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/fit/ - Fitness

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>doesn’t namefag
>shows up in only whitepill threads
>helps out noobs
>doesn’t take blackpill bait
>doesn’t wish death on the demoralization trannies; hopes we can all make it
>solved the decades long squabble of skinnyfat (just cut first retards)
>btfos the genetic cope
>looks so good people accuse him of being on roids
>whitepill founder
>refuses to elaborate
>has been lifting less than 5 years, you couldn’t tell. Mogs most of cbt
Yeah, it’s time to admit he’s the saint of /fit/
what’s he look like now
What’s his split I can’t find it in the archives
I call upon him to tell us what's he's been up to recently plz
You forgot
>Self obsessed faggot who makes threads about himself in the third person.
Why do his arms look so pathetic? Is it just his degenerate eastern European DNA?
You will surely post yours to mog him now
Can this level of cope be taught?
>Made this thread
>Samefagged the replies
He is also 5'5, so manlets have a new hero
Relax ese, I just woke up
With an op like that I'd accuse me of samefaggin it too
Picrel, I'm doin good
I changed my routine recently, thanks to the advice of the lovely posters of /fit/
>Day 1
Bench 4x6
Barbell Rows 4x8
Db press 3x8
Dumbbell rows 3x10
Curl variation 3x8
EZ bar wrist curls 3x12 (fat gripz)
>Day 2.
Squat 3x6
Calf raises 3x25
Front squats 3x8
Ohp 3x6
Dumbbell french press 3x10
Lat raises 3x10
Dumbbell tricep extensions 3x10
>Day 3.
Curl variation 4x8
Front raises 4x8
EZ bar wrist curls 4x12
Wrist roller, 4 reps each side
>Day 4.
>Day 5.
Same as day 1
>Day 6.
>Day 7.
Same as day 2
>Day 8.

There's definitely form for improvement, by adding pullups, a hip hinge and more core work
If you're doing 2 variations of bench press twice a week, and shoulder pressing, what's your rationale for front raises?? Imho you're much better off adding more lat raises if you care about your shoulders. Also I noticed rear delts are completely absent from your routine and in every pic of yours I've seen, you hunch your shoulders forward so u can play up the angle. I'm gonna need to see those rear delts
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you forgot
>spends every waking moment on /fit/ making threads about himself
>looks like soft weak shit
>novice lifter who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about
>skips legs
>gets mogged by me and everybody else who has put in 2+ years

thread ends here
Mirin, I don't post threads about myself and don't claim to be the saint of /fit/. I'm just a /v/irgin who made it and wants to see others make it too
I got some fat gripz but only have a straight bar so wrist curls are a bit tricky on there. do you get used to it the more you do em?
>shorter than him
>not as lean
>smaller biceps
>4pack in the most optimal
Lighting possible
>all this while training longer

Using fat gripz on a straight bar for wrist curls seems a bit tricky, why don't you try with dumbbells instead?
Dude looks great, no need to hate
>btfos the genetic cope

Not even. How your body responds to lifting is actually part of the genetics. Obviously he worked hard for his physique but to argue that he would look the same in the same time with worse genetics (or better ones) is just disingenuous
it has more to do with the fact that blackpillers would look at the before and give up attributing everything to genetics
>Yeah, it's time to admit that OP made this thread about himself
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I did not, stop this slander at once!
U gonna ignore this just to shitpost orrr
He peaked 9/2021
The dude in OP's picture clearly has average genetics, maybe even below average.

Your physique before training is a big indicator of how good your genetics are, and his physique was dogshit, arguably worse than most of fit's starting points and he still looks really good after 2 years of training
That’s why it btfos the genetics cope because they look like two different ppl

Majority would see his before and say “just Ropemaxx” so yeah, it’s a whitepill
genetics do not work this way
Both the pre-lifting body and how your body responds to training are equally important aspects of your genes:
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Apologies, I overlooked your post.
>front raises
Just filler because I like doing them. Ideally I would replace them with pullups, maybe I'll bite the bullet and get a wall mounted pullup bar
>rear delts
I think rows and db rows cover them. Maybe not. Sorry for the shitty pic
He's roiding. Sorry faggots, but the only whitepill is your own inner strength.

The whole idea of a whitepill is cringe, and privileged tbqh.

Same goes for the idea of a blackpill. It's the kind of thing that only upper-middle class, suburban, whitebread would come up with because their problems are so abstract that they can't face reality without encapsulating it in the form of a meme.

Never mind how pathetic the content of these blackpills are. It's always some first-worlder whose parents make six figures going into a deep depression over being 5'4". Damn Timmy, your dad is 5'5", and your mom is 5'2", what did you think you were gonna be? The bastard son of a professional athlete?

Thousands of years ago, at best you would probably have been the whipping boy, or just another serf toiling your life away with the cope that you would attain a privileged place in the afterlife. In the modern day, you could have been a third-worlder who dies of starvation when they're two, or grows up so hungry they eat literal cow shit.

Instead, you're so weak of an individual that you waste your opportunity posting on an internet cesspit.
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That's a lot of words with no timestamped body provided
I would undoubtedly wreck your shit
post height and weight, i doubt you're on gear and i bet those can prove it
Mired your progress for about half a year and tbdesu very much inspired to get myself in shape and toned up as well
Sick gainz
175-180 lbs at 5'10
Glad to hear friend, good gains to you
>pudgy dyel from plg thinks anyone cares what he has to say
Hey could you kill yourself, right now? Thank you in advance
>t. doesn't want to get too big haha
Im not strong enough to live through another tinytrip situation

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