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Oatmeal is great for bulking (and cutting)
So what's the twist?
Heavy metals
Shut up, queer.
Brutal \_/
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>eating horsefood is good because... because... IT JUST IS OKAY?!??!
ALL food that isn't delivered to you raw contains heavy metals

go eat a box of unsalted corn flakes-- you'll be shocked by its metallic taste. its all for preservation and shelf life. sodium masks the taste of metals
OP... is NGMI
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All those times I said that I loved you
Squats and oats faggot
Dr. Eric (((Berg)))
wh-why is he doing the pussyfree symbol
And you're a victim of these metals judging by your autism?
You will never take away my oats or tendies.
uh oh
I better listen to some Jewish chiropractor!!!
>Dr. Eric Berg DC is not a medical doctor. He is a chiropractor.
yes the metals are in the room with me right now

post body and we can talk
>watching dr berg
>Dr jewberg

I hope you guys don't do this
Ok I watched this turd here's the claims
>it's less glycemic than white bread, mentioned blood sugar lowering compounds in oats but says they measured just the compound.
pretty much self debunk and carbs source is glycemic and oats are one of the best, if not the best
>it's not gluten free
schizo bullshit argument, the negligible amount of people who are allergic have no merit over the general population
>some oats contain glyphosate
No fucking shit, retard
>some oat products contain added sugar
again retard.
Preservatives that have a metallic or bitter taste when not masked by sodium include sodium benzoate, sodium nitrate/nitrite, EDTA, sodium erythorbate, and BHA/BHT. These tastes are usually mitigated by other ingredients or processes in food production.
Not my problem I'm European.
He's not jewish he's apparently a scientologist
ok so your argument is that processed foods in the absence of american chemicals is better than non processed foods?
>oats are processed
They squash them to make them easier to chew, if you call that processing you've got other problems than diet.
Biggest fit poster
in the same way that i would even call fruit that has been blended processed as well!

why? because the timing of the intake of calories matters. your body is designed for the food to be consumed at a lower rate-- why spike the shit out of your insulin by unnaturally being able to consume a fuck ton of sugar in 10 seconds?

Banger in 1996, banger now.
He is literally a chiropractor aka a snake oil salesman.

Eat the goymeal with ur favorite sugar and seed oil is healthier
Trust me goy I'm a doctor
they spray them with a desicant prior to harvest, so who knows what you're eating
Every single day there are multiple keto schizo shill threads on /ck/ and /fit/ viciously shitting all over oats with a vendetta from hell itself.

I will eat even more oats now out of spite.


it's called properly cooking your food you stupid fucking bastard, ask a nutritionist about it. I am not a doctor. this is not advice.
>go eat a box of unsalted corn flakes
Anon, please tell me you don’t eat grains and fucking corn like a cheap winter cow
youre not listening, i told you to eat unsalted cornflakes so you can taste the heavy metals they put in there
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>Oats are bad because Dr. Berg said so
oatmeal is good but too much of a good thing is too much. 50g or less per day is all you need. get more starch with potatoes, yams, beets, carrots, turnips... much better for digestion.
You gotta watch the video to find out.
it's full of glyphosate and chlormequat as well. stop eating oats if you know what's good for you.
>in the same way that i would even call fruit that has been blended processed as well!
You know what your molars do? squash.
On the other hand we have no mechanism to mechanism to blend fruits to a liquid in our bodies, at least not in sane timeframes.
inb4 naturalistic """stone age""" argument.
All our food is selectively bred to be as nutritious and palatable as possible so you won't be able to replicate a paleolithic diet anyway. (That includes animal based food)
What we can do however is use our mechanistic understanding of our metabolism and studies on the health outcomes of different diets.
And there oats are the goat.
>people STILL engaging with the raging schizo postings in 2k24
Just eat nutritious food. Anyone panicking about heavy metals forgets they have a liver and kidneys for that shit. Just don't forget to drink your water (buddeh) and stay active. The natural environment isn't safe or sterile. Quit acting like it needs to be. Oats are fucking awesome, but I personally overeat them and get backlogged by fiber.
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Ketolards btfo
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We all know who is behind this entire thread
What a pathetic homosexual OP is
Remember to report ketoschizo threads

Surrender white card op.
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idgaf, just amerilards malding
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>Ketotards unironically take medial and nutritional advice from chiropractors
Everytime I think they can't get any more unhinged they somehow find a way to surprise me. Un-fucking-believable.

That's even worse
>your body is designed
By who?
>May cause
Sounds like fear mongering to me
Just did. Taste like corn. Do you have video proof of them "putting" the metal in the food
Which is still more trustworthy than someone like you
The deceptive part of the headline is
>tested positive for
For this sentence to be true the chemicals need only be present in trace amounts.
But the headline is implying that it's not the case by omission.
Not that it's ok, what American agriculture does is fully retarded same for using hardcore pesticides in """old fashioned""" branding products.
I don't care, I'm still having oats for breakfast
Amazing how these same antisemite retards will gobble up Jewish propaganda on this LMAO
Not listening
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Eat the slop.
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Me. I really fucked things up btw guys I am sorry about all the quirks.
Carbs are for recreation
>not eating slave filler "food"
most propaganda is for scaring people off animal foods. oats arent too bad if you can find them without pesticides theyre mostly just empty carbs
Kys Moxyte the ketoschizo
If you went further, I feel bad for son.
I got 99 problems, but the bergs ain’t one.



dang i knew this about wheat but not oats. they started using a poison to kill the plant before harvesting. this is around the time everyone developed a "gluten allergy"
I actually enjoy cold oats.

One cup plain oats, the quick microwave kind. One and a half cups whole milk. Hand full of cranberries. One small piece of chocolate shaved thin. Some almond slices.

It's god protein, carbs, sugar, more sugar, some more protein. It's not bad.
It's just his name?
Think twice? Hard pass
is a bean a seed?

Make a list of the top 10 things that are wrong with our society. A list of degeneracy. All the ways we have fallen short as a people. Make list of that which you hate. What things are the enemies of classical virtue, family, honor and manhood.

When you are done with that list, find the top people associated with promoting the items you’ve listed. Find the people most responsible for the creation and implementation of those things. Find names of those who PROFIT from those things.

If you do this, you will be a Nazi. We meet at the Waffle House.
Don't listen to (((science))) they lie. Eat oats.
he is not a jew you little sperg, the name berg literally has a german origin
U look like me before I started lifting
What supplement of his was he shilling at the end that miraculously combats whatever the big bad talking point was?
Heavy metals
Too much insoluble fiber
Stick to eating plant parts that have adapted to being eaten, which are fruits.
If you're craving a starchier food just eat baked plantains or baked squash.
That's an American thing. Nowhere else in the world you see people so full of allergies.
Thank ketostein shekelfatberg
I will continue to eat potatoes, rice, and everything that tastes good. I won't fall for your hairloss diet, chiropractorberg
post your feminine hands
Don’t need a video to know oats are bad. I mean… they are literally inedible for us unless turned into a liquid. Their nutritional value is virtually nonexistent and they have heavy metals, glyphosate and phytic acid. You have to be a moron to think it’s in anyway good for you based off your senses alone
Ketoschizo samefagging
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This poster >>75057045 is a retard
A bean is actually a seed that contains the embryo of a future plant. The embryo is packaged with a food source to use during its early stages of growth, and is covered with a protective seed coat. Soaking the bean in water activates germination of the seed, and the embryo inside begins to grow and unfold.
Have to break it to you, science still says oats are good. Berg is just grasping straws.
Which since you apparently are a contrarian chud who believes in JQ means no oats for (You)
>You have to be a moron to think it’s in anyway good for you based off your senses alone
Completely inedible without adding things to it.
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You goof
Who's that? British Rudy Giuliani?
Do whatever. I don't care.
what would a chiropracter know about oats?
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What would a bunch of gay autistic on the fitness board of an anime website full of bots know about oats?
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>Uh actually this incredibly cheap GMO grain that is doused in glyphosate is actually a superfood
Berg has too many Jews floating in it. I pass on Berg. Check the top 25 jew surnames and filter accordingly. It’s better to accidentally a German than unintentionally ingest a jewish mind virus.
>It’s better to accidentally a German than unintentionally ingest a jewish mind virus.
based knower
>grain sludge is healthy
lol, retarded slave cope
>""""Doctor"""" of Chiropractic
lmfao why would I listen to that retard
you have google same as him. go read about glyphosate and chlormequat. that's what your ingesting.
Then just buy organic oats.
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you think doctors know anything about diet?
they are the 2nd leading cause of death
only cancer is worse

have you learned nothing from the covid propaganda?

PHDs, MDs, all of Academia, half witted jesters and corrupt to the gills

in a proper society, they would get the guillotine.
>clickbait title
>clickbait graphic
>gay zoomer faggot sillybilly facial presentation
Couldn't be me. Shocked I even bothered writing this.
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No luke, I AM your oatmeal.

Eurofag here, in recent years I also developed the same shit. They also use roundup here now.
I don't understand how this is meal, it's not processed enough to be meal
Meal refers to grains that have been ground to a fine or slightly coarse powder that's finer than groats
What grinds my gears even more is how people use the term 'oatmeal' to refer to oat porridge

This anon knows. Chlormequat isn't even legal in the US, which shows just how fucking bad it is.
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This is cornmeal
Look how fine the individual grains are
What is in the op is not oatmeal, even though people refer to it as such
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>This is cornmeal
>Look how fine the individual grains are
>What is in the op is not oatmeal, even though people refer to it as such

Actually, it is a meal made of oats. I eat it, therefor it is a meal.
Also enjoy your cornmeal meal.
to be fair he just reads studies, thats what his whole channel is all about. hes like tv anchor basically. could be me, and i would be just as right as him
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>to be fair he just reads studies
Why does the keto schizo try so hard to convince other people to not eat oats? Why wouldn't they just be happy about controlling their own diet?
Every. Single. Time.
Ketoschizo has been shitting up every thread about plants or anything that isn't eggs, liver, or beef, spams sv3rige threads, antiseedoils, and falseflags veganism threads to samefag them for like 8 years. He makes roughly 15 threads a day here. He's terminally on 4chan 24/7 as well. He's a mentally deranged faggot from reddit and should kill himself.
He's also well documented.
Oh he is. You, too.
Yeah anyone who says you need to eat grains and shit is wrong. Classic /fit/ moment listen to Dr. Berg. He even says you should eat fruits and veggies but I disagree with him there. He's right on the anti-carbs and seed oil perspectives.
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Always do the opposite of what """Dr""" (((Berg))) says
Making some overnight oats right now. Oat up /fit/bros
He's obviously Scandinavian "Berg" retard look at his physiognomy. You're dumb. Amen.
Europeans are asleep but I'm sure they'll come call you a retard in a few hours.
I could make a clickbait video called "10 facts you should think twice about before breathing oxygen" with a soiboi face next to it and you dumbasses would all watch it.
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Hell yeah dude \m/
>may contribute
Thank you for this post, I haven't laughed this hard in ages.
They've got iron and to a lesser extent potassium in them. I'm not saying there isn't crap in foods mass produced on a factory line but that would probably cover up the taste of any other trace substances in it.
I tried oats trying to chase super based poops but it just backed me up
You can't scale oats in calories all you will get is more gas and more shitting
Fiber is not for athletic endeavours

Oats and I mean pure oats only gives me mushy runny shits
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> drink water
> BAM!
Wish I'd known sooner
>mushy runny shits
Could only dream of such a feel. I usually did boiled oats in water and added a banana or blueberries and some protein powder. Perhaps ill try just oats.
Are chironiggers even allowed to call themselves Dr still? Biggest grifters in medicine.
I thought Dr was reserved for MD, DO, DDS, PharmD and DPM
>Kellogs really out here sticking lead in the cereal bro
That is some INTENSE purposely misleading wording
So a car is a person?
Theres no way this is real
CUT my life into piece this is my last resort
Are you a retard?
A bean is the seed of several plants in the family Fabaceae, which are used as vegetables for human or animal food.[1] They can be cooked in many different ways,[2] including boiling, frying, and baking, and are used in many traditional dishes throughout the world.
The word "bean" and its Germanic cognates (e.g. German Bohne) have existed in common use in West Germanic languages since before the 12th century,[3] referring to broad beans, chickpeas, and other pod-borne seeds.
Seeds called "beans" are often included among the crops called "pulses" (legumes),[3]
>go eat a box of unsalted corn flakes
Do you normally salt your corn flakes?
Weird how you couldn't answer the question
ketolards have problems with electrolytes because insulin from carbs signals to the kidneys to store electrolytes, and ketolards never get that signal thus piss out 100% of all electrolytes they consume.
For this reason Atkins told people to drink soup stock daily because its super salty kek
>Anonymous 09/07/24(Sat)07:19:26 No.75065213
>So a car is a person?
You guys don’t actually listen to this guy right?
lol some "doctor"

I love oatmeal and I eat it every day. Making some now
I ate oatmeal once and I died
any food that needs loads of shit added to it after its cooked to make it paletable i wont eat. oatmeal tastes like dogshit, waste of calories, id rather have 2 eggs and 2 slices of bacon, i bet its same calories as a bowl of oatmeal and it tastes better.
It's inedible slop.
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>id rather have 2 eggs and 2 slices of bacon
>>yeah I'd rather eat a slice of cake than eat chicken breast
Berg is a Scandinavian surname.
carbs make you gay that's why women love them
Not fooling anyone rabbi.

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