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>Top 10 gym pranks
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what the fuck kek
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>that second one
>And stay. Down!
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costa deserved that shit for uppercutting rockhold in the dick as hard as possible. worst low blow i have ever seen
How does that even happen? Suicide grip?
murder grip
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>Suicide grip
looks like it. never use this grip unless you’ve been doing it your entire life and your hands are big enough
My favorite part is when the guy with the plate goes WHAM and then the other guy is like OWW and then the other guy is all “I believe you dropped that dumbbell on my foot good sir” and then the other guy goes “wu wu what happened” and then the other guy says I’m outta here and then he leaves.
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Haha! You thought I came here to exercise. I actually came her to coom
How do you think someone gets to this point?
Girls love that shit don’t let anyone tell you different.
Thanks for the tip King heading to my gym now gonna bust one out to a cardio bunny real quick
High T.
Crazy to think about, most men day dream about saving the day, but a select few, actually day dream about causing damage
Based rep completer in the back.
porn addiction
Why is Larry Wheels always spotting when someone gets owned by benching.
Average 4chan poster desu
People who go the gym at 3 or 4:00am are more likely to be psychopaths. Be careful out there bros.
post body (you sound like an overly cautious dyel)
white men are such simps lol.
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>imagine the smell
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>I hate when that happens
This is how deep you idiots who claim lmao2pl8 actually go
kek is 2pl8 really that crazy?
assume you start at 50kg bench and you want to get there in a year
365 days in a year, you lift every second day so 182 lifting days
if you bench every second lifting day you have 91 bench days. if you progressively overload half a kg per bench day youll add 45kg to your bench
noob gains will make it 1kg for your first few months per benching session
thats what i did, took 11 months and i was benching 2pl8
like icarus, he flew too close to the sun
>start at 50kg
just fuck my shit up
Why did he stop? He just got a free energy boost
for me, it's when a girl does the leg movement, passing it over the other side to mount up
it's the final "consent move", if that makes sense, activating the neurons
If it’s just a smiff machine with a weight you can do at least 7 reps of, you good. I do it sometimes cause it just feels more natural like I’m focusing of pushing the bar instead of grabbing it
If the weight is too heavy just throw it off
>zoomer """pranks"""
>straight up assault with potential life threatening consequences.
got it
With form like the post stated to no doubt
Give you some advice.
if you can't wrap your fingers around the bar and back into your own palm. Never suicide.
Enough weight and this can happen with a normal grip if your wrist gives out
Link for this
The gym was called Virgin Active lmao
What? Did you respond to the wrong post or something
This is one of the funniest things I have ever seen
Just a bitter insecure gookbob chinkpants/ dotward shitencles not a real person therefor no meaningful logic behind its post. Ask it to post body and watch as it disappears
>hand slips
same energy as Patient Zero from the covid times
probably, but if u want a 2pl8 bench quick bulk, do 3x5 with something easy, add 2.5kg each time, reset when you fail 3x5 and change to 5x10 etc
Idk if my shoulders just have a weird alignment or what but I just don't like the bb bench movement. Db bench or GTFO. I can't stretch my pecs for shit doing barbell, except for ultra wide grip. But then the movement is so limited in range of motion that I can't get a good pump. DBs fix this 100% and also provide a decent front delt stimulus.
Barbells are for powershitters and permabulk hairy men in leotards. Redundant, but alas...
>that micropenis
no wonder he went insane
Taylor Swift did THAT?!
Porn ruins your brain.
Theyre trying to impress that nigger, he eggs them on and gets drama for his brand

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should've stomped his head in tho
You motherfuckers dont understand that stimulants and amphetamines shrunk your dick and make you so hot that you are needing to get your clothes off
Why does he just stand there? Hilarious.
>Hey sport, if I help you then you'll never learn to do this on your own.
>I'm teaching you a valuable life lesson that you can never trust anyone but yourself.
Let me guess, you have a baby dick and also do drugs.
Its a video teaching how to bail out of a bench solo
based onlooker
I mire the autists that have trained a local uncensored stable diffusion model to generate spicy pictures like this one

Guess he won't find Sarah Connor.
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when you ask a really shy motherfucker to spot and he's afraid to spot too soon
Wouldn’t be safer not to use the clips on the bar?
I have thankfully not seen this video, it must have been messy.
nta, but is a 50kg bench untrained a lot? even i could do that..
That’s impressive that he didn’t get caught. Metal gear solid type stealth right there.
This kind of culprit should be hung. Traumatizing and breaking the bones of a random man should warrant an express death penalty.
death by sledgehammer
I’m pretty fucking close man.
no point in "suicide gripping" ever unless you just want to end it all
I thought the cameraman is invincible?
The stench infatuated him
Yes. Only clip the weights on your strong side unless you have two spotters
Dont forget to record it yourself or else you wont get viral obviously
Don't even need that much weight. I've done warm-up sets, not paying attention, and the bar has slipped out.
When you live in US and see a naked man casually walking into a public place you probably shouldnt just stare and laugh
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Wait a minute, who the fuck is shooting? Are we supposed to believe 2 psychos set this up? I'm calling bullshit.
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>Then he takes off with the taser still in him
Was the first nigger trying to assassinate him?
While singing Karma
Best part is that the bloke would've made the rep.
>whos filming women in the gym with a stable, likely tripodded camera
It is for retards or guys benching 4pl8+, but otherwise, it honestly doesn't make much difference.
He got sentenced to 19 months btw. The victim got a fractured skull. I don't get why we allow these trash to stay alive. The retard is now out while the victim must still be traumatized
Someone said this was a "how to escape this situation" video. The BPer failed successfully and the spotter was waiting on the safe word which he didn't hear because it was all according to plan
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You've never met a coom brain have you?
They are basically drug addicts.
This anon >>75029628 is right, it is clearly a how to escape video. The spotter is paying attention and even holds himself back from helping.
Shit man if only I had taken more amphetamines as a kid (like (you)), I would have known that.
#3 was the ballsiest thing i have ever seen
and he still went back for another whiff.
brother fully committed.
Victims fault for not tracking down the attacker and upholding his honour. If the system fails you fight back
Everyone you've ever met masturbates. Go deal with your molestation in therapy instead of trying to make strangers process your sexual shame vicariously.
> Everyone you've ever met masturbates.
yes, but presumably not out in the open in a public space
I can fix her
Funny. The courts would hang you out to dry for insulting their insufficient punishment.
19 fucking months for attempted second degree manslaughter... Why?
I mean, the judge was a functioning, rational, human being right? What makes someone think that a year and change is enough of a punishment for attempted murder? Im genuinely confused
Gym Diogenes strokes again.
Kek thats not micropenis.

Still it is bizzare that someone does this, that theres like 50 people who cant stop him incl police
In most Eastern euro people would kek and then knock the fuck out of him solely for giggles.
Does camera phone usage give people parkinsons or something?
>it is bizzare that someone does this, that theres like 50 people who cant stop him
he's clearly high as fuck on stimulants and has temporarily lost his shit. it happens, especially if he's been taking it for a while and now he stepped up his game for some reason
>In most Eastern euro people would kek and then knock the fuck out of him solely for giggles
yeah that's true. gym rats around here are always looking for a reason to jump somebody, that guy would get stomped by half the gym
>Hey, you gotta stop doing this shit
>All the machines have these lil placards that show how to properly use them
>And shut the door to the manlet pit - one got out last week and now all the women's dumbbells are gone
Obviously yes
Without clips you just have to tilt the bar a little and the plates slide off
I'll never understand why dudes put clips on when benching
If your weights are moving around enough to need clips, you need to fix that shit first, then work on a bigger bench
he came
>I don't get why we allow these trash to stay alive.
They’re brown, your country loves them
>If the system fails you fight back
You will be arrested and charged with a life sentence for even thinking about fighting back
>19 fucking months for attempted second degree manslaughter... Why?
He’s brown, they’re a blessed people
>What makes someone think that a year and change is enough of a punishment for attempted murder?
It won’t, no one believes it does
They want him to go out and do it again so they can just put him out on bail
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>In most Eastern euro people would kek and then knock the fuck out of him solely for giggles.
>t. amerimutt
kek yeah real eastern europeans wouldve just ran up and fucked him in his butt because theyre all gay
actually i thought about it and 80% of the gym would take out phones and start giggling like school girls and some boomer would just pacify him
The gym guardian boomer would take down any predator that threatens his young
But it's hilarious to think it's just a spotter zoning out
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Form check?
Jesus Christ. If you slip one plate off one side the bar is going to go flipping into the bench next to you. I stay way the fuck away from morons like you who don't use clips
You're still holding it, so it doesn't go flying (far).

I had something like this happen to me. Some guy like teleported behind me but I had safety bars so I just let the weight drop. It was so weird. But I couldn't be mad at him because he literally thought I was gonna die.
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Most people have the good sense not to it at the gym in public. Most people do it in private. Well, women having gymgasms are an exception though.
I mean I fapped to female high school friends when we were video calling or skyping years ago but I was a horny teen. If you're over 23 you don't have any excuse
>Me when the doubledose pre workout hits all at once from mixing it in my mouth with 3 tablespoons of water followed by a redbull
>Lookback and the
Kill all the whores
Yo I legit know the guy who did this. He's a fucking weirdo, we hang out in a discord and antagonize the federal agents. All hail the boint king!
why do pullups give women seizures
Could you do 10 reps and 3 sets at 50kg? Most untrained guys probably couldn't finish the first set.
i thought it was going to be about that good feeling when your muscles ache, fucking nasty whore
So why the hell did he do that?
No the nigger was actually in the right, watch their feet, the dothead (always a collared shirt and jeans…) tripped him by trying to have some hero moment and wedging his way in only to just use one hand. The nig actually would have had it if he wasn’t tripped and caused to fall into the bar by the feces elemental.
my untrained bench 1rm was 27kg
The band was pressing into her clit and causing friction she came.
This is truly demoralizing, grown adult pleasures themself in gym to post online looks back acting all shy and cutesy like it was an accident. It’s truly no different than that one webm (may have been posted earlier here idk) of the guy straight up jacking it while watching the woman in front of him. Same shit except the guy made some half assed effort to hide it at least and don’t pretend he accidentally did it, or finish as far as anyone knows. And society doesn’t just okay this sort of thing for them it seems to protect and even reward it.
>oh poor girl she’s so innocent she looks so sweet
Of course having this opinion (the correct one) and some basic morals and wanting better for society probably means I’m an incel who has never seen a woman IRL though
My first bench press was 90lbs at 10 years old weighing like 60lbs . My dad was spotting and might've had his hand under the bar but it was 115lbs by myself in the football weightroom for the first time at 12 years old so I'm pretty sure it was all me.
I'm convinced that people who bench that low are just scared to push it. I bet if you asked them to do something equally difficult, but not apparently athletic, like "hand me that heavyish box" they'd do it without thinking about it. Then they get under the barbell and freak themselves out.
How many fucking sets did she do
Bahgel Tyme!
Fucking retard
Is that how your face looked when you saw the silly weights flying around
>The band was pressing into her clit and causing friction she came.
anon check your eyes
Virgin active is an international chain of gyms owned by virgin, started by richard Branson, also known for virgin airlines, virgin atlantic and virgin trains, as well as the media televsion and internet giant, virgin media.
Using a band for assistance wrapped around a foot like she is will have it digging up into the crotch
>feces elemental

Man, I am sitting on my couch howling in laughter at this. Had seen it before but this time it really got me


top fucking kekkkk
Brown spotters. They've injured me too. You're just asking someone without a brain to spot you.
You never use clips on bench, absolute noob mistake that has gotten people seriously injured and killed. This dude is showing a way to safely bail if you get stuck, planting one side on the ground then sliding out underneath it using the bench to plant the other. It's safer indeed just to not use clips and dump the weight.
I wonder if the legit fear of death triggered more myofibrillogenesis...
if you are working out in a crowded public gym, I think that using clips would be preferred, with or without spotter, even assuming you fail a rep and don't know how to bail
you aren't going to choke to death/die because SOMEONE is gonna help you finish the rep (I often pause between sets when I see someone struggling with poor form, waiting to see if they need help)
I do NOT trust you dumb big box gym niggas (the ones benching OR the retards that walk BETWEEN working benches) to slide weights off to the side and obliterate someone's shins/feet imho
so unless you are in a mostly empty gym, or everyone around is too weak to spot you somehow, use clips
t. have had a fucking PARADE of brown goblinos parade around me during bench or overhead. That gym is honestly begging for a lawsuit, but its so fucking cheap with decent equipment and actually attractive women that I can't turn it up
Someone post the roll of shame clip with Nico
It's a coregasm. Apparently an actual thing that can happen. Mostly female supposedly.
It's a video about how to bail, but I've seen this happen at the gym.

The only gym close to me was a rehab center for old folks so it was filled with very new people and clueless people (including me at first). Some teenagers came in, got into this situation and the spotter just kept looking while his friend had a bar on his chest unable to move or speak to call help. Someone else had to rush in and help (I would have, but had straps on so it would have taken a while). The friend who got trapped started crying and the spotter friend just stood there still not realizing he did something wrong.
never heard that term before but when I was around 11, I was climbing up a basketball hoop pole on the school playground and I came just from squeezing my core and adductors, my dick never even touched anything. I didn't even know that's what an orgasm was until like a year later
I don't think it's a symptom of porn addiction. It looks like he just has a low IQ. You know how low IQ people do really stupid things without any consideration for the consequences? This is one of them.
Nigga this pic is way older than the coronavirus happening
is this loss?
They think that the police actually go on their discord server while discord has already given the police permission to view servers without joining
I used to do that when I was in my 20s. I’ve seen other guys do it
Did she cum from the bands rubbing her pussy?
This post violates United States law
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how can this be real?

#3 was such an achievement, he could have retired on that

but the smelle calls to us all
That's not a seizure lol
That explains nothing. What has the police to do with him shooting himself
for psychopaths. classic sadist cannot distinguish between humour and people getting hurt. way to out yourself as having no soul.
stfu faggot
He is just doing jerk @ clean
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>if that makes sense
sense: made.
make me!
*leaves mouth agape with a smug/bratty look*
ok first real funny post in the thread.
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It was an Australian guy, Shane William Ryan. Dude had a fractured skull. They had no negative interactions prior to the attack. Ryan just went psycho. Pled guilty and got a whole 19 months in prison for what amounted to attempted murder
You wouldn’t do shit either you faggot ass pansy bitch. Kys
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What kind of car noises would you make if this happened to you? I'd personally do my best impression of a twin turbo mk4 supra.
Fun. They do this shit for fun. It started out as a mockery of the gun safety nazis and turned into an echo chamber of pure retardation. It's fucking kino.

Since joining I have seen people have sex with their guns, insert guns up their asses, insert guns into their wives, shoot a machine gun with their dicks, and insert a gun into their colostomy stoma. This guy put a round right through his scrot. The memes are also pretty funny.
imagine being singly responsible for paralyzing your friend for life
id kill him if i were the brown ones brother
Source? Not "singly" though if they agreed about spotting him.
If he were smart, he would have killed him and removed the vid
whitey did nothing wrong
Society would be a thing of beauty if we could just put people like this down like sick dogs
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>Toi pueto pa tiiiii tu te me quitas diabla
the girl saves them all it seems
I've never watched this to the end
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I mean that's pretty embarassing though.

Imagine not being able to hold in your own piss or shit at the gym.
LMAO, the 1st nigger was about to complete the rep and then the 2nd nigger came and pushed the weight down to his chest
I would. Hit and run at midnight. No plates on stolen car. Torch the car when done.
Fucking kek.
High test
>All you bro
Finally a good spotter.
Based chinkette.
I don't understand why anyone squatting would even need a squatter, just bail or dump the bar, lmao
Don’t. It’s bad. I canmt believe they posted that on a Christian site like this.
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based letting the shitskin die
that looks like a neurological effect, rather than an orgasm. Control of movement but involuntary trembling when doing particular poses and flexion because of a disorder or brain damage
this is the average brainrotten person's response to a crisis. I wonder if green shirt even realises that he killed that guy.
I love how he tips it over his left side too for maximum damage.
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even though the post is deleted i got you anon
bro got abducted
This isn't funny, get help.
it's staged, they used light rubber plates
>oh yeah let’s load up 3 pl8s i have my 80lbs npc friend who can definitely get this off me if something goes wrong
Agreed, I don't get why people think they need one or what a squat spotter is even supposed to do
>oh shit this dude is going to break my gym pr better murder him
This is why it's better to squat without a spotter if you aren't using safeties, you can just dump it
FUCK DID HE DIE? But it was stupid from the beginning
>put the bench in front instead of having a clear area
>squat without safety bars
>let the weight balance on your shoulders instead of rolling it back and on the floor
>pick a dyel friend to spot who was supposed to do what? bicep curl 3 plates?
Shit can go wrong but lifting weights is inherently dangerous, don't do stupid shit and respect the weight
If she did that to me I would ask her out on a date and then I would propose to her
Its just cellulite and lies
They're supposed to help you grind out that last rep but you gotta get really gay with them and really you should also have safeties.
>be woman
>brain damage
checks out
hahaha that fucking killed me. Man, the spotter must never have done a squat in his life, if he thought grabbing the guy's waist was helpful.
How would you even find him though ? And even if you did you would be the main suspect since he recently fractured your skull
Since the retard let go the grip there was nothing the spotter could do.
Yeah. You never truly realize how idiotic idiots can be until you end up hanging around one of them.
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why is this doo lifting with UGG's lmao
the ol clown bar trick
Please let this be home gyms. Otherwise I would be seriously pissed
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jeff nippard is so inspiring
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you just don't have a retard behind you so you can dump the weight properly
sometimes you cannot account for retards in the moment
people at the gym will spot you without being asked, it just happens sometimes
and you cant know if they will be retarded
or if osmething goes wrong with your own bailing of the bar
there is LITERALLY, LITERALLY zero reason to not just take the clips off and be able to dump the bar
if you cant balance it and need clips you have fucking issues with your form
That's why you should never trust a lady who's into horses
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Wife material
>Flashlight uses three D size batteries.
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but shes not rolling her glutes wtf stupid bitch
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So this is that "snatch" lift I've been hearing all that buzz about?
Normally I don't have anything against slut outfits or whorish behaviour, but this shit ticks me off somehow
What in christ name are you talking about????
Their form is shit, but they are having a blast lmao
he actually severely injured himself from this
>slow look left
>slow look right

I always had this morbid curiosity like, in a situation like this you rub blood on your opponents face or something and then whisper, "I'm HIV positive!" and they recoil away from you shocked and then you throw two sweet hooks and knock them out.
That one SEA dyel could've used this video.
The casual zero effort attempts at spotting and help is hilarious
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this one?
yeah but there's another one
Has she disowned her chud fans yet
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>gay sex is perfectly healthy gaiz
>not paying attention
how do you not pay attention to 200 lb over your head
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Just a PSA, during COVID, Dicks sporting goods and a lot of other vendors started churning out barbells with a 300lb weight limit.
It's not indicated anywhere on the bar. I'm not sure what kind of dogshit Chinesium, they're made from but they do indeed bend permanently at 300lb + A lot of gyms stop accepting donated bars because of it.
Some people just cannot comprehend the existence of other people. He's covering it up so he at least knows to hide, but doesn't understand much else.
the chink in the smith machine?
>hey spot me
>"Yup, there he is."

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