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>Who is /fat/ for?
For dough demons who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous Thread: >>74983909
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distract yourself from fasting and weight, relax and enjoy this french food video made by me for you
Best nun
fuck off whore
If my weight is staying the same but my lifts are going up it means im recomping right? If yes how long can i keep going, i am 179cm 98,5kg. I have somehat muscular arms chest and legs but a double chin, big stomach, hips and thigh fat so i guess im 20-25% bf
meow :(
Are you the same girl that tried to convince us that your jar desserts with cream and sugar were only 12 calories?
are there actually retards that take fiber "supplements"?
Got back to under 95kg after a long time, I feel like i might even get to under 90 this time(my goal weight)
kindly fuck off then
that isnt kind :(
I must not eat. Food is the mind-killer.
I must not eat. Food is the mind-killer.
I must not eat. Food is the mind-killer.
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24 hours in of a 3 days fast. For now I feel exceptional. If I feel real hunger on the third day I will just eat but I think I can pull 60 hours with no problems.
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My summer of OMAD is over. Eating a light snack before classes. Still exercising twice a day. WAGMI
I do 72 every once in a while and I really only feel hunger the first day, you should be fine on day 2 and 3
One thing is the fake hunger your fatbrain feels when it's bored and one other is real hunger. I have pushed myself to 72hrs fasts before but if I really start seriously feeling like shit (which for me sometimes happens after the 60hrs mark) I just assume I did something wrong and anticipate my meal. This way I don't get extra calories and avoid hurting myself.
On a high calorie deficit. Intake is about 800-1k Any recommendations for vitamins/multivitamins to take?
How would we know what you’re missing if you only post your deficit and not your diet? Someone who eats 1000k of steak and eggs will have a very different micro profile than someone who eats 1000k of rice and veg
>vitamins/multivitamins to take
yes, liver
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My fat loss has slowed down a tad. Simultaneously, the hunger I wasn't seeing much has become a little stronger. Wonder if this is "diet fatigue" and I should maintain or if I should just increase my deficit further. For now I'll do neither and monitor the situation but I'll have to make a decision if it plateaus or if the hunger becomes strong enough to threaten my will to resist.
i would tell you to eat less carbs but the brainwashed shits ITT will say im wrong
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why do you post this in a fat loss thread?

not hating just dont get it
there’s a difference between less carbs and no carbs
Carnivore isnt fast enough. Gonna start doing OMAD carnivore and do dry fast during the fasting hours.

Anyway, good morning bros:
SW 97kg
CW 89.2kg
CurrentGoal: Less than 87kg by 08/07
GOAL: Less than 74kg
probably too poor to buy an ad
i never said no carbs
attention whoring, it's been doing it for months now, just ignore these posts, any with 41-42kg weight posts etc. and it goes away
I'm gonna go to the movies soon, anything you recommend to snack on instead of popcorn
u remember my weiiighhttt?! thank u!
i think its nice to provide a distraction from the misery of dieting
Just watch the movie without snacking. It's what most people do.
Taking antibiotics for an infection, doctor said I should stop cutting during recovery.
It's over.
>taking antibiotics
It is mean to post trigger food in a fat loss thread. Take it ck
I waited 10 days and the infected hangnail isn't going down.

I don't want to lose the thumb.
Multivitamin and electrolytes. Brand recs? Whatever is in your budget
Youre doing the right thing that guy is crazy
im not crazy, antibiotics are bad for you
its literally in the name
This place is a nut house
My girlfriend said i.look skinny and shouldn't lose more weight.
I'm still 10 pounds over weight and have visual fat. Why do they do this?
So how do YOU fight infection anon?
i let my body do its job
Dieting to be attractive =/= dieting for yourself. Be thankful that you have a girlfriend who thinks you're hot and move on.
Fear you’ll dump them when they’re not ready to move to the next guy yet.
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>5kg up after weekend
I'm so bloated
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Fatty Contest
81.3 kg

Don't ever trust in cheat days. They WILL kill your progress.
I started keto on June, weighing in at 390lbs. Around mid July I was down to 348 and stopped keto due to feeling pretty badly, and eating like once every three days due to nausea.
From mid-July to now, I began to exercise and lower my calories. For a few weeks my weight fluctuated around 348 without losing anything, but I did notice that I was losing inches to the point it was noticeable.
For my weigh in this week I weighed in at 340, so I’m very happy to be losing again and am looking forward to finally break out of the 40s.
I’ve been fat my whole life and don’t think I’ve weighed in the lower half of 300 since early high school, and that was only because I hadn’t finished growing probably.
If you’re gonna fast anyway, why not just do keto? It’s basically the same thing.
Even at my fattest the most I would do would be an Icee.
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I've tried like 3 rounds of One Meal Each Second Day. The fasting goes fine
What bothers me is that i don't feel sated at all after the meal.
so i've seen some people talk about precooking and freezing potatoes in bulk to then freez them.
so i thought about this
>cutting them in thick fries shape
>boil them until almost done
>dry and freez
>airfry with no oil them when i need to
sounds good? has anyone here tried it?
>If my weight is staying the same but my lifts are going up it means im recomping right?
In a broad sense yes. However, two other things can be at play:
1. Your body might be storing more glycogen, which makes the water weight go up. If you start doing a new exercise or increase the intensity of your exercise then waterweight tends to go up. This extra glycogen might make you better at exercise.
2. When you are relatively new to lifting you improve in technique. Not the stuff you learn from a video, but your body figures out how to use all the muscle fibers at the correct timing for the exercise. This will increase your lifts even if your muscles aren't getting stronger.

Both of these points tend to become less impactful the longer you have been lifting for. It is likely that all 3 of these are at play. You generally can't build muscle as fast as a decent caloric deficit will lose fat.
Magnesium, vitamin D3, vitamin K2 (not K1), vitamin B complex (make sure it has B12 and B3, but it's better if it has all of them), zinc.
You might also need potassium. This one comes from "low sodium salt" rather than a supplement.
A multivitamin might be a good idea too. You'll probably still need extra magnesium, vitamin D3 and K2 though.
Dry fast is a bad idea. Dehydration will just make your body hold onto more water weight. You aren't going to lose fat faster if your body is dehydrated.
Two tips from someone who has been doing 48s for several months.
1. Eat more. There's very little you can choose to eat that will blow two days worth of TDEE in one meal. In my case, it's pizza, but other than that I eat as much as I want as anything.
2. Drink hot coffee after the meal. It hits the spot really nice and suppresses appetite while "helping with digestion".
3. Brush your teeth after the coffee.

That's it. Try it next time and see how you feel.
Today is supposed to be a rest day and I have things I should be doing but I am bored and really want to go hit arms and chest.
Try out different recipes. Adding more veggies is the most efficient way to add sheer quantity of food to your meal. Incorporate beans/chickpeas/lentils, all nutritious and super filling (extra proteins too). A 1500kcal meal can completely fill you up and you could probably go higher if you fast so much.
Also soups. Soups are a fattie's best friends. You can prepare literal cauldrons that could fill up a family of four and still have extra cals to eat.
>morning bodyweight exercises
before or after breakfast
After pooptime so you don't shart yourself
I’ve felt bad since yesterday, had congestion and an insistent cough. Still went out to workout even though I had half a mind to skip today.
Turned out that it was a pretty good work out for some reason.
Wrong. Water is a byproduct of your metabolism. It's created alongside CO2.
As long as you're not outside walking around in the heat your body will speed up your metabolism to produce more water.
Dry fasting is best done in a cold environment to encourage this.
Breaking under 95kg has been a challenge for me also. Ive bounced off it a few times now
Ive been the same weight for 8 days straight and now im worried im doing something wrong.
Im on a deficit of about 800 and doing 10k steps a day alongside frequent 20 minute gym visits. I think ive gained some muscle but I dont think my body fat % has changed at all at least going visually.
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240 pound anon here from two weeks ago who was too retarded to read instructions.
Just wanted to let you bros know that after adjusting sailrabbit from moderately active to sedentary, I've lost 5 pounds while gaining more muscle.
Think a ligament or joint is fucked on my left toe from cardio though, so I think ill dial it down and see a podiatrist soon.
Stay on the grind.
It happens anon, I just plateaued for a week myself and then dropped 5lbs in two days. Just keep going.
You're doing something incredible. If you feel too bad go see a doctor, prolonged keto can fuck up your liver and create other issues.
Depends on the meal. If it's particularly light, after. Otherwise before.
>prolonged keto can fuck up your liver and create other issues.
Yeah, I felt awful and dropped it a few weeks ago. It got so bad that just the smell of food would make me want to throw up.
Now I’m just watching what I eat and exercising every day. It has been paying off so I feel a lot better.
Keep in mind that this board is traditionally very sensitive about keto and you risk attracting shitstorm. Keto is fantastic and quite literally saved my obese mom's life so I suggest it in extreme situations (like yours, no offense), but it can be very hard to pull off and you should put yourself in the hands of a professional.
Yeah, I did it on my own and am sure I was not getting the proper vitamins.
I also liked keto, it works very fast, but I can’t keep at it for too long. Food I enjoyed at the beginning becomes disgusting after a few weeks.
I don't think vitamins are the issues because when you stuff your face with veggies like you normally do on a diet they are a non factor. I am NOT a medical professional but I think you were putting your liver under stress. The liver does two things: it helps digest fats, and keto is a fat heavy diet, and it regulates the expulsion of waste substances, which you're producing a lot simply by attacking your unhealthy weight. I suggest you to keep on ketoing for a while in order to quickly get to a weight that allows you to more comfortably exercise, but get informed about what you're doing (not just here we're mostly internet retards).
>Showering 2-3 times a day
Could this be hurting your dry skin? Showering does dry you out, also it strips your natural skin oils and good bacteria. That number seems kinda excessive to me.

sounds very tasty. you could also pressure cook them if you want, it's a bit less work than boiling.

based 2006 era gif poster

Keto varies a lot depending on your individual biochemistry. Some people do really well on keto, some people hate it. I responded well to it, but eventually got sick of the food I was eating.
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Down about 50 pounds and almost under 200 (im a manlet)

Trend is missing that I gained more and didn't really start trying to lose weight until more recently, and only now starting to take it seriously.

It's weird, I don't feel like I look different (though people have commented randomly that it looks like I've lost weight, so I guess a bit)

But I am now starting to actually feel better. More energy, more nimble, more wanting to do stuff, stronger emotions and less lazy. Less depressed.
More angry though. But that can be okay, when directed.

I need to completely drop coke now though. I've cut it but I still drink it and I am aware of how bad it is. Simply cutting that entirely would get me to like 150 if I made no other changes, I bet.
Gunna switch to Coke Zero which disgusts me but if it's all I have then I'll stop drinking it entirely.
Still, down from a 12 pack of cans every 2-3 days, to having only one or two cans a day.

Thanks for reading my blog.
>tell myself I'll start exercising tomorrow with a jog around the neighborhood
>check the weather
>it's gonna be 100 degrees F tomorrow
it was over before it even started
I can't exercise when it's that hot out
>be a fat alcoholic
>pick up yoga and do it 6 days a week + walking a mile to and from the studio
>Don't change diet at all
>lose 35 lbs in 6 months
>now I get to be an alcoholic who eats like a fatass BUT I'm fit and hot

Feels good to be winning
Dry fasting is absolutely retarded. Drink water
Since I did a serious fast, hunger seems different to me
It doesn't bother me at all. In fact, it kind of feels good, even though it's the same feeling as before
But I can eat a tiny meal while really hungry and stop eating it and have no urge to eat more, even though I'm still hungry and easily could. I am happy to stop and not sad that fatty can't have cake.
>it kind of feels good
that good feeling is not hunger, it's the lack thereof. As a fatty you're constantly bloated and under the urge to raid the fridge (which you confuse for hunger). Both of these sensations feel bad to normal people, but are the normal state of being of a fatty. Fasting removes them both.
If you fast long enough you start feeling real hunger. It's not exactly an urge, because you subconsciously know that you can get food anytime. It's your brain doing its job, telling that you've run out of fuel and you're not functioning correctly anymore.
Pretty sure its the recent addition of protein powder that's constipating me
Shame, because it's nice
I seriously need something to replace food.
I’m constantly snacking through out the day. Right now I have a compulsion to eat but I’m literally not hungry at all, it’s purely enjoyment.

Any ideas of something I can do continuously throughout the day that isn’t harmful?
I’ve tried constantly heating up and drinking black tea. It’s something to sip on and not harmful to drink a ton of. It helps but open to any other suggestions.
Fatty Contest
256 lbs

Bad week:(
Seven fucking pounds in one week?! How much did you eat?!
I was on keto but went off it. My cope is that it's mostly water weight cause I didn't binge but did eat some super salty leftover fried rice
Some options
>shock terapy your cravings away by fasting (it really works)
>eat extremely low cal snacks like cucumbers, fennels or green salad straight out of the pack
>spend as much time as you can outside the house and away from the fridge. if you don't have an office to be at go work/study at a library.
if you were on keto it almost definitely is water weight
i had a "cheat meal"
i'm extremely suspicious my 500g of pork ribs had 2000 fucking calories. it loses over half its mass during cooking
but i won't eat anything else for the day anyway
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>Any ideas of something I can do continuously throughout the day that isn’t harmful?
Snacking on vegetables like cucumbers
>inb4 i am American and we throw up if we eat vegetables
sucks to be American i guess
you could try these little fuckers
>Läkerol is a Swedish brand of candies. The candies are sugar-free pastilles with the major ingredient being gum arabic. The candies are produced in a variety of flavors.
In a 25gram box there is only 45-ish calories and you should not eat more than that because the chance of diarrhea goes up exponentially
or try to find some sugar free cough drops that are low in calories and make sure you are actually sucking on them and not biting down on them and gobbling them up
Yeah cooking any meat with a lot of fat in it triggers my autism so I just avoid them all. Just chicken breast for me with sockeye salmon one day a week.
Why do I have a 29” waist, despite being 190? Am I a skelly?
Damn hommie built like a apple on a stick fr
just add fiber
just don't and stop having that habbit
I'm already at 45-60g a day, usually on the higher end
Might as well get some Metamucil and see if that clears it up but I thought this was already high fiber
>start taking creatine
>weight shoots up by 3kg
>squat regresses
at least my ohp and bench went up as expected
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>accidentally used the wrong setting when calculating my maintenance TDEE on Fatsecret a year ago
>been in a 1500 calorie deficit instead of 1000
no wonder I've been so fucking low energy
at least I lost weight fast
skin is fucked though
whatever, it can be fixed
Ouch, for a whole year? Also don't forget to recalculate TDEE as you lose weight.
Play more video games, its hard to snack while holding a controller and its fun.
loose skin is genetics, age and exposure to sunlight, the speed of weightloss doesn't affect it much
Fatty Contest
this hotel has free drinks. Dangerous.
>Also don't forget to recalculate TDEE as you lose weight.
not the anon youre replying to, but after how much lost weight do you/should you recalculate everytime?
Got upgraded to first class on this flight I'm about to get on
Debating whether to have a bunch of vodka diet cokes or just diet cokes
>your body will speed up your metabolism to produce more water
Someone tell the Fremen of Arrakis all they had to do was fast and they'd unlock unlimited free water!
I hate being fat...
Do any female fatties have thoughts on cal deficits while breastfeeding? I see so much online now too big a deficit will rank your milk supply but I'm not seeing much progress with a cal limit that includes extra on top of BMR to account for milk production. Is the low calorie = no supply a fatty cope?
Don't give your baby deficit milk
What do you guys drink during a meal/dinner? Just water?
But im fat
What do I do when I don't believe the calories listed on the package. Like for example I ate 8 slices of turkey bacon and according to the package it's 45 kcal a slice (28g) which should've been 360 kcals, but when I weighed it all only got 112 g so about 180 kcals. Why is it so much different from the package?
I'm very hungry bois.
But I'm not gonna eat dinner for another hour.
Every moment of hunger I endure is another pound lost.
their cals/g estimate is probably more accurate than the g/slice estimate. that said there really shouldn't be such a big difference. maybe someone fucked up in the assembly line
Ask your doctor
Pepsi zero. But I drink that all day.
I just ate 5 pieces of apple pie. They weren't large slices. They all fit onto my hand and fingers. How bad could it be?
>900 kcal
Fuck me. That caps out my daily calories just like that.
Did you just eat it?
Vomit that shit up.
Problem solved.
Try cherry coke zero, I like it a lot more than regular coke zero. Sunkist zero is good too.
Just use one of the billion calorie tracker apps out there like LoseIt - they adjust every time you log your weight.
mfp says it is 'le unsafe' to go below 1500cal/day and refuses to work with numbers below that
Use Cronometer. It'll say "unsafe" at -1000cal deficit but let you go arbitrarily below it
LoseIt also warns you for going under 1500 cal/day budget but doesn't stop you.
Coming back to exercising after being sedentary for years is hell. I keep destroying my joints even when trying to go extremely light while exercising.
It'll tank your supply to cut too much. Ask this in a new mom forum as there will be more women familiar with your situation
the guy that sat beside me told the flight attendant that he was a high level alcoholic and she offered me a little bottle when she gave him one. The cheapest ticket on the plane, lol. It's been a bad trip diet wise.
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what is the verdict on sauna blankets? can they help a fatty like me gain between workouts?
You don't need to gain. You need to lose fat. Sauna blankets make you lose water. They don't make you lose fat. Why are you looking for a crutch anyway?
Just became a wageslave, now my gym it's completely full, need to find a new one.
Can't you go in the morning?
Brehs. I did oral on a woman that started her period and apparently had an infection.
Am I going to die?
I meant gains as in weight loss "gains".
>Why are you looking for a crutch anyway?
Im exercising 5 days a week and eating right but as a novice I can only workout so much before I start to feel overstrained so if I can passively acquire some gains then why not?
>loss gains
Ah, I understand completely. You are mentally challenged.
learn proper english you eurofag ESL cuck
I use macrofactor which calculates each week based on what you're eating and your weight. But if you're not using a tracker app, just do it every 10 pounds.

As long as you set your protein correctly, you basically just have to hit that and can let your fats and carbs be flexible to hit whatever your daily target is.
Shush nigger.
2 week berlin trip with my mom soon. she's health-conscious so i probably won't have to struggle to control my food but i don't wanna stop lifting and doing cardio for 2 whole weeks... hope I can find a gym that does a single-month contract
Mix of vegetables at your desk to mindlessly pick up and eat. Don't buy food you're going to snack on either
I'm hungry but I wanted to fast today.
popcorn works good.
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fatbros not sure where else to ask but I'm having some middle to upper back pain for a few days. Trying all sorts of different resting positions but the pain remains. I'll take any advice i'm desperate to get it to stop.
Lose more weight and it disappears.
Is it the kind of pain a massage could help?
I'm really not sure.
I'm really trying but everytime I cut I eventually relapse and then get depressed and don't go to the gym. I know it's an excuse but I'm not sure how to overcome my brain.
You are your brain you fucking moron. Get a pair of balls.

The most useless part of the sticky has to be
>Drink more water.

What is this supposed to do. And how much? Unspecific and unhelpful.
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Back to goal weight against
I had this issue. I thought I had fungal infections behind my knees, elbows, pits, groin etc but it turned out to be some type of eczema. I got a compound steroid + antifungal + antibiotic cream (eczema can get infected so they put those in there just in case) and shit was gone. This was after spending a ton on OTC antifungals.

Now I just use cold showers, cerave, and a tea-tree oil body wash and my eczema is fine. If it ever flairs up bad I go to the doctor for a refill of the compound cream.
My uncle had really bad middle to upper back pain for a week. He got a massage and it still didn't go away. It turns out he was having some sort of cardiac event. You might want to get an EKG.
is it muscular or in your spine? If it's muscular, try to identify the muscle it's coming from and then find a youtube guide on it. I have really bad pain in my rhomboids from them being overstretched from bad posture, but I found some great exercises for it on youtube
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>repeat for five years
>been doing maccas omad 1000 calories since I started working there due to employee discount
>been dropping a kilo per weeks
It was this simple huh
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redid my weight loss and lifting spreadsheet in google sheets cuz libreoffice was a pain
it's going
Should I really do a refeed day where I go above maintenance? I've been on a significant deficit for almost 11 weeks now, but I've been plateauing for a while and I suspect I have a decent amount of water retention from how easily I can fold my fat.
>1000cals of pure slop a day
>water weight
The eternal fatty cope
The fuck happened in june?
I feel like the number one tip I have for people is to never be afraid to step on the scale. I think some times people will have a cheat day or eat more than they usually do on a day-to-day basis and then step on the scale the next day and it's a bigger number and get discouraged and cause them to not want to step on the scale again, which eventually leads to going back to old habits. Don't let that happen! Step on that scale, see that bigger number. Let it help guide you to the future, not get you going
I definitely recommend refeeding days, but only because I find eating junk food/a lot of food can tend to cause an aversion to doing it again for a while because some times it can make you feel sick and you remember why you're on your /fat/loss quest.
i started lifting again, which made me hungrier, but didn't really try to control my food intake
i was pleasantly surprised in mid-july when i stepped on the scale again and wasn't fatter. dunno how that happened. maybe it's cuz i also started cardio at some point a couple weeks after restarting lifting
I'm in the normal BMI zone now. About 160 lbs, but I'm pushing it down as far as it can go, with 125 as a hypothetical lowest if possible.
don't ever let any of the powershitter wannabes here convince you that 125 is too low, you're the one who has a right to decide how low to go, and you can change your mind as you go along and stop earlier if you want, but aim as low as you want.
also don't tell your family, they will with 100% certainty try to dissuade you from whatever number you tell them.
I can pretty much sub the slop for better things
125lbs is great if you wanna be a twink sub fuck boy
>lunchtime custom foot long Turkey sub from Subway is less than 700 calories
>my dinner is another 850 calories
>feel satiated all day
bros… I figured it out, I’m about to lose so much weight consistently. Who knew Subway was the answer all along. I’m so gonna lose these last 10kg. I may even be the next Jared from Subway
Spend quality time with your mom and don't bother with the gym. Plan a visit to every museum and castle in the region and you'll do plenty of cardio just walking around. You'll lift when you get back. Beware because Berlin is slop capital of mitteleurope, kebab joints on every street
Ngl bros I hate my body but the one good thing it did was shedding the double chin as soon as I started losing weight. wagmi wagmi.
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>I may even be the next Jared from Subway
Guys I'm finally at the door of the 80kgs. I feel so fucking pumped. But my wrist is slightly fucked for now so I can't lift.
>admitting to being a pedo
This is the way. Look after your injury mate and you'll be back training in no time. Maybe take the time to do get some extra cardio in.
I want to be as far from overweight as possible while not being considered underweight. 125 is the hypothetical lowest for that. I don't intend to be there for a long time, I'll build some muscle. But it's mostly a symbolic number.

Yeah, I've been going through that. My younger brother is like 3.5-4.5 inches shorter than me, he has trouble putting on weight. Thin limbs, only real extra weight he's carrying are a small beer gut around the abdomen, and he's anywhere from 124-131 lbs. It might not be possible to reach 125 lbs with my frame and height, but I'll keep going until it seems I've reached the end of what's feasible.
So /fat/ I want to make an experiment. I want to marinate chicken in olive oil and spices, then before cooking discard all the oil. Is it fair to assume that the difference in weight of the piece of chicken amounts to the oil absorbed? Could there be other variables like moisture? I want to eat good but also calculate calories correctly.
> Is it fair to assume that the difference in weight of the piece of chicken amounts to the oil absorbed?
it won't be perfect but no calorie estimation is
I will report back. Sadly I can't think of a way to calculate more complex marinades. Ideally I would use a mix of oil, lemon juice and white whine but at that point who the fuck knows what's entering my body. It's kind of frustrating because if I didn't have to mind calories and macros the recipes I could make would still be healthy and super tasty
you shouldn't let perfect calorie counting get in the way of making tasty healthy food. you're putting the cart before the horse here
The key is to do it anyway. You need to stop expecting to wait for some magical motivation and perfect conditions, you tried that approach and it didn't work. Just run even though you don't want to and it will be miserable.
>be me
>am fatty
>am less fatty than June 1st

I have cut 10kg since June 1st, combination of walking and two days a week fasting.
My walking app tells me I burn fewer calories for the same distance walked. If I carry a 5-10kg rucksack would that take my calories burned to something near what they were when I was 10kg heavier? Not looking for an exact match, just something approaching what I was at.
Sure, why not start running though if your concern is about saving time in exercising? Also the majority of weight loss is done on the ci side of cico, you should be able to handle eating less now that you are skinnier.
Thanks anon. Not so much the time saving, and I'm still too fatty to run, but I take your point. Fasting is helping a lot, and I'm up to 2x 36 hour fasts a week, so I'll keep that up.
Yo anons, my gf has started working out over the last 2 months, she's not sticking to any routine or origami and her diet has really been lacking (prone to snacking or impulse purchases of unhealthy foods)
She said she's committed to eating more healthy moving forward and I believe her, what would be a good workout program to send her way which she can stick to and have some routine? For weight loss and general cardio improvement, she needs to tone up her stomach and legs mostly, thanks fellas
*Program not origami
have her read the board sticky, homosexual
Not very related, but I see little point in marinating meats in oils if you're planning to discard the oils.
Oil-based "marinades" are mostly about giving the flavor to the oil itself, not the reverse.

For meat, you mostly want to either brine it to make it more tender or to cover it in a spiced acidic mixture to infuse flavors into the meat.
The combination of either works too.
Simple stuff works great, like taking a couple pounds of chopped meat, mixing it with a bunch of shredded onions, and adding around a table spoon worth of onions sauce and vinegar each.
If she needs to lose weight diet is 10x more important than exercise, drill that into her head. There's no such thing as an exercise to "tone" a particular part of the body, the best she can do is a lot of free body/legs/squats in order not to lose too much of her ass as she loses weight.
Whatever faggot
Yeah I've told her this countless times, I think it's finally sunk in, thx anon
Your land whale gf will never be skinny
Kek ok bro whatever you say
Kek ok bro whatever you say
>She said she's committed
>she's not sticking to any routine
>her diet has really been lacking
two truths, one lie, I'm sure you can find out which is which
Me likey gay sez
Very deep bro
You don't have a gf do you. This post is really about you.
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>43hrs into fasting
Some people get it, it seems.
My digestion was functioning as usual before it seemingly stopped on the third day or so. I went for four full days and I didn't poop until I broke the fast.
Some people report getting prolonged shits around day three, though. They attribute it to a randomly selected fasting memes.
Could be because i added lemon juice to the snek juice which is astringent and prevented me to shit out the last bits of food I ate two days ago until now. Could also be that the prolonged fasting is fucking up my stomach. If I have troubles digesting my refeed tomorrow I'll probably stop with these long fasts for a while I guess.
today I realized I can sleep on my stomach without suffocating
What weight? I am waiting for this moment myself.
You should also understand that it can take you upwards of a week to shit out the food you ate.
You could've triggered that diarrhea by something you ate 3-7 days ago.

When you fast you stop shitting not because you run out of shit.
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>I may even be the next Jared from Subway
technically you're squatting 3kg more
>started /fat/loss 2 months ago
>going well
>get red rash between my legs and under my manboob cause im so fat
this motivates me even more to not eat. i hate that i let myself get like this. im a gross piece of shit.
just realized I posted this in the wrong thread but whatever

>be fat fuck
>lose weight and become skinny fat fuck
>gotta build muscle to finally look decent
>never lifted in my life before
>finally bought some weights and lifted for 30 minutes last night
>reached failure at only 15 pounds by the end
>expecting my body to be super sore and weak this morning
>feeling oddly good and refreshed physically and mentally

What the fuck is this feeling, I genuinely don't know because I've never seriously lifted In my life.
Seems like some anon is having a mental breakdown right now. Its the crab schizo isn't it.
just use some lubricant, my brother uses stuff called "body glide" which helps your fat slide so you don't chaff
i got some over the counter rash cream, hopefully it helps clear it up. thing is this is the first time i got this in almost ever. im guessing its cause of the heatwave this summer. still it motivates me even more cause i hate how gross i am.
sounds like a butt lube hehe
it's not just this thread, I wonder if it's a bot
that's how you're supposed to feel, all the time
Who is crab schizo exactly?
>literally eat half as much as I usually do
>go to bed hungry every day
>two weeks later
>still equally fat
What am I doing wrong?
you're satan
Post what you're eating and how your weight changed over these 2 weeks
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decaf coffee also reduces hunger and possibly even further than normal coffee, this is amazing news since I am super caffeine intolerant
losing water weight isn't losing real weight
impressive that you managed to lose so much weight while still slurping up sugar water
holy shit really? I love coffee but I take vyvanse and if I take both it really fucks with me, sometime around my late 20s my tolerance for all stimulants got utterly fucked
man, you coffee addicts will do anything to justify your addiction
>Drink hot coffee after the meal. It hits the spot really nice and suppresses appetite while "helping with digestion".
coffee doesn't aid in digestion, dipshit
coffee is also acidic, and you should definitely not brush right after, but let your saliva have time to wash it out before you attack your enamel with a brush

holy fuck you are misguided and misinformed
Breakfast cereal, junk food lunch, snacks dinner
Changed it to
No breakfast, same lunch ir chicken and rice, no snacks

Went from 32,6% bf to 32,6% bf, so not at all
clearly since I drink decaf I love coffee and am not just addicted to the stimulant
and since starting to drink 2-3 cups of decaf a day I feel less hungry
it's only been two weeks man give it some time
Bf% is an unreliable measurement and you should not bother calculating it until you get at least close to your goal. Weight yourself. Anyway here's a list of the possible things you're doing wrong:
>You have actually lost weight but you haven't realized
Might be because you're using some bullshit method to calculate bf%. Weight yourself.
>You are not counting your calories
This is the most likely one for newbies like you. You're eating less than what you normally do but evidently not enough to lose weight, at least a significant amount over 2 weeks.
>You are calculating exercise either in your TDEE or in your daily caloric count (or in both)
If counting the calories you eat is an imprecise science, calculating the ones you consume is even worse. Consider yourself a complete vegetable when making your calculations.
You are going to make it but you need more planning.
Alright I’ll start doing that. Thanks
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So, work from home and some other life events made me gain a shit ton of weight. pic related

I've started losing weight again by eating around 1500 kcal, and walking 5k steps during the first 2 weeks. Now, I eat around 600, maybe even less a day. Could someone explain why am I not fucking hungry? Why does this happen?

Also I've lost 10kg since July 18th, which makes it around 40 days. Is this healthy?
Nigger, that's why I put it in quotes. It just has a laxative effect.

>you should definitely not brush right after
No one said right after either. Are you just one of those autistic-retard hybrids I keep hearing about?
>types retarded shit and gives bad advice
>gets called out
>makes up dumb shit to try and wiggle out of it
>makes up
What did I make up? Oh, it's just you making shit up and projecting. Nigger.
>types dumb shit and gets called out
>cries bitch tears
>will keep replying since he's an insecure faggot
if you reply to me again it means you're my bitch
reply bitch, do it
Oh, you're the twelve year old that comes here thinking he knows something. Funny how you can be 12 and already have wasted your life.
Congrats on losing that 10kg! And don't worry, at the start weight loss might be very rapid.
sick, thx

gonna go for a walk then
>Gunna switch to Coke Zero which disgusts me but if it's all I have then I'll stop drinking it entirely.
I lost a lot of weight going from coke to coke zero, but >>74999699 is right, it really needs to go.
>why am I not fucking hungry?
because you are a king who is cooking delicious and filling meals and you are exercising regularly but without exerting yourself.
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>u-ur 12!
>*posts pokemon pictures*
holy shit my bitch is retarded
dang, time to take you out behind the shed
Hunger is a spook. It's healthy unless you go underweight, which you're still far from. Enjoy the easy loss.
I mean, my diet consists of chicken breast, tomato and vegetables. Maybe some yoghurt.

And I have 1 cheat meal a week (one 30cm pizza or some sushi)

I think the hunger might be connected to the fact that I eat very little carbs during the week.
Why are you still replying to me? Do you need attention that badly? Did mommy go out on a long night at "work" and not come back yet?
cant wait to get to 84kg self again. i looked so fucking good.
1. Are you Serbian/Balkan?
2. How long did it take you to go from 140 to 86 the first time? How did you do it?
3. How tall are you?

BTW you are eating too little and probably not enough protein. At least 0.8 g per kilo, 1.2 would be better.
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>lost 10kg easily in 2 months
>shitty deadline appeared
>weight is now stagnant because I am stress eating
I am still at 94kg for 3 weeks now.
How do I deal with stress eating?
Forgot to add.
>bitch still yapping on command
give me more
reply again lil doggie
u might be dumb af but its sorta funny
Don't worry, little bro. I'll keep you company if your parents don't.
what bmi to be visible in public?
above 40 to really stand out
1. I am Russian with some Latvian mixed in there.
2. It took me a year. I lose weight rapidly if I set my mind to it, most probably due to the extremely low calorie intake and regular exercise.
3. I am 190cm, 6'3?

I haven't noticed any degradation in my performance yet, I can still do 14 push-ups with good form.

Even if I do eat very little, it's mostly lean chicken and boiled eggs. I'm not kidding, tomato, cucumber, eggs and chicken is all I eat.
>I'm not kidding, tomato, cucumber, eggs and chicken is all I eat.
that's not a good thing. you need variety bro
Yeah, I will eat some asparagus or brocolli soon. My cheatmeal is coming up, and I will order lots of sushimi. Thanks for the reminder.
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I want to get tall and wide but not round
how to make this happen?
For tomorrow's big refeed after 3 days of fasting we're going to the eastern mediterranean
>spicy beef liver
>grilled eggplants
>some nice fresh couscous with herbs and lemon
>a couple eggs to reach the protein target
A bit high on the carbs I think but I will have to walk around a lot that day. The total should be below 1600kcals, a bit higher than my intended 1500 so i could cut something last minute.
now is the time to form good habits because you'll know how to differentiate real hunger and stress eating.
When I was researching and writing my master's thesis where I usually worked minimally 12 hours a day on it and that was the most stressful period of my life so I started my weightloss journey then on purpose as to better develop discipline and try to stop treating food as an escape from stress.
What helped me a lot was preparing and calculating meals and their calories in advance so I could exactly know what will go into my body that day and usually ate it in 2 big meals so I could have a big fullfiling meal before working on it and after working so there was no real hunger or craving despite the stress because I went into the stressful situation fed and then ate after the stressful situation ended.
What also helped me was taking mandatory 2 hours a day( and I mean mandatory, never ever skip it) to just read, play vidya, watch tv, go out on a drink/coffee with friends so I naturally started combating stress this way and stopped thinking of food as an "escape" from stress, now that I feel stress I immediately gravitate to those things I mentioned.
Went from 144kg to 78kg,mostly maintained for years, I'm back here in /fat/because I couldn't start lifting due to injuries that took too fucking long to heal(fuck shoulder tendons) and now that I can finally lift again although with some restrictions I'm trying to lower bf%.
that sounds delish
best organ meat, I'm so glad my old man started hunting again after some health issues so I'm drowning in european boar liver, heart and kidneys.
So many delicious low calorie recipes you can do with organs
>european boar
i hope your old man hunts in the woods and not near suburbs otherwise you're eating literal trash
don't worry, pristine forest, I live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and he's a gamekeeper so we know the exact conditions on the field.
Fucking love boar meat, boar meat prosciutto is my favorite
Do your place your mandatory rest during the interval between your work hours?
Even tiny shit like 4 hours of pomodoro work stressed me enough to start eating
I did sometimes but it was often just whenever I felt like it.
Sometimes I would immediately go out for a coffee with friends as soon as I woke up while other times it would be after lunch or in the evenings.
Try out different times through a week or 2 and see what suits you the most
aye thank, anon.
just go for a walk when you get cravings
putting time between cravings and eating will make you eat less
I feel the compulsive to eat a hot dog with extra extra mustard. Maybe 2 dogs
stupid question yeah, but is adding cardio (like threadmill shit) after the gym accelerating/helping in any way with my weight loss? Is it even worth it? any benefits?
plus drink more water
>wake up at 10am
>eat a bun at 2pm
>start feeling weird, like I haven't slept the night and world seems like it's happening at 1.1x speed and I'm "shaky" mentally, at 5pm
>eat a frozen meal at 6pm (like 800 kcal)
>still feel hungry, that weird feel remains, think about going to shop and buying too much unhealthy food
>sit down because lazy
>20 minutes later, no longer feeling hungry and that weird feeling is gone
what is that feeling? Is this just out of hunger? Do people fasting feel this? It's very weird and I don't like it, but I'm also pretty happy that I was too lazy to go to shop and stopped feeling both this and hunger just by waiting. At least I think I no longer feel this now.
try eating actual food instead of slop
you could try a low fat chicken or turkey dog
Nice. Why Vannes though?
Boys I have caught myself doing something sinful. I have been counting calories but I've been adding something "sweet" on top of it every day for the last two weeks or so.

I only eat 2 meals a day. One regular meal at noon, still something small in size and generally veggie heavy. Anyways at night I just buy a sandwich or a small curry soup but I have been accompanying it by some 150/250 cal dessert shit and a big latte every day (no sugar). That alone is at least 300-400 calories extra that I'm putting on top.

I have sinned, and I repent, from tomorrow I'll cut on the sweet shit and just leave the coffee. Is this the correct way of thinking?
>feeling hungry again
ok, would you recommend something so that I don't ultimately buy takeout instead of cooking because it takes too much time?
I love those silly ducks.
>ok, would you recommend something so that I don't ultimately buy takeout instead of cooking because it takes too much time?
dairy is always good or pre boiled eggs but ultimately, start meal prepping and cooking in general.
its not gonna get easier and its better to start forming healthy habits
i have no idea if this is actually backed up by science but what i've heard is that it doesnt burn many calories on its own but it does raise your metabolism for a day or two afterwards, so its a good idea to do it at least a few times a week for general faster weight loss
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Checking in

Start date: 10 days ago

SW: 198 lbs
CW: 189.6 lbs
GW: 150 lbs

Height 5’7”
Caloric goal: 1200/day

I only hit this goal about half the time. I admit to a binge eating problem.

I won’t confuse water weight with fat loss. I know, I know.

Also, pic related is absolutely revolutionary.
>does more exercise mean more weight loss?
i think you can figure this out for yourself
>is this the correct way of thinking
Yeah, pretty much. Those 500+ calories in desert over a week is 3500 calories, which equates to 1 lb of fat
For those of you who got excess skin removal surgery how painful was it afterwards
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What the actual fuck are you doing in my hometown
what are the chances
also this is not france, it's Brittany. Do not listen to the Jacobin propagandists.
Vannes, outside of being a fucking traffic nightmare (and it only got significantly worse since the new mayor insists on making every single road either cyclist only or halfway for cyclists) and being utterly polluted by tourists half the year, is a very pretty city with a genuine late medieval city center and some of the nicest weather in Brittany
my office got pizza today, and i just broke through 30 bmi :/ trying to stay strong
dont know, will ask my mom after the surgery tomorrow
i wish my preferred reindeer jerky was like 200kcal instead of fucking 500
how come jerky has so much fat anyway? i thought you made jerky out of low-fat cuts of meat. it's like 50g out of 100
i guess i should clarify that she's getting the surgery, not me
warmer temperatures will make your body burn more calories doe
That's the opposite of the truth. A lot of calories are spent just keeping you warm, the colder it is the more calories, which is why people tend to eat so much more during winter.
is 1300 calories a good calorie budget? I did all the things in the sticky, and then took away 500 and thats the number i got. But im not losing weight fast enough but the nutritionist i saw last month said even 1300 was cutting it close to not enough so i don't know.

also i like wine, so i drink it, and im still under my calorie budget kek. not very often mind you. but i did 1216 calories today and i have 84 left for the rest of the day now :/
'fast enough' for what? you in a hurry? you one of those fats so cosmically big you're in danger of dying in a matter of months?
just take it easy
i was hoping to meet my goal weight by the end of the year. but yeah ok im not gonna die if i don't. i was more wondering if i should lower it from 1300 cals or not
>the colder it is the more calories, which is why people tend to eat so much more during winter.
I thougth SAD (seasonal depression) was the main motivator behind that and the main reason a lot of cultures have their bright and shiny holidays and festivals during the dark season.
lol yeah and the reason bears go in caves to hybernate is because they're depressed too
if you feel fine, then why not. you know your body and your reaction to lowered calories better than we do
just be aware of the usual potential consequences. muscle loss, fatigue, brain fog, feeling bad, increased binge urges, etc etc
>4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
Use this link in the sticky
that's more about food availability, innit? not really the cold. maybe for smaller animals it's about the cold because they are way way worse insulated
thanks . the only bad feels right now is my arms feel weak and fatigued. guess im finding it hard to keep lifting on lower calories. trying to punch through it at the moment but maybe i should relax a bit
Yes, they don't have enough food and they need to eat to keep warm, so they gorge up leading to winter so they can hybernate without trouble when it comes instead of dying off because they can't keep themselves fed or warm.

Were you homeschooled? Why don't you know about how energy consuming it is to keep something warm when the environment is cold?
if they werent dumb niggers and knew how to build their own shelters and preserve food then they would probably not evolve to become fat fucks in the fall so they can ride out the winter with little to no food.
people eat in the winter time because the lack of sun makes us depressed. this is why christmas was designed to happen around the winter solstice.
Lowballing calories burned per hour to 400 on a statiomary bike and trying to burn a lb per day whenever I have time I could burn maybe 4 lbs per week tart cherry juice somehow helps with feeling sore it's kind of interesting that it doesn't take too long or much exercise to burn a lb it might sound like a lot but if you stand all day at a shitty job you're already kind of used to using your legs that much anyway
>1 lb per day
Not that it's impossible on a stationary bike, you're probably going to get around 1000 after a couple hours, so 3500 would be 7-8 hours. Maybe if you worked a remote job and sat on the bike the whole day you were doing it, but you'd have to have the stamina and your ass would have some awful bed sores.
you're going to hit diminishing returns at some point
post tummy
Reminder that when you calculate TDEE use sedentary and separately calculate your weekly calorie expenditure exercising in pic related. I lift 3x a week, HIC 2x and LSS jogging once a week and "slightly active" overestimates my daily calories by 100.
love.that too bro. I put it in yogurt and a lot of other things it's amazing
This is a nooby question but please humor me:

I'm trying to figure out what my end point goal weight is for this weight loss. Also, new to lifting. What's the difference between stopping at 225/230 and eating maintenance while lifting, or going down to 210/215 and doing a slight bulk?
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How far into your fitness campaign did you have to go before you started feeling confident enough to do things you wouldve normally never done?
>take shirt off
>try to dress nicer
>talk to women
>stop pretending like you dont notice her hints
>take shirt off
I was already doing it for a while. It's seeing pics of me shirtless at a party that made me realize how fat I was.
>try to dress nicer
>talk to women
>stop pretending like you dont notice her hints
just do those things already, right now. It's not because you're fat that you have to be an asocial slob.
Yes I put one serving into a container of zero sugar cool whip for a cold treat that tastes like peanut butter ice cream but for way less calories
Some girls started to hit on my while i was still technically overweight and sporting big love handles. Obviously not 10s but it still felt nice and boosted my morale. the truth is confidence is not something that you randomly find one faithful day but it's something you train like a muscle. Many people on this board are absolute greek gods but are afraid to make eye contact to cashiers or are downright suicidal. If you don't want to end up like them start doing all of those things you listed while you're still a fatman (as long as you're not a total lard supernova).
Ive had my chances and blown them up spectacularly. I always felt like if I am sleeping with someone I should have a body that is atleast comparable to hers even if shes like a 6/10 and im only a 4/10 (for example)
I'm still a coward
Try to get that number tiers nonsense out of your mind quickly. There are obviously people blessed by genetics out there but anything between them and literal freaks of nature is fair game and the preferences are very subjective. People like confident people, so wether you're looking for a gf, casual sex or just friends you need to be confident. Start now.
>talk to women
>stop pretending like you dont notice her hints

I dont interact with women at all to know that feel
My day to day life is wake up, work, work out, shower, eat, sleep, repeat
>300 calories over today
it's so over bros
might as well just binge tonight
should I get a pizza or some butter chicken
Welcome to the wonderful and exciting world of intermittent fasting. It goes something like this:

You're done. Stop eating. Start again tomorrow.
one meal each second
That's a lot of meals anon!
Tempted to get an espresso shake after gym. Board, give me strength to resist temptation.
700 calories is still a great deficit my dude

you will heavily regret going on a binge
just get a cold latte with skim and no sugar
3 things
Salt if you're not getting 1500mg salt you'll off.
leptin hunger - nutrition not dense enough
ghrelin hunger- more water, if still a problem xantham gum shake. keep it for emergencies so the stomach shrinks tho
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normal people would throw this out but my fat brain would be telling me to tear off the bit with the ant and finish it
curse my fat brain
that's not even fat brain it's what normal people who dont waste food do
I once got some meat at a butcher's stall at the market, started eating it when I got home (it was pre roasted pork so it was just cold) and noticed there were fly eggs on it
cleaned it, rinsed them off, went over it a bazillion times and resumed eating it
At least the tapeworm you'll get will help you lose weight
I snack about 250-500cal during the day then have a 800-1000cal dinner and it makes me feel so fat and bloated but I'm not hungry enough midday to shift my "big" meal earlier

Thanks for reading my blog
My blog post, in no particular order: I've stopped counting my calories. Not sure why, I'm still eating the same things and roughly in the same amount as before. Well, except I've started introducing a limited amount of carbs in the form of chickpeas (mixing it cold with generous amount of EVOO, salt and an avocado). I've been slacking on my workouts, skipped two days, but I'm doing one today so there's that.
When I stare at the mirror, I have fleeting glimpses where I think I can almost stop disliking my body, but when I look again, I can't tell what it is that I saw exactly.
Once I fix the workout and cardio pattern again, I need to fix the sleeping pattern and then start tracking things again.
Three months to stay focused easily on this stuff is apparently my limit. Now I need to force myself to stay on task, or everything will go to shit again.
>not eating the most nutritious part, the ant
Also, I haven't technically plateau'd yet, but trendweight.com tells me I'm only losing 0.7lb/week now rather than the 1lb/week I was steadily on.
That's intentional to try to start capturing some muscle gains from my workouts, but it's still a bit of a psychological hit to see my weight loss curve flatten
I thought taking all those magic supplements was the source of my newfound and probably mystical levels of willpower, but I'm still taking them, and it's a struggle, so maybe the magic was in me all along. Until it went on vacation, anyway.
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Just came back from a 2h walk. Feels good.
new thread


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