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>Who is /fat/ for?
For the ubiquitously unhealthy who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous Thread: >>75003684
Down to 111 kg this morning.
Makes if a total of about 13 kgs over the course of three-and-a-half-ish months.
Sticking to about 2k calories per day seems to slowed down weight loss to about 0.5kg/week.
Rather than dropping it further, I'll probably start introducing exercise instead.
It'll probably mess up with the number on the scales, but as long as I count the calories, I don't really need to see the numbers to know the change is happening.
Are lateral raises supposed to make me feel like a pathetic weak creature?
Lost 15 lbs without ever being in calorie deficit. Only 10 more to go
Pretty privilege is unreal bros. Spent 31 years on this earth as a morbidly obese motherfucker and I was so bitter. I still am, honestly. But for other reasons. Life and dating is so easy now.

>don't have to initiate conversations
>girls carry conversations (I'm a sperg btw)
>people treat me well
>welcomed everywhere
>girl I'm dating is obsessed with combing my thin hair despite being Norwood II
>she's a cute blonde with blue eyes
>all that while I'm a 5.9" manlet

If you're a fat incel like me, please lose the weight bros before giving up and don't get discouraged by memes. You don't know if you're missing out.
I'm just a nobody, but your plan looks good to me.
But I did recently find a dumbbell only plan from Mike Israetel: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BKTtJk9-3x0

I'm thinking of doing that, because it seems so much faster. You might get some ideas from it.
Also, if your squats get too easy you can start doing split squats or lunges (basically one leg at a time).
You can also do the same for deadlifts. Eg single leg Romanian deadlift.
If you can't get a bench you might be able to use the edge of a bed, couch or 3 chairs without armrests and do the bench press one side at a time.
Three or four tabouret style stools might work even better.

Of course a real bench is much better.
Yes. I was awful at them and made practically no improvement over 8 months trying to do 30 lbs. I started doing them with 8 lbs dumbbells while on a stationary bike about a week and a half ago. I started with a set of 12 every 10 minutes for 168 in a day, my shoulders started giving out towards the end. But after I got used to it, I started doing 15 a set for 210, and maybe I'll work my way up to 24 a set for double what I could do at the beginning. Maybe I'll change my sets to every 5 minutes instead.

I feel like I'm pulling something below my scapula when I do them now.
Oh, even a single stool or chair without arm rests might work if the height is similar to your bed. You move the chair next to the bed so that the backrest is pointing away from the bed. Then lie down on the bed and have your upper back + head test on the chair. You should now be able to move your hands about the same as with a bench.

Chair can't have wheels though. It absolutely mustn't move.
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okay fellas I need your help on a few questions
>started in 115kg (2700kcal on deficit), now I'm 108kg
should I adjust my kcal intake to 2500 already?
also I just injured myself (my back) and I can't do exercise for a few weeks, can't even go to work
tdee calculators say that if I'm on deficit I should be eating 1800kcal if I'm sedentary (injured)
I feel like I'm going to starve
should I keep eating 2700 or lower to 1800?
Stop. Stop. Stop.

You're doing lateral raise cardio. That won't build you muscles or even much strength. It's going to build endurance for something you don't need. Meanwhile you're likely to fuck up your shoulders.

Do lateral raises every other day. Aim for 3-5 sets of 5-12 with as much weight as you can manage for that many reps. Once all your sets hit the 12+ range then upgrade your weight.

You need to rest your shoulders. Don't fuck them up.

Also, watch this video for how to do them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5dsI9qQXwY
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treadpill me, is it worth? I want one of these and just use it random parts of the day because I'm indoors a lot.
>I feel like I'm going to starve
You won't starve even if you stop eating completely for a few months.

The feeling of hunger is 99% psychological.
Find a way to avoid triggering it, and you should be fine.
Common things that work:
>not thinking about food
>reducing the number of meals you have but not the size of meals
>backloading your calories to the later part of the day
>drinking a lot of water/coffee/tea (without sugar or milk, of course)
Some of these might not work for you, but that's fine.
I do literally all of that
I work a physical job and I'm usually really busy, and I feel hungry eating 2700kcal
I tried chewing gum, drinking lots of water, trying to realize it's just "pretend" hunger, but I still feel hungry for hours non stop
so that's why I'm scared of lowering to 1800
not because of dying of hunger, but because of breaking and eating more than I should
I agree that you should be eating higher calories, if you're sticking to 2700 and still losing weight.
However if you're switching to sedentary, you won't be as active, hence why dropping it further is advised.
If 1800 sounds too low for you, try going for something like 2300 first.

Also, you can try filling your stomach with something low-calorie by volume - popcorn works great for that.
Various fresh fruits and vegetables (in the form of a salad, plain or vinegar-based) also work.

If you need help putting the feeling of hunger into perspective, I unironically recommend you water fasting for three days.
If you'll be sedentary long enough - that might as well be the best time to try it out, because you won't be able to be active while on a water fast.
>first binge
>gain 6lbs in 3 days
it's over...
I hadnt weighed myself for a couple of weeks until this morning as I had a couple of big weeks with parties and other social engagements. Was happy to see this morning I weighed in less than I thought so all is well. I need to make some serious losses though between now and christmas other wise it might be over for me
Could be. I just walk up and down my hallway for half hour after dinner when I cant be bothered going out. Id buy an exercise bike or an eliptical if I could afford it for home cardio equipment.
Lateral raises are the one exercise that I do at home rather than the gym because I feel like a goose doing them. Maybe I need to get the trainer at the gym to make sure im doing them properly.
>Are lateral raises supposed to make me feel like a pathetic weak creature?

Benches arent expensive lol. He should just get a cheapo bench. Watching the video, I find that you dont need to go so damn high on the upright row. Its practically a front raise the way he does it in that video. Jared from RP (who is a better bodybuilder than Mike) demonstrates how I tend to do them in the following video.


Honestly the only thing I'd suggest is to change out the bicep curl variation to something seated, which is something they recommend in the video actually. In fact, I'd add another curl variation too because Im a curl bro. Honestly as much as I like RP, his content in the past year or so has fallen off. I think he's getting dumber and more perverted from the high doses of steroids and its affecting his video quality. His old lectures like fat loss made simple are what gave me the physique I have now.

He's not THAT far off on his rep range. Anywhere from 8-20 is optimal as long as you're getting close to failure. I personally like 5-8 on lateral raises, but pushing to 12 may be better. I just want to do them heavy because im a meathead retard. Also I'm already pretty big and want to build strength over size at the moment. I dont recommend doing lateral raises heavy though. Good form is paramount in making sure the side delts are stimulated. Otherwise the front delts take over.

>Once all your sets hit the 12+ range then upgrade your weight.
Great advice here. Newbs should look up double progression and make that the cornerstone of how they progress in the weight room.
>girls carry conversations
I need this also for my dates to work.
Nevermind I saw he's doing 168 reps. Thats way too much. It is literally cardio. The problem isn't the sets of 24. Its that he has enough in the tank left for that many sets of 24.
brother you're starving yourself like a chode while other people in here are eating right, doing cardio, and lifting. just becoming absolute specimens.
How much weight are you losing a week at the moment?

>>Also, you can try filling your stomach with something low-calorie by volume - popcorn works great for that.
>Various fresh fruits and vegetables (in the form of a salad, plain or vinegar-based) also work.
All awesome advice. Diet soda works great too. Frozen berries are GOATed.

>If you need help putting the feeling of hunger into perspective, I unironically recommend you water fasting for three days.
I dont think this is a great idea for someone scared of 1800.
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>buy treadmill
>never use it because I'd rather just walk outside
>buy dumbbells
>take off the arms and use it as a bench
cost me 50 bucks from a thrift store, so still cheaper than an actual fitness bench
Corned beef in the slow cooker, bag of potatoes, bag of carrots and shit tonne of broccoli. Seems my meals are sorted for the next 5 days.
Been woofing down watermelon thought it was pretty much just water, but seems its pretty high in sugar. Im the diebetes now.
>I dont think this is a great idea for someone scared of 1800.
The psychological component is very different, in my experience.
The 1800 is something he'll have to be sticking to for a few weeks, while a three-day water fast is a short-term self-inflicted challenge.
It's easier to commit to something short-term.
It's also a very new experience, so the curiosity helps as well.
Also, but that's a personal opinion, it's much easier to not eat at all than to eat too little.

My first fast went as follows:
>Day 1: not that much hunger due to the novelty, but very hungry just before going to sleep
>Day 2: hungry throughout the first half of the day, but the hunger disappeared during the later half of the day
>Day 3: no hunger throughout the day, but very hungry during the later part of it because I was planning to break the fast
When I tried going for five day fast a few years later, I pretty much stopped being hungry by the day 2.
I quit after the day 4 but not because I was hungry (quite the opposite, the feeling of hunger was completely gone - I could even freely handle food and not feel any desire to eat it), but because I started becoming very exhausted wherever I was being even remotely active (such as going up a few flights of stairs).
So I do not recommend fasting for longer than 3 days.
Might be alright for smaller people, but I genuinely don't get enough energy from pure ketosis with no external fuel.

I think going through a three-day fast once is a great learning experience to pretty much anyone.
Not that guy but I generally think it's a bad idea for fat people to do water fasts

It runs the risks of turning one eating disorder into another. If a person is fat and is struggling to control their eating they need to get comfortable with a routine they can stick to for the rest of their lives or theyll get fat again

I think it's best for fat people to try to adopt a routine while losing weight that they can continue when they hit their target weight rather than trying to do fasting because this sets the precedent of 'diet mode' and 'not diet mode' when in reality the diet should be what youre gunna be eating when you stop dieting (albeit slightly more)
For me it's OHP. I am completely unable to add weight, ever.
You might well be right - I can only talk from personal experience, after all.
IMO it's good idea to water fast at least once if you aren't doing it for the sole purpose of weight loss.
The long term benefit is the experience you get from it - the understanding of how your feeling of hunger actually functions, more specifically.

Water fasting as a measure of calorie management isn't something I promote, suggest, or do myself even. Some people can do weekly/monthly fasts just fine but I'm not one of them.
My local market puts calorie or nutrition info on almost nothing. Sure I can check all the mass produced bags of chips and like but the regular food has nothing on the package. Like a seafood and broccoli salad seems ok but I don't recognize what is mixed in it. It could be cheese sauce for all I know. Is there a solution to find this info that I don't know about?
>a three-day water fast is a short-term self-inflicted challenge.
There is actually something to this, but the challenge has to be something that you want and generally something you came up with yourself. You can't really hand someone a challenge like this and expect them to muster up the cajones necessary for it.

Presses are the most difficult exercises to progress during a cut and are the first thing you'll see regression in during a cut if you're experienced. Try adding an extra rep to each set or just another set altogether.
I hate bent over rowing. I am positive I get it wrong and am just asking for trouble whenever I put them in the rotation.
>but the challenge has to be something that you want and generally something you came up with yourself
Yeah, I agree with you here.
That's why it's just a suggestion, nothing more.
>it's working
>That's why it's just a suggestion, nothing more.
totally fair man. a lot of the fasting people can be very aggressive.
try a bent over dumbell row over a bench

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Is a dumbbell row basically identical to pulling the string on a bow? Would my row 8RM be a reasonably choice for a draw weight on a bow?
i find them to feel very different.
Step 1(I AM HERE): Lose weight
Step 2: Recomp body to become muscular. Probably will take 1-3 years.
Step 3: Get extensive plastic surgery and fraudmax
Step 4: ???????
Burger patties are sometimes significantly cheaper than ground beef. Beef is good.
ive been eating nothing but toasted turkey swiss sandwiches, chickfila, and protein bars for the past month
I don't care if you've eaten zero food for two weeks
I don't care if you only drank water
I don't care if you did 16 hours of nonstop running each day
I don't care if your fat has the solidity of dough
If your scale didn't go down, it's because your BMR has gone down and you're still eating too much and not exercising enough. It makes more sense that you ran 2000 km using zero joules of energy than your body being in some sort of a """""plateau""""".
>If your scale didn't go down, it's because your BMR has gone down and you're still eating too much and not exercising enough. It makes more sense that you ran 2000 km using zero joules of energy than your body being in some sort of a """""plateau""""".
absolutely incorrect. water retention is real. that said, bust the plateau by ramping up liss cardio.
Thanks for your eating-disordered opinion. :)
yo ive seen you here since i joined like a year ago. hows your weightloss been. im the japan sperg that still pops in every once in a while
Are "noob gains" actually from hypertrophy or is it just your brain learning to actually access your muscles?
On vacation, food blogpost incoming, mostly to keep myself mindful
Haven't counted calories during but here's meals so far:
>day 1: 570cal lunch at home, nature valley nut bar, airplane vodka diet coke + antipasto box
>day 2: 3 eggs in butter on 1 toast, most of big chicken burrito with guac and sour cream, baked salmon and broccoli and mashed potato
>day 3: 2 eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt; ham n turkey sandwich with mayo, more cottage cheese; ~1/4 movie theater large popcorn; grilled steak and chicken, oven curly fries, mixed greens with ranch

This feels like reasonable eating to me at reasonable portions, making some choices i dont normally so not in a big deficit but I don't imagine I'm exceeding maintenance at 300 lbs (except maybe 3rd day)
Will see where weight is at in a week
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>Ramp up low intensity
you just add more time, not make it harder.

ill be back in japan in 2 weeks and i plan on eating like a total fuckhead and drinking like a fish. im literally cutting just to make room for the damage im about to do. also i want girls to lick splooge off my abs again.
I weigh myself every day. This is dumb right?

I see cute graphs like >>75011185 and wonder how they are so detailed
It's only dumb if the daily weight fluctuations from water weight and dumps etc demoralize you
If you're cool with charting it daily to see how it moves during the overall trend and don't freak out about it then no biggie
>It's only dumb if the daily weight fluctuations from water weight and dumps etc demoralize you
when in doubt, zoom out
>weighed myself when I woke up
>no change
>get to work
>do a massive poo
>can't weigh myself and see scale go down
nope, you either make a guess or make your own stuff

most of that is water from sodium and glycogen and extra shit in your digestive tract. You may have gained some fat but you didn't put on 6lb of fat in 3 days unless you're a true king bulker

both. You can put on a lot of muscle as a newb or lapsed lifter. As for the amount of weight you lift, that will also increase from your brain getting better at it.
the part i'm most excited about in getting to my goal weight isn't being thin but being able to bulk back up and see my lifts go up after a godforsaken year of barely managing to keep them steady
>the part i'm most excited about in getting to my goal weight isn't being thin but being able to bulk back up and see my lifts go up after a godforsaken year of barely managing to keep them steady
bro you dont even know how fun this was for me. finally benching 2 plates felt amazing. especially after scarfing down twizzlers and thai food. im really excited for you.
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>Cook up a workout plan that seems reasonable
>Do like 3 workouts
>Miss one because of work/I'm tired/change in schedule
>Try to compensate for it but end up missing more and more
>Workout plan dropped
Rinse, repeat.
I guess it's because exercise feels like shit to me, compared to say yoga.

I know I have to do it for my health and future, but it just feels like crap and it's hard to make time for it.
try to find exercise you like. also you seem to understand the cycle of trying to compensate for lost workouts. just dont comoensate them. consider it a rest day and move on.
>Want to achieve 18.5 BMI at 56.7 kg
>Scale and calculator say I have about 58 kg of lean body mass and low 20s% body fat, figure this means goal is nearly impossible
>Wait, what if I type in 56.7 kg into calculator
>50.6 kg of lean body mass, 11% body fat
So it is possible. Still a little bummed that being 56.7 kg is still 11% body fat. I know it's definitely not optimal to cut to skeleton mode and then focus on bulking since you're throwing away a lot of muscle and recomp potential, but I'd rather be the skeleton for a little bit for sentimental reasons. I have nothing but time. But my goal is 10% body fat, so I'll have to build more muscle mass to offset the fat.
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>refeed from long fast
>stomach growls all night
>good heavens the most foul and earth shattering diarrhea must be cooking inside of me
>go to the toilet this morning
>rip out a fart that could stifle an adult rhino
>no poo
>everything is still inside, stomach still roaring fiercely
>somehow down 1kg from yesterday
w-what's happening
>Try to refeed on Wednesday evening, not sure if I even hit maintenance
>But it finally got most of the shit out of me after three bathroom trips in an hour
>But now the food I ate that night needs to come out but won't

Why do I have to wait until I have a bunch of weight piled on my gut, why can't I just shit it out in the morning like normal people seem to do?
take magnesium with the coffee you’re probably already drinking, you’ll end up pissing that out your ass
Why do we lose weight/fat/? For whom do we do it?
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For young me. I'll see his dream to completion.
How to stop eating slop 24/7, just because its calories have been pre-calculated?
Just stop, it's literally that easy.
I hate working out too. The only thing that stops it from being boring is that it hurts. Oh well.
I have 3 workouts, taking from a program where they were intended for the same 3 days of the week every week, but that doesn't matter. My only rules are:
1. every workout must be followed by a day of recovery.
2. if I don't work out on any given day, I try to work out the next day.
There's no "compensating" for "missed" workouts, because I don't miss workouts, I just have extra days of recovery, and then I get back on the horse again.
For example, I've usually been pretty regular, but I had a "day 2" workout on August 23, and didn't get to "day 3" workout until August 28 because I was too busy escaping from my life. Sucks, but that happened. Next is "day 1" workout tomorrow, and I'm supposed to increase the weights. That's going to suck too.
eat healthy stuff 24/7 as a first step
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Fatty Contest
107.9 kg
178 cm

Starting over, brothers. Lend me strength and willpower.
Today, I ate sashimi, crackers with chicken liver pate, teamilk and four muffins.
1570 Calories total.

Tomorrow they'll be shoving a camera up my butt.
This time you're going to make it
potato per 100g has
0.1g fat
15.5g carb
1.9g protein
this supposedly ads up to 75kcal, but when I do it myself:
9*0.1 + 4*15.5 + 4*1.9g => 70.5kcal
So which one is it? 75 or 70.5

If I eat 1 kg of potato in a day, which I do, I have 50kcal swing between the numbers in just a day.

You have no business obsessing over 4.5 kcals over 100g of food anon. Calories counting is just a big eyeballing exercise, there's no way to be certain. Just stay below a maximum amount and don't be autistic.
80 kcal per 100g, next question.
Obsessing helps me stay focused. 50kcal for 154 days is 7700 calories which is the number of calories required to lose 1kg. I don't want to do a weekend of fasting twice a year just to error correct this potato stuff.

I'm going to need a source.
different potatos grown in different soils have different macros retard, not all of them will have 15.5g carb per 100g potato

pick the highest estimate

why don't you become obsessive about not being retarded
90 kcal per 100g because you're being annoying.
>1kg of potatos a day
That's roughly equivalent to eating 200g worth of raw rice or uncooked pasta per day, which is about two portions of either.
It's not that much.
>different potatos grown in different soils have different macros
How different? I would like to make an estimate based on my diet.
You have an estimate of 75cals per 100g. Retard.
You said there was variance but can't provide it.
all values per 100g of potato

western europe:
0.1g fat
15.5g carb
1.9g protein
(i think this is the one you posted)

central europe:
0.1g fat
15.3g carb
1.8g protein

eastern europe:
0.2g fat
15.8g carb
1.4g protein

american midwest:
0.1g fat
15.9g carb
2.1g protein

american west coast:
0.1g fat
15.4g carb
2.0g protein

south america:
0.2g fat
16.4g carb
1.8g protein

south eastern asia:
0.1g fat
16.2g carb
1.9g protein

0.2g fat
17.2g carb
1.7g protein

this is the best I could find online, good luck anon
Do you not understand what the word estimate means?
The estimate for macros doesn't add up with the estimate with calories, that's the problem.
Enjoy your life as a schizo anon. Hope those 4.5cals don't haunt you.
>/fat/ cannot even figure out how many calories there are in a potato
I kneel /fat/. I had no idea your autism was so powerful.
I love this place
When I do anything in life I want to do it as precisely as possible. I don't want to half-ass things and then be left with impossible problem of figuring out what I did wrong after the fact. Simple as that.
I'm trying to figure out my exact energy expenditure and consumption when I maintain weight balance. I rather know things than not know things. I figured it would be useful number to know today and even 40 years from now.
Midwest bros. I knew we had it good
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>How much weight are you losing a week at the moment?
I lost like 7kg in a month eating 2700kcal

>water fasting
for what purpose?
I would never do that while I'm active and can go to work, but even while being sedentary, fasting is something I was never interested in.
Longest fast I've ever done (not on purpose) was something like 18 hours, don't know if that's even considered a fast.
I stopped being hungry after like 15 hours. That gave me some perspective.
Scientists and engineers use these things called margins of error when counting things anon. You should use them or you will get consumed by your autism.
>for what purpose?
For the purpose of understanding what drives your hunger.
If you really understand that the only thing making you hungry is in your head, you won't be afraid of dropping to 1800, 1500, 1000, 500, whatever kcal/day for a couple of weeks or months.
i gained 17lbs without any effort last month
what are you gonna do about it? gonna cry?
What was your exact energy expenditure jerking off today?
How was it different from the energy expenditure jerking off yesterday?
How many times did you fidget today? What was your energy expenditure on that?
How many times did you turn in your sleep last night? Did you write down the energy expenditure?
How long did you take shitting today? Were you clenching your asshole? How hard? What was the energy expenditure for that?
ALL of these make WAY more difference than what you're trying to """calculate""" with your goddamn potatoes.

What's your goal? If it's losing weight, you highball the calories. If it's gaining weight, you highball them.
You will not have to do "an extra fast" if you highball your calorie intake.
Stop being retarded about things that literally do not matter.
>If it's gaining weight, you highball them
*lowball them, but everyone should get the point.
Weight today 89,2kg. Lowest it's ever been. I expect it to go up tomorrow but the trend has been downwards. Last year at this time I was almost 120kg. Damn.
You are mostly talking about about the "energy out" side of the equation. I know those are difficult to calculate so the best I can do is perfectly calculate the "energy in" side (hence potatoes) while maintaining balance and then assume calories in = calories out. This way I get a number for my energy expenditure. Of course I hold my level of exercise constant and I have to do separate experiments for winter and summer activities.
I believe that in general the more you eat the more you have energy, and in some ways the better your life is. Trouble is that if you eat too much you will gain weight. So what I am aiming at is what is the maximum I can eat without gaining weight. There is a number of calories for this but I don't know it yet, I have guesses but I want to know the number as best as I can.
did you notice some kind of slowing down with the weight loss? if so, when?
Any advice on cracking plateaus? I've been stuck on one for around two months now and can't seem to get out:
>started at 102kg
>replaced carbs with protein and fat (skyr for breakfast instead of bread, more meat instead of noodles or rice for dinner, veggies and eggs for lunch)
>got to 85kg with no issues, bf calculator claims I even gained a kg of muscle, arms got lots of definition and visible veins, still have a gut though
>stuck around 85 kg since
>got as low as 82kg by fasting over a weekend, but back up in two days
>used first week of vacation for extended calorie restriction (sub 1500 kcal), no results
>used next week of vacation for 48h fasts w/ snakejuice, actually gained 2 kg (84 to 86)
belly, arm, thigh, neck circumference stay the same
>should be around 19% bodyfat (navy formula)
>think I can barely start to see upper abs when pumped, but might be imagination
I'm lifting near the limits of my regeneration, and the hot (35°C+) weather is stopping me from going all in on cardio, as the sweating always makes me lightheaded as fuck, even with snakejuice.
Any reccs on how I can lose those last 5-7 kg stopping me from looking fit?
How many calories are you eating a day? Do you track every bit of food that hits your tongue?
>Any advice on cracking plateaus?
Just waiting. There is no other way. The body is weird. Some anons use plateaus as an excuse to eat at maintenance for a short while because if you did everything correctly your weight will go down anyways. You could do that if you want a break from dieting but it's not going to be that which breaks the plateau, just time.
Currently, yes. Varies between 1200 and 2000 kcal / day normally, less for my two week-long attempts at breaking through.
About half of what I eat is fresh vegetables from the garden, so there's a high margin of error (different water content, having to cut out parts that the snails got to after weighing etc).
You do you, anon, but I personally evaluate the ability to quickly count calories in food (such as counting 100g of dried pasta or 500g of raw potatoes to be the same 400 kcal) and the fuzzy feeling in my chest I get for knowing I'm at worst accurate and at best at a bit of a lower calorie intake that I think I am higher than the whatever theoretical "happiness" I will receive from consuming extra 50 kcal a day after going through the stress of meticulously (but not really) counting every single goddamn thing.
And in my book, having to do less work to actually count calories consistently results in more net "happiness" than a trace amount of food intake you won't be able to perceive in a double-blind randomized controlled trial.
I wish I could give you some advice but I would just be speaking with authority about shit I don't know. Good luck getting past the plateau.
I'm not aiming for happiness, I didn't use that word but you did. I just want the highest energy levels possible so I can do whatever I want the best I can.
This is also not something I am going to do for the rest of my life. The idea is that once I get the number I can simply aim at that and be lot less precise about it than during the experiment. Context here is that I just finished my weight loss and at beginning of maintenance phase. It's good time to do this if ever.
Fatty contest
>Benches arent expensive lol
They're definitely expensive for me.
Just keep doing a consistent caloric deficit. Your fat loss is happening at roughly the same rate no matter what your weight is doing. The calories have to come from somewhere.
Day one of trying to quit smoking cold turkey while on a diet.
>It's been 2 hours since I've been awake and the craving is hitting me bad.
>im chewing gum and playing vidya to keep my mind off it.
This is harder than I imagined.
Every single person I know who managed to quit smoking did so absolutely cold turkey. All the others either failed or substituted ciggies with some sort of vape/electronic cigarette who smells even worse. I think it's the way. Also the urge will probably keep your mind away from how hungry you are.
i had my last cigarette on june 9th. i was thinking about quitting/trying to quit for a few days or maybe a couple of weeks, and every day i'd wake up determined not to smoke, but then i'd cave in and have one. then one day i just succeeded. the cravings lasted for maybe 2-3 days and then it was pretty easy to say no. i'd just keep reminding yourself that you go through nicotine withdrawal 20-30 minutes after having your last cigarette and that what you're dealing with is more psychological than it is physical. there's no real imperative, physically, to smoke; you're not in opioid withdrawal or alcohol withdrawal where you're constipated or getting the shakes. it's entirely mental. if you're ready to quit you should be successful. you're already very far into the quitting process desu and it's not going to be this difficult for very long. throw away or give your cigarettes to a smoker if you haven't already. sorry if this is rambly but i wanted to counsel.
ty, bro. i wanna try and make it atleast day 1. ive heard alot of ppl say if you make it past 3 days youre in the clear. lets hope so.

atm i feel like im getting a headache from the nicotine withdrawl, could be psychological idk. trying to ignore it by watching tv/playing vidya.
pop some aspirin and acetaminophen and do what you're doing in distracting yourself. maybe go for a walk (not to a gas station lol) and enjoy the fresh air if you're feeling up to it. remember: cravings only last a few minutes, and every time you're successful in getting through one, you're on step closer to being smoke free. you're already on day 2. i'm really rooting for you and hope you keep posting about your progress.
>could be psychological
It most likely is especially if it's your first few hours/days. True withdrawal will come a bit after once your body craves it, right now it's just your brain and habits sending you the signal.
Fatty Contest

I shaved and my jawline looks pretty cool.
It gets easier and easier. By month 6 you'll most likely forget you were ever a smoker.
t. smoker for 10 years, quit 4 years ago, not a puff since.
>lose weight
>want to sex women
>forgot I'm also an antisocial loser
same :(
>lose weight
>don't want to sex women
>be antisocial loser
>want to jerk off
>forget to buy lube
>too lazy to go back outside to buy lube
It's so FUCKING over.
>penis mutilation problems
>lose weight
>want to sex men
>thats pretty gay
Use soap
make one yourself then
Fatty Contest
252 lbs
I have and you can't use it
lets go bros
lost 2.2 lbs overnight
lost 15.4 lbs in 35 days ( I dieted for 2 weeks before my first weigh in)
might celebrate with barbecue ribs and burgers later
Not all proteins, carbs and fats are created equal. The whole 4 calories per gram of protein/carbs and 9 calories per gram of fat is an approximation. Different types of carbs, for example, have different amounts of carbs. Even the same type can have a range. I.E. complex carbs range 3.57-4.12 calories per gram. Fiber is considered a carbohydrate but is less or not digestible at all, so it has even less metabolizable energy. Same shit goes for fats and proteins.

That's why the overall calories per serving on a nutrition label almost never match the calories if you use the 4-4-9 rule for the macros. Manufacturers are also allowed to round calorie and macro values on nutrition labels to a certain extent. For example, they can say a food has zero calories if it has less than five calories per serving. They can round down .4 grams of fat per serving to 0 grams of fat, etc.

At the end of the day it doesn't really matter though. Ass-bleeding precision isn't going to make the difference between losing weight or not, especially since our energy expenditure levels will change from day to day. That's why you just need to get in the ballpark, and for whatever surplus/deficit you are targeting you bake in a buffer to account for the variability.
Oops, meant >>75014142 to reply to >>75012492

Every 3-4 hours you must eat a 30g meal
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footage of poster in her natural habitat
Let's go

>Starting weight
>Time cutting
>Current weight

I'll start

>Started at 101kg
>6 weeks cutting
>Down to 95kg
i just ate fist after like 2 yearsm i forgot how good it was
its especially good now that i cook everything in butter instead of shitty plant oils
thanks for reading my blog
>started at 0kg
>25.5 years cutting/being fat
>up to 75kg
thanks bro
I often have cheat days but luckily I have more good days than bad days
>slowing down with the weight loss
The first 15kg went in the first 3 months about 5kg/month. Then it started stalling and went up during Christmas / New Year's because relapse. Then the next plateau that was hard to break was getting under 100, then the next one was 95 and this summer it was stalling at 90kg for ages and I feel like I'm breaking that plateau now if I remain constant.
I'm 6'1" what should be my weight limit to stop cutting and start maintenance?
110 lbs
depends on your bone structure. people don't get that tallfags can be a lot heavier via just lean mass and will tell you to cut way too hard. have you ever been not fat as an adult? that's a good starting point.
Sometimes I think I don't look too bad y'know, I'm clearly a chunker but I'm ok looking. Then I see myself on zoom...
>Feel good
>Look down
>Double chin appears
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Stop then
anons, i am 24
Weight? Height?
How many eggs do you eat a day? I just had two and might have three later for dinner
None, i'm not an egg schizo
What's the app?
Jewish, american, or both?
Stop cutting when you can see all six abs. Bulk until you can only see the topmost two. Repeat ad infinitum.
>How many eggs do you eat a day?
I've got 8 chickens, do the math.
been maintaining for the past month despite trying to lose. guess i've been lax about eating. gonna try fasting and eating at a larger deficit to re-jumpstart.
i'm a city boy how many eggs is that a day
>been maintaining for the past month despite trying to lose
>implying chickens always lay the same number of eggs
>implying all chickens lay eggs every day
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for my past 4 lifting days i've deliberately failed my squats early and not done the last 1 or 2 reps of the last set (5x5) because it's scary and difficult
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>strong unmistakeable scent of freshly baked lasagna coming from the window
Lord grant me strenght
>it's now evening
>no poop in sight
>belly seems empty and unbloated
W-where did the waste go
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I'm so close to being fit I can almost taste it...
Whenever i get sick my motivation goes to zero. I've eaten 4 pb&js instead of normal food all day and didnt log the calories. Do i even want dinner?
To the anons that helped me out yesterday, thank you. I upped my calories to about 100 under maintenance, which is rounded down to 1800. I’m genuinely smiling again. I’m going to use this time for recomposition rather than cutting. My energy already shot up in the gym, and my after-lift cardio was a breeze. I’ll still be losing, but there will be more micronutrients bouncing around to help with recovery and muscle growth.
in your intestines traveling towards your butthole
If you're really sick you should suspend dieting. You should also not eat slop but whatever.
zepp life, the screenshot is fron the rusult of my smart scale's analisys
136kg(about 300lb) 159cm(5'10'')
>dieting for barely over a month
just get some good quality meat or fish instead of that fast food slop
we fat people really are this fucking retarded huh
is 1000kcal too little for a skinnyfat 163cm manlet? I can't eyeball 1500 properly, so the 500 would be a margin error.
>I can't eyeball
Don't eyeball then, count your calories.
just dont get sick
problem solved
this is google fit, I weigh myself every morning.

the daily fluctuations are fine, I've wobbled as much as 4 pounds day to day. the weekly trend is how I gauge progress, and the monthly trend is it's how I know it's working
sounds like an American only problem, sorry
Hey bro, your little man syndrome is showing
Duration of lease:eternal
instead of acting all smug, don't you have lube to go buy for your mutilated dick?
They have lube for that? That changes everything!
Bros. Been doing this shit 2 months 3 weeks now. For the first time in my LIFE, I can see muscles in my arm when I flex. If I touch it it's hard not soft. Feels fucking weird man I'm 30 years old. I know it's not a big deal compared to the rest of this board but for me I've never experienced this my whole life in 30 years until now.
Enjoy it, anon. It only gets better from here.
Time to stop being an obeast and join the fatty loss club anon
One day youll get your first bicep vein
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No, he's right. Genital mutilation is basically an american problem only. Most of the world doesn't need lube at all to masturbate.
i had very severe phimosis as a babby and had it done as necessary medical intervention :(
Set a goal to lose 5 pounds in August.
Lost 5 pounds in August.
Thought I fucked it up too.
170 at the end of the year is a real possibility now.
Fatty Contest
I don't know how to tell you bro, but lactose is a sugar
why is this board so fucking shit?
Fatty Contest
Congrats. I wish my jawline looked any good
just eat carbs bro they won't hurt you
Wouldn't it be great to have some sort of superpill filled with all the nutrients you need for a day? All the protein, all the iron, all the potassium, all the zinc, all the dietary fiber, etc. The only calories would be what's associated with said nutrients. You could survive on them and water for months until all your fat burned away.
The muzzies also snip da peepee.
>Only restaurant in village closing for winter
>say fuck it and get slice of pizza at lunch
>wasn’t even that good (compared to last time I had it a few months ago)
>tummy grumblies already
God is punishing me for my weakness, I deserve what’s coming.
thats what multivitamins try to do u muppet
Started a diet Monday and I feel fucking awful. Im only on 1500 kcals a day and have started walking 10km a day just to get the blood pumping, so it should be easy to cope with but I feel so shit.
that's weakness leaving the body
eat even less
exercise even more
report back when you're human sized
I don't want to go any harder, struggling at the current level. Also I'm fucking lethargic as shit, I've got no energy for fuck all. I don't want to crash.
>so it should be easy to cope
>starts a radical lifestyle change in eating AND hours of walking a day all at once
classic mistake
here, why don't i quote from the sticky for you

>Consider this: when people start dieting and exercise, they are often extremists about it. They try to work out 2 times a day, 7 days a week, or go on some crazy diet where they eat 500 calories composed entirely of herbal tea and tree bark. They hurt themselves or get sick or just hate life generally, and they fail. Then they get discouraged and get fat and out of shape again.

>Was that a failure of willpower? Sort of, but the main problem is that the whole approach is wrong. You don't get in shape by killing yourself. You get in shape, and more importantly stay in shape, by accumulating significant, but livable, improvements to your lifestyle over time, and building on that. Not by going through some horrible ordeal requiring Olympian willpower.
Stop exercising, conserve energy. You're at risk of stopping the entire diet just for your walks and that would be the worst case scenario
I figured 1500 cal wasn't that much of a change, I'm not massive or obese just overweight. And walking isn't hard excise, I'm sure the walking apps fuck up the calories.
Isnt important to keep somewhat active otherwise my muscle will also atrophy?
Go for Too Good brand, it has 4 carbs per container
You got this man. WAGMI
Also, this should be the next OP
how mentally ill does one have to be to think that walking is exercising?
>I figured 1500 cal wasn't that much of a change
It's not, if you normally eat 2000 kcal/day.
But you're here so you don't normally eat 2000 kcal/day.
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We have spud lite in aus.
>0.1g fat
>8.9g carb
>1.4g protein
You're lacking in electrolytes. Get some salt, potassium, magnesium and calcium. Last one is optional.
I've eaten 53 grams + 34g + 48g of carbs (from my morning kefir and carrots/sauerkraut with meat) the past 3 days, lifted twice (legs and upper body) and done around 3 hours of cardio total. Am I in ketosis yet?
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>had finally started weight loss journey
>doing cardio for last two weeks
>eating just okay but not great
>very minor lifting but not a lot
>had to stop and also started on some depression meds
>seeing more weight loss now than before
I thought depression schizo meds made you gain like crazy, not lose like crazy.
you burned enough carbs with the cardio, so probably
Invest in a stationary bike. You can get more done in an hour on one of those than you can through an hour walking. Put on a TV or your phone in front of you and watch shit to pass the time. Repeat everyday until thin.
Maybe I eat more than 2k usually, I've never counted before. But my max weight was only 187 pounds, right now at the start of this diet I'm 171. I want to reach 155.
you burgers are so retarded with your meds
Sounds good, I've not really looked into that stuff. I've just been working on less calories = good.
I've moved country for a year for work, so there's no point of me putting good money down and I like walking.
I'm 26, female, overweight. Spend the last years sitting at home working from my computer and not leaving the house or doing anything. I just recently decided to do cardio on a trampolin and turned on a beginner video which was 10 minutes. I couldn't even do 4 minutes without my heart beating really fast. I had to stop at 4 minutes. Is this normal to become SO BAD at cardio if you let yourself go? Can I improve even if I just do 4 minutes a day at first or is that too little?

I can't go on walks outside for the moment it's way too hot.
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Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl. >mfw thinking of you hurting
"your heart beating really fast" is normal. thats the point of cardio.
unless you start feeling light-headed or get extremely winded to the level you can't continue, you just continue doing it anyway
and yes of course it's normal that it's hard to start exercising when your body isn't used to it. but 4 minutes a day isn't going to do shit
take it very easy and just do it for like 20 minutes.
trampoline seems like a shit choice too, you're gonna really feel that in your joints if you do it for any length of time
Okay my bad for thinking I would get a non-troll reply.
>trampoline seems like a shit choice too, you're gonna really feel that in your joints if you do it for any length of time
They're apparently easy on your joints and recommended for heavy people or people with joint issues. That's what I understand from my research. I got a quite expensive and high quality one too, jumping feels great on it. But to do 20 minutes I would need to get super low and even then I'm not sure if I can do it.

I watched this and could only do 4 minutes:
well, if you can only do 4, then only do 4. but tomorrow do 5, and so on
any amount of cardio is bad
yes you become really shit at cardio if you never do anything strenuous to get the heart up
yes it takes a long while to get back to normal
It will always suck because that's just inherent to working your full body until your heart rate rises
Recently whenever i do bicep curls the wrist of my left hand hurts on the pinky side
Should I lower load and ease back up or just rest it entirely with some stretching?
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>always told myself "I'll start talking to girls when I'm under 200lbs"
>"I'll start talking to girls when I'm under 190lbs"
>"I'll start talking to girls when I'm under 180lbs"
Ok well I'm a normal weight now... I guess I could either indulge in the "when I can bench Xlbs" cope or just get on with it.
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you can do it frens
Why do mutts love their meds so much? Imagine how less mentally ill your country would be without the pharma jew
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Ate 1,170 calories. Have 1330 calories left and am hungee. Should I rough it out tonight for the extra loss?
File deleted.
I'm doing this routine because it was the first one posted when I asked for a beginner program 3 weeks ago, and I'm enjoying it so far. What does /fat/ think of it?
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Wrong image.
>fucked up his joint
>still wants to lift
you are brainwashed
Depression meds are the loot boxes of the medical world.
While we generally know what will happen when a patient takes a medication, those meds are a bit of a stab in the dark.
It might fix everything, fix nothing, makes everything much worse, make you suicidal, give you brain zaps, and more. Even better, what it does today isn't necessarily what it'll do 6 months from now.
But it's okay. Your shrink can increase your dose. Or lower your dose. Or try a different one, there's a whole list to go through.
Which way will she go? Nobody knows.
I'm starting to make it. People are trying to set me up with their peeps.
Got a blind date with one tomorrow, and here's hoping she's a cute.
The pain all but disappears after a bit of mild stretching and use so I don't think it's a tear.
You don't have to do the entire 20 minutes in a row. Do moderate intensity, then increase the intensity, then lower it back down again. Maybe take a minute long break then go at it again.
"I'll start taking to girls when I'm 15% body fat."
Make a makeshift bench instead of the floor stuff. You build more muscle when the muscle is stretched. It's gonna make a difference.
just pounded down a 1400 cal meal, big and simple meat, potato and onion roast. I don't usually do OMAD but felt like it today.
I wish I could say I feel bloated and uncomfortable eating that much food the way some people do, but nope. I know I'm still perfectly capable of hoovering down 2 large pizzas in one go. Ah well.

Wanna still drink a whey shake today to bring my proteins above 100g and that'll have me 400 above goal, but no biggie. Still a deficit.
Good post.

Anything less than 1800 a day fucks me up bad. 1600 has me passing out when I get out of my car. Try cutting the walks down to 6km and add 300 calories to your daily diet.

>Isnt important to keep somewhat active otherwise my muscle will also atrophy
Im 172 right now and am on 1800. If I focus on volume eating I make it through mostly fine. Got down to 157 before my last bulk, but that required ungodly amounts of walking and 1600 calories a day. Not sustainable. I also have a decent amount of muscle which would mean my TDEE would be high, but it still took that drastic of measures to get the weight down.
The minutes you do now arent important, whats important is that you do your best and that you improve.
I like scoob, but this workout isnt great. Particularly calf raises, hammer curls, floor press, rear delt flies and shrugs.
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> Can't do a simple pull up.
> Read instructions again.
> "if you struggle, lower weight"
3rd week of maintaining
I had to adjust this week but all is Gucci at the end. I'm in a acceptable weight range
How I did my first pullup


Feel good huh
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I can't do one either. I set my resistance bands as high as they will go, sit on the floor under the door, and pull them down as far as I can, holding it for 30 seconds on the last rep. I reckon after my next fast I should be light enough to do it properly.
Still I have to say losing weight is easier than maintaining
Losing weight is more straight forward
That is a hen or pullet, not a cock. You niggerfaggot urbanite retard
Its more straight forward, but i wouldnt say its easier. Any plans to bulk up?
Nah no plans. For the time being I want to stay at my weight of 80 kilis
fuck yeah man. enjoy being healthy.
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I had a similar transformation and the feeling is unreal, isnt it?
shocked at the lack of loose skin
its likely tucked under his shorts lol, but i doubt its much and i could be wrong. some people get very lucky. after half a year since i first got lean, the loose skin seems to be going away. although i have increased the size of my obliques and lower back.
hiding in the shorts probably look at the belly button

he still looks good tho
Lucky not to have loose skin on his chest though. Dude looks great. Im really happy for him. I really hope other people in this thread get to feel that too. Its like living a whole other life.
mirin face gains
mirin shoulder insertions
>50% of my daily intake is a margin error
how fat?
you can stop the video rest a minute and restart and you can do this as many times as you need
Try olive oil.
tried asking in a different thread but ill ask here.
im almost at 190. i've been doing body recomp for a couple of months now. my favorite machine at the gym is the assisted pull up and it makes me want to get into calisthenics (aside from a fitness influencer i follow).
serious question, should i wait and drop some more weight before starting to full on get into calisthenics? or is it possible to at least start doing a little bit now? i dont expect it to be easy given i still have a long way to go, but i am slowly progressing in terms of building muscle. my core is still quite weak but im starting to give it more attention in terms of exercise now compared to before.
just go do it and have fun man. dont worry. who cares if you dont succeed at first, youll get better.
okay, i guess ill look into some beginner stuff then!! thanks for the encouragement.
hell yea. try to get good at pullups and chinups. i love them. try to do one or two and eventually youll be able to do way more. i mostly lift weights, but i really like calisthenics too.
try doing something similar to couch to 5k, like trampoline to 5k or something, do 2 minutes at normal intensity then two minutes at low intensity, then repeat as if you were doing a set of 5 or something, then next week move on to 3 minutes per set then the week after 5 and so on, doing 4 minutes then calling it a day isn't going to get you anywhere, neither is killing yourself trying to get as many minutes as possible from the get go, you have to start from zero and work your way up.
Are you aiming for ketosis? You may want to stay under 30 net carbs/day
>Christian Bale lost 62 lbs in 4 months back in 2003 when he was 29 for The Machinist
>His daily diet was one black coffee, a bottle of water, an apple, a can of tuna, and occasionally some whiskey
Dude is 6 feet tall and he was 120 lbs. I have 36 lbs (probably less since I've been in a plateau for a while) to go for my goal, and it sounds tempting to spend September and October in misery. But he was gaunt after all of it, most of his muscle was gone.
Exercise doesn't lose weight, even if you work your ass off you shave maybe 100 calories a day more than if you literally did jack shit.

I go 18:6, cut out all liquid calories and only drink black coffee for breakfast.

Sugar companies have lied, breakfast is what makes you fat.
I hope you're not using this as an excuse not to exercise anon
if you're fat, just walking around is amazing exercise
Exercise is a supplement, and you burn far more doing cardio like running or biking for 24 hours than you do fasting for 24 hours. People who participate in 12+ events like extended marathons or triathlons can burn over 10k calories in a day. The problem is that very few people in these threads are anywhere near physically capable enough to have that level of endurance or stamina. But you can build up endurance fast and be doing 3+ hours of cardio within a month of starting, and that's going to burn over a 1000 calories guarantee. You could equal your BMR within 3-5 hours depending on your weight.
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I'm giving up running for now bros, I got too cocky, I'm still too fat for it.
My shins and knees are hurting, I'm less inclined to go out on walks, I'm getting hungrier and hungrier, and my weight loss has stalled.
Will try again in two months or so, feels bad man. For real, I feel like a failure.
You should not give up on walks tho, unless you're like 50+ years old or very morbidly obese your knees can take the hit. Also I cannot recommend biking enough, it's 1000x times more fun than running (at least imo) and way more gentle on your physique (if you don't fall that is)
>For real, I feel like a failure.
Far from it, my good man. Running while you're fat is fucking stupid (no offense). There's so much injury risk it's not even worth it.
Huge loss of 5.75lbs this week got me all the way to 45lbs lost total. Feels great
Before I started running I was walking a lot with zero issues, averaging 14k a week. But it was taking too long, too many hours per week so I wanted to be more efficient with my time. I made it to week 2 of couch to 5k.
>220 down to 180lb
>max 800 calories a day in 1 meal
>48 hour fast once a week
>no food in house, can't secret eat even if want to
>walk 1 hour a day
>stuck at 180 dry morning weight for 3 weeks now

How is it possible? How can 4000ish calories a week possibly be maintenance weight for 180lbs? I'm not drinking l, I'm not snacking, I'm not getting calories outside of my 1 meal a day
It worked amazingly well from 220 down to 180 but somehow my weight loss has stopped completely
I want to get to 160 to get rid of my excess abdominal weight, but this is incredibly frustrating.
It's not physically fucking possible. Sobody please explain this shit for me.
Get some ointment for your legs
Light jogging, just do it
Do not give up, I know you don't want to give up, I know you feel depressed giving up, I know you're scared that you won't go back to it in 2 months, and I know that saying you will is simply a cope to console yourself that it's not over.
Nobody is going to lose your weight for you but you. Nobody can burn your calories through running but you. The only one holding you back from your ideal self is you. 2 more months and start again? 2 month delay of nothing happening but falling back into bad habits. You would not only waste 2 months, but a lot of the progress you've made already. Your progress wasn't nothing, but you haven't been doing it enough for you to be able to jump back in at the same level.

You've already started on this path, so don't stop now. Don't fall into your comfort zone. You're here because you wanted to change. You're here posting this because you hope somebody will tell you to get your ass back outside. If you really didn't care, you wouldn't have posted it to tell us. I had pressure ulcers on my ass from sitting on a bike seat for a while but they got better. Your legs will get better. Look into running techniques that reduce impact. Look into the correct shoes. Your weight is in a plateau but even in a plateau you're still burning fat, you're just retaining water. Keep it up a few more weeks and you'll see it rapidly drop.
goddamn some of you guys have insane strategies, idk how you pull that off
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>Whole-grain bread, yogurt, tofu and infant formula are all highly processed, for instance, but they’re also nutritious.

What are some ultra-processed food you guys enjoy eating that won't turn you in a fat bridge orc?
It's a water retention plateau. In short, your body feeds on glycogen. For every gram of glycogen, there are 3-4 grams of water. You may notice your fat feels more malleable and your body's shape is still changing, it's water retention. After enough time, you will experience the "whoosh" effect where all that retained water leaves your body over a week or something and you go down to the weight you would be at if you had exercised through the whole plateau.

There are different tips by people for getting out of a plateau, like doing LISS, refeeding days, or saunas/hot baths and sweating it out, but it will also just go away with enough time. When it rains, the droplets stick to the window. If one droplet touches another, it becomes a bigger, heavier droplet that's more likely to be weighed down and combine with other droplets. When all the retained water droplets in your body reach the right weight, they'll all fall out too.
Your body is retaining weight because you are starving it, retard. You need to eat regularly for it to actually try to treat some as excess.
I feel like this is something you would find in groups that support anorexia. I'm not saying what you should or shouldn't do, but this is something I would only suggest if you are competing in physical sports.
Nicotine and caffeine to suppress appetite.
Willing to entertain this notion. My plan atm is to keep going with what I've been doing. It makes sense that the body would retain water in this situation, and that's the only source of weight I could possibly be retaining.

It's impossible for it to survive and maintain weight at 180 while starving retard, I'm active through the day and walk for a hour besides that. As I said I lost weight down from 220 and it just stopped here for weeks.

>ur magically producing calories out of thin air becuz u not eat lmoa
I've reached my goal 6 weeks ago. I've been still counting calories but eating maintenance. I think maintenance is harder than cutting, especially if you don't want to lose further weight but you also don't want to outright bulk.

Gained 0.6kg in 6 weeks, hoping it's mostly muscles since I've been lifting 5 times a week consistently, but who knows. I miss the simplicity of eating a deficit. A clear, quantifiable goal with steady, visible progress on a day to day basis.

Rant over
>I feel like
>I'm not saying
>I would suggest
Pussy language from a retarded weak bitch. Definitely a shitlib, probably loves niggers and thinks they love him back. Respects pronouns and is an ally to pedophile poopdicks.

Real men decide to make shit happen and take steps to get it done. The only calculation done was "what will keep me alive and mentally functional while I get rid of this fatfuck body". Not an eating disorder, a deliberate decision to change and fix a mistake.
"Processing" food isn't something bad per se, it's what humanity has been constantly striving to do since the first caveman realized that steaks are tastier when set on fire. Cheese and cured meat are both very processed aliment, but are not all created equal. American cheese is probably the worse aggression to human fitness ever created but a good cheese can be quite healthy in moderation. Cured meats are the same, god knows what's in the cheap presliced stuff you buy in supermarkets but a traditional jamon or similar lean cuts are pretty much the perfect diet food. There's obviously the question of the price though.
I hope your not using exercise as an excuse to eat like a pig anon
>ur magically producing calories out of thin air becuz u not eat lmoa
your metabolism is down imbecile, you are expending less on your daily activities, your tdee changes as you lose weight illiterate fucking monkey
>It's impossible for it to survive and maintain weight at 180 while starving retard
isn't that exactly what's happening to you, dumbass, how can a person be so fucking stupid, open your fucking eyes and read your own fucking posts maybe you'll see the cognitive dissonance
I don't, don't worry, but it seems I hit a delicate spot didn't I
As long as it doesn't have a metric ton of sugar or corn syrup added its not that bad for weight loss.

red 40 is basically plastic though so avoid.
Fucking stupid nigger 800 calories isn't mx even while "starving". Never post again dumb asshole. Even a 12 year old would waste away on 800 calories a day.

Othe guy is probably eight, it's likely water retention plateau, which is a lot more probably than 'lol u just stopped needing calories!!11'.

Don't reply bitch. If you reply it means you're gay.
>Even a 12 year old would waste away on 800 calories a day.
yet you aren't, curious how reality clashes with your uneducated opinion, I guess reality must be wrong
Damn, if you're so smart maybe you should use that intelligence to try and lose some weight
i am consistently losing weight, unlike you who's stuck "for no reason" at 180
Better luck next time, smooth brain.
I keep seeing this 'Red 40' being spread around, is this a new boogieman, like sugar is bad or like eggs have high cholesterol?
I've experienced the water retention personally. I was stuck in the lower 80s (kg) for a couple weeks, and then the week after it dropped 3 kg. One night as another plateau ended, I took a really hot bath to sweat as much as possible. From the time right before I took the bath when I weighed myself to when I woke up the next day (13 hour span), I lost a full kilogram, and it wasn't a fluctuation thing. I was 0.7 kg lighter right after taking the bath (I could see sweat pouring off me) and lost the other 0.3 kg overnight. My weight didn't go back up over the next few days even after rehydrating myself with plenty of water. I'm currently on another plateau and I do notice subtle changes in my physique. Today I noticed I could see the back of my sides beneath my ribs in the mirror, it was like they had sunken in. My fat is really malleable, I squeeze a circle around my belly button and it causes a small amount of belly to pop out from another place. I can easily fold it, even the fat on my butt. It's annoying to be stuck at the same place for a few weeks since it becomes difficult to measure your true weight, but I know that it will suddenly all go away with time.
>your true weight
your "true weight" is what you see on the scale. the scale not being the most reliable fat-loss measure is a different story.
I remember you, hot bath water retention anon, you posted this shit like two weeks ago, if you're already in another fucking plateau guess what, you're (still) eating too much retard, eat less.
protein powder
Never gained back the weight I lost, but I did enter another plateau several days later, so I wonder if it was too early to try and sweat it out. I have noticed physical changes since, so I have faith that it'll all just come out at some point. I tried refeeding the other night and skipping that night's cardio but I don't know if I even hit maintenance, I was forcing myself.

I know when I'm in a plateau because my weight will always fluctuate within the same 1 kg range for weeks. Currently it's anywhere between 73 kg and 74 kg.
>Currently it's anywhere between 73 kg and 74 kg.
manlet, woman or skelly?
t. "manly" 300lbs fatty
nah I'm 76kg and not /fat/, just saw the reply on the front page and was wondering why someone is trying to lose weight at 73-74
fascinating, please do tell us more about your life
as they say nothing tastes so good as skinny feels
based on your salty responses, I imagine the answer to my initial question is "manlet"?
175 cm man

A couple years ago I was 110 kg and lost 30 kg in 7 months. Got lazy and lost another 7.5 kg over the 7 months after. Then in the 13 months after that, I went 12.5 kg up to 85 kg. In about 2.5 months I've lost 12 kg, it was disappearing at a rate of 1 kg every 6 days, I kept at my exercise and diet every single day, and it occasionally flatlines as a plateau.

While I will build some muscle eventually, it's not a high priority right now. My real goal is to hit a BMI of 18.5, the threshold of underweight and normal, if possible. I want to be able to say that I'm both normal and as far from being overweight as I can be, that there is a point in my life where I'm the thinnest one in the room while still being healthy. I know BMI is only a measure of weight in relation to height, it doesn't account for muscle, but if 18.5 is equal to 56.7 kg for me, I'll pursue it. At the rate I've been losing it (1300 deficit everyday since mid-June), it should take me until the end of November or maybe early December if it slows down. After maybe a month of maintenance, I'll start bulking throughout 2025.
Good luck. Seems a little extreme but if it makes you happy, go for it I guess.

I wouldn't recommend anyone to do that. You could probably start eating maintenance now and do an insane recomp with your noob gains. But if that's how you want to do it, don't let anyone stop you.
I posted >>75018090 earlier. He's 8 cm taller than me and went 2.3 kg lower than my absolute lowest goal. He looks sickly in that movie, but obviously it won't be as severe for me based off the height and weight differences.
Fatty Contest
Scale should go down not up
Fatty Contest
Meeting friends at a chinese restaurant tonight. I'll limit the food I order and make myself a bunch of eggs before going to kill my hunger and get my proteins in. I'm also staying away from "saucy" things full of sugar if possible. I'll probably ingest plenty of sneed oils but it's better not to think about it.
Honestly this week of almost constant fasting went great, I sneak peeked the scale yesterday and the result was mind boggling, we'll see on monday morning for fatty contest purposes.
>Meeting friends at a chinese restaurant tonight.
>I'm also staying away from "saucy" things full of sugar if possible.
not possible chief
Yup fuck it, I'm eating maintenance this weekend to get over this retarded plateau
Fatty Contest

Back on track baby
Fatty contest
Plateuing is ass, maybe I'll woosh by tommorow
Binged last night on two pieces of Ryvita with peanut butter
Fatty contest
Certified Turtle
The most I lost was 18kg and I did that in 4 weeks, went from 83kg to 65kg. Did it in three and a half weeks while eating more than I ever have, seems impossible to me now.
huh? was you working like a slave or something?

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