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>Who is /fat/ for?
For the pompously plump who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous Thread: >>75010473
I wanna thank the anon that suggested stretching for my lower back pain. Shit is much more manageable now but I'll probably need better core strengthening and some physical therapy anyways.
god damn I wish I was a normie who only had to lose like 20 or 30 lbs
Fatty Contest
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Is /fast/ as much of a meme as keto is when you stop fasting? Like, if I fast for a week, but then eat 1000 calories below my current TDEE, will most of the fast weight come back immediately despite eating below TDEE cause I broke the "streak?"
A normie never got to eat the mountains of slop that got you to your size tho.
Pictured: Anon having the time of his life eating goyslop in his venue of choice
Fatty Contest
the thing is to learn how to eat healthily and in reasonable quantities so you dont bounce back way up once you stop.
I fell off the /fast/wagon some weeks back, ate with my new habits (a lot more veg and protein, a LOT less carbs) and my weight has been pretty stable over time, which I4m pretty happy about (kinda compensates for not loosing weight but I know it's my fault)
if you have to climb out of a deeper hole, it's harder yes but more noble if you pull through.
6'0" and 185lbs, down from 280. So close to my original goal of losing 100lbs
Keep fighting the good fight lads, if my lazy ass can turn it around then so can you
I have a similar goal as you, did you find the second half of your weight loss journey harder than the first? I'm about 40% of the way there.
Walking bros i don't feel so good............
Personally I feel like it's only gotten easier with time. Probably because my general health has improved making exercise easier, and actually learning about proper food intake makes upholding the diet easier and more satisfying
The most I lost was 18kg and I did that in 4 weeks, went from 83kg to 65kg. During that period I was eating more than ever. Looking back at that period it seems impossible.
>Larp the post
goddamn i wish i was an anime girl instead of a fat sack of shit
>Don't do 20k steps a day, do 10k steps
It's over...
I fucking promise you it happened. I had to increase the amount of meals I had otherwise i couldn't leave me bed all day. This was bad in 2020 after I graduated.
neither fasting nor keto are memes, they both work via cico

they also deplete your glycogen, so you will gain some water weight back if you consume carbs again, but wouldn't gain the fat you burned if you ate less than your expenditure

fasting for long periods also completely empties your insides, so whatever broke your fast will seem to "add weight" no matter what.

the target audience of that guy is bodybuilders, not whales like you, keep walking fatty
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threadly reminder
I wish should could tell me how to poop....
why do you need an instruction manual for taking shits anon, anyway here's how

1. wait until you feel the need to shit
2. when you do, sit in a toilet
3. use appropriate force, if you need to use too much you went too soon
4. wipe
5. optional but recommended: wash your ass in the shower
>1. wait until you feel the need to shit
Oh if only it was that easy anon
That made me sad, and I would like to retract my previous unnecessarily antagonistic statement.
Lads, I lost. My mom brought me a bag of chips about 5 weeks ago. I set it aside and ignored it. A week ago she brought more. I succumbed to the desire and ate one bag.
It didn't break my daily calories or anything (it's about 500 kcal for the bag), but I just feel bad that I gave in. I also made the mistake of opening the second one, but only ate a few chips from there.

I also don't feel great now. Somehow the chips don't have a good effect on my body (maybe it's the saltiness).
You didnt lose
You still have 6 days left to offset the extra calories you ate today
Also get rid of the chips, I've had instances of ordering 2-3 pizzas before just because I was hungry and ended up throwing away the rest after finishing the first
>wake up
>step on scales
>112 kg
>110 kg
Can recommend.
Fatty Contest
>Can't poop
>Lower back in bulk
Its oger.......
What would be a good first stack? Recently had my dream of medical school shot down, so it’s time to finally commit to this.
I can't throw away food. I'm not rich enough for that. It's just 600 kcal. The offset is going to happen today. I'll just eat less of other stuff. The loss is about giving in to temptation... And to make conversation here.
I realize this has zero context and looks retarded so my b. I am 6’ 270, down from close to 400 2 years ago. I am still a ham planet but less of one, and I feel I’ve done my due diligence and, since my time and energy won’t be going towards becoming a doctor, I figure I can put a lot of time and effort into getting yolked
like drug stack? I think you're in the wrong thread
>went two days with 2,000 calories per day
>binged yesterday
>feel like shit today
>had to drink tonnes of water at night, need a big shit, skin feels greasy, can feel the layer of fat over my chin and neck
Going out to eat with family today, restaurant booked doesn't have calories on the menu and it's a local chain, what do I do?
Stop being fat before you start roiding retard
make a guess and overestimate
Fatty Contest
245.2 lbs
How many calories in a tube of hemorrhoids ointment?
Fatty Contest
205.49 lbs
>I am no longer morbidly obese
>If only barely
>Time to hop on cycle
Unfathomable levels of retardation.
>office worker
Started at 102kg last year
Weighed today at 84

It wasn't the quickest but Im about to hit normal bmi for the first time in 8 years.
I've lost 40lbs, 190 to 150 at 5'8" and I still ahve so much fat to lose. Probably have to get down to 120 to get rid of my moobs.
If you've been fat your entire life, you are grossly underestimating how much fat you have and overestimating how much muscle you have.
you're mixing metric and imperial
With dumbbells and barbells, should you decrease the weight until you can do full sets without stopping? Or does it not matter as long as you get the full amount of reps?
Depends on the advice you follow. Roid trannies will say use as much weight as you can and almost pass out with every rep for le ebin stress on the muscles.
If you want to lose weight. Start cooking elaborate shit. I just spent 8 hours and 20k steps to find all the supplies I needed. I only had time to eat at lunch, because I don't eat out any more.
(disclaimer: you can't be American)
>take jardiance
>eat like absolute shit
>weight stagnates or goes down
I love Big Pharma.
Or you know. Just eat less like a regular person.
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Fatty Contest

perhaps it's time to bulk up and train more.
I already lost my needed weight. I only have 4kg left to 12%BF and trying to help your useless fat nitpicking negative nancy ass.
I weighed myself last about two months ago, and was at 79kg. Heaviest I've hit was 85kg. Just weighed myself now after almost a week of dieting I'm now 73.2kg. Feels fucking good, I was going to target 70kg for my diet but I think I'll aim for 67kg then see if I can continue or stop.
British, can't be helped.
Was able to climb 3 out of 4 steep hills in a row on my bike commute today. A couple weeks ago I could barely do one.
>I just spent 8 hours and 20k steps to find all the supplies I needed.
You should've written "(disclaimer: you can't have a job)"
>You should've written "(disclaimer: you can't have a job)"
It's the weekend. Did you forget because you don't have a job?
Cope fatty
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bcum bloatlord
I'm 6'1 and started at 390.
Today weighed in at 339 after having spent like three weeks in the 40s.
Glad to be progressing smoothly again, but I came down with Covid a few days ago and my daily exercise suffered because of it. Still went every day but it felt awful.
Did that make you feel better about yourself, anon? I hope so, while you were in bed eating and posting on 4chan, I did an hour of heavy weights followed by 30min of cardio and am about to go help my FIL with cattle chores before spending time with my daughter. Thanks for the input!
Fair enough, not hopping on a cycle tomorrow tho so don’t worry UwU
Heavily considered but I don’t want my kids growing up with a fat fuck dad like I did lol
Faggot, I wasn't trying to insult you, I was trying to prevent you from fucking yourself up
Retard, I’m not blasting as much tren as I can, I’m asking about a beginner stack. I’m not trying to be a bodybuilder, but I also have no desire to be natty anymore. If you disagree, that’s fine, but I don’t need your input. Some troglodyte calling me a fat faggot on the internet isn’t gonna sway me lmfao.
Give it away then you fat fucking retard. Don't eat food just because it's there. Your mom wastes the money not you. Food waste nation wide is astronomical, you're not saving any starving Africans by rationalizing eating junk. NGMI
Oh, btw I’m eating 180g protein a day, 75g healthy fats (real olive oil, butter, or tallow), then backfilling with carbs until I hit between 1800-2000 calories. High volume, lots of fiber, most carbs coming from fresh or frozen vegetables. I don’t eat any processed carbs outside of special occasions, I don’t use whey/protein bars unless I don’t have time to cook meat, I take vitamins to make sure I’m hitting my micros as well as macros. This is not “I’m fat and can’t help it”, this is a goal that I’m working towards. I get the sentiment, but fuck off if your opinion is “just eat less fatty” cuz I’m already there lol. Btw, the weights coming off nicely, progress is fine, I just want to maximize gains past the point my body naturally can
I hope you weren't infecting anybody in public places
Try doing 1 or 2 hindu pushups daily. I used to love them when my back was hurting.
Take ZMA. Its a supplement that aids in recovery and sleep, but also makes a lot of people shit thsir guts out.
Any chance I can remove a bit of belly fat at home? Can't a just make a small hole and pull with a forceps? The blood would be minimal since it's only the outer layer thats cut.
>OP pic
I wept with laughter.
practice removing fat from a fatty steak first, see if you can just pull it out
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5'8", 260 lbs
how much is too much when it comes to a calorie deficit? i see that 1000 is the high end listed in the "Now What?" section (which would put me at 1,523 calories daily) - is this fine to do? ive been fat my entire life so i have no idea whats a normal amount of food to eat.
Rule of thumb is 1500 daily cal is the floor for guys, so you should be good.
Make sure you get at least 80-100g of protein.
just eat less for a couple of weeks, if you're losing at a good rate continue, if you want to lose faster/slower eat less/more

>1500 daily cal is the floor for guys
why would you make shit up
it really depends on individual response. some people get really fucked up from low calories, some feel completely fine
i hear the main problem with lower calories is that you might not get enough micronutrients with such a reduced intake but i've done 1000-1200cal for like 4 months before and never had any problems.
I don't think there's a right answer. High deficit is faster and better to train willpower. Low deficit is easier and you're less likely to rebound after you're done. You could try a mix of the two depending on how you feel that day.
>Low deficit you're less likely to rebound after you're done
source: your ass
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Being hungry is a sign you're winning the battle against the fat
Yes my ass hasn't rebounded since in lost weight
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A succulent Chinese meal? Anyway, see if they have some beef and broccoli dish. Chinese places should have that.
I already eat plenty of protein (autistically obsessed with chicken so just eating it skinless is not a problem) so this is great news lmao. thanks for the advice - it's honestly kinda fun trying to fit the most amount of food into my calorie allowance its like a puzzle.

I see.. thank you! it really is just a willpower thing i guess and i think i can do it.

additional question (not for anyone i replied to just any anon) - how long does it take for the hunger pains to get better? that's really been the only thing thats been fucking me up but i figure my body has to figure out its not gonna eat a metric fuckload of food anymore eventually right
Fasting the day before and/or the day after grabbing some slop with the boys is my go-to
When I first got serious about a calorie deficit, it took about a month to stop constantly thinking about food. Find tons of distractions to make it easier. Lifting autistically worked well for me. Also, If I wanted a little treat I forced myself to go walk around town for at least an hour before I could have it and that walk usually killed the craving. Good luck, fren! I’m rooting for ya
Gonna eat Dairy Queen in 24 hours. Gonna get a large Blizzard and a meal. I'm hoping to shock my system with a huge intake of calories from garbage food after months of eating relatively well.
>go to Subway on the regular for lunch years ago
>go one day after gassing up car, head to restroom to get gasoline smell off hands
>doors locked, wait a few minutes, knock, no reply
>wait a few more minutes, person joins me in line, “what’s the wait for?”, “I don’t know, someone in there”
>knock again, no reply, go get manager to unlock door, manager grumbles it could be homeless inside
>manager knocks final time, loudly tells person they need to come out, meek voice from inside replies, manager says they have 30 seconds to open the door or he’s unlocking it & calling the cops
>our emerges fat dude, drink in hand and unwrapped sandwich in the other, bitches & leaves
>manager grumbles about chow that’s happened as well, fat people eating in the restroom because of embarrassment to eat in public
>go in to wash hands, there was open bag of chips left on the top of the toilet tank
Wonder what happened to WrapEnjoyer
dumbass fatty cope
Small Blizzard, skip the fries & soda.
Going to a resort for 2 weeks, it might be troublesome getting enough protons unless I bring whey with me.
I'm weighing looking like a weirdo and having to lug a mysterious powder through airports vs the consequences of eating lower protein for that long. What do you guys think?
Not fat anymore actually. I want to regret tomorrow, I want to be dealing with the shits in the evening and next day, I want my body to react wildly to eating way over maintenance.
I lost 1.6 BMI this month.

I need to lose 17 more BMI. It sucks.

I keep having day dreams about food for hours at a time. What it would be like to eat 10 hamburgers all evening. It takes a lot of effort to not do it.

How much weight are you anons trying to lose?
Started at 343lbs, goal weight 190lbs, current weight 310lbs. The struggle is real anon but we must pay for our sins.
yup. I've lost over 10kg so far, type 2 diabetes reversed, blood sugar very low, cholesterol very low, blood pressure normal, easier to walk for more than 30 minute. But, the mental illness is still the same as day 1.

started 110kg (242lb)
currently 93kg (205lb)
initial goal 80 (176lb)
will probably want to go lower once i get there so I can bulk up without much worry
i'm lucky to not have a binging/junk food/willpower problem, so it mostly just takes time and is boring. so long as I don't rationalize myself out of losing weight i don't "fall off the wagon"
Just have to find things to fill the time anon, i bought a steam deck and i've been playing through my backlog and honestly having a blast.
Feeling good about myself, the last time I was this light it was 2020.

First time I weighed myself since I've started working to lose weight and have lost more than I expected. I only need to lose 12 kg.
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Fell off the wagon for a few weeks. Haven't gone to the gym 5 weeks now. Ate badly 9 days in a row.
Gonna take the diet seriously for as long as it takes.
Yeah, of course I made sure.
I leave right at sunup and I only very rarely run into other people
Fatty Contest
Would pineapple juice help make it easier to pull?
>If you've been fat your entire life, you are grossly underestimating how much fat you have and overestimating how much muscle you have.

God this is so true. I think for me, it's not so much about focusing on my long term lean weight goal. It's getting to a point where I can look decent, eat maintenance, and lift more. And then once I'm at that point for a while, I'll cut down again. But going from peak fatness to ideal leanness in one go is asking a lot imo.
based considerate anon
I've eaten a big lunch, and don't feel hungry right now. But I've left enough calories for dinner, should I eat or ignore the meal?
is it possible to purge some of your lunch?
try sticking your finger down your throat and see what comes out
Not my style mate.
well hopefully you can learn from your mistakes
skip every dinner from now on
halve your lunch
this is your penance for your sinful (gluttony) lifestyle
did the k*to schizo get swapped out for the mentally ill anorexic/fastfag shitposting in this thread? tiresome
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/fat/ bros, how is everyone doing this fine weekend?
I'm well within my daily calorie amount. Im just asking should I eat dinner or skip it if im not that hungry right now. I wasn't sure if skipping dinner completely is unhealthy.
Gone from a VERY TIGHT 40W to 36W this year bros
>should I skip dinner?
>skip dinner.
>no, I don't think I will
fatties, everyone
the faster you lose weight, the faster I will gain respect for you
No one wants your respect
I don't even consider you to be human
I dont want to make my diet too unpleasant and that sounds plain stupid.
>I dont want to
fuck what you want
just do it
Barely slept for 2 months but otherwise doing fine, you?
Suicide cut update started on Aug 6:
242lb at start
waist at biggest: 42.5 inches
Neck at smallest: 17 inches
Navy method gives me 28.2%

225 as of now
waist at biggest 38.75 inches
Neck at smallest: 17 inches
Navy method now gives 22.2%

I'd say by looks I'm around 26% actually but I'd probably need calipers or a dexa to be sure.
But I've lost almost 4 inches around the biggest part of my stomach.
Gonna break the suicide cut on labor day, spend a week at my new maintenance and then either maintain around 220 or try one last hard cut to 200.
I had about one free meal a week for around 3000kcal but besides that I've been on 1000kcal a day.
Been doing good, spent most the day walking around a really nice park while listening to audiobooks. Also found out I lost much more weight that thought.
>I had about one free meal a week for around 3000kcal but besides that I've been on 1000kcal a day.
9000cals a week is not a suicide cut lmao thats 1300cals a day averaged
in america, a normie has 50-60 pounds to lose on average
being thin is unironically rare
throw them out or give them to ur mom or say mom i dont like these anymore
having food like that near u at all times is just a needless drain of willpower
use calories from a comparable chain restaurant
I've been using walking apps to count my steps, and they are claiming I use like 600 calories walking 10kish steps. I don't believe that, it seems really fucking high. And it would mean I'm on about 800 calories net a day. So I'm ignoring it and just counting my intake.
those apps and fitbits are extremely imprecise, you made a good call
Fatty contest
those apps are garbage, they give me 2x or 3x what my garmin gives me. i dont even count exercise calories unless i do more than an hour (like a 5 hour hike)
Any good device I can pick up that isn't stupid expensive?
you don't need to worry about what you burn. Track your calories, track your weight. or if you want something that estimates your TDEE based on those two data points, you could get macrofactor or find the equation and do it yourself
look weekly in the mirror and your scale. adjust calorie target when necessary.
Ok, I'll just focus on my intake and keep walking, but ignore the reported calorie burn.
>a 2600kcal daily deficit isn't a suicide cut
Man you mother fuckers are crabs in the bucket.
>3900 tdee
Lmao retard
Why do you desk jockeys always assume people are as inactive as you?
My maintenance at 245 was 4500 without weight gain.
Kek atleast try if you're gonna troll
there are also going to be some negative people, don't feed it
How do I break a 72-hour fast? Liquid only? Or soup/bowl of oatmeal/porridge with pb, honey, and ice cream or fruit?
What do you mean? I hit 30k steps a day from my work and daily walks.
I usually eat something small high protein, then wait 6 hours and have a real meal.
It doesn't really matter for a 72 hour fast but my whole digestive tract feels better being primed before a meal
>1 month into trying to lose some weight again
>1 - 2 meals / day
>max 1200cal / day but mostly 600-900cal
>7000 steps / day
went from 214lbs to 203lbs doing this and hoping for 4.5lbs more over the next two weeks
Good job man.
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Fuck the food jew
After dieting for a week I've noticed I no longer need to shit once a day, which is great.
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>my weight goal for September 1st was 209 lb
>weigh myself today
>209 lb
11 kilos left to lose, started out as 75 kg and down to 69 kg. Once i reach my goal i plan on just maintaining and building muscle slowly
started at 440lbs
currently at 203lbs
goal is 189lbs
im that guy >>75022432 btw
You need to eat more fiber, anon
How does losing half your body mass feel?
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>Fat Loss Genera

Do not eat bad food, just drink 3 shakes a day and watch the fat melt off of you.
I'm allergic to crustaceans
physically it feels great. im finally able to wipe my ass properly again and just taking a walk doesnt feel like a monumental task. no more heavy breathing after a few steps and painful joints
the downside is, that i got a lot of loose skin (which will get surgically removed over time) which prevents me from certain things, not only physically but also mentally.
in my head im still fat as fuck but i really hope that it gets better over time
is it fucked up that every time I see this I kinda want it? Even though I've never had a shake that big.
I'm 5'9 and my current weight is 226. Started my diet almost 4 weeks ago at 250 pounds. I've eaten the same thing since the start
>Cup of spinach
>2 slices of air fried Bacon to a crisp
>2 Hardboiled egg whites only
>1 slice of thin Daves bread
>1 serving of yogurt (15 grams of protein)
>Frozen high protein meal (40-50grams protein & 400-550 calories)
>Cup of spinach
I also take a multivitamin and fish oil. I consistently do a 1-2 mile brisk walk. I only drink water on Sundays no food till breakfast on Monday. I feel fine with the 1k calorie limit but I'm worried I might fuck up something. Should I diversify or up my calories?
You're going to have to eventually unless that's all you want to eat for the rest of your life
I should've said my goal is 170-180
Not bad, but you need to figure out what you're going to do to prevent losing muscle mass.
Are you getting enough proteins in your diet? Are you planning to start working out soon?
It's hard to go through rapid weight loss without also losing muscle, so if that matters to you, it could make sense to lower your calorie deficit significantly. It'll take longer to reach your goal weight, but your body might be in better shape when you do.
I'm getting about 80-100 grams of protein every day (minus Sunday). I want to reach 215 first and I'll start doing body weight workouts/calisthenics. I might have to start eating on sundays once I do start working out.
Drank for the second time this year. My body and mind feel like shit now
Fatty Contest
Hi same anon here and I've got another question
I know that diet is the most important part of weight loss but I'd also like to build some muscle. What are some exercises for someone who's not quite a cripple but struggles to stand for long periods of time and can barely walk the length of two parking lots (got weird malformed ankles)
Out for a wedding
First time not eating in a deficit in months, will see where the weights at in a few days
I've also got a wedding detouring me this weekend. Definitely looking forward to the three course meal and open bar, but I'm eating 600 cal the day before and I plan to fast the day after the wedding before returning to business as usual (<1500 cal)
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5'8, started at 300lbs/136kg in July of last year. Down to 220lbs/100kg as of this morning. Aiming for 180lbs/81kg by next summer. I want to be lean so fuckin bad bros ;_;
80lbs in a year is great anon. If you keep that pace you will be 180 well before next summer.
i want to indulge in my belly stuffing fetish and lose weight at the same time
anyone know some super low calorie density snacks
other than like lettuce and cabbage and cucumbers ofc
>autistic degeneracy
>2hu image

a 4chan classic
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>I've never had a shake that big

32oz is a normal sized shake, what third world hell hole do you live in
I live in america but that's absurd. I think the argest I've ever had is chick fil a large strawberry shake or culvers large concrete mixer which is like 20 oz
>one wendy's hamburger is $6.19
>TWO wendy's hamburgers is $6.00
>one filet o fish is $5.29
>TWO filet o fish is $4
this is why I have a problem
I get punished for ordering less food
>Finish the bag
Do you also think you are being similarly "punished" for buying groceries in bulk?
I've managed to lose 9 pounds over the last 3 weeks, is that a decent rate or should I be losing it faster
groceries can be stored for later
who is storing fast food slop in your fridge for later?
That's good. If you're just starting you may not keep up that rate because some of it is water and shit in your gut.
No one said you need to eat later.
so if buying groceries in bulk is not punishment, but a reward
then are you saying buying fast food in bulk is a reward
Seriously, this isn't some unbreakable conundrum. Eat your damn two-fer, adjust your calories down the line and move on.
If you're going to eat the slop in the first place, don't frame a deal into some sort of problem.
I wouldn't frame buying more food as a reward
how important is it to lift heavy when lifting for weight loss and overall fitness? i'd rather do more reps than fewer with heavier weights because of a sports hernia that really fucks me up
I wouldn't either. The anon who can't understand a simple concept did that.
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My scale run out of battery.

Should I replace it or just go with the mirror test?
going too hard on weights makes my appetite unmanageable, but I'm also a new lifter
I'm not understanding the simple concept either then. Can you elaborate?
It's me. I do.
I keep my refrigerated fast food next to my genetics.
Why wouldn't you just go to the store and get new batteries?
Suddenly, that so many people are obese is not so surprising
ok i feel a bit bad for my meme response. you could try caulifloar rice, it takes a bit of time to get used to but if you season it well, I'm sure it'll fit your purpose. Also, maybe try apples.
>can't elaborate on his so called "simple" concept
maybe it's not so simple
>surprised there's fat people in the weightloss thread
maybe the only thing simple here is you
Fat people in a fast loss thread, not surprising. That so many fat people are simply imbeciles, sad.

Once again, getting more food for a certain amount of money is not punishment or reward. It is simply a transaction between you and the vendor. Nothing the vendor did requires you to overeat. Eat your damn two burgers and eat less of something else. Eat one burger and toss the other. No one is holding a gun to your fat head.
There, that wasn't so hard was it toots. Good job.
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>scale hasnt moved up or down in 3 weeks
>spent that time lifting (PPL) for the first time, as well as doing a job with physical labor, and eating much more protein
>pants feel a bit more loose, feel noticeably stronger
Is this what they call body recomp? Going to take september much more seriously with calories since I actually do want the scale to go down, but just being able to do 20 push ups without major exertion is a good feeling.
Fatty Contest
Big Frigate
304.6 lbs
That's from 5 days ago, away from home and scale
I had to order a 3XL shirt to be truly comfortable and not have my belly show when i lift my arms.
I just do a 500 calorie deficit to my sedentary TDEE, I make sure I eat 1 gram of protein for lbs of lean body mass and whatever I burn in the gym lifting and cardio as an extra that I don't bother to count, but that surely would put me in the 600-800 daily calorie deficit.
If it's just the belly-peek you can get 2XL-tall
But shit'll drape around your ass when you're not reaching up, a give and take
I was looking for something like that but couldnt find anything. Needed a fitting shirt for tomorrow so i just ordered something quick. I look like a fridge with the 3XL on but i am fat, there is no denying it anymore or hiding it.
I have to get consistent with my walks / runs.
You have to fix your diet, the exercise is good but won't make near as much of a dent
Thanks bro. I know I'm on track I just wish it happened faster kek
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Doing the carnivore diet while lifting.

The fat goes away, but the scale doesn't move much.
The number starts to become a little irrelevant and even a downside.

Plus I'm fucking broke right now.
I had craving for fast-food burgers, so I bought five McDonald's hamburgers and that was my meal for the day.
You can eat pretty much anything you want, as long as you count calories and keep the variety up.
Yeah, if you are fat and new to lifting recomping is definitely real.
I really dont eat that horrible so i dont know whats causing it. I do snack throughout the day but it shouldnt cause this
Anyone else have a collection of dumb hacks they use that actually work for weight loss?

>pound of fat-free cottage cheese every day (around 250kcal to 300kcal)
>first meal of the day is a big bowl of oat porridge
>at least half gallon of water a day
>otherwise no restrictions

It's very euro-pilled, but it works for me.
Fatty Contest
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>dumb hacks they use that actually work for weight loss?
Popcorn is incredibly filling for its calorie content, even if you are reasonably generous with oil and even butter it up.
The later your first meal of the day, the easier it is to keep your daily calorie intake low.
Boiled eggs are very filling, low calorie, and have great macros.
Plain black coffee is great at curbing hunger.
Crackers with chicken liver pate are a very decent snack with a good volume to calorie when you're craving something savory.
Eating slower and chewing more allows the same amount of food fill you better.
Drinking your calories is fine, if it's in a form of a hot sweet milk-tea or something similarly nutritious. If it takes a relatively long time to consume, it can be surprisingly filling for the amount of calories it has.
There are mushrooms that have fairly strong taste, have a decent volume after cooking them, and barely have any calories.
Wholegrain pasta tastes pretty much identical to regular pasta, but has slightly less calories and fills you up slightly better. It tends to be more expensive, though.
Finding ways of being conservative with oils without ruining the taste helps cut down calories in many dishes for essentially free. Don't allow your toast to absorb a bunch of oil/butter, toss your diced meat in small amount of oil instead of putting a larger amount of oil in a pan, etc.
Everything that makes you eat less works, fasting is just mentally difficult to wrap your head around for people it seems like. If you're already dieting and losing weight fasting is a good supplement to speed it up.

What I've seen trip people with fasting is the tendency to get a bit of an ego about it and feel like you did something incredible so it's something to celebrate, which leads people into huge feasts and celebratory "breaking" of the fast by eating something ridiculous. As long as you stay in your lane and keep up moderation, basically just go straight back to dieting after your fast, instead of a huge barbecue with the boys, it's good. Frankly, most fat people have a lot of insulin resistance and just normal dieting takes months and months to slowly fix that while fasting will do it very quickly. If you're not struggling with diet and know that you won't yo-yo and eat crazy feasts, there are big benefits to fasting. If it's the only thing you're doing you're kind of doomed and it's not because fasting doesn't work, it's just mentally very tempting not be consistent since it's so powerful, "who cares about a little cheat day, I can just fast one extra day"etc.
>needed to make another notch on the belt
Will I shit guaranteed if I got 100% of my recommended daily fiber and water? The constipation is annoying. I kind of have to shit now, but I'm waiting until tomorrow morning after I've digested everything I ate today.
>Popcorn is incredibly filling for its calorie content, even if you are reasonably generous with oil and even butter it up.

I thought that, based on 2000's meme diets some celebrities did, but did the calculations and at least for me, I could easily eat 800kcal of pop-corn without it making me full long term and that's with no added butter, just plain. Cottage cheese on the other hand makes me almost sickly full with just 300kcal. I also don't mind scarfing down something bland, not everything has to be delicious.

>Plain black coffee is great at curbing hunger.

I did the opposite, stopped caffeine altogether since while it curbed hunger when I drank it, it made all my other cravings severely stronger during the rest of the day. It took two months of getting used to but, it's been worth it easily.

>Boiled eggs are very filling, low calorie, and have great macros.
this is great
>The constipation is annoying
Constipation can be caused by a variety of factors.
If it's bothering you, seeing a doctor about it can unironically be a good idea.

You can also try doing the reverse and completely excluding fiber (or even better - all carbs) out of your diet for a week or so simply to decrease the pressure building up in your intestines.
>I also don't mind scarfing down something bland, not everything has to be delicious.
cottage cheese can be delicious, i add lime, chives, spring onions, tiny bit of salt, and it's just as good or even better than the sour cream based dip that gave many of my extra kilos
I don't know about the recommended amount of fiber a day, but I just put some wheat bran into my yoghurt when things get a little hard shit-wise. Works like a charm.
33 hours into a fast.
Only issue I have is this goddamn acid reflux. What's up with that? How do I keep my stomach from making so much acid for no reason
social obligations are retarded had to attend a birthday party meal with trash food so now im forced to skip two of my regular meals to compensate
Drink more wah.
Think of food less.
If you were very consistent with your meal schedule before, it can take a bit for your body to stop expecting food at specific times.
>I got constipation
>better not eat fiber at all
The spirit of the trolls is still alive
I'm kind of on that grindset that the vast majority of what I eat shouldn't be delicious, the obsession with only eating delicious things is what got me fat in the first place and also keeps up cravings since you're constantly validating them. Food is food and not entertainment, if you get that into your brain you won't crave things so much. The cravings become occasional fantasies that are easy to keep just as thoughts instead of actionable plans to acquire something like a big bowl of pasta.
I'm drinking enough water to make my urine clear man, ain't working. I'm considering taking an antacid pill but don't want a rough sleep or milk alkali syndrome from taking it plain
Yep, this is the way. Fast the day before and then do OMAD (Or I guess more like IF if you're going for a full course meal) on the day of sloppery.
Did that three weeks ago when me and friends went to an all you can eat restaurant. Was a chinese place so there were lots of fresh veggies and such, I just went for the stir fry every time I got something and then finished with a tepanyaki meat plate. Still lost about 1kg(2lbs) that week.
fiber doesnt work the same way on everyone some people will get bloated and/or constipated from it doctard
the noteatingatall-hack
It's biologically impossible for you to get constipated if you don't eat fiber.
You can fully digest animal-based food given enough time. That's not the same for fiber.
It's good for you intestine to have consistent and stable access to fiber because your gut microbiome needs it and because circulating waste is generally good, but fiber is the only thing that can cause constipation.
I do that sometimes, but it's hard to keep doing it if you have a life (and are obese).
I get too weak during the fast to do much, liquid shit persist until day 5 or 6, so rolling 72s for example mean you're always in the liquid shit phase. Also a lot of effort is spent on resisting, which has to come from somewhere. My life is already effortful so fasting means I'm unable to do something else like studying nearly as well. I've heard some people don't feel weak during their fasts, but that's never been me other than on very short ones like 24 hours.
>I do snack throughout the day but it shouldnt cause this
Even a cookie could be 300 calories. 300 calories is an entire hour power walking, or about 3 hours just existing roughly speaking. Most people would only need to eat about 8 cookies to meet their tdee.
It's trivial to eat an entire days worth of calories by snacking without even knowing that you're doing it.
It's way easier to just not eat that cookie than it is to walk an hour for each cookie you ate.
Reminder to eat beef.
Potatoes have a higher satiety index without giving you a heart attack
Chicken and taters is the thinking man's cutting meal
>a stupid list from 1995
But I should get some taters.
Haven't had them for quite a while despite being a slav.
Fatty Contest
Post weight you absolute pussy
you sound like a retard who's not going to make it, good luck holding onto that grindset for the next 50 years
That's how normal not fat (not food-addicted) people live their lives. Most of what they eat isn't that great and then they enjoy themselves sometimes by eating something good. McDonald's wants every meal you eat to be delicious, your doctor doesn't.
mcdonalds is not delicious fucking dumbass, it tastes like absolute garbage, learn to cook using healthy ingredients nigger
you are pathetic and have a fat person's idea of how non fat people think, i am disgusted by your retardness
>That's how normal not fat (not food-addicted) people live their lives. Most of what they eat isn't that great
You wouldn't happen to the British, would you?
Why are you getting so mad about someone not wanting to eat delicious things? This is not supposed to be a big issue.
Fatty Contest
that probably includes 40-50 year olds who got that way over their lifes
not young people who are obese
>your doctor doesn't
Most doctors would say that if your diet isn't enjoyable/sustainable you'll end up quitting.
Nordic, so close enough. Most of the world eats non-delicious things at the regular. All of eastern europe has oat porridge for breakfast, asia eats plain white rice with simple sides, Africans also eat porridge or whatever slop they can find for the vast majority of their meals. Delicious meals are an exception, sunday dinner, someone's birthday etc. I'm literally advocating for eating normal healthy food that isn't super exciting as the bulk of your diet and this is somehow aggroing random people. Americans, am I right?
it's a retarded mindset, if it's not a big issue stop posting then, we're not going to clap because you're not eating mcdonalds, you're not enlightened, you just don't know how to cook and refuse to learn, and have shit taste
bro you're just unintelligent
>All of eastern europe has oat porridge for breakfast
>asia eats plain white rice with simple sides
>Africans also eat porridge or whatever slop they can find for the vast majority of their meals.
maybe, I haven't met any african
I cook all my own meals and I'm plenty good. It's just that wanting to eat more than you need, isn't that the whole problem? Why keep adding to it, should lunch be delicious every single time? If you become full and satiated from an undelicious lunch, what's issue there? I'm not saying to make it taste bad, just not too good so you have an incentive to over-eat.
yeah, backpedal nigger
I'm here to talk to other people doing weight-loss and exchange ideas so I'm not leaving for a while. You seem to have taken my idea as a personal challenge somehow, when it's a reply to someone else explaining why I'm fine with eating plain cottage cheese and don't necessarily want it to be delicious.

How so?
Fatty Contest
Fatty Contest
Fatty Contest

ive had a rough few weeks personally. new month new me for sure
Lad...... scale should go down.....
That explains it. I also live in a nordic country and I gotta say just because we culturally love to eat bland tasting slop that's imo a mental illness and psyop by joyless faggots who want our life to be suffering.
By that logic, we know you're not going to make it and you will never make a worthwhile post, so why don't you go outside?
Down from 132kg to 116kg in 3 months. Many more kilos to go, but feeling pretty good.

Lots of comments from people saying I look good, and the weight loss is noticeable, muscles showing a bit more, too.

We all gonna make it boys
I think it's an advantage that makes it easier to eat healthy foods and eat in moderation.

This is more of a psychological perspective, but anything that brings you pleasure is reinforced and so you're likelier to do it again. This is why we have cravings, you had to learn them from having pleasurable experiences. This is the same with sex (porn), the same with video games, the same with drugs of abuse. Stronger enjoyment (dopamine) means stronger want to do it again (reinforcement) and stronger disturbances in your mind telling you to go do it again (cravings).
It's the same with food, the brain system is generic for every kind of dopamine derived pleasure activity, even to the point that being addicted to something, makes you more vulnerable to being addicted to something completely different.
Assumption is that obese people are addicted to food or drinks like soda, I think that's fair. Then you treat it like any other addiction, with the caveat that the goal isn't zero consumption, but moderate consumption. The way you become less addicted is by weakening the stimulation over time, with food it means eating less tasty food. Your "pleasure system" will habituate to this new level of stimulation and you won't crave the old extra-stimulation. Cultures that aren't highly stimulating food-wise would have an advantage because people wouldn't find themselves in this mess to begin with.

What's also important is that dopamine is a limited resource and it's easy to run out each day. Eating less delicious food is not robbing you of anything, it's just keeping your baseline dopamine higher so you can use it for other things.
Fatty Contest

i guess going from an 8 week mini cut and trying to reverse diet into maintenance calories turned into... mini cut + cut with small deficit lmao
disordered eating part 2, on the plus side it seems like even 2700 kcal is below my maintenance which is unexpected and i feel full so god damn fast i need to have 3-4 meals a day, if i skip one i feel sick from eating
coming from 170+ kg, this is fucking crazy
energy levels are down the drain though but my hunger/appetite is too which is even more odd
I'm 5'8'' too, I was practically a skelly at 145lbs, then I started lifting and I finally look normal at 165 lbs now.

Do you have literally ZERO muscle mass? kek
My fellow /fat/s.

When you "make it", enjoy it. Savor it and celebrate.

...But then as the fanfare dies down, stop to think about why you were able to do it. What worked and why? Would it work for someone else? Was it a personal quirk? Was there luck? How do you maintain? Tally up information about what your life was like, write it down. What were your relationships like? Did you get help from someone? Did you have a plan for when you faltered? Did you not even need on? Analyze what happened between the time you were fat and not, as time will erase that story.

Why I ask this of you is because I failed to do so. I was a fat kid, I dreamed of losing weight but couldn't do it. I was obese until age 17 and then something clicked. I lost weight easily and by the time I was 19 I had lost 70 pounds. No loose skin, toned body, epitome of health. I had a twink birth. I lived like that for 2 years.

...But then I gained it all back. I gained it all and then some. I was deluded, I "knew" I could lose it again since I'd done it before so the number on the scale did not phase me, I wasn't vigilant. Now heftier than ever, with stretch marks all over, I tried again with full force, and failed, I could not do it again. I tried new things, I tried old things, I realized I had lost the recipe, the secret sauce to lose weight. The reasons for losing weight successfully hadn't been the ones I thought, the ones I was so sure of. It wasn't my special diet, it was the people around me. It was my mindset and goals that kept me on the straight and narrow...and they've gone now, things are different and so am I.

These days, I'm losing weight again, but the recipe is new. It had to be new since I lost the old one. It took me 4 years of toil to get here and it shouldn't have. I had it once, I could do it once more... if only I understood why it worked in the first place. Heck, maybe I would have noticed when my grip started to slip and I wouldn't have even gained all the weight back.
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If you're carrying a lot of water/bloat with you I recommend some legit cardio/workout that makes you sweat a lot and sleeping a lot.
That seems to do the trick for me.
been making really good progress past few months, from my peak of 76kg. I've been aiming for 69kg before I start getting serious about muscle gain. I still have some body fat which I want to lose, do you think I should be aiming for 65kg instead?
I took a break from couch to 5k this week because my knee has been hurting and I've still hovered around 71kg despite eating a little unhealthy which has been good.
Fatty Contest
How far do you have to be to post here?
fuck off
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Stop gaining weight then you fat shit. 14 months of your life to be 20lbs heavier.
This isn't the way to encourage him man. It's clear that every 3 months he makes a good effort and 10-15 pounds just slip off. The question he should be asking is what goes wrong at week 2.

Let's be productive here.
Was gonna fast yesterday, but had 400grams of lean protein, so im not too sad. Gonna try to fast today and maybe test out carnivore for a week or two just to launch me further down the deficit. Been stuck on 90kg for too long...

Cardio gains have gone through the roof, but my diet is fucked because of alcohol and poor decisions. Feels kinda lame to admit, but it's hard to stay strong when you feel emotinally void. In a way im no different to fast food niggas.
what do i do
im 189cm/6'2 tall, and like 75kg/165 pounds, i have lovehandles and i am basically skinnyfat, do i do an aggressive cut to get rid of my fat and then bulk or?
Lift weights
only that? what do i change in my diet? do i go for the light products meme and reduce carb intake? im not really good at this shit, i used to drink a lot of soft drinks and i think the goyslop ruined my physique
>23lbs lost in 3 years
Just try and get like 140g-160g of protein a day and lift and you'll drop more bf and replace it with muscle
i can't go to the gym, can i do any shit with pullups dips and 2 10kg dumbbells?
Yeah sure, just youtube a workout routine using dumbbells
Fatty Contest
206.6 lbs
thanks a bunch bro, finally some useful insight
You can choose to recomp by lifting hard and eating hard. Or you can cut to 150 lbs or so to hopefully totally lose your love handles - to not look like a skellington, you will have to then bulk very slowly to avoid regaining big love handles
This happens to me too anon. It got better. You could take some Pepcid or other rapid acting heart burn relief like maalox
Fatty contest
looks like he's just losing the water weight, then rewarding himself with "a nice meal" because he's been a good boy for a couple of weeks

we've all been there, I'm honestly trying to be productive
Give him some credit, it must have taken balls to not just ghost the comp if your number is literally going up. Bro is playing biggest winner while you're stuck playing biggest loser.
Peak fatty cope
>want to go to the gym or go running
>can't because I've got a hernia
I guess I should just accept being fat.
Weight loss is 90% diet
4 years ago I lost 20%ish of my body weight in 4 week by doing 4+ hours of hard cardio a day.
Possible, but not exactly healthy or sustainable.
"Not exactly healthy" even compared to staying 25% fatter, as for quite a few people this level of exercise carries unironic risks of having a heart attack.
Yeah, I spent most of my days in bed being so exhausted. I had to eat extra meals otherwise I would have zero energy to do anything let alone running/cycling. In the end I crashed hard and over a year put the weight back on.
So in other words, it was a stupid thing to do.
probably the same reason he got a hernia
doing retarded shit
Yeah, but I could have maintained the weight I reached which would have made it not that bad.
I went to the gym first time in ages and gave squats a go for the first time. Tried to find my max weight I could lift for five reps.
You can also do that with just swimming in cold water, which is not nearly as hard to do. Not ice cold water since you can't be there for long, olympic swimming pool and swim there leisurely for however you can take it and you'll have lost a lot of calories. Michael Phelps famously had to eat 10 000 kcal during his training as an olympic swimmer to not lose weight while training 6 hours a day. Other olympic endurance athletes would only need 3000 to 4000 kcal. The difference comes from being in cold water, your body has to keep up its temperature and that's going to take a lot of energy.

Body-heat is a huge sink for calories. For a 220 lb person, generating 1 degree celsius of body heat for the whole body would take 100 kcal. Olympic swimming pools are 10C below your body heat, colder pools even more so. Water also conducts heat better than air, so you're constantly leeching heat and have to generate extra, in turn spending a lot of calories. Just by treading water and not moving, you're spending around 500 kcal extra per hour (again, for a 220 lb person, also might be inaccurate, I used an online calculator), any cardio you do on top of that is extra.

I was a fat kid and there was a swimming camp meant for fat kids, looking back on it I really wish I took the opportunity since it would actually have worked so well.
wait bros I thought nords aren't allowed to be fat
>binge on monday
>still haven't undone the damage and lost the weight from it
as retarded as this sounds but i honestly think that binging once in a while is beneficial because it reminds me how stupid it is and what a waste it is. 2 weeks of progress straight up lost in one day
>400g protein
>yo-yoing with fasting
bro, you're gonna destroy your kidneys
6'2" at 150lbs is gonna look like an unhealthy skeleton, start lifting weights and eating protein, i'd work on muscle gain first before focusing on fat loss, once you build foundational strength and learn the lifting skills you can introduce a deficit and start cutting
get the hernia fixed asap, will most likely require surgery but better to get it over quickly and get back to being /fit/
Yes, it's rare. The only other people as fat as me I know (350 lb 6'3) are a guy I saw in the hospital and my dad's late friend I saw maybe once. I have not seen a single 300+ pound person in the University I go to and it's a big one.
Fatty Contest
Hugh Jackman Off
I commend you for pushing through, though. It's impressive.
I recon a big part of you eventually rebounding is a lack of food discipline you ended up with due to brute forcing your way through.
You'd think
>I had to work THIS hard THIS long
be a good deterrent from allowing yourself to grow fatter but it turns out people are very bad at remembering how hard was the stuff they had to go through once it's over.

You can make it, anon. Just make it 70% and 30% exercise instead.
Yeah, ive been wanting to start swimming I've just not found a local place that's cheap yet.
>get the hernia fixed asap
Trying to get it done. Went to the emergency room and they said it should be fine. So now I've signed up with a doctor which will take 4 weeks to get processed then I will have to book an appointment. If I do anything that isn't walking I'm in a lot of pain.
Damn dude, that sucks. Do you try to do damage control on your binges or do you just say fuck it and go wild? Personally I'm able to do damage control and keep things lower than I would have in the past, but as an ex-drinker I know how hard it is to be in control with something once you're in the moment.
nah, i go fuck it and just eat 5-6k calories. once my binging kicks in I lose all control
Yeah, what also didn't help was I started this awful office job that had me working to 3am regularly.
>2 weeks of progress straight up lost in one day
It's water weight (unless you were at 500 kcal/day deficit and ate 10k kcal on your binge). At most you've lost a couple of days worth of progress.
Doesn't make it any less stupid but not a reason to despair either.
>gym buddy says its time to up the weights on deadlifts
>105kg 5x5
>end of set 3 he notes how much more I'm sweating and breathing hard
>tell him its like 8kg shy of my bodyweight
>well then by the end of next week we'll add another 5kg and you'll have lost the difference so you'll be doing DLing your bodyweight or beyond
it's a 500kcal deficit and i ate like 7k calories so close enough i guess
just don't make the hernia worse while you wait for the specialist checkup, last thing you want is to have your gut protruding out and risk serious health emergency
It's fucked up that the best weight-loss exercise is locked behind going to the swimming pool as a fat ass.

I remember laughing at the old fat guy at the swimming pool as a kid, the one who was so fat that it looked like they have no penis... now I am that guy.
It's likely closer to a week then.
Pretty stupid, yeah.
I went to one of those all you can eat Korean Hot Pot BBQ things yesterday and well... I don't feel so good. i'm just gonna have an acai bowl today (yeah yeah fuck me but I like these things a lot)
Fatty Contest
Even after a single week of dieting I have noticed my stomach has shrunk, what I used to be able to eat with ease I now struggle with and feel very full.
I lost 13 kgs (down from 123) and I didn't change visually whatsoever.
That's the price I pay for not looking that fat despite being way over 100kgs.
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Tbqh I think it may have been related to some black coffee I drank at 5 pm yday, the acid reflux was gone by today's morning walk
15 pounds in 2 weeks is bound to have fat loss too - he's making a good effort each time.
Either way, the goal should be to encourage him to self reflect not insult him. Gaining weight despite trying probably means he has stress eating issues, your rudeness has probably already led to him binging something.

Never lose hope KartveliGolati, keep working at it
6'2" 150 lbs is skeletontier, yes. But if the goal is to reduce love handles, I find it easier to reduce them entirely by going to skeleton tier then clean bulking.
Fatty Contest
Im getting back on the horse this week, this time for real
Just stop lmao
Should I weigh myself every day or week? Just started this.
Every hour
out of the two, every week. Otherwise your water weight fluctuations are gonna drive you crazy
Every week is good.
Daily will either be useless or fuck you up mentally since it sometimes goes up. It's not supposed to go down ever day, sometimes you take a big shit, sometimes you drink more water, it's supposed to fluctuate.
Every morning dry weigh-in
But don't worry about the minutiae of water weight changes, it's just to track your progress more effectively. And seeing your weight suddenly skyrocket over a few days is much easier to comprehend as a result of excessive food than being a week late to the change. You might think that the week's change is more water weight than it actually might be.
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nice job bro! looking good!
i've been dieting and losing weight for 17 months now and my thoughts on this have changed over time. i used to only weigh once a week because i thought it would help me not focus on it all the time, however, now i weigh once a day.
1. having a measurement once a day helps give you a more accurate trend line. the overall trend line is what matters, not the individual weight numbers.
2. water weight fluctuations and weird plateaus happen. it's just a fact and part of this whole process. if you happen to be holding more water the day you weigh in for the week, and you look like you either lost nothing, or gained weight, it can be crushing and really disheartening, and you won't have another weight to compare it to for another 7 days. by weighing in every day, you avoid this and it's one of the main reasons i switched to daily.
but in the end, do what works for you and makes you comfortable and helps you stick to your weight loss goals.
cheers friend. what are you eating? what is your physical exercise looking like? congrats big time
Fatty Contest
Do people update their fatty Contest weight every week or every day or what
I do it every week, when I participate
I unfortunately gained back some weight. Currently at 90 kg at 182 cm. Was 75 kg in December. (ATH: 160 kg, GW: 75 kg). I am dealing with a lot of stress atm, being unemployed and being forced to move back to my parent's house. Any advice how to stop and turn this around?
Apart from getting a job? Don't stay stuck up inside your parents house when staying there.
Walk. Set a time every day where you walk, and increase it by 5 minutes every week.
Drink coffee. Find a way to kill hunger pains.
Sleep. People are hungry when they do not get enough sleep.
Uh, where's the new thread?
It's over, this was the final /fat/
It's always amazing when you someone that actually makes it.

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