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If you do steroids this will happen to you
No it won't retard this is from chronic and unmitigated blood pressure. You can control BP on roids if you aren't a retard
>OP can't spell his name by flexing
Cope, all roiders die at 40
>Woah my varicose veins are so sexy!
bodybuilding really is for fags.
Roiding for this??
this nigga's veins are doing sidequests instead of carrying blood to the organs
this is fucking gross
>when do roids so ur vein spells nigger in cursive but only whites can read it
>this is from chronic and unmitigated blood pressure.
then how come the only ones with this shit are roiders? plenty of people with high blood pressure who don't have this (the ones who are not roidtrannies).
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Ahnuld had like 5 heart surgeries, if he didnt have infinite money he'd be long dead.
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Stay small fags
>roiding to look like shit
being natural truly is the enlightened path
You are really fucking retarded if you think roiders are the only people with varicose veins
It is. Imagine sticking phallic shaped objects (needles) up your ass to look like some squat, mutant retard when you can still get big naturally and look good too.
I don't know if that's called "varicose veins", but whatever that is, I don't see normal people with that shit, it's always roided creeps. Retard.
Varicose veins among normies are most common in the legs, but with roiders they happen in the arms as a result of constantly pushing blood into them with workouts, but high blood pressure is the cause in both situations. If you Google search varicose veins none of the pictures that come up with the same condition are bodybuilders. You see them more commonly in bodybuilders because most people aren't on social media flexing their fucking chronic health conditions caused from high BP.
Dude you can roid and look really good stop giving misinformation
I googled that and what came up was obese or old women. I don't see normal young guys with that. The absolute state of roidtrannies.
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I'm 39, I use steroids and I look way better than you. Should I be worried???
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This is abominable.
That heart on the outside looks like a major vulnerability, a single punch could kill the poor lad
I inject into my delts. Also, very few people can look like that, steroids or no. Furthermore, having dates and friends ask you questions like "what are you taking?!" and "do you use steroids" is immensely satisfying.

Does anyone ever ask you that, no? It's because you don't look like a bodybuilder. Just a regular guy with a regular body. Sorry...
lamo two or three personal trainers asked me if i roid
i am of course natty
i ain't even eric bugenhagen level of swole (he is probably natty too)
btw roid "gains" are half water (im being generous) so good job fucking up your long term health for bigger looking fake muscle
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Kino aesthetic
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medfags? you can surgically remove these sort of superficial veins out cant you? so they regenerate back proper. but now imagine how his cardiac tissue and all the essential deep veins looks like. rip.
No man, it’s impossible to look good on roids. I know because a bunch of faggots who never took them told me.
He said, without posting body
yeah buddy i dont see you posting body either
and since you roid youre way more likely to keep pumped fraudangled photos on your phone
last time i felt a need to send a nekkid photo was when i was 16 or 18
I didn’t make a claim about my body so I didn’t post a picture of it. Are you dumb?

Btw I’m literally bigger and leaner than Ronnie Coleman and would easily win the Olympia if I wanted to
Im already bald bro, i didn't even take steroids
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Funny cause this bro is actually short af (5'5" I think)
>muh vanity
lmao @ ur life.
imagine being so mentally ill that you actually think this looks good or cool

it's the male version of pic related
Imagine those on your dick.
>people ask me if I take steroids all the time even though I don't.

HOLY SHIT, ANON is Ronnie Coleman!
>This guy gets praised while trans people are hated
Yes because typically young men don't suffer from hypertension for no reason you fucking retard
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jesus man why do some bodybuilders get like this and some don't?
And how does this affect you personally?
Blood pressure. If u have chronically high blood pressure u need to take measures to reduce it to avoid fucking up your vascular system. Cialias can reduce BP by a few points, avoiding caffeine and nic can reduce a few points, regular steady state cardio can reduce a few points, dietary changes can bring it down a bit, but other blood pressure drugs like telmasartin are common in bodybuilding. The vast majority of gear users don't have this issue though
dolled up bimbos are hot and i’m tired of pretending they’re not
A girl asked me how much I bench and another girl asked me if I was on roids.
Men don’t talk to me about lifting unless they’re close friends or family trying to compliment me :(
it's not from high bp it's from your blood being syrupy thick which of course will also cause high bp but that's not the cause the thick sludge blood is
post body
I'm not posting my body for you to jerk off to for such an easily verifiable claim.
i have chronic LOW blood pressure. when it gets high it's at the level that is regular for most people.
never gonna have crazy vascularity coz of that but atleast my ticker isn't gonna explode at 40
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cope, what are you dyels doing after 40 exactly?
we aren’t starfish baka
>he injects dangerous doses of hormones in his body for the approval of other people
Not so different from troons
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Mostly 18-25yr olds

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