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Previous thread
You know, even disregarding the mental retardation that goes into becoming a landwhale, what is it with (mostly) women and having to take pictures and record every single thing they do? She had to go into the tub, see that she doesn't fit, get up, go take her phone, lie back down again, and take pictures.
>too fat for bathtub
>"Society is to blame, bathtubs are too small!"

Bitch buy a custom tub if you actually believe that shit. Do fatties really think they're entitled to change the standard without accepting the cost of said change?
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attention is validation for women it's an unavoidable trait for group living as the female mind is optimised to do.
The problem is she no longer has the community condemnation.
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Is your face ugly? Nonsymmetrical, huge/tiny features, strange distancing in features, strange tilt on features?
Agreed. However normal woman post pictures of themselves where they look good. It’s an entirely different level of mental illness to advertise how grotesquely hideous you are for clicks.
Social media serves a similar role for women that video games do for men. Video games fulfill the male desire for adventure and physical competition where social media fulfills the female desire for attention and social competition. Both are very destructive if not used in moderation.
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fake goblinx general
possible cry for help? using outrage to generate a feedback and pity?
I don’t understand why they just don’t lose weight. It’s really not that difficult once you get in the habit of not eating like a pig.
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is it pizza time yet? weekend is the time to let loose a little after a hard week.
I know you shouldn’t judge people based on their looks but I just know that it wouldn’t be nice to hang out with these people
I love these vlickbait ads for fat women because I know they believe it
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It's easy for us but for them they hate the slightest amount of discomfort. Plus they are in a bubble to hear there's nothing wrong with them and beautiful the way they are.
there's no way... she looks 30
Maybe she’s looking for reassurance. It’s kind of sad, it must be a horrible way to live and she has to escape to a fantasy. A common story in modern society. It’s easy to blame the individuals, but it’s hard not to notice this problem didn’t even exist 50 years ago. Particularly with children I feel more should be done to shield them from what these big corporations peddle that causes obesity.
> Plus they are in a bubble to hear there's nothing wrong with them and beautiful the way they are.
You’d think that the medical community would be more motivated to shut down that lie. Think of the fervor with which the jab was pushed and yet nobody is particularly motivated to take down the fat acceptance movement, even though obesity kills way more than Covid does. Not to mention eradicates your quality of life. I don’t understand why the authorities tolerate/borderline promote the delusion.
Every time I see this pic, I want the fucking parents to be charged with manslaughter. The cow managed to maintain a stunning face as a landwhale ffs.

Humanity was deprived of another dime, and we're all worse off for it.
People used to form mobs and attack politicians who fucked with them. It's hard to do that when you have a bmi of 40+.
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>People constantly dunk on William Howard Taft for getting stuck in the tub
>Never mention that he lost 70lbs in 9 months afterward.
Easily one of the most underrated U.S. politicians.
>medical community
>caring about health and not money
>elites not wanting retarded fatsos to control
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here's most of that text. i couldn't figure out a few words.

>What is my weight loss block?
>Score 84%
>Metabolic Block
>A body can slow down metabolism and protective metabolism diets and cardio can release stress hormone cortisol that makes a person hungrier for weight loss. woman also need to know what amount and when to eat for a metabolic type.
>Score 59%
>Hormonal Block
>Hormones can [?] weight loss. birth control and high [?] too long a period. it becomes inflammatory [?] [?} [?] [?] with insulin sensitivity. how a person loses the food that she eats for energy, [?] and [?] play a big role in [?] and [?]. during a menopause many women are left with feelings of [?], loss of confidence, this also can affect weight loss.
>Score 27%
>Childhood trauma
>My parents were incredibly overprotective micromanaged what i ate. they made me finish everything on my plate no matter how full i was. as a [?], I developed a complicated relationship with food. using it as a form of rebellion turned to food [?] it to [?] this [?] and [?] of being [?] and alone.
>Score 9%
>emotional starvation
>when a woman faced this [?] "i was always the quiet one. my parents were too busy with their own lives to pay much attention to me. i learned to cope by comfort eating, using food as a source of love and comfort cover the years, the weight piled on, and i became buried by a vicious cycle of emotional eating (?)"
...How did he do it? Banting diet?
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Fatties usually go to their hugboxes and twist even the gentlest suggestions into violent fatphobia. They encourage each other to go the medical board and report the doctor. As we've seen doctors are total slaves and terrified of losing their license.

Plus fatties are lifelong patients. I haven't seen a doctor in years. A fatty might visit them once a month and need new drugs or a procedure. Doctors would go bankrupt if it wasn't for them.
The atrophied legs are more disgusting than the gunt
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Is this true?
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>oh anon, you've got me pinned against the door and i'm totally at your mercy :)
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Nothing mystifies me more than the huge gunt/skinny legs combo.
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Can any women chime in and tell us if you see megafat men on dating apps? I know a few fat guys and they know they are fat and have given up on dating. It seems no matter how fat a woman is, she will be using dating apps with high standards.
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>we will never go back to the days where taft was considered comically obese and this was considered fat
Pretty simple, gut is fat because of gluttony, legs are small from disuse.
Attention is attention, no matter what kind.
It's literally like crack for women.
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>someone will call me what I am
Yeah? What kind of mental gymnastics are these?
Im so fucking tired of every lard golem claiming to be recovering from an ED in a lazy attempt to shield themselves from any criticism
Forgot to mention :
Low carb, low calorie diet
Recorded everything he ate
Personal Trainor (Horseback riding)
Never thought about it but no. It's been years now but I only saw average fat men never a super fat.
Imagine the fumes the assclaps are blowing towards whoever is behind that fat fuck
I hate Nurgle players so much bros
>mmm I can't wait to wear hooker clothes in front of kids at disney... all of them looking at my body... my huge ass at face level...
If this was a man nobody would assume he was wearing a banana hammock for the moms, we'd all say he's doing it in front of kids in a kids theme park and should be hanged.
youre just on every fucking thread saying this vile shit arent you you little jeet
Purge them with cleansing prometheum, in the Emperor's name, brother.
Basically fucked up sex hormones
Fun thing is they use it as an excuse on why they LITERALLY cannot lose weight, when it's actually caused by being obese and fucking your hormones in the process.
Don't worry l, that door is gonna give out any moment
In complete fairness, there are multiple causes and it can happen to normal people too and cause them to gain weight
But yeah, in the case of most landwhales, it's just cope
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This webm never fails to make me laugh. If she was naked in this video the hilarious disgust would probably give me an aneurysm.
>I don't usually eat breakfast because my body is sick and still digesting the 4,000 calories I gorged on before bed. Plus I sleep a very long time due to my body being so fat and unhealthy, so waking up at noon means I will regularly miss breakfast, but will always have it if I wake up before 11am.
She most certainly does have an eating disorder. Just the opposite of what she is claiming.
Awful take. More fat people means less pool of potential mates to select from too. All that more fat people achieves is an ugly repulsive society that is unpleasant to be in. I go to the beach and see a bunch of lardasses, it’s depressing, it ruins the view. Do you also like seeing places covered in graffiti and garbage because it makes your own home look better?
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Women are never really criticized or humilated for doing stupid things like men are so they just keep doing it.
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yeah all these fatties post about how they constantly feel oppressed when going to the doctors for the millionth time, but they never realize that normal people don't need to visit the doctor every few weeks because they're healthy.
same with those "what i eat in a day as a fat person" videos. they're all so long, like 30-60 seconds each. if a normal weight person made a what i eat in a day video it would be like 10 seconds.
kek the only source of vitamins is the apple sauce.
How can they eat like this and not think it's wrong or gross?
Haven't used a dating app in a long time, but I don't think I ever saw any crazy fat ones, just normal fat.
90% of them were holding fish in their pics and their bios were all "I like to laugh and have fun"
That diet is crazy. If you just showed the food I would assume it's an obese child eating all that
>muh PCOS
>muh thyroid
>muh metabolism
Fatties weaponizing medical conditions and terminology, which they obviously are completely ignorant of, disgusts me. Also lmao @ this whale not even knowing the difference between insulin and glucagon
Combination of AWFUL fat distribution genes and never fucking using their legs
>multiple mutt bastards in the background
>even in a heavily shopped pic where she's trying to make a good impression she has a venomous bitch-glare and a frown
What a catch! Even if she wasn't morbidly obese she'd be a bottomfeeder
I hate fatties so fucking much.

I can't imagine why this beast would feel sick and weak all the time. Must be a lack of sugar.
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It's the new "muh thyroid"

Most of the PCOS is self diagnosed or doctor just gave them something to get them out of the office. All of the symptoms are usually symptoms of obesity. It in no way actually causes obesity though.
A lot of them have the palates of a child. I was at the store and saw a cart filled with luncables pass by. I look up and it's some hamplanet.
He's pretty edgy with his phrasing but I definitely understand and agree with the sentiment. More than half the battle of having a good physique is literally just out-lasting the people who give up and let themselves go in their twenties. Just having visible abs at 28 puts me in a pretty elite category for men my age, when just a decade ago it was pretty much the default for anyone who occasionally played sports. All I had to do was keep working out and counting calories when my metabolism tapered off and I was good to go. Is it harder now than it was a few years ago? Sure, but as a former fat teenager I refuse to take having that kind of definition for granted.
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I had some women at work try to set me up with someone on the top right. They kept trying to push her on me and saying "Look anon, she's really cute." She was really fat as fuck and she had a fashion that I could see they think would look cute but it doesn't make up for the fat. Women just can't see how big a deal it is. They think they can make up for it with clothing or makeup when obesity is dealbreaker period.
I really love the
>I don't want to stop enjoying food
Mother fucker all you eat is slop, you don't even know what food is anymore

That and
>muh fuel/nourish my body
Piece of shit if anything you're literally committing crimes against your body giving it heaps of shit as 'nourishment'
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A lot of them eat just out of pure habit.
They just cannot fathom putting less food on the plate, can they
The fattest guys that matched with me just had a little bit of gut, majority of the guys (at glance) had healthy body fat/bmi though, but I'm an euro so it skews it
Legit proud to see her walk instead of using a scooter. Small steps but she's being active and she'll make it, wagmi
>"Starving yourself"
Do they think a normal person should be stuffing their faces with cake 24/7?
I can't understand how someone can consider themself an adult and suck applesauce out of tube like that. One of my coworkers, a goddamn engineer who's at a Norwood 3, sucks these down. Makes him look like he's 7 years old. He's not even fat.
Strange and uncalled stab at him being bald but I'll allow it, bald faggots aren't human either
>particularly with women
And there you have it! They find fat men disgusting. They are just entitled lazy pieces of shit that just want everything given to them.
Ironically pcos is linked to insulin resistance so cutting out the carbs and seed oils can treat it and cause a lot of weight loss
Because the food they eat has low satiety, if you eat right then you should actively avoid wanting to eat more.
It was emphasizing how much it makes him look like a child. Despite clearly being an adult, evidence by his balding, he looks like an infant sucking mush through a sippy tube.
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"Yay less competition for mates!" But a small pool of mates anyway. And your offspring? Even worse.
Wow they must have had killer profile photos. Why did you swipe right, rather than left if they they were fat? While swiping left on hundreds of guys who were visibly in better shape and probably just normal chill dudes?
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Honestly fucking would really hard
Like women who get tattoos and orange hair and put on weight, it's always.
>look how ugly I made myself and I still get men.
It's a weird flex on other women that makes sense in their world but not at all in ours.
imagine having a beer with this dude
I simply don't feel like counting all that. Here's her other fatty day.
At least she is accepting her limitations and her situation somewhat. This one isn't infuriating like most.
Not horrible until 6pm. Decent bulk and macros if you cut out the soda and stopped after lunch.
Not to be cynical but I bet they're just monetizing being fat.
Lol nvm. 1000 calories from cheese.
>C h e c k e d
Fat women ate notoriously vicious and bitter towards average and legitimately thin women. Women with very good fat distribution. Sometimes even just less fat women. They will try to force feed them, shame them, spread lies and rumors, skip over promotions or decline to hire, threaten physical violence , and sometimes engage in acts of violence.
She's referring to intermittent fasting with is a recommended treatment for insulin resistance. Most fatties and female normies consider IF anorexic behavior, especially +24hr fasting
She's doing the "woe is me" pity party. If she doesn't find fat people attractive why would anyone find her attractive?
Is this the real thread?
Ohhh... yeah that makes more sense. I thought for a second a woman was being genuine and not just looking for attention.
My bad, won't happen again.
I'd say not considering there's more obese woman then men.
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Actually accurate.
>haha you count calories and do 4 hours of cardio a week, you restrict what you eat, you follow a tedious hair and skin routine, and you buy nice clothes
>and we still get the same amount of men
>I don't do any of that
>I don't need to
>YOU have to TRY to get men
>I can shower weekly and get men
This is what I picture literally every time someone says they have anorexia online
>had a few boyfriends who didn't really work out
sensible chuckle
>overweight by 20kg
>not obese
Linebacker or delulu?
I looked at this woman's insta just to see how big she. Not incredibly fat but still fat and with her way of thinking, she's only going to get fatter which is sad because she could look so pretty if she was skinny. her eyes and nose (for some reason fatties usually have good facial features but waste them :( are so pretty honestly, but it doesn't help that she has ugly tattoos as well.
She's a fashion designer too and one post has her looking at her work from afar on a mannequin (I can never understand looking at that and thinking of beauty, it looks soo unnatural) she also has a post for a "plus size corset'' which sounds like an oxymoron and does nothing for her body.
like everyone else in her comment section and the ppl she makes dresses for, happily, they'll all die before 50 anyways and I hope when she does someone posts this screenshot in her memoriam
Yeah, the internet has shown women how low mens standards actually are. Some think they have gotten smart and are taking advantage and put zero effort into being attractive. But like all women they make zero plans for the future and assume a man will just take care of them. Ever met a woman with a 401k?
Who invented the dating app? they seem intentionally designed to destroy people.
Beyond gender, people who are in shape will usually root for you to lose weight, people who aren’t won’t. It’s jealousy, if you’re incapable of achieving something you desire, most people will secretly hope others fail in attaining it as well, or even actively discourage them.
This is so weird. I hate how the black community and most ppl in general sexualize and prefer bigger butts. That's way too big to be considered sexy or even jealous over. even the size ''12'' woman's thighs look disgusting.
duh, as a woman I wouldn't want a fat dude to crush me, ofc it would go the same way. bonus points for thinking another big girl is ''stunning'' lo
why do ppl like this even get married? I'm nowhere near the marrying age but even I know husbands are going to crack jokes like that, and he is telling the truth
I doubt that was ever the reason. She was a bitch when she was ''thin'' and a bitch when she's fat
She's actually incredibly based.
>I don’t like to be around fat people; I don’t have any fat friends. I am constantly judgemental of them. Since I gained relative control of my eating habits, I find it really hard to watch anyone overeating. When overweight colleagues have a big lunch or bring donuts into the office, I get a strange thrill from mentally totting up how many calories they are eating in one sitting. I could pretend it’s motivated by charitable concern for their health, but it isn’t. I see it as moral failure, an inability - as I believed about myself - to control what they eat. I know this is because I have shame related to my own eating habits, and the fact I never want to go back, but I can’t suppress my disgust.
He’s probably having a vodka soda since beer has more calories & carbs.
So she is just normal?
That's how everyone was before fat acceptance, it just seems based by comparison now.
Simple, other girls pump them full of lies. "Oh you are perfect, oh you're not too fat, men are pigs"
Its a collective strategy, keeps the fighting to a minimum and compared to fat women even a kinda ugly but average girl is a better alternative
Why do fat women disgust me so much?
She should kill herself because of her age jesus
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>One 2013 study, conducted by researchers at North Carolina State University, found that when one partner lost weight, the relationship suffered. The researchers discovered that a partner’s weight loss could make the non-dieting partner feel jealous and more insecure about the partnership.
>They also found that when partners’ weight loss goals did not align, the dieting partner became frustrated, feeling like their significant other was not dedicated to shedding the weight.
>Matt McGorry on body image
>When I was training for those [body building] competitions, I was miserable. One of the big draws for me was that this misery allowed me to test my will and self-determination. And yet, when I stopped competing, I couldn’t help but separate my misery from what I looked like.
>Logically, I understood that in order to look like what I used to look like, I’d have to do things I never wanted to do again. But I couldn’t help but mourn not looking like that.
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Women literally have to do nothing to be extremely desirable. Don't be a whore, have tattoos, be fat, etc. This is stuff they are all born with and they still fuck it up. Men will put up with anything if she's skinny. It's the number one thing they have to do and they can't do it.
"Oh honey you do t wanna lose weight it's awful!"
>“I received lurid stares and sexual comments about my body. Walking down the street, I’d hear men whistling or say, ‘I’d like a piece of that,’ as if I wasn’t a human but some object to be had.”
>To cope with the unwanted attention and the anxiety that came with it, Cindy began dressing in baggier clothes so that she wouldn’t show too much skin. While she confided in friends about the harassment, she never saw a therapist.
>“Sometimes, I used food and alcohol as a way to stuff down my fears and anxieties. But eventually, gaining back the weight seemed to be the only trick that worked. It was a way to keep myself ‘safe’ from unwanted sexual attention.”
Sexual abuse victim obviously. My cousin was the same way. Absolutely gorgeous girl, perfect body. Put on 300lbs, everyone was shocked when she told us the neighbor abused her so through childhood. Well... almost everyone.
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That's the story of Bekah. She was normal looking girl then she was raped and really started to put on the pounds. She just copes that she's happy the way she is.
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Great! So their rapists should be caught, and sentences to eat all the fat from these women after it’s lipo-suctioned out of them.
>Stick legs (most likely a flat ass)
>Waterballoon belly
Lmfao what atrocious body proportions
They either do that or they troon out now.
Coworkers of mine was all proud of her 15yr old transitioning to being a boy (yeah I know psycho but I've got to keep my mouth shut) and then a few months later she came in to work crying because her daughter told her she'd been abused for years by a family friend or somebody. Everyone was so shocked, and I'm thinking "well yeah... what the fuck do you think causes a 15 yr old pretty young girl to want to be a boy?"
Nah, just execution. Fuckers might get off on eating that shit.
that might've been a disease
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lol yeah
it's funny how little that is required of them
and yet they all fuck it up
So, here you are in the FPH 4chin thread hating fat people, But if another woman does it she's a bitch. You like to keep fatties fat don't you.
Not to ridicule a rape victim or anything like that and I definitely understand putting on weight, a lot of them do that. But then why post naked pictures of yourself for anyone and everyone to look at? Doesn't that seem like you're pretty objectively inviting sexual attention? Or is it just to show off how ugly she is?
bitch eats more than my entire daily cut intake for lunch
She identifies being conventionally attractive as being objectified. Trauma is a weird thing, by not being actually attractive she is in "control" of her body and doesn't feel like she's being objectified but still getting the attention she needs as a woman. It's a cope and deflection from actually dealing with the trauma which if you brought up she would go ape shit on you for even suggesting the 2 are related. There's a lot going on.
It's psych 101 bullshit but in these cases it's pretty spot on.
damn, size 12 is goals...
Literally my gf
Femcel envy sure is funny
Technically, ANYONE can fit into her clothes. Multiple anyones, probably.
this is really sad
Funny how this so called 'intuitive eating' always leads to obesity, innit?
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The whole article was gold do the best bits are highlighted.
>TLDR; Losing weight bad be fat
This is the picture of her family btw
seed oil companies and other toxic "food" producers need to be publicly hung
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Why do people spill this information all over the place at work? No one at work knows anything about my personal life.
This is what fat acceptance did for her abd her daughter. In this article she says she knew puberty started because her daughter said the McDonald's happy meal wasn't enough food.
I despise fat boomers so much it's UNREAL.
Its the real thread, gtfo, fatty
>Size exclusive bathtubs
At that point it’s called a swimming pool
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Wrong, its crushing's syndrome
>Do fatties really think they're entitled to
Yes. Gluttony extends to the personality.
Two differences between me and her- 1. I keep my thoughts to myself, I don't go to some jew agency and publicly air out every single reason why I ''hate'' fat ppl. I'm friends with bigger ppl and I literally never have negative thoughts about them from their weight. the ppl in this thread are basically gloating and promoting their stupid ideas which makes it hard not to hate them and 2. I have never been and will never be fat in my life.
not a femcel and this is def not envy. what do you call every dude that posts in this thread? why is different because i'm a woman?
that hoe is not a femcel, we do not claim her.
This is just sad, I'll pray for that poor girl. Having your child be so overweight should be considered child neglect. Hopefully the girl is able to become healthy someday. :/
I honestly think this is just their type of ''humor'' no matter the size. even the guy in pfp doesn't really look fat.
I need to see the comparison of her and the elephant she cropped out. But seriously, what did she think going to Thailand?? she's huge, sure more well rounded Asian countries are going to be nice, but definitely not that place. You're treated like an attraction because you ARE!!! to them at least
You are a slimy disgusting woman or God tier ar writing bait. Have a very burn in hell.
My sister is letting my niece eat anything she wants. She's a tad overweight, not really in hamplanet territory. I tell my sister to stop feeding her so many sweets and my mom and sister get angry because they think I'm going to cause an eating disorder.
This. Holy fuck. People like this disgust me so fucking bad. On a side note, most people's fear of recreational drugs is unfounded. Only certain people who are really mental actually end up becoming addicted to them. The same thing with eating food.
It's not fair bros.

Men have to invest hundreds of hours in the gym to be attractive, while women only need to lay off the cookies and the ice cream. And even that is too much to ask apparently.
One man's obscenity is another man's virginity.
what the FUCK
where can I FIND ONE
Really pretty face, permanently ruined body.
I hate when people refer to fries as ‘fry’
This is so tragic. She is going to lose her daffodil to a chubby chaser and the rest of her life will be pretty 8/10 face ruined by her -3/10 body and lack of chastity.
If she lost the weight and remained a virgin she could easily bag a 9/10 chad.
Fuck off. Chimp. Those sauce packs are good. You drink the apples and toss them out the window. Only mutts are concerned about being seen as children.
You can’t. They were taken away from you. The people who took them do not like when you construct explosive devices or toxic gases or radiative material found in smoke detectors. Do not do these things.
This. Other fat women will praise her. Normal women will laugh on the inside but still give her praise. And men can't do anything or they'll be 'cancelled'.
Good guess but no. If you're the Hershey bro tho nice to see you
330 at 19... definitely the parent's fault.
A long time ago, women did used to face scrutiny from each other and men, but women sought to put an end to this. Haven't you ever seen the movie mean girls? Open vicious behavior used to be pretty normal. But now there's such policing in effect with all the cancel culture that it doesn't matter if what you say is true if it could maybe potentially be considered harmful or offensive HR will have your job and maybe your career in that field. You can't say that men can't be women, not because all women think that, but because a few women who have power say you must be "nice". You can't say fat people are gross.
Don't be racist, bro.
ding dong nig nog
it's almost like that book
her daughter is gonna resent her for being fat her whole childhood. she's either gonna be obsessed with her weight and starve herself or turn into those fat acceptance people. kids will bully her for these posts her mom makes about her body.
You can't criticize or humiliate them on a small scale because their brains shut down when you do. It takes a massive, dramatic, long-running event of slowly tearing down their fantasy world to get through to them.

Women have a mental defensive ability on a biological level to place themselves in their own world because otherwise they crack too easily. If a woman subconsciously believes it's required to believe that the sky is green for their own sanity, then motherfucker that sky is green. They will call you liar, insult the source of any evidence to the contrary, change the definition of "green", redraw RGB parameters, avoid any conversation with non-believers to avoid the risk of confrontation, form communities of others that believe it's green so they can circle jerk without push-back because it's what they need for comfort, etc.

The term "mental gymnastics" doesn't begin to cover this phenomenon. It is a genuine, biological self-defensive and coping mechanism that they're born with since they lack the readily available tools to handle shocking revelations or situations on the fly.

Women are never wrong, because they believe they're never wrong. Truly & deeply. And this mechanism is why you never try to tell them they're wrong without at least 100 people backing you up that are legally able to torture them until the shell breaks.

I don't really understand how so many of them have these tiny stick legs and gunts. That's shit you'd see in an old dude who let himself go. Even my fucking Mom asked what the deal was, like why do so many younger women have these awkward bellies. I think it's partially birth control.
It pissed my ex and her friends off to no end that I didn't let myself go. For whatever fucking reason, the fact actually lost weight and got more active was a "red flag" because I was trying to trap her or something. Some of these were dudes, too. Literal crabs in a bucket.
Whats the lore to this
>less pool
Anon theres a good side to all that. 90% of people are utter tards, no realisation and discipline to even retain from being fat. People who are fit in the slopguzzlers world would shine like a beacon to each other, zero time spent on filtering out the trash.
So, if that's true. Where does the subconscious "fact" come from? Obviously upbringing, and as you suggest, a serious fear or threat telling her the sky was a green. Who put that thought there?
And, that suggests they have no fight in them, they just submit. Or the fact that men are vastly physically superior makes them realize they can't fight without superior numbers and simps they can doup. So they get other women and work together and bring down the "patriarchy" that caused them to be so afraid. It's not the founding fathers they are pissed at, its the fondling fathers.
>If a woman subconsciously believes it's required to believe that the sky is green for their own sanity, then motherfucker that sky is green.
You're retarded if you actually believe this. Women are less intelligent on average then men, but they're not this retarded and psychotic.
How much do you weigh, Tubbs?
More than you, victim weight.
>self conscious about weight
>posts nude photo of self to public internet to be immortalized
no words
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My theory is she bogged herself trying to look better.
Kinda funny if I'm right, that means both pretty and ugly chicks don't understand what we really find attractive, they get the jist but don't know when it's too much.
Ah, so you're fat, got it. Makes sense that you won't even chew your slop.
So size 12 is what I'm after. Good to know
>wrinkly yet somehow greasy and wet
Troll Hag phenotype
thank god they both are on the path to recovery
Best I can do is a 4.5/10 who warms up frozen food for you and only brings up /leftypol/ once per day. And she has at least one tattoo of some gay shonen garbage/Harry Potter/Hunger Games on her arm and genuinely thinks it's cool.
I'm 173 lbs and I eat the fuck out of those applesauce packets for lunch when I'm working fuck you
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>Cup of cheese
>Drinking peanut butter
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any man who wouldn't is homosexual
Damn, you're insecure af. Did I touch a nerve with the Norwood 3?
>Women are less intelligent on average then men
actually the opposite. women are more intelligent on average, men have more outliers on both ends. however, the average intelligence is so pathetic anyways that this distinction hardly matters
I'm a grown ass man why wouldn't I be bald? Vanity is for women
>actually the opposite. women are more intelligent on average
SEVERAL studies have been done on this. They average out slightly lower on intelligence tests. Estrogen is slightly GABAergic, so it actually slows down neurologic activity. Now, considering the presence of estrogen during puberty when the brain is still developing, it's easy to see how the presence of estrogen when growing up can naturally result in some stunted brain development.
I would without a doubt fire my swimmers into her and pray for a child
I'd fucking kill you if I were the child. Being born into a trashy family where the mother is disgustingly obese trash and the father has some insane fat fetish.
I wonder if she knows
People who look like that are literally retarded.
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I’m fun size. You’re anorexic
I've only ever seen the graph that showed otherwise. looking it up i see studies that argue for both. it ain't no stat but in my life men are definitely more retarded
More Hinge finds
What do you reply when a girl asks what your most controversial opinion is?
Wonder how she got so fat? Hmmm
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It’s basically diabetes of the pussy, caused by being fat, and yet all these fat bitches claim it’s the cause of why they are fat. It’s pottery really
Georga gets a double feature
Is an honest fat that does nothing about it better or worse than a delusional fat?
>y-yeah I'm bald cuz I'm MANLY
Lmao cope cueball
is that a public bathroom selfie? classy
Better, but she should still focus on losing fat.
Do you fit Charlotte’s criteria of the ‘bare minimum’?
honest fats are okay. they've accepted the compromise of eating themselves into death and homeliness. they don't make excuses. it's the delusional HAES ones that send me into a rage. they are always the ones trying to recruit others to their cult
The Charlotte in question btw
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All that for a fucking 1/10?
When a woman looks like this, I just want to see what her feet look like. I wouldn't want to have sex with a woman like this, but I might want to sniff and slobber all over her feet.
That little fella is SO mad.
He'll tell the few other reds of the time he stared down a giant predator and won.
No doubt they'd call bullshit in their little squirrel language.
When you get this fat you will never be super hot because that skin will always be ruined. She could be a 5 or 6 at best.
Reminder that this used to be considered freakishly obese but this is an average size of a middle aged male patient I see every day
I never use dating apps but work with general public and see much more obese men than women among the middle aged and older people and around 50/50 for younger people. Latest statistics for my country say that 58% of women and 73% of men are overweight or obese.
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>I don’t understand why the authorities tolerate/borderline promote the delusion.
They absolutely promote it. It's because an obese and sick society is easier to control than a healthy, fit one.
Also fatties' average lifespan is shorter and they're less fertile, which is good for keeping population growth in check.
They also generate unimaginable profits for big pharma, medical service providers and all fast food chains.

We've seen them promoted more and more because larger percent of population is fat, and unless they all feel represented and accepted, they're not gonna buy all the things normal people buy. That's why they're on the covers of Victoria's Secret etc.

Once you realize it's all about money and control, you realize there's nothing much to understand. The obesity pandemic could be fixed in a heartbeat. Like you said, look at what they did with covid. You think if they(by "they" I mean the powers that be and not the jews because there are plenty of crackers, niggers and chinks in these circles) really wanted you to stop being a fat fuck, they wouldn't force you into compliance with the snap of a finger? They can. It's just more economically viable to keep you fat and make sure your sense of self revolves around gender and race politics.
i love asian fat hate.
We need more of it in the western world.
>recently taken up sewing
>chatting with mum about how few patterns there are for men
>she starts talking about how terrible modern patterns are in general and how all the images of the finished articles are of fatties
>shows me some examples, keeps saying "why would anyone want to make that after seeing it on that blob?"

Based mum
You're disgusting. For the love of God, have some standards.
> patterns
dafuck are you talking about. explain yourself if you talk about your niche hobby
I love being a cis white man so much
4,000 calories not including French toast bites since I don't know what those are.
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>What do you reply when a girl asks what your most controversial opinion is?
I sincerely believe it's about time the West and Russia dropped their differences for a month and combine efforts to cleanse the middle east of every last brown subhuman. It should begin with Israel hitting pedal to the metal and finishing the job at Gaza. Women, children, doesn't matter. There are literally no civilians there. Every muslim is raised to believe their only purpose in life is killing the infidels. They should all be dealt with.
USA and Russia can wipe Iran off the face of the earth in less than 3 weeks. I mean, completely annihilate it. Not capture the capital, not topple the current government. Turn it into a parking lot.
Oman, Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, Qatar. Kuwait etc can easily all be cleansed for 3, no more than 4 weeks total, by the joint efforts of Germany, France, UK, Sweden, Finland, Spain and Italy.
Of course this can't happen with precision strikes and operations. And it shouldn't.
NATO and Russia have enough military resources to reduce these countries to ashes, with all women, children, goats and dogs in there. It would require minimal personnel casualties and no nuclear strikes. No need to nuke the bastards.
UAE belongs to the USA. Russia can have Kuwait and one more oil exporting country. Turkey will be spared for the time being.
Then when it's all done they can resume to their usual silly slapfights over muh donetsk and le krimea. The middle eastern problem is fixed once and for all. 5 years later we rinse and repeat with India unless they've started their own cleansing program and wipe half their population.

>And what about you Sarah. What's your controversial opinion?
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yeah bro she definitely doesn't know fucking Batman
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>"stuck in the bathtub"
Finally, a thread I can relate too!
Wait, what?
Am I the only one getting stuck because my shoulders are too wide?
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The American diet. This is what foodstamps pay for. In some states, you can even use foodstamps to pay for fast food.
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I know i shouldnt, but i cant say i wouldnt.
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lmao imagine being so ugly that even incels wouldn't fuck you. grim af.
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Holy fuck my sides
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based. but jews should go to.
huh, where do you live? Using RFM, around 45% of men are obese while 65% of women are.
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bold of you to assume that she doesn't have her phone at reaching distance every time she takes a bath. And honestly at her size it's a safety precaution
You terminally online degenerates aren’t compatible with trad girls like that.
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>size exclusive bathtubs
You are literally excluding yourself from your own bathtub. Your brain automatically expects someone to engineer, manufacture and build a fatass version of the appliance because you've taken the industrial revolution for granted to such an extent.
that's implied.
but once brown >people are history jews are done for even without military intervention.
the only brown people allowed will be spaniards and not all of them. venezuela for example will be scheduled for the end of second or beginning of the third iteration of the white crusade.
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Shit, i wanted to see the nuclear splash of that thing jumping into the pool. Women are fucking useless and unfunny. Fat guys know the rest of the world enjoys watching that and they do it gladly.
revolting in so many ways it's unreal.
i have hard time wrapping my mind around the fact that these "people" voluntarily post themselves online
I'll be honest, I didn't realize cheese was so damn calorie dense. Welp, I know what next to cut down on
Low iq detected
Best part of this if that there's a non zero chance he died when the branch his head
Based 2A supporter
Julianna has gotten quite a bit fatter since this pic
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honestly, if the girl was my type and not mentally ill (the list implies otherwise but lets pretend) besides the be into bigger girls and don't want children I'd fit just fine
>exercise? I thought you meant extra fries!
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what an odd shape
Women shouldn't vote. Everything that is wrong with this country can be traced to the fact that we let women and low IQ shitskins have a say.
Is that a breast pump?
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>Do fatties really think they're entitled to change the standard without accepting the cost of said change?
They want buildings to remodelled to have larger hallways
women aren't meant to think for themselves. they have no deeper discernment. All they see is the surface. It is on you to teach her the values represented. And test them in the real world and arise victorious.
> Being fat and having an ED is so weird
Being fat is a fucking eating disorder you idiot, you eat a disorderly amount of food
It is insane to me how the public at large doesn't realize how our tax dollars are spent. Then people get trapped as being a government welfare leech willingly or unwillingly because you lose benefits at like 40k income for a family of 4 which isn't enough to afford proper housing, bills, etc. So people who fall into those programs often become stuck because if they got a pay raise at work then they would lose the benefits. It's a kike scam and honestly should be completely destroyed to free up over half of the US budget a year and move to paying off our debt instead of raising the next generation of welfare slaves.
this is just subjectivism women are better at logos. But have limited means of discerning truth from lies. Men Had to know if the Big guy was mad at them. if not they were dead.

Sasquatch woman
I think one day the party will end and there won't be any money left to keep the parasites alive. There won't be any money for them and they will have no idea how to take care of themselves.
>her height compared to the bed
She fucking 4'10"?
Just because you wear active wear doesn't mean you exercise, either
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she couldn't stomach it
1st world countries have an aging population problem, anon.

Tin hat is that they don't want people to live long enough to collect social security but still want them to consume... and food is the only thing you have to consume on a daily basis so they make it as addictive as possible.

Think of this moment as an evolutionary bottleneck for those without self-control. They will get fat, disgusting and unfuckable and die and the humans that can put down the plastic-sugary bullshit will keep moving.
>hurrr if you dont like obese tofu legs you actually like hairy tough skinned men and their assholes
Is this bitch just eating whole blocks of cheese?

I feel like fat people eat one "healthy" item like a slice of Avocado toast and they feel like it justifies them to eat garbage the rest of the day.
Healthy food doesn't cancel out calories you dumb whore! You can't eat more on top of it and say you are making an effort.
I had an obese coworker. She told me how she would eat a dessert for lunch and then eat an apple and she thought the apple cancels out the dessert. That's how a lot of them think that eating something healthy will override junk food.
The fitness gradient from fatness (which does exist, both because they're less desirable to partners and also fatness directly harming fertility) might not be big enough to work quickly enough, especially when there's an even steeper ongoing fitness gradient where the more intelligent (and thus thinner) are having less children for basically cultural reasons.

Next century is going to be evolutionarily wild, yo. Whatever humanity comes out on the other side will be very different to the one going in, and this is even assuming no germline engineering.
I'm excluded from bathtubs, but it's cuz I'm just over 6'3" and look like pic related when I try to take a bath
I used to have more but you'll mostly see Female travelers complaining about visiting Asia and not being able to get any clothes while they were there not being able to replace any clothes if luggage was lost. And outright being called fat and ridiculed as fat even though they're American Average© (obese)
I counter your controversial opinion by saying I agree- but we only do this to israel. If israel is destroyed and we give the rest a few years to settle things amongst themselves, but Russia has an absolutely massive Islamic population. With the homeland returned and no more rats the immigrants will go home, with exception of the "conquerers" who should be shipped back or executed.
The sad thing is it would be so easy to clean up that diet. Change just one meal for the better and her life would improve
My sister is normal sized 175cm/63kg, wears size M here and she fit into XS clothes in the US. It’s fucking ridiculous, are there even skinny women left there?
I'm glad he lost weight
that is gross, I remember when i was a teenager i used to bully a fat girl that looked like her named julie
Lolno. Obviously not the result of fillers. It’s just fat.
Hey Bekah, Please put on a bra so I can stop having those sandbags flop at me so ominously. No medication makes you gain weight it just increases your appetite. Which you can ignore.
fridge bod
>but i did eat breakfast this morning
I fucking hate my fat wife like you wouldn't fucking believe and I hate her shrink even more
It went like this
>I have anxiety
>well turns out you seek validation and love in food and giving yourself a little treat isn't that bad
And now my retarded wife gorges slop whenever she feels muh anxiety

And don't you dare telling her to stop ingesting shit cause you're evil cause that's what the shrink told her to do to manage muh anxiety
And of course there's also the
>omg I'm so fat and ugly and diagusting
>well maybe you should lay off the sweets

I fucking hate this fucking retarded weak bitch like you wouldn't believe, the only thing tying me to her is our son.
>T. Fellow anon that has done sewing before
Patterns are the shapes that you use to cut fabric out that you then sew together into the article of clothing. They are usually this thin paper with lines traced, so you lay it over top and cut the fabric along the lines.
They will show the finished article of clothing on it, much like a cake on a box cake mix, and in this case they're using fatties. It should also be noted that pattern sizes really haven't changed. A size 12 is like a 28 inch waist, which was only true for women's clothing in like the 60s.

Hope this helps
Looks more like a bull than a cow, this us a fat boy build
He didn't get out of the cockadoodie car!!
I think its funny that rape causes obesity, the rapist wins in the end
Wrong. Why? IVF. Most women use some form of fertility treatment to have bsbues these days, be it hormone injections, medication cycles, or fertilization in a petri fish that's put in her as many times as she can afford until an embryo actually survives. And if all else fails? Surrogate.
>Gradually I began to hate them
Jesus Effing Christ.
Inhuman creature. It is impossible for me to hate this thing more.
Tell her that the shrink is
1) trying to make her fatter and uglier so the shrink is prettier
2) a fat crab who wants other women to be just as fat and ugly as she is
Either way ask her if alcohol is OK to cope if it's all that works. Weed? Hard drugs? Why not go for a run/elliptical or try sensory grounding techniques? She's just a food addict. Using any excuse for a fix. How old is your son? How didn't you see the warning signs?
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Every sane human wants this horrific creature dead.
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>we give the rest a few years to settle things amongst themselves
sadly, if they could settle anything they wouldn't be the subhumans they are.
as long as they live and breathe it's never over. their one goal is for islam to dominate the world and to bathe in infidel blood. and infidels include christians, jews, hindus, atheists and even other muslims because when there are no infidels around they kill each other over whose interpretation of islam is correct.
Look. At. It.
It's a thing.
No verification required.
Look at it's fat retarded goddamn hands. I want it dead.
But every country in that region hates Israel and they are the single biggest reason mussies hate the west, we are the Jewish lapdogs that do their bidding. We invade their homes and rob them for the rats. We dlaughter them for the rats. We evict them for the rats. If we eliminated the rats and said "do whatever but leave us be" it would certainly be a lot better. We restrict travel while they get it sorted out and warn travelers they must respect local culture, don't dress like a western hooker in burka country.
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>respect local culture
goat herding and fucking children is not a culture.
>if we just removed the barbarians' biggest problem, they'll leave us alone and go do their thing
That's incredibly naive. I don't really wanna shit the thread up, but /pol/ is brainrot and that's a /pol/ take.
Muslims' goals haven't changed from 1400 years ago when they first invaded Europe in VI century crossing the Strait if Gibraltar. They made it all the way from Northern Africa to where they are now by slaughtering infidels. If you think they'll just stop if we nuke Israel, then you really are either naive or as uneducated as the blue haired liberals screaming free Palestine.
Read what happened when they first attacked Europe, then what the Ottomans did.
All they want is for you to either accept islam and live in a shithole like theirs, or behead you. They wanted that long before Israel was a thing, and they'll fight tooth and nail for this long after Israel is gone.
>fat girl posts “progress” pics that don’t show any actual progress
>now it’s a meme to mock fatties
All there is to it really
Meant to reply to
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this looks like a tween girl's wishlist for her perfect man. picrel is probably what her shits look like.
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Jesus, I'm 35 and fit and look 25 and I still don't get any matches. Why do these guys even try?
beards really are makeup for men
Some of the younger posters may not remember but up until the mid 2000's nobody really had a beard. It was for homeless people and old men.

Supposedly, like a lot trends, it comes from returning veterans and people trying to emulate them (clean shaven look came after WWI from veterans who had to shave for gas masks, crew in the 1950's were WWII veterans). Veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan started to return home and they had full blown beards. I remember there was also this obsession with lumberjacks because of how manly they are.

Basically, it's men trying to appear as masculine as possible because they lack it.

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