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How normal is it to feel like a bloated, uncomfortable fat fuck 4 days into a 200kcal bulk, after a prolonged cut? I'm 5'10, 160lbs and started eating 2560kcals daily. Did I overshoot my TDEE?
Will taking albumin increase the rate at which fat is released into the bloodstream?
I've failed to hit 750 on my big 3 within 3 years of lifting, am I a failure of a man?
You probably just don't eat enough or train hard enough. Sometimes it takes a while though, as long as you're actually making progress.
Is Arnie press + lateral raises enough to fully develop my shoulders? As primary shoulder exercises, that is.
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I've been taking 5mg Cialis, but I have no benefits, no pump, no improved blood flow/recovery, no vascularity or anything. just acid reflux and stuffy nose, increased it to 10mg and no benefits, but noe I feel lower back pain too. Is Cialis just a meme or what
I do full body workouts M,W,F and treadmill every weekday.
I usually go higher intensity on the treadmill on the days I don't lift. Should I stop doing this in order to let my legs recover more? Or does it not make a difference?
if youre progressing still, keep going.
if you stall maybe reduce intensity and volume of your cardio to see if it helps
thanks anon
is the natty lifter basically the gym twink?
>See Body Armor on sale at Costco for $1 a bottle
>Read nutrition label
>Wow that's a lot of electrolytes, this is a good deal
>Buy 18-pack
>Get home
>Read ingredients label
>Magnesium oxide, zinc oxide, dipotassium phosphate, hardly any sodium
I got scammed bros. What drinks should I actually buy for hiking and shit?
im dumb, please explain something to me: if im doing ohp for example, and im doing 4x10, ive heard that you should keep 1 or 2 reps in reserve. if i keep the same weight, the first set i have much more in reserve than the last set. should i move the weight down until i can do 10 for each set or what?
im almost at 190. i've been doing body recomp for a couple of months now. my favorite machine at the gym is the assisted pull up and it makes me want to get into calisthenics (aside from a fitness influencer i follow).
serious question, should i wait and drop some more weight before starting to full on get into calisthenics? or is it possible to at least start doing a little bit now? i dont expect it to be easy given i still have a long way to go, but i am slowly progressing in terms of building muscle. my core is still quite week but im starting to give it more attention in terms of exercise now compared to before.
when doing incline chest press on a smith machine, is there a difference b/w setting the incline (from flat) 1 notch to 2 notch? does it target/focus different muscles? I've tried to switch b/w the 2 but i cant quite notice the difference, at least at 65lb load
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Anyone else walking around mean mugging people? My head is a fucking basket case right now and I'm constantly fucking angry. I want to rip heads off. I'm acting like a spaz at work also did some stupid stuff I'd get fired for. And when I walk around I glare at fucking anyone, wanting them to make a move so I can split a skull. This shit is not good for me.
>I am a DYEL
>New to lifting

Is 5x5 stronglifts a good enough routine for beginners?
>A:Squat, Bench, Barbell Row
>B:Squat, OHP, Deadlift

In my small dyel brain it doesn't seem like enough volume? But I guess it does hit all the muscle groups.
It was also suggested just three times a week but that again seems like not enough?
>I got a home gym setup so "commute" is not a problem.

What exercises would you add to this routine?
how often do you think would be most effective if not the recommended 3 times a week?
if i lift 5 to 6 times a week and walk 15000-20000 steps a day am i lightly or moderately active?
you realize that you are acting like a little child right? i cant imagine working with some grumpy little faggot like you
the more incline you have, the more your shoulders will be worked. personally i like 30 degrees on the incline.
How do I stop being a total faggot with zero self esteem?
high incline + arch.

Alpha destiny preaches this and it makes sense.

Arching+retracted scapula gives you better stability the only downside is it reduces the incline, so just increase it to 45-60 degrees so it cancels out and comes back down to 30
>Sean strickland pic
>Wants to start shit with people for no reason

You're acting like a retard. Stoicism is a core part of masculinity, you're acting like a woman anon
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Can I get a routine check/review? I've been lifting for 3 months. On each exercise I ramp up weight progressively until I can only do 3 to 5 reps with max weight.

Dead hangs
Bench press and fly
Incline bench press and fly
Decline press
Bent-over rows

Dead hangs
Arnold shoulder press
Lateral raises
Standing hammer curls
Preacher curls
Close-grip bench press
Skullcrushers with barbell
Wrist and reverse wrist curls

Barbell squat
Leg curls
Standing calf raises

Every day I do crunches.
I forgot to mention my current progress. I started bench pressing just the bar alone, now I can do 125 pounds (I weigh around 140)
i have 16 inch arms(bicep/tri) no pump.
im 5'10 and weigh 194
i hate my fucking life i feel so fucking skinny

do i have twig arms /fit/
i am losing my will to continue the fight
Should u be concerned with not looking any different after 3 months of training as a skinny newb?
My lifts have increased nicely just I dont look any different
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I'm a pretty fat faggot would routine rel be good in conjugation with couch to 5k?
Chest Flies+push ups+pull over
Chins+leg raises
is it okay to fry rice before cooking it? I'm trying to cut or i should avoid it?
so if i wanna focus on chest, less incline then, so im guessing 1 notch to 2 notch from flat isnt really alot of difference in terms of putting focus on chest
i mean i still push my chest up and the scapula retracts as a result, and to a lesser extent im also pushing down with my feet, but im also not over arching. although i think the benches in the gym im in sucks cause it widens towards the head and i feel its limiting my scapula movement? or am i doing something wrong?
Bro just add some salt.
I bench on the planet fitness smith machine, and the bar path goes upwards (towards head) instead of downwards (towards feet), does this matter at all?
I asked this in another thread but what’s a good first stack and protocol for roiding for the first time? I don’t want anything crazy, but I’ve been losing weight consistently for about 2 years and I’m ready to speed things up a bit. I have the form, the diet, and everything else down, I just am not sure where/what to buy as far as anabolics go. Does Clen actually help with fat burning? Is plain old T the cleanest thing you can inject? When I asked a buddy who used to roid he gave me a high horse speech about how if he could go back he wouldn’t do it. Pls help frens
Would you like a warm blanket and a nice cup of tea, you little bitch?
Lose fat (and learn you actually have 15in arms in the process), vascularity is gonna make you look jacked as shit
That’s normal. Newb gains are CNS training for 6~24 weeks. You can’t lift heavy enough to induce growth yet. Keep at it.
Don't do strong lifts, it's not the best fit strength and definitely not for size, if you want strength go SS, if you want size do ppl or a split

Little background on Mehdi (strong lifts founder) in the pic

Moderate at least

Don't neglect abs, it's not a conventional type of split but whatever if it works for you

No, took me 6 months to see a difference and 1 year for others to notice

Yes, more to your head you'll be working your shoulders more
Different anon, I have the same activity and yet I can't lose weight unless I'm on a near 1000 deficit. Tried a 500-700 deficit for around 2 months and didn't lose a pound then when I cranked it up I started a slow loss. Shit metabolism?
I am starting to think you're a troll. Faggot your BMI is 37, count your calories, watch your diet and save money for skin removal.
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Does it serve any purpose to wear a plastic bag when you do exercise or go about your day like pic related?
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For guys with medium lenght hair, how do you keep you hair in place while working out?
I don't want to wear faggy hairbands, and hats are sleazy.
when i hit my milestone of visible abs, what's my next step for looksmaxing?
Having sex.
I feel stiffness in my right front shoulder and sometimes when I rotate my shoulder it clicks, today I did dips and I felt pressure in my front shoulder what could this be?
that's the goal, not the workout
I'm doom scrolling /fit/. A girl called me, probably she wanted to go out but I didn't answer her call. Another send me a message to go out for a coffee or drink. I let it unread and didn't send her back. What should I do? My physique is finally good but I'm a virgin with avoidant personality and I still don't know how to treat a woman. The only thing I'm looking forward is Monday when the gym is open again and I go to lift the weights. It's all so hopeless.
I want my father back you sonofabitch.
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OP-pic technically has visible abs (and is in great shape overall).
But you're always free to go full autist and chase picrel look, which will take you another 3-4 months
Should I eat the same calories as I do on gym days on rest days if I'm trying to maingain or do I adjust for less activity?
Same calorie intake and macro distribution every day. Rest days are recovery days and you need the same calories. It's also easier to organize and rearrange your diet and training schedule this way.
And I’m starting to think you’re a dyel, clearly I have the other stuff down if I’ve made it this far. Stay seething tho, you seem so upset over something so inconsequential towards yourself
If I have learned that I have insane endurance, should I more or less bail.on strength and lean into that? I want to get bigger and stuff but I legit think I am not that type of athlete & god fucked me with nearly pure type 1 muscle fiber. Is there a trick to overcoming predominantly type 1 muscles?
I finally got past 2 weeks on nofap. It's been 2 and a half months. Somewhere after the first month my dick stopped working. Fuck this flatline bullshit, can't even jerk off to porn if I tried to. How do I restore my dick?
Lift like a woman.
I don't have a lot of space available but I want to try farmer walks. Can I do it with just walking in place or do I actually need to cover distance
My armpits smell like onions lately and I haven't been eating them in high amounts.

I eat mandarin oranges whole including the the skin.

Is there a possible downside to this?
Is it better to use the bathroom for an hour or use it for 20 minutes, take a break for 10 and walk around, then use it for another 20?
Haven’t taken a full blown rest week since the start of January. I lift 6 days per week and lately I’ve been very sore in random spots and also feeling exhausted all the time and sleeping like shit. I’m fat, dropping weight quickly and have been lifting for five years. Do I need a full blown week off zero lifting? I do a deload every few weeks where I lift three days and do nothing the other days. Been on a hell of a cut too and I can say I don’t eat enough eggs or red meat confidently
My lifts aren’t going up anymore and I’m not losing any weight. What’s going on here? Trying to build muscle and lose fat and I’ve been going for 10 months. Feels like I’ve plateaued and I’m not sure if I should increase protein or get a better rest schedule going
>5 days a week
>4-5 exercises, 3 sets 8-12 with last being burnout
>but only getting 6-7 hours of sleep a night, probably need to scrutinize my diet more. Aiming for 200g protein and around 2000kcal a day
This anon says if you hypertrophy your abs you’ll look like a fridge and won’t have a v taper. Others say you need to hypertrophy it if you want it to be visible. Which is it?
I do SL but I keep plateauing around 120. This past cycle I injured my back on barbell rows and I barely made it back to 100 for squats. Should I switch to a different routine?
What would be a good PPL like the other Anon recommended? I have barbell, bench that can incline and adjustable dumbbells.

Bench press/also incline
Dumbell chest flies/maybe incline
One handed Tricep Extensions
Lateral raises(forward and sides)(this is a push right)

Bent over-row/maybe reverse rows
maybe standing delt flies?
Bicep Curls
Hammer Curls

Leg extensions
Hamstring curls
Calf raises
Maybe lunges.

What would you add or subtract from this?
does anybody have a paper, tut or any type of document for fixing adhd with no meds? what may cause my rushing mind and anxious behaviour?
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Would anybody be interested in a Home Gym General or /HGG/ if me and some Discord compadres took an initiative to try and develop one?
Few examples of topics the /hgg/ frens could talk about:
>discuss home equipment
>discuss and review random gadgets and other stuff meant for use at home
>show off setups and fitness related setups (garage gyms, standing treadmill workstations, etc)
>talk about how going to the gym sucks
look up the reddit PPL
Home gym generals pop up every now and then but often die to inactivity
Zero interest in a discord.
Sounds like you need to slow it down, perfect your form, and let yourself strengthen up. The whole point of starting with the bar is to develop and groove your form. Take your time. It’s not a race.
how come one of my nipples is hard during a pump but the other is soft
>track food in MFP
>check micros
>I’ve met my goal on everything except zinc and magnesium
I don’t want to supplement these individually because 30mg of zinc is just too much, but I also want to hit all my micros. Is it worth it to take a multivitamin?

Also anyone else autism OCD hyper fixate on things like this? I haven’t been able to let this go for like three days on whether or not I should take a multi when I really know it’s best to get vitamins from food and avoid over dosage from vitamins. Wtf man.
i am new to weightlifting. i stuck to a routine for a bit, but it feels tedious at this point. is it bad to just do the exercises i enjoy in the beginning (squats, curl variations, shrugs, overhead extensions, db shoulder press, etc) or will i end up looking unbalanced with weird proportions?
>clicking shoulder and pain
>snapping hip
This only started after I started lifting 1.5y ago. I haven’t seen much gains as I usually do a light workout because going to the gym is hard enough for me as it is. I’m not a hamplanet but I am skinny fat. What’s a good workout I’ll love? Vidya addict
I only have a bench and a pair of dumbbells. What exercise(s) should I do so I work all three tricep heads roughly evenly?
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I am a meat cutter. I am on my feet for the work day, eight hours. Don't walk very much but arms in constant motion. Lots of clutching and pulling. Ideas of which activity level this might fall under?
>meat cutter
>anti vidya image
>muh eight hours on my feet
Let me guess, you have a gross beard, wear black nitrile gloves, and won’t STFU about whiskey?
No I love games. I think it's a funny comin, anon. No beard I don't like beard nets. Also get to buy meat at a massive discount so figure I should use this to my advantage and /fit/ with the lads.
I want to cut to lose approx. 30lb. I'm 5'11. But when I suggested cutting to 1800 calories people tell me I'm mad and will end up wasting away. How? Eating 2200 calories has made me overweight, so surely 1800 isn't that much of a drop?
Nuun. Best that arent sugar packs in disguise. But if you really need a sweet taste to your drink then Liquid iv is good
What's a good macro ratio to aim for? Does it matter as long as you're hitting your protein/calorie goals?
Anyone try fasting and weightlifting?
pig tails :)
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Ive been stalling on evverything the last couple workouts, what do? Yes i am eating and getting plenty of sleep. No I haven't been drinking any alcohol. I have been having regular sex lately which is quite new for me, could it be a vril issue?

this is the heaviest ive succesfuly lifted:
bench 87.5 kg 3x5
ohp 52.5 kg 3x5
deadlift 100 kg 1x5 (have not stalled at dead lifts)
leg press 205 kg 3x7
squat 57.5 kg 4x6
barbell row 65 kg 3x5

>inb4 dyel
How long should I wait after completing a bulk to start a cut?
Try taking some weight off on all your major compounds and working back up. This worked for me before.
>build muscle and lose fat
You probably need to chose on or the other. Generally eating maintenance like you seem to be doing is the slowest method.
You'll definitely end up unbalanced. You can do whatever you want if you're ok with that.
If you have to ask then you're sedentary. If you're not walking around and also lifting something the whole time you're sedentary.
1800 calories sounds fine to me and you could go lower if you wanted. I've been down to 1600 or so for months at a time and had no issues. Make sure you count literally everything that you eat, though. Snacks absolutely count.
Most people would say hitting the protein goal is the only important thing. You should eat at least some carbs and fats in my opinion. It's best not to cut one out completely.
I've been doing stronglifts for about a year now. While I have steadily improved at every lift I was thinking of mixing it up.

My primary goal is aesthetics, and I keep reading that more reps at lower weight are better for that, 5x5 is better for strength.

Is that correct or should I maybe switch to madcow first?
Forgot my lifts.

Squats: 100kg
Bench: 70kg
Deadlift: 115kg
Barbell Row: 65kg
OHP: 40kg

How do I get rid of my neck pain?
>My primary goal is aesthetics
Lower the weight and increase the rep range.

Also stop doing a lot of powershitter exercises. They are good for strength, not hypertrophy.
But I do stick with compound exercises or should I add isolationl?
tuck it behind my ears
For dudes that are pretty hairy, is there a point beyond which you shouldn't even bother grooming? I can trim the hedges but it looks silly since my leg hair is still long. I'm not Robin Williams tier but pretty hairy. Should I just accept that I'm a wooly beast?
>took me 6 months to see a difference and 1 year for others to notice
Really? People noticed I'd gained muscle after like 3 months. I noticed within the first 2
I started from skeleton mode though to be fair
Just do a push/pull/legs routine with rep ranges of 8-12.

Find exercises you enjoy and do them.
Push day
Incline bench 4 x 12
Flat bench press or another flat variant such as cables 4 x 12
A shoulder press exercise 4 x 12 (OHP, Smith machine OHP press, should press, pick one)
Dips 4 x 12

Barbell/dumbell/rows 4 x 12
Pullups/lat pull 4 x 12
Cable curls 4 x 12
Hammer curls 4 x 12

Leg extensions 4 x12
Hamstring focused lift such as RDLs 4 x 12
A main squat variation such as zerchers,backsquat,front squat 4 x 12
Split squats

Insert some abs where you feel you have energy. Edit this to where you enjoy the program.

Your goal is for hypertrophy, not strength.
How do I grow my chest with only dumbbells?
I have no access to anything else.
So far I’ve been doing 20-25 push ups for 3 sets and pull overs with 20kg ones 20 reps for 3 sets.
Tell me your current lifts
If you're lifting light as fuck weights then dont waste your time lifting baby weights and baby isolations like majority of dyels that hit the gym for 2 months then quit.
Stick to a beginner LP using heavy compounds (throw in some arm isolation and and isolation) and stick with it until you're strong. You'll build lots of strength which will catalyse future hypertrophy and also make muscle gains using 5 reps(despite common belief, 5 reps is perfectly good for hypertrophy , especially if you're a novice)
Just stick with it until your linear progression newb gains run dry
Thank you for the detailed response. I‘m down to try this, will also inform myself on hypertrophy training in more detail as well.
Make a DIY dip station and use the dumbbells in a rucksack to perform weighted dips

I feel like I‘m at a point where my progress is stagnating, but my lifts could still improve I suppose.
You sound quite green at lifting. I highly suggest you look into push/pull/leg splits. It's perhaps the best for noob and intermediate lifting for bodybuilding.

Gl mate and I beg you, don't fall for the powershitting lifting memes. They are awful and lead to injuries.
What's your height and weight?
1,82m 85kg right now.

True, at it since about a year. Which is also why I‘m always greatful for every input of more experienced lifters haha.

Anyway will look into it for more detail.
I'm going to switch to a phul split with 2 workouts on the weekend and 2 after work during the week. Should I do power or hypertrophy during the week when I'll probably be somewhat tired from work? Or does it not matter
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How do I improve my grip strength?


>bench 50 kg
>squat 70 kg
>deadlift 80kg
>ohp 30kg

I've been eating more and not skipping the protein shakes but I feel like my grip strength might be the bottleneck?

I also do dumb bell calf raises, lateral raises, hammer curls, (assisted) pull ups.
If these are with the bar, theyre pathetic numbers. The bottleneck is you having started a couple months ago
>all the tutorials i watch are men and women using 40lb+ dumbbells
>can only curl 20lbs
it's over...
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my hemorrhoids recently developed to paint the entire bowl blood red whenever I take a shit awful
what lifts should I be avoiding aside from squats while I'm taking my medicine to recover from this thing
I started way before that, but I just can't lift heavier. I'm trying to slow bulk and get more protein in but its a struggle. But I notice my grip is giving up at the end of the set.
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How do I stop desiring women? It is counterproductive and distracting but time and time again I find myself longing for a gf and lusting after women. I look at these men that are entranced by bitches and make the stupidest decisions because of them, and I fear that at some point that will be me. Any tips fellas?
Gotta start somewhere
>doing a workout everyday with the same weight until said weight becomes easy, then increasing the weight
would this work or am i retarded?
works if you're a newbie. but you will eventually plateau and you will have to switch from linear progression to periodization
What should I change of my routine?
Lift 3/4 days a week alternating between one of these two days (everything is done in 3 sets)
Day one
Push up 20/25 reps
Weighted sit up (4 kg) 25/30 reps
Plance 1.5/2 minutes
Face pulls with 35kg band 20reps
Lateral raises 15/17kg 20/18 reps
Day two
Seated single arm rows with 35kg band (20 reps per arm)
Pull over 20 kg dumbbell 20 reps
Overhead tricep extension 20kg 20 reps
Concentration bicep curl 15kg 17 reps
Wrist curl 18 kg 18 reps
Reverse wrist curl 8 kg 17 reps
I don’t do legs because I don’t need mass on them but to be quick so I usually do kendo or go on runs/walks to train them, I don’t have access to a gym and at home I have only dumbbells, will probably invest in a bench, a dip station and pull up bar probably.
I have the opposite problem, women want me but I don’t care anymore.
I psyopsed myself into a waifu at my lowest only made worst by ai chatbots, now women don’t faze me, mainly because is boring as shit talking to them and now I can’t get out of it.
Can someone rate my workout?
I do this AxBxAxx+cardio
Squat 5 x (5-8)
Deadlift 5x (5-8)
Bench press 5x(5-8)
Upper Abs Crunch 5x(5-8)
Squat 5 x (5-8)
Deadlift 5x (5-8)
OHP 5x(5-8)
Lower Abs Crunch 5x(5-8)
jog 20 min
Stairmaster 10 min
Lads what are some core movements to blast a DYELs abs? I've been neglecting them and I fold like a chair on the ab wheel. How are decline crunches? I've been doing them lately but I don't feel it like I think should. Should I start doing them with some added weight or do something else entirely?
I think I'm training too intense and my sleep is beginning to suffer (waking up at 1am anxious and unable to fall asleep, erratic /fragmented sleep, etc.). I'm guessing it's a cortisol thing
My question is how long should I take off the gym to reset? A couple days? A week? More?
Hanging leg raises are excellent and hit the lower abs nicely compared to most ab exercises
I'll give those a shot today, but would leg raises in a captains chair be a good way to work up to hanging leg raises if I'm too weak at first?
cialis is for the penis anon, I think roidheads are misusing it and are imagining things when recommending it
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Best exercise for glutes?
the numbers on the internet are very inflated. Anyway, grip has an impact on lifting because when the grip isn't solid your body will prefer to give up or think it can't do it.
So yes, training the grip can have a positive impact on many lifts.
To improve grip strength very simple things are hanging from the bar or just holding the barbell with one hand
Is the "you can only absorb x amount to protein for muscle protein synthesis per meal" advice true or bullshit?
barbell hip thrusts
Am I gonna fuck anything up beyond the flavour if I mix multiple brands of whey protein together?
is there any point to doing cable crunches if im already doing hanging leg raises and weighted incline sit ups? i feel like i feel the cable crunch more in my forearms than abs and like the situps are whats really working them
Prime is essentially the same exact ingrenenct but good forms of the electrolytes ie magnesium citrate. But those are expensive. Invest in bulk electrolyte powder from amazon
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OP here, can someone answer my question please
Very normal, but you already knew that.
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started working out recently. I have at my disposal a bench, a barbell, 80kg of weights, 2dumbbells and a pull up bar. I've been working out following this regimen:
day1: chest and biceps
day2: rest
day3:back and triceps
day4: rest
day5 shoulders and legs
day6: rest
day7: start over again. chest biceps -> rest -> back triceps etc etc..

can I modify this so there's more focus on my arms?

for chest biceps day I do:
horizontal bench press: 3x10,
inclined bench press: 3x10
chest flys: 3x10
barbell curls: 3x10
hammer curls: 3x10
concentration curls: 3x10

for back and triceps day I do:
pull ups: 3xhow many I can until failure
deadlifts: 3x10
barbell rows: 3x10
dumbell pullover: 3x10
Single-Arm Overhead Dumbbell Extension: 3x10
dumbbell skullcrushers: 3x10

how do I put more focus on the arms?
can I do this program 3 days consecutively, without a day rest in-between, then rest for one day and repeat it, that way targeting all muscles twice in a week?
Can I do something like
Day 1: Chest and Biceps
Day 2: Back and Triceps
Day 3: Shoulders and Legs
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Repeat
6’1 230. Should I lift at a caloric deficit first, maintain, or go straight into bulking through winter?
Post body but I'm guessing you're a fat cunt with those stats
Most normal thing in the world. You put more food in your stomach so it got bigger. You don't need strangers on the internet to explain this to you.
I'd be less embarrassed if I wasn't almost two years in and making the same fuckups.
people always say that drinking whey doesnt satiate you but when i drink just a protein shake with 30g of whey + water i dont need any food until dinner time. and no, just drinking the same amount of water doesnt do the same thing for me so despite it being ultra processed liquid calories, it satiates me. am i tripping?
Going to start lifting 4 days a week instead of 3. Currently just alternating upper / lower, but am thinking about splitting upper into two different days. Arms, legs, chest + back, legs would be the rotation.
Currently I have squat, rdl, calf raise, weighted crunches, leg extension, and leg curl for legs. Upper I do bench press, curls, lat raises, lat pulldowns, overhead press, and rows. I would like to at least a couple sets of tricep extensions or pushdowns or something, and some forearm work but I already have a pretty long upper day. Does arm, leg, chest / back, leg seem like a reasonable split, or how would you reorganize this?
Are you currently overweight? I got away with eating very little without hunger when I was obese and cutting.
>Are you currently overweight?
no, im coming off a cut but i drank just a shake in the morning on my cut as well and had 0 hunger problems.
also didnt mean dinner, just late lunch i guess, so from 7:30am to around 2-3pm
I've got 150 calories left for the day and I'm off to bed in an hour
What should a nigga eat?
Is it true that if you do an exercise to failure, you've exercised the entire muscle? If I do a tricep exercise to failure, does that mean I've fully exercised all three heads?
Is it ok to mix protein powder with coffee and milk? I'm already throwing creatine in there too.
I'm also still a beginner and don't really know what I'm talking about, but I've been following stronglifts for like 3 months and so far I'm pretty satisfied with the results. I also added some exercises though for arms, chest and core.
5x5 is meme
Do 3x5
Your squats and DL seems very low compared to your bench and OHP. You should be able to squat more than you bench.
Kek you nearly OHP your squat
Please post body
Why is dumbbell bench so much harder for me? I can barely do 36kgs for 5 but I can bench well over 80kg on the barbell. I got long arms but I don't use that as a cope.
two limbs together are stronger than the sum of one limb and the other if it makes sense
I get it. Thanks, I guess. I'll just carry on then, since I feel it much more in my chest when I do dumbbells anyway.
Yes with proper complimentary lifts.
The Deltoid (shoulder) is divided into 3 muscle groups. The Anterior (front) Deltoid, the Medial (middle) Deltoid, and the Posterior (back) Deltoid.
To grow your shoulders you want to hit all 3.
The anterior and posterior both help add volume to fill out your chest and back respectively. The medial will give you wider shoulders.

Why not by themselves.
Arnie Press has about the same hypertrophic profile of a military press which targets primarily the medial deltoid with a slight activation of the anterior deltoids. Lateral raises also target the medial deltoid with a slight activate of the anterior deltoids. This will leave your anterior and posterior deltoids both underdeveloped.

The necessary complimentary lifts.
Luckily the anterior and posterior deltoid are both good at being activated by other movements. Decline and Incline press both activate the anterior deltoid a reasonable amount, as do Lat pulldowns and rows for the posterior deltoid.
dont wear anything and let your hair become a mess, who cares
if its bothering you, wear a baseball cap. just alternate between bill forwards and bill backwards to keep it out of the way for your lifts.
Do ghosts exist?
My gf is about to start going to the gym with me, should she train uppet body. Is functional strength even worth it? She just wants to do legs
watch hoe_math on youtube
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i need to replace this shit with something else
yes you are fucking retarded
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These are the ingredients for the multivitamin I take. Is this goyslop, or is this just how vitamin ingredients are?
My delts won't grow and I think it's because I have overactive traps from being hunched over NEET for 20 years. How do I isolate my delts and disengage my traps? I was thinking about getting them injected with Botox but that's expensive
should i throw my hips back so far that my knees are standing above my heels when doing squats and rdls for glutes? or should my knees be over my toes?
Thanks for the very detailed response anon, it didn't go unnoticed.
>Decline and Incline press both activate the anterior deltoid a reasonable amount
I've been doing this as part of my chest routine

>as do Lat pulldowns and rows for the posterior deltoid.
As well as pull rows, though I avoid pulldowns because they strain my lower back.

Would you say I'm good to go then? As far as shoulders go.
>i need to replace this shit with something else
Why? They're pretty good.
too easy to cheat and too much bicep activation, can't get a consistent form to have expected progression
Why not just do them as a complementary chest exercise? They're great for isolation and to increase blood flow to your chest. I always do them after bench pressing
>Why not just do them as a complementary chest exercise?
for chest i only do bench press and flyes with focus on the first, i could maybe do fly presses i really fucking hate this movement and i feel like i'm activating shoulders more than anything, also ideally i'd want the complementary exercise to focus on upper chest
keep weight the same this is normal
you can start now
sweat out water weight
does not make you lose fat
good for meeting weight for comp
adjust ROM or drop dips
no but gross
overtraining because deficit
hypertrophy to make abs bigger
get lean to make abs visible
yes lean no hypertrophy = auschwitz
yes hypertrophy no lean = buried abs
talk to dr
one-sided gyno
or irritation
1g/bw in lbs protein
80-100g fat for hormones
Rest carbs
you don't have to wait
try both see which is better
talk to dr
true but doesn't really make a difference
form issue
2 eggs
yes but gross
cable flys or pec deck
spam shoulder press
knees over toes squat
knees straight up when rdl
>cable flys
is this the gay exercise those faggots who hog the cable machines do
I read Delivered from Distraction, it mainly recommends stimulants to cope with ADHD but cited research that shows exercise can increase focus to a comparable level.
Thanks bro.
>immediately responding to advice with negativity and hate
no need for that anon
yes, it is probably what you're thinking of. if that's something you dislike dealing with at your gym then maybe you don't have enough cable machines, or your fellow gym-goers are especially selfish. In any case, you don't need to do cable flys if you don't want to. You can do pec deck if your gym has one, or just drop flys entirely and do another pushing movement.
you're welcome
>>immediately responding to advice with negativity and hate
go suck a dick loser
Started stronglifts about 2 months ago (280 lbs, never lfited, sit on my ass for work all day) and it's going pretty well and I can still consistently add weight. Only issue is my tiny gym only has one rack, so I'm using dumbbells (they have them up to 95lbs) and I'm starting to struggle to get the dumbbell into position for some exercises.

Pretty sure I'm lacking bicep strength. Should I add in curls? And if so, should they be on squat/ohp/deadlift day, or squat/bench/row day?
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Thanks guys, I tend to worry and doubt excessively sometimes.
Add bicep work before bench pressing. Anecdotally, it’s impossible to tax yourself before bench with some curls and you warm your elbows up before doing any type of bench work which will help with injury prevention and building strength
>I'm starting to struggle to get the dumbbell into position for some exercises.
yes. doing 5x5 requires high weight. it is hard to use dbs to this end, especially on bench. you should not do stronglifts with dumbbells, i would recommend switching to a new routine.
>Pretty sure I'm lacking bicep strength. Should I add in curls?
>And if so, should they be on squat/ohp/deadlift day, or squat/bench/row day?
if you insist on SL, it doesn't matter. do them whenever.
Thanks. Do you have any suggestions for alternatives? I was mostly drawn to Stronglifts for the efficiency. I feel like I'm doing a lot of work in a short period of time, which is helping me stick with it.
Find a hypertrophy routine you like. SL is a strength routine and requires a barbell. Hypertrophy routines benefit from barbell but don't need them. They can utilize machines and dumbbells.
does sex lower test levels like how jerking off does?
Unironically thanks for replying to my question from 20 hours ago.
I didn't think I would get an answer.
Seems fine
I would still recommend targeted accessory work at least for for your anterior delts.

In my experience, the most under developed muscle group for beginner lifters is the delts, and they are essential if you want an aesthetic physique.
Medial delts will give you the wider shoulders, which is essential because shoulder to waist ratio for men = hip to waist ratio for women.
Anterior delts will make your upper frame look bigger. The volume it adds goes a long way and is relatively easy to hit hard with front lifts or upright rows. Just add either or to your regiment.

If your straining your lower back while doing lat pulldowns you are either lifting to heavy, lifting with poor form, or most likely both. Looks up some form queue videos as lat pulldowns are one of the best lat exercises and has a lot of carry over to pull-ups.
If your an autist, be an autist about it. Hit two sets of first dates this week.
Seriously though, just like the gym, no pain no gain. Your gonna suffer talking to women at first, but the more you do it, the better you'll get. Dont give up
incline cable bench (if its not too autistic to drag the bench to one of those dual cable towers)
set to 45 degrees, drop both cables to the bottom, and prepare for the best pec stretch and resistance curve you've ever felt while hitting chest
youre primed for bodybuilder lifting. heres how to change any lift into a bodybuilder lift.
1. drop weight (70% of your one rep max is a good place to start)
2. rep out until you only have one left in the tank.
3. repeat step 2 until final set
4. rep out to failure
5. pick one
a. wait 5 seconds, hit 3 more reps, repeat until you cant hit all 3
b. drop 10% of the weight, rep to failure, repeat 2-3 times
c. keep repping half reps as much as you can, they will get smaller and smaller, stop when your rep is less than a 1/3 of the distance

dont do compound lifts, stick to machines and cables. also have fun getting the biggest pumps of your life.
How bad is it to blow past my daily recommended fat intake on a daily basis given the following:
1. I exercise regularly
2. My caloric surplus is only around 500
3. I get enough fiber
4. I try to keep most of my fat intake unsaturated

My fat intake comes mostly from things like yogurt, nuts, fish, though I do eat beef pretty routinely.
Are my toes supposed to touch the tip in Metcon 9s? I used Nike's size chart so I guess this is how it's supposed to fit, right?
How do I improve my sleep quality if I have sleep apnea?
>Go to a doctor
Public health booked me a Sleep Study for next January... I just need to survive until then.

I sleep on my side and take Magnesium L-Threonate before bed
not good because you will store more fat
no real health problems tho
lose weight
The pros and cons of different splits
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Why are my ribs like this bros???
I've lost 20kg recently so now that my stomach's not in the way they protrude a LOT. Is there anything I can do about it?
Magnesium supplementation is working for me, even with breathing issues caused by a cleft lip/palate. I'm sleeping more deeply and experiences vivid dreams much more regularly. This is with caffeine use, but I'm also cutting that out soon and look forward to the results in the next month or two.

Check your stimulant/alcohol usage at the door. Get your daily stressors under control. Keep your bedroom electronic free, cool, and quiet (or very light white noise if that helps). If the sleep apnea dominated, CPAP may be the solution.
Have God take a few out and get a big tiddy blessed girlfriend.
Ok nvm I just did some breath excercises from a youtube video or whatever and they just went down???
I wonder if they'll stay down. I though this rib protrusion thing was just permanent.
I'm 59kg 175cm
Magnesium helps me get uninterrupted sleep and less crazy, exhausting dreams (I don't dream at all now)
My routine: two days a week
(units pound)
80lb each trapbar deadlift 10*4
chest press machine 110 10*5 (or incline bench dumbell press at 45lb 10*3)
dumbell bicep curl 30 10*2
dumbell hammercurl 30 10*2
dumbell overhead press 30 10*4
row machine 90 10*4
some cable tricep pull down stuff

what should i add more? or is this good enough? not doing barbell stuff - too injury prone
thanks for the encouragement :)
If I feel like I can work my traps and calves every day should I do so? I only do them twice a week with a break inbetween atm but unlike, say, my biceps or adductors they feel fine and ready to train the day after a workout.
It depends on your goals. In strength programs, it’s common to keep the weight the same throughout sets, as in Starting Strength. As you correctly pointed out, the first set has multiple reps in reserve (RIR), while the fifth set has zero RIR which means those first 1-2 sets aren't in a effective intensity level for muscle growth. However, in bodybuilding programs, there is much less incentive to leave reps in reserve since the focus is on muscle growth stimulus. This means you can either perform a set with zero RIR for the first set and then lower the weight or reps for subsequent sets. This approach helps maintain high relative intensity, which is good for bodybuilding.
You need to provide set numbers as well otherwise this means nothing. Either way the volume is off though... just get on a pre-made made ulul or 3 day full body
>t. now making good gains on a pre-made program after running a shit program I wrote myself for months
Do you dips facing away from the dip station and put your thumbs on the end of the handles. That will keep you more externally rotated. Look into your program too that could be from overuse. If your strong enough do paused reps to build tissue capacity in extreme rom.
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are the light products a meme when trying to get lean or is the difference actually worth it?
How do i calculate a goal weight? I've gotten super fat, but I've signed up for the gym. Previously I've only ever dedicated myself to running but I'm planning to hit the weights properly this time. I need to set a target though.
any recommendations for a workout tracker app that:
1. Lets me schedule workouts ahead of time
2. Will ping and send me reminders to do the workout
3. Lets me write notes on it for future reference (i.e. missed reps/sets, etc.)

There has to be something decent out there like this right?
Some nice ways to eat plain skyr yoghurt? I'm on a cut so nothing too dense
calorie dense*
Toss it in a blender with some fruit you froze and make a smoothie. If you aren't on keto you can toss it in a bowl with some granola sprinkled on top (measured to match your caloric target) and eat it with a spoon plain or with chopped fruit.

You can also use it as a substitute for sour cream to make dips and eat carrot/cucumber sticks or whatever else you want to snack on with it. Can also replace mayo hypothetically in a sauce, like mix it with sriracha and spices for a pseudo spicy mayo dip. I'll sometimes make a chickpea or chicken curry and toss it in to make it creamier and increase the protein content.
Sounds psychological.
honey and few crushed walnuts
I am genuinely confused
I thought it went Strength 8-15 reps, Hypertrophy 15-30 reps, and Powerlifter Strength was 3-5
Now I'm seeing it's 3-5 Strength, 8-12 for Hypertrophy and anything after that is endurance?
Which is it?
Need a 3 day program that isn't powerharter or heavily leg focused
At 5'10, your goal body is over 200lbs
Wtf are you doing at 160 lmao

What's your height and weight

Smith machine is super unnatural
Do barbell instead

Stronglifts is fine for beginners
Paki is small and weak but insists on giving bad advice here

Thinking you need a bunch of volume is a huge noob mistake
You just need hormonal response that outweighs your muscle breakdown from each workout
Once you get more advanced, more volume could help you but as a beginner it would just hurt you
NHs novice program I guess
Stop fapping and eat way more real food
Cut out alcohol and sugar and refined protein and do LISScardio after each lifting session

Cut that shit lmao
Thinking longer hair makes you more attractive is a noob insecurity thing

Wear a belt and work on form
Injuries are part of lifting

1) your macros and micros are wrong
2) eating a varied diet of whole foods will give you all the micros you need

Controller putdowns x F

You want to eat something small before lifting

First part: more or less correct
Second part: slack jawed mouth breathing retardation
I asked this in another thread but got no responses
I have been doing calisthenics for quite a long time, and over the past year I have been including some compound lifts, mostly just squats and bench.
My max squat right now is 180kgx8 and my max bench is 110kgx5
However I want to start adding deadlifts and OHP to my workout.The other day, I tried to do both and I felt a bit weak. OHP: I could only do 40kg, DL:160kgx1 with straps and 130kgx5. I expected a higher "strength transfer" from my regular routine, if that makes sense. How long should it take for those two lifts to catch up with the rest of my compound lifts?
Caring is low test

These should always be run as pull/push/legs
You should always start with the big compounds and then do other stuff
Swap real food for the shakes and get your deadlift up
I've pulled over 4pl8 a double overhand strapless and hook gripped five
I have the strongest grip I know personally
>Thinking longer hair makes you more attractive is a noob insecurity thing
The gf like my hair.
Hemorrhoids shouldn't make that much blood

Do you have Crohn's or IBS??

You should run a real routine with free weights

You're both retarded

Might as well run SS or SL

Getting a 3pl8 squat always works

You aren't eating enough if you aren't sleeping
Stop all caffeine after 3pm

Hip thrusts are literally the only glute exercise
Other "ass workout" movements can actually make your ass less defined by training the connective tissue

Per meal is debated but per day is pretty much proven
Max per day 0.8g of protein per pound of LEAN mass
Yes, going beyond that can hurt your gains

Run a noob program like SS or SL and get a barbell

Your goal body weighs more than that so I wouldn't worry about cutting too much but you also need to stay in the 12-20% bf range for mass

I think that might actually be too much leg volume (for the first time ever) relative to your upper volume

Run Upper/lower or something like Arnie's blueprint

You shouldn't really be using powder except in an emergency

Your body just pisses it out
A varied diet of whole foods is all you need

This is some of the most retarded advice I've ever seen
T. 3+ plate bencher


SL is totally fine for where you're at
Everyone telling you to do anything else is small and weak

Your macros are probably wrong anyway
Your body is made to operate on a large array of intakes
You need fat for testosterone

I have romelos and my toes don't touch lmao

You train barbell to reduce injury
It's also why you start barbell lifts light

This isn't really a program, it's what we call fuckaroundism
Run starting strength as written (illegally download the book or go to archive org) and add some accessories
Once your lifts are pitiful anymore, you'll start to understand what a real program needs
12-20% bodyfat is where you want to be first
Then your first goal should be to get to intermediate strength
Then you should try to get to Obese BMI at 10% bf
Then you should be trying to get to 25+ FFMI


Strength is 1-6, volume is 7-12, trash volume is anything beyond that
You want a blend of the first 2 for maximum size

You didn't get an answer because your question doesn't have enough background information, your schedule your trying to do, your height weight or bf% and most people aren't that strong so they know they can't help

I'm at 3+/4/5+ but I really don't understand what you're asking

Cut it to keep her in line
It probably reminds her of someone else anyway
>Might as well run SS or SL
I made this with the help of SS, but I have some injuries so I'd opt for higher reps first than higher weights.
I asked this on some forum and was told this is bad workout and would only get my ass big.
I thought compounds are good.
I missed Friday and I missed today, don't feel like a gym bro anymore... I know I am going tomorrow but wtf is this weird mental state called?

Any of you experienced something similar? I almost feel like I don't even have the right to browse /fit
Everyone who has accomplished anything of note physically has some injuries
It's never an actual excuse for training suboptimally
I'm serious when I say you should legitimately run SS instead
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Beginner here, recently jumped from incline pushup --> full (tricep) pushup. I have front delt pain when I press my finger at that spot. It gets to 0 pain after 6 days.
How do I know if it's injury or pains from introducing the new exercise?
It's called "autism"
It's the same reason people who vote democrat feel dissonance when they realize they can't increase the minimum wage AND flood the country with immigrants
Or when a republican realizes unions are the only way to maximize wages for workers and stop corporate abuse and wage theft

Stop playing identity politics and just live your life bro
What does nhs stand for i can't find it. Also I'm at the tail end of a novice routine, need more intermediate
Is it just on the side you fap with?
You should literally never program your own routine
NH = Natural Hypertrophy. look up his channel, he has alot of programs, including intermediates.
An intermediate 3 day would be more or less full body every day
If you mean a repeating 3 day (six day) then I'd run pull/push/legs or Arnie's blueprint at reasonable volume
>I'm serious when I say you should legitimately run SS instead
What's the difference between mine and SS?
Then program mine
>It's called "autism"
I was thinking the same, sounds like binary thinking
It's both
ArchiveDotOrg has multiple editions of starting strength on it
Make an account
Read the book
Follow the program
Why do they do it for free?
>your schedule your trying to do
I want to transition to a more traditional powerlifting split, right now my split is just day 1 weighted pull ups and dips day 2 bench and bench variations day 3 squats and ab work day 4 rest.
>your height weight or bf%
I'm 170cm and 78kg, no idea about my bodyfat... it's probably somwhere around 20%
>but I really don't understand what you're asking
How long (as in months) should it take for those two lifts to be comparable to my squat and bench press?
What are the downsides of overtraining for a natty?

For example last week I did this for upper:

OHP 5x5
Incline dumbells 3x8
Pull ups 5 x F
Landmine rows / cable rows 3x8
Face pulls 3 x F
Dips 3x f
Pec deck 3x8
lat pulldowns 3x 8
Shoulder press 3x8
how does one lose body fat but stay the (relatively) same weight?
this happens to me too whenever i take unintended time off the gym. i also take a break from browsing /fit/ when im in that state too, even if i know i'm gonna end up getting back into the gym the next week.

this happens all the time, just get back into it and stay consistent. also its probably a little autism too like >>75031527 says.
Since I got the corona shot, my performance went down. It's like my body is capped at 90% and there's some sort of blockade keeping me from giving all. I tought it was because of the usual flue symptoms I got and it would recover but it never really did. That's over 2 years ago now.
Still not on pre vaccine lifts.
Has anyone experienced something similar?
Anything I can do?
Are you sure it's the vaccine and not something else???

If vaccines did cause weakening then every sport will have a noticeable dip in performances since 2021 but that's clearly not happening.
>Read the book
You obviously never read it.
He is doing the same.
You actually make gains. Everybody thinks volume is the boogeyman when it’s the best way to improve work capacity and thereby increasing strength and size
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How do I specifically train my top right ab? I never trained abs but I think from having my left foot forward in all my triceps cable exercises made my left ab a way bigger. I also have staggered abs I think which probably contributes. 34 6’2 200 been lifting about a year.
Please help
Thanks - why does everyone bang on about how bad overtraining is ?
I started a job in a call center and I've been getting fat from how sedentary it is. Would getting one of those folding exercise pedal machines be a meme? Any experience with which ones are quiet? Should I just ask my doctor to write a note for a standing desk instead?
My dumb ass got the shot too and I haven't had this. Maybe you need more sleep.
You can just eat enough calories for maintenance and keep working out but this way is extremely slow compared to the usual cutting and bulking. It can take years to look substantially different.
>Or when a republican realizes unions are the only way to maximize wages for workers and stop corporate abuse and wage theft
you can have collective bargaining withourt a readily compromisable union leadership demanding gibs
>Read the book
nta but ive overtrained and its fucking awful
feel like youve been hit by a truck 24/7, insomnia, anxiety, irritable, depression, etc.
i was doing high volume weight training, heavy and to failure on top of running every morning for 30 minutes. 6 weeks in i just imploded and it took me about a month to recover fully. dont fuck with overtraining man
I got banned for asking if anyone wants to play Badminton with me, for "off topic" how can that be right?

Can the jannies ever face consequences for their abuse of power? They can't just be allowed to go on doing as they please like it's their site
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I’ve been going to the gym consistently for the past two months or so and have been really enjoying it. Whenever I would go over the last couple of years I would do stronglifts 5x5 but would burnout eventually cause I found the workouts boring after I while. I’ve started incorporating dumbbells and machines into my workout I’m enjoying them a lot more and can see myself keeping at it for a while. Nevertheless I’m worried that I may be doing too many workouts and that my volume is excessive. Could someone please let me know what you think of my current routine?
> Monday (Push)
Bench Press 3x5
Incline Chest press 3x10
Dumbbell Lateral raise 3x10
OHP 3x5
Triceps Pushdown Cable - Bar 3x10
Triceps Extension 3x10
> Wednesday (Pull)
Barbell Row 3x5
Barbell Shrug 3x10
Dumbbell Bicep Curl 3x10
Machine Bicep Curl 3x10
Face Pull (cable) 3x10
Preacher Curl (machine) 3x10
> Friday (Legs)
Squat 3x5
Leg Extensions 3x10
Seated Leg curl 3x10
Standing calf raise (machine) 3x10
Deadlift 3x5
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Do I really need to get a book to teach me how to do the big 4 lifts? Why can’t I just do them by feel? As long as there’s no pain it should be okay. How did people lift before Rippetoe came around
Stuff to do at home with a basic bitch 44lbs barbell as the only option?
You don't have to read the book if you promise not to make a thread when you get elbow pain while deadlifting or something similar.
>Smith machine is super unnatural
>Do barbell instead
unfortunately,as much as i want to, i cant really do barbell unless i have a dedicated spotter as i have arthritis(not rheumatic). Until recently ive been using the MTS inclined chest press machine, but i moved gym and they don't have this machine
And yes i did notice that the smith chest press kinda feels off for chest, so ive kind of over came this by having the bar land very high on my chest, almost to my chin, i found this moved alot of the load away from triceps and more like the chest press machine
if i do 3 days then 1 rest day is it fine to do abs every other? i used to do it every day when i had two days then rest but i split things up into three days and weighted incline situps always hit my abs pretty hard
meme, focus on the basics
you want to get lean fast do a prolonged fast or rolling 48s

but... red light is good for T levels, high T levels means less fat and more muscle, but its a chicken or the egg kind of thing
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Should I make any changes to this routine I came up with for September?
I only have dumbbells and a pull-up bar.

Odd days:
>Dumbbell OHP

Even days:
>Lateral Raises

I plan to overlap my leg routine with the above every third day since I just do squats and calf raises.
Do this instead
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Currently doing these morning classes 5x a week, also have a deadlift/bench press station at home. What would be good exercises to supplement this kind of schedule, or would something like a 5x5 work just fine?
Well you're not fat, so no it's not normal. It's probably body dismorphia
It's much more balanced than the one you posted
>Why can’t I just do them by feel? As long as there’s no pain it should be okay.
I did this and then randomly tore some muscle in my groin and couldn't hold my left leg up for 2 months. No pain at all until then. Take form seriously.
But no, you don't necessarily need a book. Youtube should be fine.
Would this work?

Push Day (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)

Bench Press - 3 sets of 8-12 reps
Overhead Shoulder Press - 3 sets of 8-12 reps
Tricep Dips - 3 sets of 10-15 reps
Lateral Raises - 3 sets of 12-15 reps

Pull Day (Back, Biceps)

Pull-Ups - 3 sets of 8-12 reps
Bent-Over Rows - 3 sets of 8-12 reps
Bicep Curls - 3 sets of 10-15 reps
Face Pulls - 3 sets of 12-15 reps

Legs Day (Quads, Hamstrings, Glutes, Calves)

Squats - 3 sets of 8-12 reps
Deadlifts - 3 sets of 8-12 reps
Lunges - 3 sets of 10-15 reps per leg
Calf Raises - 3 sets of 15-20 reps
Does it actually matter significantly if I eat dinner before I go to the gym and down a shake after?

when trying to calculate me TDEE I get like 3000 kcal a day? seems so excessive? im 180cm, 80 kilo, exercise full body every other day basically. Beginner lifts still. What is a trusted calculator?
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Fuck off you cunt. You weren't even around when we used to wear T-shirts like that, they were bad but we thought they looked good. You wearing this look makes no sense.
I don't know, but I'm going to steal it and try it for September & October.
t. >>75033486
(I'll have to sub push-ups for bench press and leave out face pulls)
If you're on steroids, maybe
How to stop bored eating?
I've got finals exams, and while studying I tend to eat to concentrate.
I tried zero soda and chewing gum but it didn't help.
I dont want to do vape.
Any ideas?
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>3 sets of 8-12 reps
>3 sets of 10-15 reps
>3 sets of 12-15 reps
>3 sets of 15-20 reps
just have self control dumbass. It's not hard to not eat, to not fidget, to not drink. Try doing some cardio in the morning so you're more focused and are less spastic
talk to people at the gym, some of them actually lift and know what they're doing. You look like Bill Nye the science fag BTW
Why am I stuck at 25 push ups with 25 pounds of weight? I can do 40 unweighted push ups, so it's not a "greasing the wheel" issue. I don't want to increase weight until I can reach at least 30 push ups, so what do I do?
Too much volume?
Do ladders of 2, 3, 5, 10
Holy shit bros... I think I'm in love.
Fuck the diet, you got final exams to pass. You can rebuild your body after exams. This is a time thing. Are you ready to throw away the time you studied for the gym progress of a few months? If combining both becomes hard, just choose one.
Are the highs of bulking worth the lows of cutting, or is it better to stay near maintenance so you're always near the middle? I never felt better than when I was eating 3500 kcal/day (it's what I imagine steroids feel like), but I feel miserable below 2000. Is the maingainer wisest among lifters, who like the Epicurean avoids the extremes of pleasure to avoid also the pain that results from overindulgence; or in Dionysian spirit is it better to have bulked and lost than never to have bulked at all?
Only have time to work out 3 days a week, do I really need to eat a lot of protein every single day?

I am for 0.75g of protein per lb of body weight, but if I won't be working out it seems pointless eating that much
>getting my stamp microneedler today
what do I do now anons? Just do it once or twice a week? Btw can't into fin or min because heart palpitations and pets
Can anyone give me a basic rundown on creatine?

>What's it do?
>Does it help with physical appearance of muscles or is it entirely strength based?
>Best way to take it?
Fills your muscles with water.
Not at all. You should spend that money on a fresh loaf of bread and some cheese or roast beef, which you will enjoy much more.
Yeah it's not like your muscles are repairing on your rest days or anything
so I'll eat high protein on rest days and moderate on work out days?
Do that a lot.
I can't sleep properly because of it which affect info retention.
Be me anon, not everyone is NEET like you.
>You can rebuild your body after exams
I'm doing 3 days /week workout.
I found the gym to be a good stress killer.
I make my own bread, eat cheese already, and a damned tick made me allergic to beef.
While doing lat pulldowns I am getting a very brief tingling feeling on my spine between my shoulders. This happens even when I drop the weight really low. Am I doing something wrong with these or am I just cursed to have a small back?
I'm a 210cm skelly with a rapidly receding hairline. I'm 32 years old. How would you save me?
Is there any way to mitigate the bloat after OMAD?
I look way skinnier before I eat.
I already do leg raises and bicycle crunches.
Alarmingly, my erections felt like 75% capacity after a 4 year dry spell. Almost 30 now, should I hop on cialis? Or should I do something else. Sleep well, good diet, lift heavy 4 times a week btw.
Can you get diabetes from only drinking milk?
Stop watching so much porn and stop masturbating so often.
Noob here, a friend recommended the gym, so I tried it, but I struggle to maintain good form after completing a workout. Is this because my endurance is lacking or because I’m weak to begin with? Everyone keeps saying to just keep trying and that my body will adapt over time, but idk, just wondering if there’s a more effective approach
Fuck you and your meds obsession. Just keep your boners as they come, that’s how it should be
You can have bad form for any of a million reasons, but you said you're new so I would guess that you're just unfamiliar and you'll learn. You should focus on it though, or else you'll get injured eventually.
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Due to a disability the only exercise I've been able to consistently do without serious issue are pullups/chinups. I've been making good gains in strength but people are starting to say I look like popeye with larger forearms and tiny biceps. Is this true? Also what are ways to better incorporate biceps/triceps into pullup type exercises.
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How do I get the the physique of the hairy marine?
Is it normal for an older beginner to need a longer rest period? Was going for AxBxCxx but it's day B and I'm still sore from day A
Too much volume, reduce it and try again.
Thanks anon, will do.
How do you deal with stress from shitty work and homelife?

>work in industry full of assholes
>it isn't just me, 3 people committed suicide at the last job I had
>I have been cornered and the aggressor tried to make me look stupid even though they were gone for 6 months medical with no context as to why I did things
>slowly My job functions get taken away
>2 seperate occasions I try to make small talk at all hands meetings or on the shop floor and got the following responses

>asked about his tattoos
>LOUD and hateful enough I dropped it

>fellow temp is chit chatting with old timer 30 years in
>try to
>Again with hatred

>been cornered by 2 gay men under the false pretense of friendship
>1 shit talked me so much after I wouldn't put out that he hot the machinist apprenticeship even though I've been a machine operator and he was a maggot hairdresser who had friends in the machine shop
>there's a stupidly high expectation that I should have my own place
>even though an electrician I worked with pulled me aside and said
"You know Patty's the entire reason you left maintenance right?
>why would I get my own place when I'm actively being pushed out of places I work work?

I used to think I was the problem but my 3 friends who committed suicide changed my mind. 10 years of this shit and I need some way to escape. I've turned to smoking weed and I've lost about 15 lbs by smoking on Saturday night but I need something else
Get in shape enough that you can start a shitty weekend boot camp scam, quit your job and then do that
bro what
just get a new job
Probably not a great idea to hold back your progress just because of something like this. Chin-ups can work biceps a lot, so you could try altering your grip to hit them more. Also bicep/tricep isolation exercises are easy enough to do with resistance bands if you can't use regular weights. Don't neglect your triceps as they also fill out your arms a lot.
Wtf get out
I don't mean to sound cliche, but I think you are being tested now. I think you should talk with Jesus through prayer and ask Him for help and mentorship. Seriously, the darkest times in my life where I've been sitting on the edge of my bed with a noose tied ready to end it all, I chose to continue and prayed for the Lord to open doors to me for new experiences and to give my life purpose. Stay close with God like a dog stays by his owners side. We are foolish and corrupted people, but everyone has issues and maybe they project their pain and grievances onto others. Just be the best you can be and keep an active prayer life. I wish you the best fren
is belly fat dependent on genetics? Im already skinny (176cm 53kg) and my belly is still bulging(above the bladder but not below the stomach) despite having visible ab lines.
Yeah i'm still learning, like i can maintain good form, but then my body starts to move on its own and cheat or do weird things whenever I start to struggle (usually in the next set or when doing other moves)
High protein when bulking on every day
You will be fine after the first week, don't change anything
Since I started 5*8 4 times a week my SI joint is fucking killing me. What can I do about this, and does this mean I need to reduce volume?
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Does this Yakult probiotic drink do anything if you're already healthy?
Actually no.....recent research showed that taking additional probiotics harm the balance of your gut microbiome. Also another study found that you poop out most of the added probiotics in these drinks making them borderline useless.
Is this good program?
>Day 1
OHP 3x10
Barbell Rollouts 3x10
Deadlift 3x10
Landmine Anti-Rotation 3x10
Squat 3x10
Barbell Floor Wipers 3x10
Barbell Russian Twists 3x10
Suitcase Deadlift 3x10
Barbell Clean and Press 3x10
Barbell Plank Drags 3x10
Barbell Side Bend 3x10
Barbell Weighted Sit-Ups 3x10
Older guys need an extra day. Try 1 on 2 off or 1 on 3 off
These have been at different jobs over 10 years. Started at a spring factory and last job was aerospace. I learned aerospace is run by good ol boys. No matter how senile they are, or if they've been personally sued for a puddle jumper falling out of the sky, they'll have a job
I'll try
no, you have an absurd amount of core workouts and next to nothing for back, chest, calves and hamstrings. Where the fuck did you even find this
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Has anyone got that infographic of all the things that improove semen? It had zinc, celery, etc. Lookin to give a lucky lady a 9 month present.
The local gymbro opened a gym
If it follows you into every job you go it's your own fault.
Fix your shit, don't be a dumbass.
Be a respectful, honest, upright, good man.
Is this better?
Leg press
Seated leg extension
Dumbell bench press
Upright row
Rope Tricep Extensions
Biceps curls
Calf raise.
Bench press
Chest flies
Chest press
Lat pull down
Seated cable row
Biceps curls
Why the hell is today 165 lbs @ 5'11 considered "skinny"?

Is everyone on steroids or obese ?

Average WW2 fully grown solider was 5′8 at 140–150lbs, adjusted to 5'11 that would be 152 to 168lbs in other words in a healthy normals world 165 for 5'11 would be at the very upper limit of normal healthy weight for that height.

*note I'm only talking about lean/low bf% individuals
Ask Alex Jones

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