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>Who is /fat/ for?
For dough demons who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous Thread: >>74992424
oh no why she cry
Previous one in the series was this. >>74979170
She misses the dog she thought was abandoned and wanted to adopt, but the kid who owned the dog came by to get it back so she's crying over it.
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I'm under 80 kilos against
I don't ever wanna be over 80 kilos
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i drank 3 5L energy drinks today
Seeing friends for the first time in 6 months, down 100 lbs but still over 100 to go
People are really hesitant to mention it at first but the second you bring it up they'll talk about it and say they noticed right away
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I had some chocolate muffins the other day
I'm on vacation, I'm not tracking calories, ate a big burrito
Congrats bro.
Thank you. If I can do it anyone can.
I have around 8 kilos to go
>start 375 lbs
>barely have any bodyhair
>lose 180 lbs
>turns out im a monkey and stretched skin just gave me that illusion
is getting back hair lasered off worth it
I've stopped fasting, couldn't take the hunger thoughts at night anymore
holy trips
I've been paying for a gym membership for the last two years without going to the gym.
>stretched skin
Oh yeah it's probably mostly that, I was thinking it was the hormone fluctuations
>"Reward" yourself. Cheat days only cheat yourself.
I found having them every once in a while (especially planned for trips/going out) very welcoming as long as the total calories were not over my daily maintain expenditure, at worst thats one out of 7 days not in deficit but not over either. Towards the end of my weight loss I had one every week or so but within reasonable limits obviously wouldnt much of processed trash most of the time but make the cheats myself.
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>2.3k TDEE on sedentary
>1.5k allowance
>first week is annoying, constantly want to snack and barely make it through the day without feeling snacky
>2nd week in
>hunger is cubred already
>end up eating like 1k-1.3k calories and not needing more
feels good bros.
I've been shocked at how fast that shift happened for me too
I've also been not eating within the last 4 hours of the night, and it sucked for the first few nights, but became so normal so quick.
>Decide to get healthy in all aspects
>Got the fat-loss part down feel confident
>Need to quit smoking, i'm a heavy smoker too, like 1 pack a day.
>Can quit cold turkey have done it before and lasted for years.
>Wasn't on a diet then.
>Afraid if I quit now during diet it will make me hungrier/want to snack more.
What do?
For real
Some days I'll be absolutely stuffed after dinner hitting 1600 for the day and be like "how the hell was I regularly hitting 3 times this"
I still get some junkfood or fattening food cravings once in a while though, like today I really felt like having some home made cannelloni, but that takes some discipline I guess.

Also I've found if I push through the first instict to eat breakfast as soon as I wake up and wait 1-3 hours it helps me keep to my caloric deficit if not lower during the day.
Replace your cravings with diet soda. Urge to eat? Urge to smoke? Chug soda.
Here's the thing anon. I already drink 0 calorie coke.
Went from 178 pounds to 148 in 4-5 months by just cutting snacks. I'm 5'10.
postpone it by like a month or three anon. too many sudden large lifestyles all at once don't go well for humans. once you're a little settled in and feel good eating less/exercising you can think about quitting smoking
Do I do OMAD or divide the same amount of calories in 3 meals?

What is easier to stay on without cheating?
I personaly do OMAD
It's easy and straight forward
Best way to increase metabolism after 150+ lbs weight loss? I've been eating around 1700-1800 with light cardio walks and want to increase that to 2500 if possible with weight lifting.

Thinking to just gradually increase calories while working out until it becomes maintenance then repeat, good tactic?
4 meals a day is working out nicely for me. You should give every one of those a shot and see what works well for your body.
True OMAD, like no little things throughout the day like nuts or whatever? What are you eating for the meal, lad?
Chicken and rice with some vegetables
No snacking ofc
Ever since the weekend i've been eating normal up to my tdee. I'm such a failure.
I bought a bag of potato chips. Only ate two measured bowls but I feel like this is the sort of snacking that keeps me on the plateau.
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Mom said I look like I'm losing weight
I only ate 300 calories below my TDEE today
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Is this too much? I'm eating it once per non workout day and twice per workout day.
wait how much are we meant to? i thought 100 was enough
What has been best for me is 3 meals a day, going small medium large
But I'm doing 1600 calories, if you're eating less you might be better stacking them up in less meals
500-1000 is recommended for weight loss, I usually try to eat 1500 below the TDEE but the gains goblins got me today
I'm out of state for a big conference, and it's in a college town. Everyone here's is so slim or very fat, the slims are long distance runners. There's quite a few shops dedicated to running and biking. I feel weird being so in-between, my BMI isn't 19 *OR* 37 and the extra fats look at me with bitterness while the slims look at me with smugness abd disgust. God damn it I'm 26 I'm only 4 away from dead average! I'm also staying in a hotel with a large mirror opposite the shower, so I'm just looking at my full body for the first time since my max weight. If my rose is wrapped in a towel like a woman I'm actually proud and happy with my body, but full nudes I'm so ashamed. Covered I see a nice young man, nude I see grandpa and his saggy old tits. I'm sure eventually I'll actually be proud, I know I need to get back to cardio and stop making excuses. I'm close. So close.
>Start: 247lbs
>Current: 185lbs
>Lost: 62lbs
>the extra fats look at me with bitterness while the slims look at me with smugness abd disgust.
i think it's likely you're seeing things that aren't there anon
No fatties do look at you with bitterness, especially when you start to lose weight. I had /r/loseit mods ban me because my deficit was more than 1000 calories
>I had /r/loseit mods ban me because my deficit was more than 1000 calories
Lmao Jesus
In the past both happened with a close friend who said he noticed it too. Female cardio bunny making weird smug facecat me lifting in the gym, he caught her laughing at me. Fatty slightly squinting, gritting teeth, and huffing. Everyone thinks about people they see in public, some people are just very upfront expression wise. I'm not saying EVERYONE is maliciously looking at me but I notice consistent trends.
Nobody banned you for you deficit lmao, you probably said the N word or some shit.
i was about to cut myself a slice of mozzerella despite being 100 above my TDEE today and i managed to control myself and put it away :)
Nah I got banned and even got an official reddit message asking me if I was ok because a "concerned user" reported me. Keep in mind I'm a 250 pound fat fuck and not anorexic in the slightest
Technically you'll eventually get to the weight that you eat at, but most people would like to speed up not being a lard elemental and don't want to wait years.
Most people eat at a 500-1000 deficit under their tdee when doing basic dieting.
nta but isnt 1000 small? I'm doing 2k
It scales with how fat you are
im 80 lb aiming for 40
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It's called atypical anorexia and we all have it
most people != all people
You're doing good bro. I'm at 195 and started at 245. Still got the gut, but muscles are coming in. I was surprised today when I was mogging some of the the young bucks at the gym. All my old XL shirts now look like double-breasted jackets.
Probably not just eyeballing it, but how many grams are the rice? How many grams are the chicken? What's your TDEE?
Try both and see which you like more
if you switch to brown rice and non-fried chicken breast, you could probably get something a lot more filling for the same calories
Am I reading this wrong or isn't this just when fatties develop anorexic habits? Sounds real enough to me.
I finished my eating for the day and at 8 pm my dad comes home with pho
I told him I would eat it tomorrow but I'm probably going downstairs tonight and eating it secretly like a goblin
god help me
Just drink the broth and then go for a light walk. Basically calorie neutral
That's not fried it's boiled.
I just learned about WOODY BREASTS (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woody_breast) which explains why my chicken breast comes out fucking disgusting and rubbery sometimes. I thought I was over or undercooking it, but it's just that we've genetically manipulated chickens into fucked up mutated monsters and they now occasionally make awful quality meat that makes you want to barf.
I raised wild chicken as pets as a kid, their meat tasted way better than what you get at the market, both in flavor and texture.
God I hate that shit so much. I wish I had better financial means so I could buy better chicken but I've resigned myself to the 2.99/lb cost frankenchicken breasts for the time being.

oh well disregard that then. you could add in some broccoli or cauliflaur to get some volume via veggies in although idt you asked for advice on that
I had it on my mind, but around dinner I decided to try and make it a refeed night for the first time in months.
>Some pasta (Alfredo sauce, garlic butter, shrimp)
>A small amount of turkey
>Two baked potatoes
>Tall glass of orange juice
>Two 230 calorie Lindor chocolate bars
And breakfast was
>Two thin slices of toast with peanut butter (finished the last bit of peanut butter in the jar)
I also only did one hour of cardio instead of my usual two. I'm so full right now and I don't even know if I hit my maintenance, but all the weight on my gut finally overcame my constipation. I've been to the bathroom three times in the past hour. I should probably eat some fruit for the fiber so what I ate doesn't stick with me for a while.

I hope I hit enough calories and my body decides to release the water weight it's been carrying for a week+. I've been able to make a doughnut with my belly fat since I was a kid, but right now it's like the consistency of actual dough.
the previous anon is lying to you, any chicken that lives a normal life moving around will have tough meat and taste like shit, we constantly buy "free chickens" from a guy in town and the slop from the supermarket is consistently tastier

you ARE overcooking your breasts fucking retard, that wikipedia page is so small compared to the fucking chicken industry you'd think more people would be aware of this shit? how the fuck are you always drawing the lucky woody chicken numbers, just change brands or supermarkets retard
I've never been over 160 lbs
Try using an enema for the mashed potatoes, helps absorb nutrients better.
if you raised them, they aren't wild
they are domesticated
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>Stalin weight loss for a week @ 34 BMI
>same diet in which i was doing fine for weeks now left me hungry, to the point i started to have "unplanned snacking"
>read about refeeds and boosting metabolism by loading up on carbs in a controlled manner
>"no, i will just push through, will try refeed next week if i'm still stalling"
>15 minutes later, on my way to the store to buy sourdough bread and pasta
>rush home like a motherfucker and fire up a grilled cheese sandwich, swallow it
>spaghetti with sardines, avocado and olives for dinner
>1 kg up already
well, i'll know if this shit worked in a couple of weeks i suppose, whether i stall at the same point or who knows, maybe this will send me spiralling back onto square one.
Stalin was 34 BMI? While his people went through famines? Fucked up.
> doing OMAD on the hotel breakfast buffet
heh heh
now that's saving money
You are likely vitamin deficient. Go chug a v8 juice and add more vegetables to your diet. Same thing happened to me after doing carnivore for a month.
unlikely, i eat a lot of different veggies, different meats, and diary, I was restricting to ~1000 calories per day or so tough
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>"leg" day
>hardest part of the front squat is holding up the dumbbells in front of me
Edamame tastes so good. Am I going to die?
I can guarantee you weren't getting all the nutrients you need from a 1000 calorie diet. Could be proteins. It is hard to fit in 100g of protein into 1000 calories. You also shouldn't be dieting like that in the first place. Ideally you would stick to a 400-500 calorie deficit a day. You were doing at least triple that. Just binge on some healthy food for a bit and avoid junk food to keep from gaining more weight back.
Use a barbell and stop excercising like a woman.
yeah. we all will
i was getting more than 100g of protein every day, it's not that hard as long as you have eggs and bacon for breakfast, skip lunch, snack on high protein stuff (e.g. 50g of low fat cheddar = 15g protein) and have a good dinner, use protein shakes to complement

the only thing i was definitely lacking was carbs, I also started running instead of walking so that threw me off, maybe it is unsustainable if doing cardio
>it's not that hard
you ended up binging and putting on a kilo. its hard. you should feel proud you got that far and didnt rebound harder. i personally struggle once i hit 1600 a day and 1800 seems to be my sweetspot for what i can tolerate for extended periods of time. maybe do 1600 with an optional 200 calorie snack that you can eat once a day if you feel like it? you're already eating vegetables. maybe add another 200-300 calories of veggies, another 300 of protein, then 200 optional calories from stuff like sugar free pudding or smart pop.
Kek i would lie if I told you I didn't do that on many solo vacations. I would plan my and pig out efficiently, proteins from the shitty cured meats and carbs mainly from fruit, plus a nice glass of milk and buttered bread. You can't keep it up for long because the macros are off but vacations can lose you a lot of weight.
>I'm at 195 and started at 245. Still got the gut, but the muscles are coming in.
Literally me right now except I started at 260. When the FUCK will the gut go away? I still have bitch tits too.
>sitting 24h burns 2880kcal
It kinda does, laying down in complete vegetative state for 24 doesn't consume that much less.
I wish it had sleeping
>wake up on hour 60 of fasting
>yesterday I planned my refeed hoping to be able to start prepping some of it this morning
>the idea of even touching the food repulses me
this is a bit too extreme lads I'm kind of worried
But there's still lots of work to be done. Skinilnyfat hell is one tough bitch to escape.
>Turkey stir fry last night
>Use S oy sauce since its delicious
>forget it has loads of salt in it
>wake up 2.4lbs up today
God damn it, why must I suffer like this.
>why must I suffer like this
you don't need to, just weight yourself once a week
i made myself 5 eggs for breakfast just now and am having a hard time eating them all
i guess that not eating a lot because of sleep schedule fucks you up
thanks for reading my blog
I've lost nearly all motivation and have been slipping back into old habits. I'm still 75lbs away from my goal and I really want to make it. Dumb thing is everything diet/workout oriented was going amazingly, it's just the rest of my life dragging me into the depths.
i don't consider it a binge, i was in control, the 1kg is water weight and me having my belly full, anyone who's gone low-no carbs and suddenly ate carbs will gain 1kg at least, which can be argued is my "real weight" as I don't intend to be carb free forever.

i have rebounded before, first time i dieted a couple of years ago it was with a 500 calorie deficit or so, sorry to say but you're not immune to rebounds either bro. weight loss is weight loss, it's just faster doing a harder cut, even if i'm set back a week it's still faster than the last few times. i have never made it as far as maintenance, and that's the hard part, i don't think that the way you lost the weight matters a lot as long as you do a reasonable amount of protein from whole foods and kept somewhat active, and don't completely lose your sanity.
im gonna explode after these 5 eggs
Burpees are unfathomably based, if I didn't have downstairs neighbours I'd do them all day every day and be cut as fuck.
you should post here >>75004144
My downstair neighbours are cunts so I do give them a few burpees every morning. I'd do more at the gym but I admit it I feel dumb as fuck and only do them if the gym is deserted
I went to the supermarket while fasting yesterday. I only bought what I needed but now perverted thoughts haunt me. I want to binge.
Forgot the other one for the fat friend
Probably never unless you go full gym twink which you should for a little bit because you likely have a lot of visceral fat squeezing your organs. You, like most men, naturally store most of your fat in your rape gut.
Im enjoying tracking cals and how it allows me to review the day and then fine tune for the following day. Just need to come up with some staple meal ideas that I can make and eventually not have to weigh and count because Ive done it that many times that I just know what the macro count is.
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Ive been using a lot more salt and like how my veins pop soon afterwards now that I am getting leaner. Im enjoying going back through older bodybuilding posts and trying things like omad or chicken, rice and broccoli meals. Ive also bought a tub of protein powder, probably overkill seeings as im still trying to lose weight but im keen to start having that post workout shake. Im turning into quite the bro-scientist and cant say i'm mad about it.
>farmers carry
i luv me some farmers carry but fuck my wrists afterwards
The more weight I lose the more afraid of loose skin I become. It won't stop me from losing the weight but I hate the fact I'm going to be a loose skin monster at the end. Going from 340 with 190 as my ideal end goal. Currently 295.
I ate a qauter pounder meal, a fillet of fish burger and an apple pie today.
Was it good?
the sugar you eat is the sugar you wear
>sugar is le bad
It's literally no different to anything else you put in your body. Just don't abuse it.
I have been losing 5kg per month for the last 2 months. I'm at 93 kg now, I don't remember when was the last time I was at this weight and felt this good.
If I can keep this up for 1 more month I will be very close to my goal weight.
184cm btw
I said i wasnt going to eat breakfast but then i did it anyway
>5kg per month for the last two months
So 10kg
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top brudi
I caved and ate a bunch of tictacs from the office kitchen. Like 4 or 5. I know the calories are risible but I hope they don't break my fast
>Re-sign up for gym again
>Get a free PT session
>Do it
>Realize of the time I have been lifting I have been doing it wrong
>50% increase in weight loss already
Man I feel like a retard for needing a PT right now, but the tips he has given has helped ten fold more.
How did you arrive to that conclusion?
I did some advanced maths. 5x2=10.
Don't EVER feel bad for not knowing something. Now that you know, apply yourself and be proud of that knowledge.
Almost as if the person with a specific job is good and knows better than you when it comes to that job
Don't feel dumb anon, you learned new stuff
I always cook my chicken well I'm not an idiot. There are just outliers which are garbage, this is not a conspiracy or niche phenomenon. Farmers even check for that shit.
You would be surprised how much your average retard gym pt is. It's a sales role.
But can you prove it?
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Technically you only did one type of math, arithmetic, so saying maths would be incorrect.
Been going strong for nearly 6 week on a 1000-1200 deficit every day. I drink a lot of alcohol still but count those calories so i never get past a certain treshold, and i still eat on irregular times since i like to nap a lot.
Went from 156 to 146 in that time but i feel like i could do more still.

What changed in comparison to previous 'diets' was that i put my sole focus on calorie count instead of watching what i eat, working out and other forms of self-improvement. I get to be obsessive about this one thing but eventually i want to incorporate working out regularly of course.
Got under 90kg from 105kg but weightloss feels fucking stuck. Lost 15kg by just eating smaller portions and too lazy to count calories. As 178cm king on of manlets 78kg would be my dream weight(had barely visible abs decade ago @78kg)
Stop drinking alcohol tard
Been sick the past few days and wasn't able to run but I've still been doing good diet wise.
I will. I acknowledge that i'm addicted.
>I acknowledge that i'm addicted.
ok and then what? get help
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>152 kg two weeks ago
>Start fasting
>Dropped to 147 kg
>Ankles no longer swollen anymore so I can fit in my shoes again
>Not even hungry anymore
>Normal blood pressure
>Start getting morning wood again
Think I'm gonna go for a walk. For the first time in 30 years, I feel like I'm gonna make it. We're all gonna make it.
>lose 5kg
>claims everything is fixed
5kg is literally big dumb for bloatmaxer
Good luck bro
I didn't claim that. I'm just feeling good today.
You're 147kg. Don't feel good.
>Ideally you would stick to a 400-500 calorie deficit a day.
most people in this thread are doing 1k+, it seems. Personally I'm at 800 but I go higher sometimes.

Tomorrow I'll weigh less. And the day after that. And probably the day after that too. For the first time since 'rona I feel like improoving.

Thanks man.
>nooooo you can't feel good about your progress you have to be miserable and self hating nooo
you are NEVER going to make it
I've already made it more than you ever will. Try not to eat that 15th donut today fatty.
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Hope this infection clears soon, I want to go back to cutting, grah.
>That feeling when you catch some bitches giving you the mire in the steeet
Jesus I feel so fucking powerful
Post pic and let's see if someone would actually mire you
very nice man
That's the amazing thing anon. I still look like ass but lost weight and that fucking confidence boost makes you shine. I'm just ecstatic at the idea that this is just the beginning, that I can achieve so much more. Holy fuck I feel pumped , you have no idea.
your fuckups make me so happy i got a dog
So you're a whale still, you did not get mired. They might have looked at you with concern that you might eat them. But not to mire.
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Imagine waking up in the morning going "Hmm, today I will go troll and demoralize the weight loss thread on 4chan"
The only people who open fat loss threads are fat men. It's like those people who open the femboy threads on /gif/ to tell the world they're not gay
>allowing someone to be delusional is OK
Isn't the entire point of this general to stop people fatty coping and help them actually progress in life.
Nah we get fat women here from time to time too.
>wow I'm happy, things are going well!
There is a difference between telling anon his 5th butter stick of the day is a bad idea and telling anon his good mood is fake.
But it is fake, he didn't get mired. He's delusional.
Just use the report button and ignore xer posts
I went out to get some finger food and 1 beer needed a "reward" been going hard for 2 months I'm down 60 pounds.
I got potato skin and tons of jalapenos, jalapenos are my fucking JAM!
Haven't had this type of food in some type, next super nasty shits for 2 days on the 3th days the most painful hemorrhoid, sitting down is painful I cant even really think other then the pain.
But everyday I've been biking for 1 hour so I had to do it for the most of the ride I was standing up on my bike 30 mins mins in I found a way I could sit down on the sit without too much pain.
Today its better I think I can workout without blinding white pain in my ass
jalapenos isn't my jam anymore.
just like, plain jalapenos?
Yes, plain
I have a mount on them on those potato skins like 4-5 on each one I had 4 potato skin
but body just isn't adjusted to spicy food anymore maybe idk
Let me be real with you anon. You won't hurt my spirit, I still have a long road ahead of but I'm no fool. Life's too much of a bitch and a struggle to prevent myself from appreciating the little positives I can get. All weight losses journeys start with a first pound, if you can't appreciate that then what's the fucking point? If you can't let yourself feel joy for all those steps as miniscule as you deem them to be then it's just condemning yourself to a bitter unhappy life.
Don't get me wrong I don't lose weight or try to change for the benefit of others, I do it for me but I won't ever delude myself into thinking that any sort of positive feedback is an obstacle or an illusion. Shame on you for trying to make someone ashamed of their joy.
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Just sounds like fatty cope to me
oof, throw out your candy m8
>wasting calories and money on literal vomit flavored sugar bars that dont even pass as chocolate
shiggy diggy
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I ate a horrendously bad breakfast but at least it isn't candy.
To any of you out there who have actually made it and have the experience to comment, how much of an improvement in muscle mass can you realistically make in a week or two of heavy lifting to failure and eating big with lots of protein? Enough to offset say 3 months of muscle loss during a steady 1k caloric deficit? I lost a ton of weight but I feel like I also gave up way too much muscle and I want some back but I don't want to delay making more weight loss progress. I don't have months to stop and lift and eat big. I need to keep steadily losing weight for an upcoming surgery in about 5 months. Any comments on taking a 1 to 2 week break for muscle bulking? Worth or nah? I am a DYEL fatty with spaghetti arms.
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schizo on suicide watch after this post
Chug a shitload of fiber anon, that is what has worked for me. It might give you diarreah on the first days but eating 5-6grs of fiber per meal will keep you full for a while. Also low calorie snacks help, if your body feels your stomach is full your diet stress will take a longer time to rise.
Out of curiosity, what's your weight/height and what are you aiming for 5 months from now?
where you eating fiber from?
Potatos and jalapenos on their own are not inherently unhealthy and long as you log them. You could probably work this into your diet if you wanted to. Also there might be some research about spicy food and weightloss but you know how diet research is.
has the same calories as his candy you just enjoyed it less lmao
Potatoes have no calories if you boil them and don't drink the liquid.
Do you need advice for quitting? I had a pretty rough addiction and have been alcohol free for a year and a half.
absurdly based
>eat "food" that you cant digest to suppress apetite that you have because that same "food" is not satiating enough
i will never understand you brainwashed shits
>5-6grs of fiber per meal will keep you full for a while
physically full, not satiated, meaning he'll still have cravings, if he just ate anything satiating like practically any animal product, he'd have less cravings
>eat breakfast
>still hungry
235 lbs and 6'0. I would like to be under 200 in 5 months. Weight loss plateaued hard these last 5 or so pounds. Can't keep up any progress. I think it's because I have literally anorexic looking arms under the fat. Same for my chest, abs, back, shoulders etc. Only my calves are jacked.
cravings are not hunger. you still get them even if you're sated. you need to fill yourself up so you don't feel like eating anymore just as you finished your meal.
Fatty Contest

I feel like the loss slowed down a lot. Very sad.
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Gonna try it and see things for myself. It kinda makes sense. And be honest, you dont only drink when you are thirsty.

We mostly drink because its enjoyable to drink.
bro you are 6'2 89 is good enough
Huh? I'm neither 6'2 nor is 89 good enough for someone who is. Are you coping?
Fuck it. Gonna start doing extended fasts. Gonna aim to make them as Dry as possible.

Im so tired of living in Fat difficulty bros.

Anyway, good morning faggots:
SW 97kg
CW 89.5kg
CurrentGoal: Less than 87kg by 08/07
GOAL: Less than 74kg
I'm 6'3 and I found that weight training (as a new lifter) jacked my appetite up to unsustainable levels. I guess it just depends on what you want at this point. If you're a beginning lifter you can maintain weight and recomp very well. Idk how much muscle we lose as weight loss goes on, but honestly it can be gained back. I think the whole preserving muscle mass during a cut applies to people who have been lifting a decent amount of time and have to fight for every pound of muscle.
manlet detected, don't comment on shit you don't know about
Got it, so you are coping. Have a good day fatty.
The appetite thing is definitely true. I wasn't hungry before lifting and while losing weight but once I started lifting I was eating 150g protein and 3000 calories like it's nothing. I hope at least that week long break helped rebuild some muscle. I am a new lifter and I do feel like when I look in the mirror, my physique is more built up on my upper body for once. But at the same time it's a week and I know muscle is the slowest thing to change so I'm trying to keep my hype in check. Gonna dry fast the next 2 days and see where things lead by Saturday. If it goes well and I'm back in the 220s then I'll roll right into a carnivore diet and try to get 1800 calories a day and continue lifting to hopefully maintain what muscle I have.
I eventually lost mine after starting at 260. The first time I got down to 165 the gut was gone and I had abs. I cut down to 157 and just barely still had tits. I bulked back up to 181 and now that im back to 172, fhe tits are gone and I havs abs. Best Ive ever looked too. Theres hope.
>I lost a ton of weight but I feel like I also gave up way too much muscle and I want some back but I don't want to delay making more weight loss progress
Muscle memory helps here, but will take longer than 2 weeks. Lost muscle comes back faster than the first time you built it Maybe do a month long recomp phase at maintenence calories and hop back on the diet. Youre not perma fucked so dont worry too much.
Good luck man. I wish I could just eat maintenance and start lifitng, but I'm not happy with where my belly is. I have ~25lb to go, then I'm going to hang around 230 for a while (which is a good weight for me, belly will be much much reduced) and focus on lifting at maintenance calories for a while and see what I feel like doing. Here's a good video on the topic, he gives great information in the beginners' segment.

Id avoid his new videos. Theyre very clickbaity nowadays and not as informative either. Check out his old fat loss made simple lecture series.
Yeah I definitely take everything he says with a grain of salt. Never trust anyone 100%
>take advice from a roider
ok boomer
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and other insane things fatties tell themselves
for sweet cravings those protein puddings you can now buy everywhere for cheap helped me a lot, they're often like 120-160 calories per cup and around 15-20g of protein.
Now when I crave sweets I just eat a cup, fuck regular sweets, even if they're inside your calories because you'll never escape the sweets Satan if you keep worshiping at His altar
he splits the advice between natties and roiders
I fell off the wagon. I haven't properly counted calories in 3 days. I haven't exercised or gone for walks for 10.
I wonder if I'll be able to stick with it.
i dont count calories, i just eat until im satiated
we are not the same
Weigh yourself every day. Mark a weight in which if you reach you will 100% go back in the wagon.
setbacks happen, but you're making a lifestyle change that eventually is going to have to stick. anyone can lose weight and the first little bit is really the hardest. once your body's adapted to fewer calories and less food, and once you've really accustomed yourself to counting calories and it becomes habit rather than something you're actively convincing yourself to do, things do get easier. i hope you can get back on the horse, anon. even just forcing yourself to count for a day or do a few pushups or a 30 minute walk is habit-forming. you're building habits.
yeah you're fat and im not
we are not the same
Hes fallen off the wagon, but I do think the goal should be that once you lose all the weight you train yourself to be able to estimate calories in food and live a healthy active lifestyle that keeps you fit. Id imagine weekly or monthly weigh ins help as well. This is way down the line though. Like a full year without rebounding.
then why are you here?
cute nuns
track even if you're eating like shit. everything that goes into your mouth should be weighed. i track even when I get high. although i've stopped using canabis since then
Weight has been the same unstable it was after I started exercise. It doesn't really change in such a short period of time though. But I agree with your suggestion. That's what I plan on doing once I lose enough fat.
A year is fine. It's the longer term that's an issue for me. I was 104 kg and got it down to below 80 kg. This stayed for a while, but then 3-4 years later I was up to 114 kg (maybe COVID had some impact). Now I'm down to about 94 kg, 8 kg till normal weight, but I'm more worried about my body fat. I think I'm gonna have to go below 80 kg.
I personally think its best to get into the midpoint of normal bmi, maintain for a month or two, then bulk up slowly and finally cut again. Having some muscle mass helps to bring TDEE up which is a necessity with how shit american food is. Im fairly muscular, lift, and do cardio and even I get fat if I freely eat american food. It may as well be heroin with how unhealthy and addictive it is. People may call that hyperbole, but look at how many people our food kills or atleast causes people to have shit quality of life.
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it's OHP day
kill yourself nigger
same. that means its also deadlift day
and i WILL start adding negative pull ups today
the chad k-on poster vs

the virgin bocchi the rock poster
Humans weren't meant to have food at it's current prices, we need to go back to the times a bar of chocolate was a monthly luxury.
>Eating chocolate ever
junk food is expensive as fuck though, cookies, crackers and chips are through the roof, mcDs is literally calling people poorfags because they are eating less of it
Dae get this deep craving that manifests physically in your solar plexus?

180cm. SW: 102kg. CW: 94 kg. Daily 1800kcal. Been plateauing at 94 for 3 weeks so I did 1500kcal + extra water this past week just to get past the plateau. I never really had a problem with cravings before but man rn I'm feeling this massive cavernous gnawing in my midchest. I dont know what this is. 1500kcal isn't that bad so idk what I am not doing right?
Fatty Contest
254.0 lbs

Back on low calorie diet and sustainable rather than explosive fluctations, keto is not for me.
went maccas for a little treat last week and it was 15 quid for a big mac meal and nuggies, couldn't fathom what i saw
part of the joy of fast feed is that you can destroy your body for cheap and now they expect me to destroy my body at a premium? sod off
Fatty contest
What keeps you guys motivated? What's your driving force?
i want to be pretty
Plateaus are fucking weird man one time I had to eat near maintenance to break it because my body was holding onto water weight because it's retarded
A lot of people(not just those who post in FPH threads) think of the obese as subhuman. I don't want to be shunned because of some lard.
i just like going to the gym, the feeling of emptyness after a decent session calms me down i think, esp if my mind is filled with irl bullshit before i go there
I want to sex women
I have my own family as an example of what can and will happen if I am fat in old age. It's not just mobility issues - they have a very noticeable cognitive decline either from the T2 diabetes, excessive fat causing inflammation, poor blood circulation, etc. My mind and my health are my most prized possessions and all my other riches in life (quality time with loved ones, financial success, enjoying hobbies) flow from it. It is about appearance but it's way more than that.
A question for a 40 yo with a BMI of 31. My plan is to start to eat better to loose fat and lift weight to avoid loosing too much muscle (bulking a bit only after getting to a reasonnable fat level). Noob at weightlifting. I'll be eating at calorie deifcit, so, do I need to modify my weightlifting program or can i run it normally (probably GZCLP, or a simple one like adviced)? I mean i have time and can increase load slowly, but is there someting else to do when you are on a calorie deficit? Longer sets etc? Or just go with the flow of a noob program?
In 2019 I went down from 240 to 185ish in the summer so i could ask out a girl i really liked in college. came back after break and she got a bf who was fatter than me kek.

moral is don't do anything for women. do it for yourself and your fatbros
>In 2019 I went down from 240 to 185ish in the summer so i could ask out a girl i really liked in college.

>came back after break and she got a bf who was fatter than me kek.

Even in real life, you can't beat the Ugly Bastard cock
I successfully did proper pushups for the first time in my life today. Neat.
It's okay. They got married, she got fat, and then they divorced.

I'm still single af tho
Sex. Sexo. Sexe. Ceкc. Also, jokes aside, most people blatantly assume fat people are dumb. Sometimes this goes to my advantage but hurts my pride more often than not.
sex, back health, being able to run, climb, swim, and do other functional human movements
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>My a1c is 5.4
How over is it for me? This isn't a good score.

Will losing another 20 pounds bring it down?
>For people without diabetes, the normal range for the HbA1c level is between 4% and 5.6%. If your levels are in the range of 5.7%-6.4%, it means you have prediabetes and a higher chance of getting diabetes. Levels of 6.5% or higher mean you have diabetes.
It's normal but it's the upper range of normal, a lot of the people I see online say you want 5.1
Do those people have medical qualifications? Your time might be better spent worrying about more impactful things.
>Sex. Sexo. Sexe. Ceкc. Also, jokes aside, most people blatantly assume fat people are dumb. Sometimes this goes to my advantage but hurts my pride more often than not.

Ah but it's great when they underestimate the "fat retard", isn't it?
I mean yes it's useful but they don't really recognize the fact that you outdid their expectations.
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>mix 150g of greek yogurt with 15g whey protein
>tastes awesome and has awesome macros
>buy bigger tub of greek yogurt and mix with whey protein in a bowl
>separate in smaller containers and put in freezer for protein froyo for the week
>next day (today), eat three pots in one day
how could I fucking fall for this trap, it's not tremendous damage but I've been successfully dieting for months and my brain still plays these fucking tricks on me
This is why I don't do food prep beyond my meals for the day, my fat ass would eat it all
Lidl has some heavenly greek yogurt (the fatty kind, but better macros than most) but they only sell it in 1kg tubs. I KNOW my fat ass would grab a spoon and finish it in one sitting (indeed it has many times in the past)
Make sure your yogurt has no sugar added no fat added, and what flavor is your protein powder? Buying something blander might help.
i don't know honestly. i have rationalizations but they're not really the REASON i'm doing it. i just felt like losing weight one day so i did
I just do it to see if I can
compare this binge to how you used to binge. the fact you binged on greek yogurt with ahey inatead of ice cream or junk food is a type of progress in itself. dont worry about it and get back to dieting.
Holy fucking BASED
I want to live as long as possible, feel confident with my body and be healthy.
>fat people are dumb
It's a correct assumption. How many fatties do you know in high IQ careers? Do you know anyone in a high IQ career?
Blog update.
I finished my very first 72hrs fast. I've done plenty of 48s in the past but I never pushed forward. I had absolutely no problems (outside of underestimating how much snek juice I needed) but today I had to walk around town a lot and absolutely hated how week I was feeling. I will do this again, but not often.
Mediterranean dinner was very tasty. I chose very filling stuff like liver and eggplant which was a massive mistake. I was already full with the side dishes, and I've waited some time before being able to start the liver. I will probably take a while to finish, which will take hrs from my next fast. Next time I'll choose more calorie dense food and greens.
Overall a good experience. I feel extremely thirsty which means I won't weight myself tomorrow. I fear a cataclismic shit brewing.
I find it easier personally if I mealprep. The thing I hate the most about dieting is having to weigh and track every time I want to eat breakfast lunch or dinner.
>cook once a week
>time for lunch
>open freezer
>stick container in microwave for 5mins
>add the meal into my tracking app
>weighing, tracking, and prepping 3 times a day
Huh good idea maybe I should go a week at 2000 or something, just to get things going

I also just drank literal salt water and i feel much better, that gnawing in my chest is gone
>little brother is coming into town so mom likes to spoil him with good snacks (he got the perma-thin genes though so it's not an issue)
>she buys him this
>get curious so open it and try it
>tastes like famous dave himself cumming directly into my mouth
>make sure to close it after only eating half a serving on some crackers

goddamn no wonder this country is so fat when tasty food is so available.
>100kcals x 2tbsp
Christ you might as well drink a couple spoonful of olive oil straight from the bottle
switch to zyn and then gradually wean yourself off nicotine entirely
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Nice try.
post belly
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I'm just gonna go cold turkey, started today and so far 8 hours smoke free. I just gotta keep myself strong, chewing gum or having a toothpick on my mouth helps.
been obsessing about food and trying to justify eating my maintenance calories
ate some fruit but it didn't help
think im gonna eat something light and try to get away with a 200~cal deficit today
>that gif
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take the potato pill anon. 75 calories per 100grams of peeled boiled or baked potatoes (assuming you dont add oil or butter). super filling and good calories per gram. i eat tatters to help me keep my deficit without feeling hungry
>bake some potatoes with the skin on till theyre tended inside probably 1 hour depending on size
>dig out the insides into a bowl
>maybe some fat free cream cheese
>add lean protein
forgot to add, to be safe always weight and track potatoes as raw peeled. they lose weight during cooking.
eating maintenance for a day or two won't kill you

I do well with basically any basic carb source except rice. Idk what it is about my genetics but I fucking love wheat and anything derived from it. Potatoes are good too. If you want a faster method of cooking them, especially during a hot summer day when you don't want to put the oven on, the pressure cooker is a great alternative.
>I do well with basically any basic carb source except rice. Idk what it is about my genetics but I fucking love wheat and anything derived from it. Potatoes are good too. If you want a faster method of cooking them, especially during a hot summer day when you don't want to put the oven on, the pressure cooker is a great alternative.
same, some long grain rice is nice sometimes, the other day i meal prepped some rice with chicken and a light sauce of parm and fat free cottage cheese, it was dope. greek yogurt with rice and some beef with spicy tomato sauce goes crazy too. but i only eat rice once every other week it gets boring fast.
rice just doesn't fill me up at all no matter what I eat it with
What an impressively bad argument.
the absolute redpill is to cook the rice into the juices left in the tray or pan where you cooked something. Being on a diet there won't be too much fat to be left behind but you can make up with an extra ladle of stock. Kinda like a paella or a risotto. You need the proper rice grain tho
How am I supposed to count calories when I have to eat out at places that don't list calorie counts or even all of the ingredients?
There are a lot of snake oil salesmen in fitness. I don't see why you need to be freaking out just because one of them told you that your a1c, which is at a medically good level, needs to be lower.
dont eat out at those places.
You don't, really. If I'm forced to eat out for social reasons I just don't eat anything all day and stuff my face with some big omelette or something before heading to the restaurant, so a)I don't get the urge to pork out b)I assure myself of getting at least some proteins. Skip dessert and drink water and you'll be fine if you do it just once in a while.
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Why not just normally at 500 kcal deficit while going out for an 1 hour walk everyday (8000 steps? It's an easy 0,5 kg weight loss every week.
good idea
i was actually thinking about buying potatoes but this just reinforced my decision
That sounds delish, but like I said I get no satiety from rice. I can eat a fuckload of it if I want to, though.
Just stab the potato with a fork repeatedly, wrap in a paper towel and microwave for 2-5 minutes depending on size. I eat them whole with nonfat plain greek yogurt now instead of sour cream.
I am starting to feel the effects of my diet in a really intense way lately. I’ve been lifting/lowering my calories since November. I was fasting since before then. I was on 1500, reached a plateau, then went on 1400 as of last week. It’s starting to affect my energy, weightlifting, and overall mood to a degree that I don’t like the person I’m becoming. I am no where near my leanness goal at 156 (weighed in the morning), my height being 5’10”. I know there’s no helping it, but I feel like I am just wasting away before I get a chance to bulk/add lean mass. By all metrics I am succeeding; I look better and my weight loss is steady, but I just feel so awful. I know I need to keep going, but I just wanted to share.
The main place in question is the cafeteria at my workplace. If I get food from there then I can with through lunch and go home an hour earlier. If I leave to get lunch then I'll lose (optimistically) an hour a day, which is really rather not do. I could bring my lunch for now, but they're threatening to get rid of the fridges and microwaves soon.
just bring stuff that doesnt need refrigeration or heating like a sandwich or a wrap. or bring just a snack like a cereal bar or a small bag of low calorie chips and a banana, youll save calories on lunch and problem solved.
You can technically eyeball calories and try to eat intuitively but it's just going to be dieting on hardcore mode. Alternatively, if it's a buffet type cafeteria, you could just go on OMAD and decide that lunch is your only meal of the day. You won't be able to track your deficit but it's going to be hard for you to reach 2000kcals if you steer away from the wrong things. Anyway I'd suggest to stomp your feet and keep bringing lunch from home.
Eat at mainentance at week, it helps a lot with this.
Dude youre not gonna get shredded if youre already 156 at 5'10. Youre gonna end up with a gut and emaciated arms. Its time to bulk back up cleanly to 180 or so over 4-6 months, then make another run back to 155.
I want to lose weight faster.
I’m going to give it a shot on Monday. It’s been a while so I need to hit up sailrabbit.
Wouldn’t this just be adding fat to the fat I already have? I’m not against this at all, mind you, in fact I’m probably looking for an excuse to lean bulk.
>How many fatties do you know in high IQ careers? Do you know anyone in a high IQ career?

Bruh the halo effect is just people being retards, IQ has nothing to do with it. All the more reason to stop being a lardass but being thin doesn't make you smarter, it just makes people PERCEIVE you as smarter
You probably won't have to eat a week near maintenance, just like two days or so. Are you getting chills, fatigue, brain fog?
Fuck bros, I got Covid a few days ago but didn’t want to stop my daily exercise. First couple of times were alright, and it cleared up my congestion, but today was hell. Could barely jog and had to settle for walking most of the daily 3 miles I do.
Post body or at least a good bf%. You may be percieving yourself as worse than you really are. For some people it's really hard to shed that last bit of love handles or pouch, and if you feel like you're hurting yourself for trying it's probably not the case. It might also be loose skin, or you might just have very little muscles.
>You may be percieving yourself as worse than you really are.
This is what im thinking. When I posted on /fat/ regularly I got down to 157 5'10 from 260 lb. The process really did my head in and it became hard to properly ascertain my physical state. I wasn't depressed mind you, but I didn't realize just how good for shape I was in.

>For some people it's really hard to shed that last bit of love handles
for me it was the lovehandles.

>you might just have very little muscles.
I suspect it may be the case for him. If he's 157lb at that height and still has a bit of a belly, he's going to need to put on some muscle before he can get thinner in a way thats healthy.

>Post body
Not a bad idea imo. Im sure he's fine. I remember a year ago people posted body here regularly and most people were very intelligent about their feedback.
Even though I’ve lost 50 pounds already, I have none. I just forced myself to eat twice a day for a few days so that it’d become routine, and did the same with walking.
I still have no motivation but go work out an hour a day every day. At this point the inly thing driving me forward is that I would feel like I wasted time and effort if I gain weight back.
I want to look in the mirror and go ''Damn I look good!''. And I want to feel more comfortable in my body. When I was at my fattest all clothes felt uncomfortable and it was annoying to bend over with a fat belly etc. I've gotten plenty of sex as a fatty but the quality of sex and confidence will improve massively as weight go down.
Same anon as >>75009048

>Wouldn’t this just be adding fat to the fat I already have? I’m not against this at all, mind you, in fact I’m probably looking for an excuse to lean bulk.
Yes a little bit. You want to shoot for an even ratio of fat to muscle gained. You'll look better by the end of it, your metabolism wont be crushed by the dieting and youll have more muscle to add to your metabolism, making the weight loss easier. Hell you'll even look better than you did at the same weight. Consider this your excuse to lean bulk. Bulking was the best thing I did. Really helped my mental state. Made me more accepting of my body too. I look wayyyy better now too. Like I actually lift.
Good luck confesión? Sadly I am doing dry fasting so nothing to confess here
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This is from just now, I tried not to flex anything to give a more accurate representation. My main concern is the small apron of fat near my belly button.
WAGMI, even you anon, especially you.
What was your starting weight for this cut and how long have you been cutting?
I'm completely new to actively trying to lose weight (although I have slowly been losing weight thanks to me taking my dog on walks and shit) and am at 254 lbs right now, and I have to know - when do you stop feeling so fucking hungry? I portion my food and eat what is obstensibly a normal amount and I still want to eat at least 2x more. Is this just how it is being fat? Does it get easier or do you just learn to live with it?
You look good brother. That's mostly some bad loose skin. You're not going to get rid of it easily, I've read a thousand methods but I'm not sure which one would work. I'd say to start lean bulking to fill up that pouch with abs.
So, it mainly “clicked” for me around 2022, where I was strict with calories in/out. I wasn’t exercising. I started incorporating exercise around November of last year. My starting weight was about 219.
I appreciate that man. I heard another anon recommend that to someone else as well.
This is what I did but bigger deficit
ate around 1.8k kcals, walked 1.5 hours a day, roughly 12500 steps and have been losing 1 kg a week consistently since 150 kgs, now at 87. Adjusted a calories a few times obviously but always kept protein higher
Damn dude that's a long fucking diet, but congrats on the results. You'll feel amazing in the gym once you start eating a slight surplus ie 250-500

Post what you ate yesterday and anons will give you feedback on how to make it more filling. It took me months after I started tracking calories to zero in on my mistakes and make my food very satiating and healthy
This has been a lifelong battle, unfortunately. On the plus side, it has always been a downward trend weight wise. I am really looking forward to my lean bulk.
good job but dont die bro
First of all, you look strong. Congrats. I also have some loose skin. Best way to address that is to bulk back up a bit. Do exercises that target the obliques, abs, and lower back. Sideways medicine ball throws, hanging leg raises, deadlifts without a belt. Thisll fill your abdominal region and lower back out, stretching the skin back into place. Thats whats helped me out. I dont have as tight a waist now, but the belly skin got stretched out. Here I am after my first bulk and halway through the subsequent cut. Also my starting point on the left. Honestly bro, we're both ready for the beach.
Don't confuse hunger with stress eating. Some slight hunger is the price to pay to lose weight, the urge to stress eat will get better if you stay consistent. As the other anon said the key is cooking delicious stuff that fills you up and satisfy you.
Yeah. I felt awful today and might skip tomorrow if I still feel bad.
Holy shit, that is insane progress. I am currently doing hanging leg raises, but I will definitely incorporate that other stuff. I stopped doing DLs in the middle of my progression because I was getting so gassed, so I was saving them for my bulk-up. I appreciate the advice man
I'm 1 kg every 6 days. I wanted to be borderline underweight and lose 28.3 kg, so that's about 170 days, a bit under 6 months. At your rate it would take me about 13 months.
Midpoint of normal BMI is very far. At my current body fat estimate I would have to be sub 9% body fat. Based on the current estimate even if I lost 5 kg of non-fat mass like muscle I would still be 15% body fat if I were in the mid point if my BMI range.

The estimate could of course be wrong, but my plan that I'm back on track with is to lift all the way there. 21.7 BMI send like it's going to take years to reach though unless I stop exercising or start fasting
Took me 4 years bro. Glad you made it quicker than I did. You just havent realized it yet.
I also stopped deadlifting while losing the weight btw. So happy to be doing them again. Cant wait to do some once im done training shoulders today.
The major lifts are really humbling when you’re on a major calorie limit. I knew if I tried to go hard without enough fuel, I would tweak/injure something, and not have enough energy to fuel recovery. I’m going to focus on strength when the bull starts and get back into it.
the r/loseit crowd are a bunch of faggots. They don't want to make any sacrifice and God forbid if you tell them to just go lifting
I literally cut out all compound lifts other than bench press for the majority of the years I cut in leiu of isolation work with loooong rest periods. Pro-tip: Presses are the first thing you'll lose strength in during a cut due to worse leverages from the lack of fat and glycogen depletion. If youre not doing them, nows the time to start again. Also, dont bodybuild. Its awful for your mental health. Definitely do the bodybuilding training, but try to make the goal performance in a sport or martial art. You want your goal to be being the best you can be and having fun, not to try to fix yourself anymore.
I’m currently doing them, but with dumb bells since it’s less dangerous to fail them solo. I’m definitely going to revisit the barbell. And that’s a great point- I just need to pick a sport to focus on
starving yourself is easier than counting calories
counting and logging calories is a humiliation ritual
literally just fast
can't really trust calories can you?
i'm doing omad currently and also i-dont-wanna-cook, so last two days has been 200g pasta (200g uncooked) with tomato pesto. should land me around 900-1000 calories, but seeing the plate with so much pasta made me call bs. today i cut the portion down by 30% or so, and i feel like i'm in a calorie deficit now unlike yesterday
or you could just eat what you're meant to -> animal products and never be hungry and lose weight doing it
i don't mind hunger, makes me feel something
Calm down, Sirus
have a feeling i'll end up with loose skin on my thighs and stomach. really dreading it. i just know that if that happens i'll lose all control and just regain everything i've lost so far since there's no point in being thin if i'll never be able to be naked in front of someone else. 15lbs left to finally see the truth
it wouldn't be /fit/ without fad diet retards, quick results seeking retards, and food monomania retards
you could always save up for surgergy
>lost 1 week of below maintenance by overeating the past 2 days
As usual..
doesnt work that way but ok
It does, /fit/ said so.
Easier to gain than to lose fat.
You sound that you already decided consciously that you want to become a fatty again. Why else would you care that much? Why else would you make these nihilist comments 15lbs away from your goal?
not true, its dependant on what you eat
2 examples:
if you eat too much sugar/carbs which your body cant process, you'll be store more fat
if you eat low enough sugar/carbs to get into ketosis, you'll start using up your fat instead of the glycogen in your muscles/liver
idk, maybe i do. losing weight so far hasn't led to any improvements in life. if i end up with loose skin then i'll just accept my fate as a fatty forever
>Why else would you make these nihilist comments 15lbs away from your goal?
Weight loss can really fuck someone's mental state. Both the process and not being able to accept the changes to your body. We should be a little more understanding.

>losing weight so far hasn't led to any improvements in life
thats the hard part. taking the first step to making changes to our lives after the weight loss. after that first step, you'll see how much easier it is when the wind is at your back.
His mental state seems particularly fucked tho. Maybe he should ask for help irl. I can compliment him for his progress on weight loss but not fix his unjustified terror of it being useless
>His mental state seems particularly fucked tho. Maybe he should ask for help irl. I can compliment him for his progress on weight loss but not fix his unjustified terror of it being useless
You're right man, but a lot of people come here because they have no one to lean on for such a personal struggle. A lot of us have no one we're close to.
I think the fear of developing visible loose skin by losing 15 pounds is completely irrational and the dude needs to hear the truth, I'm sorry.
I agree
What were you eating?
does it help if you do those workouts when youre just starting with fatloss? will it make any loose skin better when youre near target weight or does it not matter? wondering if i should be proactive, i just started and im about 1 year off from target weight.
>does it help if you do those workouts when youre just starting with fatloss? will it make any loose skin better when youre near target weight or does it not matter? wondering if i should be proactive, i just started and im about 1 year off from target weight.
Honestly, I don't know. I did lift the entire 4 years though. Sometimes I focused on losing weight more, sometimes I focused on lifting more. Every 40 or so pounds lost, I'd let myself bulk up 15 pounds then repeated. I think if you just do your best, eat right, and get in the gym consistently things will work out in the long term.
>get in the gym consistently
Thing is I cant afford the gym atm, I have a bike machine at home that has some resistance settings and also moving arm bars, so atm i use that 20-30mins a day on max resistance, and i have some adjustable dumbells that i do some standard arm, back, core and leg workouts (planks, squats, biceps, triceps, lats etc).
Baked potatoes and bacon, cola on the first day.
2 servings of steak, cola on the 2nd, these on top of my normal 3 meals.
I got that physique almost entirely from kensui adjustable dumbells. Only other thing I used until recently was a smith machine for bench press. I did do a lot of compound lifts the first 8 months or so, but it was really the dumbells that did the work. The bike machine is also amazing.
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this is the workout plan i do with dumbells, they are adjustable up to 10kg. atm as im a total beginner and havent done anything other than sit at my pc for the last 3 years im doing 5kg.
Most of that is good, but buy a bench. Floor press sucks. Swap floor press for dumbell bench press and the close grip bench press for dumbell flies or incline bench press. swap the plank for crunches, ideally while holding a dumbell as you get stronger. swap reverse fly with lateral raises or dumbell upright row.
yeah i fucking hate having to use the floor, maybe i should get a bench from amazon one that folds up and can support my fat ass. thanks dude didnt think of that.
and dont worry about pausing on the overhead press. the pause doesnt drive muscle growth. its a slow eccentric that drives more muscle growth. if possible swap the standing bicep curl for seated concentration curl. Just notice, your program is fine, but some minor variations on the movements will get you more gains. you're pretty close to a decent routine.
>yeah i fucking hate having to use the floor, maybe i should get a bench from amazon one that folds up and can support my fat ass. thanks dude didnt think of that.
thats exactly what you should do. get one that inclines and declines. heading to mma practice now, but ill be back online when the next thread drops. feel free to ask more questions and ill get back to you in the new /fat/ to help out.
>if possible swap the standing bicep curl for seated concentration curl.
i was doing preacher curls lately actually using my desk chair at a 90 degree angle, preacher curls feel like im engaging my biceps much better so ive stuck with that.
good call i do tbe same with my adjustable bench. floor press sucks for the same reason preacher curl is awesome. The deep stretch is the mkst hypertrophic part of the movement and floor press limits ROM.
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fresh bread baked


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