at least gave her a family. Now the edgemeister, who lives on his mother's couch and has to breathe into her car before it'll start, spends all his time on social media liking the ex's kid photos and curating his cat's pages when he's not checking in with his probation agent.
What's the point of worrying about this? You are going to make mistakes with your kids anyway. Just love them as much as you can.
>fake thread getting bumped with bot replies
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>huge fag shrieking about imaginary bots being in the room with us
looks like I struck a nerve
Just live your life dude
Is it wrong that I view fat people as subhumans?
But anon insists that a hot mom is one of the worst things short of vicious abuse for young girls. How exactly do you avoid that then without making your wife ugly to you?
Bang her mom, that'll show her
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fuck (You). doll is the only thing keeping fph alive.
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you can also look into snacks that help your body feel fuller like almonds or raisins. Those and have you tried snake juice? Makes you wanna laugh with how easy fasting is drinking it.
I tried getting some plebbit OC, but I switched from an iPhone to a Samsung and, even though I was using a chrome tab, it said "this app doesn't allow screenshots" on a public sub. I don't know how to get around this is what hell this is.
These threads are just sad. They shouldn't exist.
Why do all fat/ugly women use that filter?
So you admit it's dead and forced into existence then, and has no chance of existing organically? Glad we agree on something.
This guy gets it. These threads suck.
See even this bot is broken. It doesn't even reply directly, it just posts a general thread response after reading a comment that tripped its programming. And it posted a random image to seem organic, even though the image isnt even about fat people.
wasnt it incognito tab?
there is apparently a bug with android preview feature showing content of incognito tabs and apparently only way to "fix" it was disabling screenshots
in normal browsing or in work profile if you want separate session it should work fine
It should be legally and morally justifiable to dump a fat or lazy person out of a scooter in favor of an elder. Let’s face it, walking around the store while they fill their carts with goyslop is possibly the only exercise many of them willingly engage in.
Fucking one of these creatures is self-mortification, not hedonism.
Every Satanist Ive ever met is a fat dope addict
Women especially the ones who are terminally online really love true crime stories. They think that these things WILL happen to them because they saw it on a show/podcast/youtube video.
paganism didnt outlaw homos at all and multiple pagan societies allowed it. Especially if you were the masculine one. Maybe time for you pagans to realize internet memes about muh based pagans arent real.
well we don't care about african/indian/south american news, so we don't see the incredible rate at which whites do this the least. Not to mention, when blacks commit murder, the news doesn't broadcast it because (((they))) can't let their golems be seen as anything other than precious angels.
>my wife and i have chosen to not have children
Why are you even married, then?
That's my biggest question for these couples. What's the point? The answer is tax benefits, which is gay and jewish. Just be roommates, dont enter a covenant with God and then be all "jk we aren't going to do what every single person in our genetic lineage has done, we would rather play board games and travel and live in nursing homes when we're old because no one will take care of us"
Marriage isn’t a covenant with God you retarded Christcuck.
It’s a covenant between a man and a woman that God ordained.
Especially hilarious when a 5'3, 300lb Brenda had heard you need to eat 1g protein per 1lb/bw, and asks reddit which protein powder to pick
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This guy is a fetishist.
Exercise has no impact on weight loss because you can eat in 5 minutes what takes an hour to burn.
Just leave her. She won't get a clue until it slaps her in her face.
Your wife doesn’t respect you at all. Anyone who gets fat in a marriage does not love or respect their husband/wife. She might as well have sucked another man’s dick at this point
Dump her. You won’t though because you sound like a bitch
The more telling thing is they don't say they're infertile. They always just say they've decided not to have children as if they went through all the commitments of being together for multiples of years, getting married, and proclaiming that they would be a family and then saying that they actually prefer to just take care of themselves and be giant teenagers forever. The point of marriage is to make families and to get benefits for your family. A husband and a wife are just a couple, not a family. Nursing homes are especially unkind if you have no blood relatives advocating for you, saying "Hey why the fuck does mom/dad/uncle/aunt have a black euewhat happened?!". Children are most likely to care, the nieces and nephews are most likely to be too concerned with their own parents and children. If you decide to get married and be genetic dead ends just don't buy a house. Don't take something from someone else that actually needs the space to raise their children so that you can have A guest room and a game room and another room just for whatever weird hobby meant for teenagers you have.
If anything dumping her IS the time to be honest. What's she going to do? Cop an assault and battery charge? Destruction of property?
Accuse you of rape. Accuse you of assault and battery. Call your employer and tell them you abused her, etc.
there seem to be three kinds of pagans
>dangerhairs who like it because it's le feminist and heckin btfos the christchuds
>chudjak-phenotype wignats who like it because it's le trad and heckin btfos the christkikes
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fake goblinx general
Where do you rank the camera going up your ass in terms of worst parts of the colonoscopy?
I thought their shirts said "Guts" for a second, as in bellies.
This bitch looks like she's in her late 50s holy shit
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahshshshshshshshshshshahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. I dont know if I like this spam or your panty boy spam better. I'm glad you're pathetic.
You're jewish, a nigger, and retarded but I repeat myself.
If she would accuse him of crimes and hound him down like that then I don't think he can break up with her at all. I think he needs to die in an accident. Or just go to jail. Or
>babe I'm gay *smooches gym bro*
Remember gentlemen, be very, very careful about who you let into your private life, because they can find your work, Your landlord,>>74996239
and other very personal information just by being close enough to you or adding you on private social media.
She's British alright
i think people that hate fat people are really the only ones that see fats as human. I think when a non-fat hating person looks at a fat guy they see them as a fat guy. Like "oh thats a fat guy" kinda like how you see a black guy. Just another different type of person. We come in all shapes and sizes. And its all well and good if you want to accept diversity thats a fine enough stance.

But fat people aren't a natural pheomonon. Like blacks or gays, or talls and shorts. Fats are literally just regular people who have for whatever reason destroyed their bodies. It's unnatural and shouldn't be this way. Fats should not exsist and if they do it's because something went terribly wrong. To look at a fatso and accept them as they are is delusional and it's not good for the fatty either. It appears to me that it's a moral imperitive that fat people are seen as for what they are. diseased. They are not normal people in the slightest.

To view a fat person as something which should not be is the only way that you can actually see the person underneath the lard.

btw i am fat
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Y fake?
You're unconscious when it happens.
She means metaphorically deadening the whole family (I hope).
Gorlock, mighty beast,
Roars and stomps, a fearsome sight,
Land trembles in fear.
varg is just type 2 even though i think hes funny and talented but he is the exact archetypal example of that
Man I dunno, after cleaning up my diet I have no appetite after I eat my meals at all
poor guy, chained to a desk 24/7
end modern slavery!
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Dontchu talk about Doll like that, cocksucka. She's a fuckin saint
Wait, so has gorlock full on just embraced being a meme/freak?
>be me
>82kg 184cm
>bout 20% bf
>don't really count calories nor track macros
>have been around the same weight for a couple years now
>sometimes eat more, sometimes eat less, whatever I feel like
>don't feel like eating dessert for a couple days
>my wife starts becoming vocal about how she's worried I may have an eating disorder
>doesn't voice any concern when I eat like a pig

What the fuck dudes.
She might just genuinely know fuck all about that sort of thing and be concerned because of a change in your behaviour. Would ordinarily say it was crab behaviour if it was coworkers or fat mates, but if your wife is actually sound and concerned then maybe she just needs to understand proper nutrition.
are you insinuating she's trying to get to you to eat more so she feels more comfortable when pigging out together rather than alone? Or what is it that you think makes her say something like that?
I think she just have extremely ingrained the belief of how many meals you have to do, and if you deviate even so slightly it means something is off. So yea, probably a lack of knowledge.
I remember I've done a couple 24h fasts just to prove myself I could do it and she went apeshit.

I don't think she's doing it so she feels better about her habits (she eats a lot of shitty stuff but she tracks the calories so she doesn't overdo it) but for some reason she's terrified about me eating less sometimes, I don't know why some people have such a hard time understanding you don't need to eat always, every day, at all times.

Anyway I'm just venting, I don't know why skipping some meals is some alarming but gorging food like a pig isn't
yeah, don't worry about it then. venting here is fine all of us do. I've also noticed that sometimes women think you're depressed or unwell when you have less of an appetite. Maybe that's because they react to bad stuff happening like that.
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Artificially flavoured iced coffee sounds disgusting to begin with, why in gods name would you make it taste like something that isn’t coffee
her face is so cute
Heckin valid and powerful
Not a fetish nor a mental illness btw
There's 300 calories in the ding ding, and around 200 in the other 2.
When I skip lunch people lose their minds. They'll tell me I legally have to take lunch or they'll ask if I'm not feeling well. fat people even respond weird to me not having breakfast. Its very revealing how much we've been conditioned to stuff our faces that when one of us breaks that conditioning everyone freaks out
Have the same problem where people worry that I don't eat. LMAO
I actually love how COVID is basically just a disease that harms fatties. They can fucking see before them the fruits of being healthy and in shape but they are content suffering. It's only unfortunate that it effects the elderly as well
I wonder how much Covid is really responsible of that situation.
Homos were looked down upon in pagan societies. Pride flags are in churches. Cope.
why is it that pagans always are the most vile people like indians, redditors and sabaton manchildren?
Sup asmon. Didn’t know that you had time to browse fit.
Anthony really let himself go
I've been there before bro. She will never change. Best thing I ever did was leave. You won't regret leaving but you will absolutely regret staying.

Do americardiacarrests really have dessert after dinner every day?
You sound like a fat woman
Ask her exactly what shes accusing you of. Tell her that overweight people can't have anorexia but they can have bulimia and binge eating disorder. Rephrase, are you saying I'm bulimic because I didn't want dessert and my appetite changes? That's not how it works. Stop watching your YouTube psychology shorts.
If she says that overweight and even obese people can absolutely be anorexic, pull up pictures of atypical anorexia (you know the one) and ask her if this person looks like they're really starving to death. A typical interaction was made up. My fat bitches that constantly say they are anorexic, and they are totally starving themselves. Doctors just got tired of it and some of those doctors themselves are fat cunts too! But the definition for atypical anorexia includes literally anyone ever who wants to lose weight.
Wait so she tracks calories but you being less hungry or not wanting dessert is suddenly a crime? And fasting is same as slitting your wrists? How did she cone to these bizarre conclusions?
you would be surprised. most of them consider skipping dessert as unthinkable as eating paint.
I really only noticed this with females though. When my wife finally decided she didn't want to be a cow anymore she realized that she really didn't need breakfast. She could just have a coffee and that would help suppress her appetite for the rest of the day until she could have a protein snack in the mid-afternoon, then dinner, maybe even sneak in dessert later if her calories allowed it. When we visited my family for a little bit all of them except my dad reacted really strangely to this. He just gave his usual "hmm ok". My wife had only lost maybe 15 pounds at this point, still fat, But my mom and my sisters (who are very slim and bike/walk/swim/run) Got extremely uncomfortable and started asking her if everything was okay if it was really safe to not eat so much, who told her it was a good idea, and my mom started talking to my wife about the dangers of anorexia. I felt upset because it almost seemed like they didn't want her to make progress. They kept offering her extra servings of snacks and dessert and they did the same to my brother's fat wife. I don't understand most women.
I don't know anyone that has "dessert" after dinner unless it's some social function or special occasion. Don't let the jews lie to you.
I grew up in a fat family. Dessert every night was a big deal, and would consist of large helpings of ice cream + cookies for everyone. It wasn't unusual to get an entire roll of oreos + 2 big scoops of vanilla ice cream to yourself.

Everyone was obese. So was I. I had no idea it was insane until I got to highschool and began thinking for myself a bit and reading. I was very unhappy with my appearance and wanted to do things other kids were doing, and was tired of being bullied for being fat.

It was an incredible struggle within my family to stop eating the garbage they were all consuming. When I stopped eating dessert every night my mother wailed and cried that I was getting sick. When I started actually losing weight, they staged an 'intervention' of sorts, accusing me of having an eating disorder, because that was a trendy thing on TV at the time.

Fat fucks are simply mentally ill addicts.
To cut women some slack, they usually get conditioned into dieting from a very young age, but that "diet" is whatever their mom or their school girlfriends think it is, which creates wild misconceptions. Mom considered a woman's god given duty to put 3 meals a day on the table? That's the law, even if she bitches about you being overweight. The opposite can be true, a lot of fit women are conditioned very early on to skip breakfast or lunch to "stay pretty" and continue doing it regardless of their body shape or other habits. There's also a lot to be said about the fear women have of weight fluctuations, because some unlucky souls shed their fat from tits and ass as soon as they start losing weight and end up becoming overall less attractive.
My family was also fat and dessert was just a normal every night thing, it could be pie ice cream cookies cake or any range of baked good. When I went over to itherckids houses, they had dessert too and I didn't realize having someone over was just a special occasion. Most other kids were the sane though and either fat or they did a few sports.
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Thanks for the vietnam flashback. When I was a kid and my fat sisters used to complain about being fat and how they really did want to lose weight. My super fat mom would tell them it was actually better they didn't try to lose weight because if they did they would lose their only attractive features: their ass and tits. I once abstained from porn and perking off for a whole two weeks because I saw one of them braless and she had fat girl mudflap tits under her shirt. Already ruined at 15. I don't even know if my mom meant well. She only knew how to cook huge portions and insisted that she watched girls in college get hospitalized due to anorexia and she never wanted that to happen to her children. She insisted we were growing and needed to eat. If you didn't finish your food you got spanked.
>"Boys are supposed to be big haven't you seen strong men!?"
bigots see this and claim men can't get pregnant.
>both lasted for over four hours
why don't people call women out for lying about sex like they do men
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Saw this in the store and thought the non Americans would like it
How fat are we talking here
Yep, the only problem is every now and then you gotta bust crust
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Princess with face of Fred Flintstone.
We clean ourselves, so that's not the case.
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>essays crying about phrases people say and coping
>fatphobia hash tags
Ah yes very “masc” indeed

She says, theres no food with forks but bratwurst
Barely took down a spoon of a cream stuck to my tongue
Weighed down with gravity too overweighted
Tonight it's "I can't eat much worse"
Vs. "No one should ever feel hungry like"
I'm two quarters to a heart attack
And I don't wanna forget how your taste feels
These forks are all I have so I'll eat them
So you need them just to eat food
Clothes tearing apart to have room
And these are the meals you love to eat
Eat, this is the way they'd eat
If they knew how buffets loved me
I was watching my nephew, pulled up YouTube kids for him and it recommended this little cat show, but I was absolutely in stitches looking at the fat bastard. Weird enough I couldn't find any reddit posts about him at all, just a show review saying it's totally fine that even animated cats need representation. At least that don't say being fat makes him better.
Sinners need representation!
what about women with fat parents
he didn't say that, he said it was like that for ugly girls. read carefully before you head off on your crusade to fatten your wife for no reason lol
> entire roll of oreos + 2 big scoops of vanilla ice cream to yourself


As a 27% BMI life long overeater I can't even imagine having all that for desert
170lbs at 5’3”.
insert "old" before the link
>old. reddit . com
Didn't work for me, just made my phone sperg about an unsafe connection. I was going to post some r/progress pics because 170lbs at 5'3" can either look "thicc" (fucking fat) or just fucking fat
was it in the reddit 'app' or the website?
either way what spectacular fuckin stupidity lmao
its your phone, that functionality should be reserved for banking apps at the absolute worst
you do
Can't have www
The man-made horror is not that this candy exist. It is the SIZE of the bag and thinking someone eats several bags every day
>t. European
Thank you for your patience with me
That's not candy. That's popcorn.
It see it as popcorn covered in candy, so its candy. Ive tried those old fashioned colored sugared popcorn that fat european women love so much (colors+sugar=happiness), its the same thing. The important part is not the corn, its the fact that it has so much sugar it doesnt even taste like popcorn
I was just a random anon but np lol
real human bean
sinners need some cat o' nine tails across their backs, not representation.
Massive cope. Enjoy your retarded kids, I'm sure that will make you whole lmao imagine being so delusional you think the world needs more mongloids running around and that you deserve a house to raise them. Thank you for your service faggot
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i love (You) too
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> Two store owners rushed to help
> Yet still manage to get mad and insult everyone around
I concur: not human
>kids are stinky and retarded
>I'd know coz I was stinky and retarded
>imagine actually fulfilling the purpose all living creatures have, reproducing
>anyone who reproduces is wrong and broken, not me
You'd be an awful parent anyway and I hope you're sterilized. You sound fat and narcissistic
I'm a sinner and I need my chocolate starfish licked by a chubby bear
Wal-Mart, yes? I’ve seen true culinary abominations offered for sale on Wal-Mart shelves. If they ever make deep-fried candy bars and cookies that are shelf stable, I believe Wal-Mart would be the first to sell it.
There was an obese 1st grade teacher a couple towns over. During reading time she just keeled over and died in class. The kids did nothing. It wasn't until they were late for music so the music teacher came by to see what was happening.
Degenerates like you should be put in a conversion camp.
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Just had a date with an ozempic girl.
Holy shit just tried to do some stuff in the car but no matter how far we leaned her back. The fupa was {HEAVY} bros. couldn't lift enough to make her cum.
how do hightest bros do it?
I'm afraid I led to confusion when I said my wife gets alarmed because I didn't have any dessert for a few days
For dessert we have either fruit or Greek yoghurt, not ice cream nor whatever monstrosities amerilards do
is it because they abuse tanning salons to try and fool men into thinking they're spanish?
Having kids cured my depression. It's a lot of work, but it's well worth it. You can't be a man and take care of yourself, so it's best if you just die alone without screwing up some poor kids life. We really need your genes out of the pool. Thank you for your service, anon.
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I would have helped her ... and then, I would have asked her out desu.
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Insane to me that fat Americans were tricked into believing that they want coffee, when really they just want sugary bullshit and the caffeine is a pretense.
What is wrong with your chest? Your nipples look quite far below your pecs. You should also do more OHP and track calories.
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I'm starting to keep a collection of videos like picrel: fatties who are genuinely incapable of moving like thin people. Very grim and kind of terrifying, to be honest. What does it speak of the person that they're not ashamed of themselves for getting to that point?
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>What does it speak of the person that they're not ashamed of themselves for getting to that point?
What we already know: mental illness
THe only thing I ever say about lifting to friends/coworkers/etc is "I picked up heavy things and put them back again"
These women are in the same class for me. Tattoo on the thinner girl is the same behavior as being fat.
"Look how unattractive I'm intentionally making myself and I still get men asking me out"
Not really sure which is the bigger red flag. You could reverse architect the fatty and possibly be happy I've seen it done, can't reverse the stupidity that got a tattoo.
Fucking keked and checked!
>ex-fiance was a dumb bitch
>when we met, i was working out 4-5 times a month
>counting macros
>she starts getting bitchy about me spending so much time at the gym and having an ED
>get fat and lazy with her because i was a beta faggina
>break up, count calories, getting that leanpill again
>fuck some really good looking bitches for a while
>9 months into a relationship with a fucking saint of a woman
>workout 5 times a week, eats super clean and is fit as hell
>my ex-fiance apparently married the weakest, basedest looking bald manlet imaginable
>new girl is 5"10 and lean

women can be such a gains goblins if you let them.
Dude that's like the American average. I don't like it either but you're acting like she's a total whale. However, I would probably leave because of her shitty attitude. If she had got up to 170 but had shown an interest in fitness, I would say you're an asshole for leaving. But yeah, her attitude sucks she she'll only get fatter.
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Or was it more like this?
73% of americans are overweight or obese, that doesn't mean you should accept a whale
Superfat uninsightful jew jaimie weisberg is everything wrong with western society. I just want her dead, is that too much to ask?
When ever anyone brings this dumb shit up thinking they are being helpful, ask them how many people in the world per year die from anorexia - its around 2000 I recall. Ask them how many people in their country, per year, die from something related to obesity. Even if we doubled world wide anorexia deaths per year through public campaigns aimed at promoting slimmer body types and painting fats as disgusting, it would worth it in the number of lives it would save from an obesity related illness.
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>how do hightest bros do it?
I'm usually on a cycle of tren. I've been lifting for a reason, and hooking up with big girls is one of them. You simply lift it, anon. Making a big woman squeal with delight because you, unlike all the other weak men she has had before, are actually capable of carrying her into the bedroom or holding her up against the wall while you pentrate her is one of the best joys in life.
Calm down goblinx
I'm not sure you should take someone with late stage Alzheimer and falling apart body to Walmart
One tactic not discussed is framing it as helping you.
"I want to eat better and can't do it if we keep junk food around, can you help me with meal planning and finding alternatives?"
"I want to exercise more, it would help if you could keep me accountable to my routine."
"I don't feel great eating the portions we make at meals, can I take point on meal prep to help with that?"
This helped me get my wife to stop buying snack food which was killing her weight loss. She would vacuum up candy absentmindedly. Literal m&ms for lunch. I pretended it was a problem I was addressing and she was falling over herself to help me out. No chocolates in the house helped her start losing weight herself.
People hate to change themselves but will often bend over backwards to help you.
>pleasing fatties
You lost me here, anon. They aren't to be pleased, they are to be reviled.
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She was driving and in a foolish attempt to make her comfortable I rode the train to the north end.
She was in the driver seat do I had my strong arm doing the lifting. But I was horribly mechanically disadvantaged. The fupa while only weighing about 10lbs was voluminous enough on her 5'2 frame that all upward force was directed into the fupa instead of the gspot and from the fupa to the belly, which weighed significantly more. My 1RM curl is 55 for one arm, which I thought was something. But this was like doing that with bands. the pressure only gets more intense at the end range. Theoretically if I was mechanically advantaged and slowed down to where she was horny I could have made her cum in 30 or so reps. But I'm on the 3rd day of fasting and I was never expecting to need this kind of force output for a 5'2 girl. After about 18 reps my arm gave out. From there I was dejected and subsequently rejected.
The train of shame wasn't too bad tho. New PR two finger curl.
if you think that's whale-sized, you've never had a girlfriend, nor seen one step on a scale
Hooked up with a girl that size at a festival recently. Wish I got her number, her tits and pussy tasted great with rum
>You could reverse architect the fatty
Look at the effort she put into that cartwheel. You can't do anything for that fat bitch.
How can someone get that big? especially a woman?
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it’s a fucking whale, bro. if you can’t see that, you’re either a fat boy yourself or you’re too porn brained to have standards.
Thanks asshat. Would you like to come sit with her for an hour so I can get shit done?
Presumptuous fuck.
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Well it is simple: different bodies have different capabilities and needs, teehee
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But disgusting boogie aside, here are a few that I found laying around, showing a whole spectrum of the human species.

What always fascinates me, is how little awareness those beasts seems to have with respect to gravity and their own weight.
Not their fault, they're just kids. My elementary school had a 5th grade fat elderly teacher have a stroke in front if the kids, they eventually found the front office button and called for help. Kids had counseling, she went to a nursing home.
Personally, I think all jobs should have a physical to see if you're healthy enough but especially jobs where it's very important for someone to be able bodied in the case of emergencies. Childcare, hazmat, driving, machinery, any type of law enforcement, any type of medical care, any type of rescue service, anything related to aviation save an office billing position.
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That's even more strange. She's delusional and soon to be fat.
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>how little awareness those beasts seems to have with respect to gravity and their own weight.
Always on display with all those webms of fat fucks vastly overestimating their grip strength and falling to their demise
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Still FPH? Fuck Eddie
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Oh found that of her as well
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Are those teeth?
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Lurk more newfag
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This Webm is perfect. Peak irony.
>using a visualizer program instead of looking at the real thing
I bet you also believe stretching on the Y is accurate for visualizing you up at 6'
But hey, it's alright that you know nothing about females, this is 4chan after all :^)
Holy shit it’s like watching a beached whale
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I'm so sure this woman is just flooded with nude requests...
I've never seen that picture of his teeth in a bowl. That's insane
It’s a real stereotype, but it kinda applies to all men. To an extent as well. When men snap we tend to kill out entire families and then ourselves. Women tend to just brutally murder their own children then have no remorse about it like a true sociopath afterwards. Usually as a way to spite the father. The least the bitch could do is kill herself afterwards.
Go for the knees in melee
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Ok newfag
I love this smug bastard.
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Why do so many fat girls fall for this meme? Now she has to post her ass to find a new dad for this thing.
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Women like dangerous men because they think they can tame them to not only protect them, but Only protect them. It's why they love pitbulls and fall for it. They think "oh he's aggressive but he'll never bite me, he loves me." Not understanding their true nature. Beauty and the beast and what not.
It's a fallacy they clung to for protection for centuries and now it's no longer necessary but they are compelled by 1000's of years of nature.
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The white women I know who had a child with a nigger are generally just stupid. While even average women know what a terrible idea it is. The coalburners think he will stick around and be a good father.
Not racist, but I just don't find black women attractive.
in my experience women don't really see a problem with being a single mother, especially if they have a daughter
No, its not.

Let's do it publicly. Let's hire a Japanese whaler to flay her flesh from the bone and cut it into strips and bits, feeding them to a troop of herpes monkeys clustered around him. As he fillets her blubber, he should chortle and giggle satanically calling her a "piggu" and a "fatso" with a diabolical Japanese accent. She should remain as alive as possible throughout. Her head should finally swiftly severed, and given to an African with AIDS to skull fuck it, releasing his impurities into her and thereby cleansing himself, as they believe. Pitbulls can devour the semen stained remains.

The whole thing should be televised and commercial revenue should be donated to a orphanage. Every American woman should know that this, too, could be their fate if they don't lose weight.
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I simply use them as my human fleshlight every bulking season when I'm horny as fuck from the TREN
WTF that other cop not just mag dumping
>trump flag
That's disgusting.
I can't help it if I like chubby blonde Trump supporters. I love fat bimbos.
EU fucking trash. OINK OINK fat sow looks like she rolls in mud shit and crumbs
Calories aren't an absolute, if you eat 100 calories of doritos you will put on more weight than 100 calories of steak.
You are one sick puppy. Having sex with them, much less getting joy from it. To think people like you walk among us undetected
Yeah she was a filthy chubby whore that slid up her sports bra for me. Let me grope her tits, covered in sweat and glitter. I lifted her up onto a table full of abandoned drinks and licked from her exposed chubby belly button up to her perky nipple. Goosebumps on her skin. Played with the bar piercings, trying to milk her babycow body. She jolted and spilled her drink when I bit. She was trembling while I marked her with my saliva. Groped the pooch of her fucking disgusting tummy before popping the button of the shorts that clung to her disgustingly thick hips. Nearly ripped them to get them off. Stroked my fingers on her sweaty, wet pussy. Useless thong covering her disgustingly bushy cunt. Slipped fingers in her whore cunt while she grabbed my head and stuck her tongue in my mouth. Disgusting tongue stud that should've been teasing the tip of my cock. But even in the shithole I was at, I couldn't whip it out. Nobody cared, though, when she wound up with her back against the table, and my tongue on her pussy. Pouring my drink just to lap it up. Squeezing her fucking disgusting hog thighs while I sucked her clit. In clown world, we were only getting positive attention. She was loud enough for me to hear her over the music. Some other girls poured drinks on her. She was such a fucking nasty whore for me.

I had to leave before getting her number because my mom texted asking why i wasnt home yet :(
See >>75001251 it's fat and gross
that Atlanta episode is eerie
He's my least favorite troll because he's so disgusting.
If you stay with her she'll keep making excuses and stay fat. If you leave her she'll get the motivation to diet and train with discipline and get hot like her mom.
catch 44 ahh situation my nigga
Watched this a few times. In my opinion he dindu nuffin
The moral posturing in these threads is insane. You hold yourselves to such high standards because you don’t touch your dicks porn when you know full well you’d cave at the first bit of attention any woman gives you
You’ll never know the feeling of a horny chubby 50 something with a set of double Ds letting you coom in her again and again while being suffocated by her bosom and her gently stroking your hair as you pass out from exhaustion on top of her because you’ve been going to town for the past hour and then you get to spoon the whole night and wake up, grabbing her big soft breasts while she lifts her leg and let’s you slide your cock in for an prebreakfast fuck
Show me a 5’3”, 170lbs woman who isn’t a whale, then
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Broad is an absolute FPH goldmine.

Although it amazes me just how ugly she is face-wise. Looks like a stereotypical ugly nerd plucked straight from a sitcom, except with an extra 200 pounds.
Had a good kek, thanks anon.
They're calcified brain slugs
>>75002999 (checked)
It's the same picture
My family is fat but I don't think we've ever once had dessert after dinner. Occasionally we would make root beer floats but that was well into the night
God I wish I could convince my my stop stop eating stuff like this. I don't want her to die
>partners of fat people are exceptional
>it's a privilege to not be with them
This thing is not 'plus siize'. It is a whole nother ratio of human. LOOK AT THAT BACK FAT! This is not something normal people have to deal with. KILL IT.
One tattoo or even one kid is a smaller red flag than obesity, because one tattoo or one bastard can be a single error, while being obese requires a lifetime of errors.
>convince my my stop stop eating stuff like this
>my my stop stop
Solid argument. One I believed for a long time. But circumstances have led me to believe any woman who gets a visible tattoo who is not ashamed of it, is a walking disaster and impossible to fix. The overeater, fat chance (pun intended) but still hope.
Well because this corpulent thing told me so I will now find it attractive.
No amount of personality can compensate for this level of delusion + gluttony.
I'm female and 5'3", i weigh 130 and a lot of it is muscle (i roid). a girl who doesn't have muscle also having 40lbs of fat over me would have to be a fatass
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I make no apologies for who I am or who I date. I enjoy myself thoroughly. You should try it some time. Live life to the fullest.
You're a sad human being, aren't you.

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