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Gutsanon wrote that he went from 1/2020 up to 9/2021 only doing a 3 day full body routine.
Could you literally just do Stronglifts 5x5 for two years then and undergo the same transformation?
Why do people claim skinnyfat is hard to escape if it was literally that easy?
As a side note, Gutsanon recommends to cut, but the change from 1/2020 to 4/2020 suggests he was eating closer to maintenance.
shill yourself somewhere else
The brutal blackpill is he’s on gear
I don’t want to believe it
Is it him making these srs
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Nigga there's a whitepill thread up right now why didn't you ask me there?
I'm not but I don't blame you for believing otherwise
are you all insane? who is pushing this idea and why
Common sense. Either gutsanon has top 5% genetics or he's roiding. The average anon won't make that kind of progress in < 2 years. Supermang had a similar "natty" timeline but lost all of his gains when he came off.
He literally escaped skinny fat in 6 months. Gives me hope
its blackpillcels who maybe lifted for a month, realised they will never look like X stage ready lean professional bodybuilder and now just shitpost all day because they sure as fuck aren’t actually lifting weights
>Common sense. Either gutsanon has top 5% genetics or he's roiding.
based on what retard?!
>The average anon won't make that kind of progress in < 2 years
yeah, probably, so what? the progress is entirely natty and the only question is how quickly one could achieve that while being natty and that can be down to multitude of things and ultimately doesn't matter
>Supermang had a similar "natty" timeline but lost all of his gains when he came off.
don't' even know who that is.
>its blackpillcels who maybe lifted for a month
those aren't blackpillers.
Nah, I made similar progress in 2 years. My genetics are average, my starting point was horrendous
>the progress is entirely natty
Based on what retard?!
>doesn't know superman
It's because you're a newfag and probably a novice lifter.
Ok, let's see it.
>It's because you're a newfag and probably a novice lifter.
>you don't know a random who
>must be a new fag
you kids are too uppity these days
Supermang was a tripfag who was extremely active in his time here. There were multiple threads on the 'log from him or about him at all times. You are a newfag.
>Supermang was a tripfag who was extremely active in his time here.
>didn't filter tripfags
says a lot.

Why sometimes are you white and others brown

Not a racist post, but in 9/2021 you are black, in 4/2022 white
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>top 5% genetics for very average 2 years consistent lifting
you are fat and or dyel, very likely DYEL.
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>what is a suntan
Don't try to cope now.

Ok, let's see your 2 year transformation.
we have actual nigs who don't know how tanning works
Delt vein after 6 months from skinnyfat?
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>Ok, let's see your 2 year transformation.
Anon, I...
He better not be.
I don't have any current photos on my pc and I'm too lazy to get them from my phone.

But here's a photo of me after 1 year and 8months ish of lifting.

For reference my starting point was 130lbs at 5'11, skinnyfat, at least 20% bodyfat no definition whatsoever

>Not a racist post, but in 9/2021 you are black, in 4/2022 white

Lighting you retard.
You both have incredible physiques but your transformations are not as dramatic as OP.
Unlike supermang I didn't deflate like a balloon when I couldn't train for 10 months because natty gains stay with you for life.
smartest /fit/ poster
>Not a racist post
were all racist here
Is there a no bullshit tldr routine that he posted somewhere in the archives? I wanna read it from the horses mouth.
Actually I take that back, a tldr version would probably be bullshit. I want the full details.
If you really can't see the difference in transformations then you truly are retarded and didn't learn anything about gaining (muscle) mass over those two years.
Nobody is going to be skinnyfat at 130lbs @ 5'11. That's underweight and will be nothing but bones. Straighten up your story.
NTA, but not entirely true. you really are discounting the genetic variability in humans if you dont think its possible to have no muscle mass and body fat at 130lbs at 5'11.

its very much possible i see it all the time. now the wider the bone structure the less and less possible this becomes because there is only so much mass to fill said volume.

i really do wonder where people live and how far outside of their place of origin theyve gone to believe some of this crap about physiology.
Just because physiological differences exist doesn't mean that you need to entertain the idea of an underweight 130lbs 5'11 guy having 20%+ bodyfat. That's absolutely fucking ridiculous.
Disciple of guts here

He’s legit
>Nobody is going to be skinnyfat at 130lbs @ 5'11. That's underweight and will be nothing but bones. Straighten up your story.

Trust me man, I literally had the craziest build, I looked like picrel with less size and slightly less bodyfat
didnt even read their comment, i would have to agree that 20% is quite a stretch. he would have to be abnormally thin and have pretty thin and light bones... small organs. were talking like 10 inch bideltoid shoulder measurements probably.

i'm 5'9 and used to be 115 with no fat at all, but all of my muscles were small as fuck and defined. looked like a typical shredded twink. people would literally tell me im lying when i told them my weight i shouldve wagered them actual money and got on a scale, wouldve loved to see their fucking faces when the scale said that and i just got the title to their car lmao
As soon as I get a picture I'll post it.
>browsing /fit/ enough to know this much about random trip fags
Guaranteed crab bucket dyel. No one who lifts is here that much.
>no I'm not
Stfu or post body, simple as.
You can tell so easily he's juiced too. He's got veins on his forearms.
>thinking forearm veins = being on roids
Jfc... Idk why I even come here anymore. /fit/ is reaching all time high retard dyel levels
Bait used to be believable
This was me with a pump right after a gym session, flexing.

Sarcasm, he's making fun of the retarded blackpillers
I doubt most people can do that + he had a decent starting point, not as bad as skinny fat can get.
Wouldn't have pinned you at 130lbs, but that's still just skinny and untrained though. Nowhere near >>75041856 Good work.
I don't think that it's blackpilled to call out roiding. I hate crabs too, but not being honest about fake natties is also lame. You can't seriously compare those first 7 months to those last two years and go "yeah, I did the same thing". That's such a retarded amount of mass while always staying rather lean.
>Stronglifts 5x5 for two years
No you should add accessories and cut down some volume on the big lifts. But yes, full body 3 times per week is the most effective routine for natties during your first 5 years of training.
I don't think he roided but either his genetics are absolute top tier or mine are utter dogshit. we started around the same time, did basically the same things and have made wildly different progress both in numbers and visuals.
Sick chest though I'd believe natural because his shoulders are wide as is meaning he is likely around 1000 testosterones all carbed up torqued as hell.
I'm all carbed up on the jack3d torquing my muscles knowhamsayiin
I’ve been lifting 6+ years and he somehow mogs me

We’re both 5’10
Is he just genetically gifted?
He’s italian
Stronglifts has you start squatting the bar and adding 7.5 kg per week. After two years, you'd be squatting 800 kg. No, you can't do Stronglifts for two years.
His insertions are shit, even with more muscle on he looks weird and skinny fat somehow
For example his chest has this weird pattern of fibers showing where it inserts into the bone, no matter the amount of muscle he has
Flat chest, long bicep and symmetrical abs is all that matters about insertions. Nobody but homosexual, cocaine addled competition judges think about the rest
Dont mind me I just gotta hit some heavy rows, all the other mirrors I can't really see the pump. Man am I getting sweaty.
>we started around the same time, did basically the same things and have made wildly different progress both in numbers and visuals.
Common sense. He's roiding, you aren't.

Common sense is something /fit/ lacks to a hilarious amount. How many "top 5% genetics" people did we have on here in all these years? 100? 200? More?

Pure math: They can't all be natty.
He gains nothing from lying here

He’s an anonymous anon. Why the fuck would he lie? Dude just stays in whitepill and only answers shit if asked

He’s not an attention whore like Randy or void or whatever. If he truly cared about a “persona” on here he’d pick a better way to go about it, namefag whatever.

He’s easily natty, I won’t argue he doesn’t have great genetics but the time soan is fine

Look at reddit Randy’s first year on tren, he fucking looked like a natty lmao. Genetics be funny
Randy really got the worst of both worlds. Gyno, horrific backne, high blood pressure, atrophied balls, all to look like a step below ottermode. And he was not even likeable to boot
Have some respect for the dead
Even randy didn't respect himself
You didn't bulk. He bulked. Simple as.
What routine were you doing in those 6 years? I am genuinely curious.
I have a hard time believing you were training:
b-good programming
c-good nutrition.

Even with bad genetics, I don't see how someone could have this physique after 6 whole years of lifting. Ik some people who have a similar physique only from playing sports, never having stepped foot in the gym
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you still look good, anon.
You're lacking in some aspect and you should already know what it is. You're either not training intensely enough, regularly enough, or your recovery is fucked.
it's been posted like 20 times already just search gutsanon routine in the archive
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>no sudden change in musculature
>no disproportionate muscles or muscle bellies
>no red and leathery roider skin
>no varicose veins
>no gyno
>no bacne
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they neber lern man
Gutsanon please please PLEASE I have a question for YOU.
In training for hypertrophy, which is more important? Volume or training to failure?
And if your answer is volume I have another question. Is proximity to failure still an important factor?
>Volume or training to failure?
Both. As you mentioned proximity to failure is king. For me two reps short of failure is the best. It stresses the muscle enough for growth and it gives me just enough stamina to go for another set. I usually train to failure on safe lifts such as curls, wrist curls, lateral raises, dumbbell rows etc. Had I access to a spotter or other gym equipment such as cables I'd train for failure much more often but I don't wanna guillotine myself anytime soon lol
Isley won
this, I am completely congolese black in pure darkness
You, I mean "he" *wink* looks like shit in all of these
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What did you cut this out of a magazine or something?
That's ME, it's from a Clinique ad I did last fall
Good light and hiding his love handles make him look a bigger than he is
The cancer got him?
Do you recognize failure as form breakdown or when you can't move the weight anymore?
>only doing a 3 day full body routine
You mean the same routine every lifter did before gear was prevalent and fucked everything up? Why wouldn't that work now?

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