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Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread /QTDDTOT/

(Other one reached bump limit)

what are foods I can eat to get fiber, but not reduce testosterone, so I still get good weightlifting gains? is there maybe a list somewhere? wondering if brown or white rice would hinder gains/test, or if one or both of those would be ok
Time to do a mini-cut so that I can bulk all fall…
Only looking to cut ~2-3 lbs so it’s not even going to be a hard cut
^ wrong thread
(more like wrong board)
Food doesn't lower testosterone, you can have some fruits and veggies to get fiber
that is a 1 week cut bro
thanks Anon. and yeah, I have always been eating lots of fruits and vegetables, but it was not enough, though I was sitting a lot, not drinking water, and not moving around except when lifting. I was eating a lot more protein too, because of what I read in guides like harsh's in the sticky. how much protein do you recommend for lifting?
anyone have a good workout tracker app to reccomend? been using a note on my phone to track my numbers but if there's something more convenient I'd use that
I recently stepped up my game and trained deadlifts and bench press to failure in one session. It took me 11 days to recover 100%. I'm 35. Is it over for me?
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do these actually work for sore muscles?
do they shorten the recovery process?
works for me, get a cheap one though
got it, thanks anon
Not sure of this is the correct board, but I hit my toe recently which broke the nail pretty far back and I'm worried it will get ingrown.
My nails generally grow pretty slowly so I was wondering if there was anything I could take or do to speed the process up to get it back to normal length to minimize the risk of getting ingrown
what kind of squat plug is this?
the Automatic Squat-Plunger 9000™
get enough sleep
have proper vitamins/nutrients in your diet
these make my nails grow faster, in my experience
Nah it’s a 2 week cut

why would you train deadlift to failure? for what purpose?
At what age do deathfats pass the point of no return?

There's an IRL one I know who's been deathfat for 13 years, since he was 18, but he still seems to chug along without medication and be somewhat in a position where he'd be alright if he lost the weight. Each year I see him I wonder when it'll be the year where he becomes noticeably sick or fucked up, but he seems fine.

Is it possible for them to chug through into their 40s and 50s like this?
Do situps/crunches help with back problems?
how the fuck am i meant to know whether my back is rounding or not as a person with natural hunchback football player shoulders? are they really just referencing the neck? i tried videoing myself but i couldn't tell.
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What's the difference between barbell row vs deadlift?
I've been looking into SS and SL, and I don't understand why row is better than deadlift.
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My current barbell bench is 210 lbs.
If I want to switch to dumbbell bench, how to calculate the proper weight?
Just start with 100 lbs and work my way up? or what? I'd like to be in 60%-80% if my 1RM.
row=all moving arms
deadlift=no moving arms
What's the advantage?
How does it work your back?
They are two completely different exercises with different goals.The deadlift is a hip hinge from a dead stop of the floor that mostly trains the hamstrings and glues. Most rows start with the weight in the air and are used to train the upper back musculature. Rows are easier to recover from than deadlifts.
How do you deal with bench press making your too sore to ohp and vice versa? And if you also do isolations for the delts, chest, or triceps then that's an extra triple wtf am I supposed to do about all the doms stopping me from doing them with any weight.
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Long story short, I'm studying and mostly spent time sitting and can't go to gym though I'm getting my needed steps and doing calisthenics (BSS,Pull-up,push-up, crunches)
I've got 10 lbs dumbell, I thought I'd use it for isolations like (biceps,triceps, delts).
What range of reps x sets I should do with it?
I don't care about getting big as much as I don't want to lose my gains.
Also how many times per week? every day? or every other day?
I've got 10 lbs dumbell, what's the reps x sets I should be use it? and how may per week?
reposting from the fat thread and because im curious
>started squatting again after getting sleeves for knee pain
>haven't squat consistently in a while
>get uncomfortable tightness in hamstrings

Wuh happen?
I don't count protein. I think it's best to have a diet that is fruits, vegetables, dairy, and then animal/fish products. If you do that, you always have enough protein.
Any recommendations for a good exercise bike?
The last time I got onto a proper bike I had a flare up of hemorrhoids after not having a flare up for 8 years so I don't want to convert a bike into an exercise bike
Also I'm poor
I can only spend $200 or so
How to deal with back pain at 25? I can't sit for more than an hour without feeling wicked lower back pain, also laying in bed on my back causes pain
How do I get bigger hands?
I'm going to bite the bullet and buy creatine. Is there anything in particular that I should look for or is most of it fine regardless of brand? thanks
It's possible to recover in your 50s but it's not likely to live that long
A stronger torso can help your back, some people don't do well with spinal flexion movements. Try planks and back extensions first.
You'll have to do shirtless videos and check your starting posture and see if it changes throughout the movement. Take it from the side.
Most people can DB press somewhere around 1/3 their max bench for reps in dumbbell weight per hand. Somewhere around 60lbs would be a good starting point, it might feel light but you can always work up over time.
The movement of pulling your elbows into your body will work your lats and rhomboids more than a deadlift, but they work in an isometric fashion during the deadlift. You should do both.
Separate the lifts by 72 hours. I like doing OHP and dips one day and flat bench and inclines on another day.
It's not going to help you, just stick with the calisthenics. You can maintain most of your progress or even improve by spamming push-ups, squats, and pull ups.
Most people have hamstrings that are too weak to squat to a proper depth early on, knee sleeves for compression just masks the problem of the musculature that keeps the knee joint in place not being strong enough. I would take some time away from squatting to focus on strengthening the calves and hamstrings. Basic seated calf raises and back extensions/kettlebell swings should do. You'll be ready to squat again when you can sit back into a bodyweight squat with minimal knee tracking to a depth of your hip crease being below the knee. You need to sit back so much your hamstrings and hips take the brunt of the load.
Without a CAT scan all we can safely recommend is reverse hyper extensions and planks 3x a week
You can't
All creatine is the same and all creatine is useless, eat meat and you won't need it
Beans and brown rice are going to inhibit test by chelating zinc, white rice is okay.

Pomegranate, beets, and spinach are all known to boost testosterone and will give you fiber.
> heavily salted by myself
what does that mean
dang. what is your squat/deadlift/ohp/bench/row? (I am doing stronglifts)
thanks Anon
If you're serious about lifting you will remember all your numbers
Dumbell press will be considerably lower because of the added instability.
Your body adapts overtime.
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Didn't see a fastfag thread up when I did ctrl+f.
What would be the effects on my body if I did a """"fast"""" where I drank one can of pic related (Diet Rite Pure Zero) a day and the rest water vs an actual fast where you only drink water?
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How to get over the guilt of not starting to lift earlier in life?
Not accepting your life as it has played out to this point is a sign of mental illness
See a therapist

Just get pure creatine monohydrate
There's creatine in red meat but I would still recommend supplementing it to anyone who wants the most out of their bodies
Walmart has the cheapest creatine bar none
OHP right after bench
You should be doing lower rep ranges with heavier weight anyway

As you age, shit gets wonky
I took a break from squatting to just deadlift and my quads got overly tight which never happened when squatting regularly
I assume it's the same situation but reversed
Just remember to stretch and focus on form until you're back
The best way to strengthen your legs is squats and deads
That other guys fucking retarded
Stretch quads and hams and glutes and adductors and abductors
Recovery is just as important as activity

You need to gain mass to thicken the skin and tissues
Technically bones thicken when repairing certain types of damage so boxing might legitimately help
It takes forever to make noticeable bone gains tho
Walmart recumbent is pretty good
Gold's gym brand
Why tf would you stop actually benching
I seriously hope you don't do this

Deadlift is a leg/ posterior chain exercise
Row works your posterior chain a bit but is really working the lats and a little bicep

You do deadlifts for overall gains and rows for high return back gains
If you train optimally natty, it only takes three years to get to maximum. So it doesn't matter if someone started at 14 or 44 if you're both 47.
You don't "look into" LP programs
You run them as specified, blindly, at max effort while eating at a surplus until you're intermediate or advanced
Then you can "look into" whatever tf you want
Not running an LP program wastes so much of your time you don't even know
Stretching and cardio help with back problems
Refined protein lowers testosterone
Sorry bruv
>If you train optimally
Except no one does because everyone is afraid of SS and SL
What's the name of this specific type of bar ?
Olympic combo
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So I should do rdl, hip thrusts, and squats for a big butt..
what exercises will help me get mother bearing hips? Any other good butt exercises would be good too ty
Anyone here have COVID and notice any changes in how often/severely they get sick after?
I got COVID about 10 months ago or something like that.
Through the middle-ish of this year I have since had a cold, a flu and now a cold again.
So this is way more often than I normally would get sick, but also my throat has been getting more sore than it normally would when I get sick.
And even when I was sick sometimes if I turned my head a certain way it was like I could feel a scratch in there, or something.
So I'm wondering if that's some scar tissue in there or maybe it has just been inflamed with an infection that never 100% left me.

I think I am really going to have to start making better choices, lads. More sun, better food etc.
how do you know when you have COVID?

are you sure you didn't say get less sleep and get sick more often as a result?
Realistically on a leg day, I should be fine to miss out a quad excersise if I do a combination of Squats+Bulgarian Splits Squats+Leg Extensions right?
As in, if I do Squats + Bulgarians, I should be fine to cut the Leg Extensions to replace them with Hamstring curls or another exercise focusing on another muscle.
Just trying to cut down on time, my workouts are within the last 1h20m of my gyms closing time usually.
Legs are programmed in 2x a week sometimes (PPL on a 5-day rotating split)
My doc prescribed me finasteride 1mg daily for hair loss. I quite worried about the side effects that you can get from fin like reduces libido and ED.
Should I be worried, should I reduce the dose or stop it completely?
yea that's fine but I would cut the bulgarians so that you have 1 press and 1 extension movement for quads
Well the time I had COVID I went off of two things.
One is it felt slightly different than having a cold or flu.
Two is I did a RAT test and was positive for COVID.
I didn't go to a doctor for the two colds and flu. I think one was a flu because a family member had the same thing and a doctor diagnosed them with influenza.
The colds I call colds because I don't think they were flu and I don't think they were covid.
I get plenty of sleep. Factors which I believe could be contributing to getting sick:
*Suppressed immune system from having the covid, then from previously having the cold and the flu.
*Getting older. I'm in my late 30s.
*Eating a pretty shitty diet.
*Getting almost no sun.
*Almost no cardio.
*Being around children again. I wasn't around kids for years and wasn't sick for years. Now I am often around a new family member who goes to daycare and exposes us to illness regularly.
Rectus femoris only gets hit by leg extension.
im 3 months in but my ohp progression has stalled
should i switch to a 5/3/1 for my ohp only? is this a good or bad idea?
Ive got white spots on my fingernails which I believe is from switching from iodised table salt to pink himalayan salt. Im sure I remember my grandma used to talk about iodine deficiancy and finger nails but cant seem to find anything about it online now. Anyone here know what im talking about?
What can I do about elbow pain while working my shoulders and chest? I moonlight as a painting teacher and my dominant arm can barely handle any reps before the ache sets in - but my other arm is perfectly fine. I don't experience any pain while painting for hours, only during working out. Compressive gear isn't helping me. Am I just shit out of luck?
>It's not going to help you, just stick with the calisthenics. You can maintain most of your progress or even improve by spamming push-ups, squats, and pull ups.
of course, but I was thinking is 20x5 a good starting point?
At least I'd be getting some endurance.
Add deadlifts and kettlebell swings
The wife got COVID and gets reoccurring shingles outbreaks ever since. She's too young to be getting shingles.
Shave your head and let your dick work
Read the blue book, they tell you what to do
Do you squat low bar or do a lot of skullcrushers? Usually people hurt their elbow doing something else and then it gets aggravated during pushing exercises. Share a painting
It's literally going to do nothing
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>How to deal with back pain at 25?
Ortho bro.
How long did you have it? when did it first start?
The pain comes when you move around and go away when you rest?
Or it's always there?
Does it go to your leg? what part if it does?
Did you use some medications?
Mostly you will need MRI to see it's slipped disk, but ~90% of the time physiotherapy will help.
Stretches is a major part, and workout your core and back.
>planks and it's variations
>low weights (~10 kg) deadlifts & rows
and this
>It's literally going to do nothing
What do I do then?
I want to train with those 10lbs DB.
+30 x5 then?
Same, after I got COVID, some of my moles have gone, and got a lighter small circle instead.
like pic related.
My brothers both are always sick now since getting the vax yet I continue to be fit and healthy. Not saying its a reason, its just what ive noticed. They dont talk about it but its very obvious and it makes me said. I hate hearing them always coughing and hacking up a lung.
>Except no one does because everyone is afraid of SS and SL
I know SS isn't optimal for back and bicep size if you care about those. More tha one way to skin the cat anyway, they didn't invent the squat.
example is oatmeal with like 2g+ of salt
i switched to doing top set, back off in my training recently on my cut cuz i wasnt able to recover from the volume so on most compounds or variations i just do
3-5 reps rpe 8-9
-10-15% weight 5+ reps rpe 9-9.5

is this bad? on machines and dumbbells i go harder (also for 2 sets only)
i feel like due to the low amount of sets i HAVE to put in quality work on those few sets.
helps me focus on the gym even when i feel lethargic and demotivated.
is this dumb? i dont consume any PWO like caffeine/taurine/boosters/energy drinks or w/e to help with that
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is wearing a golds gym hoodie like picrel cringe if youre not a 250+ lbs mass monster?
Wearing anything advertising a mainstream brand of any kind is cringe.
i have never seen anyone wear that kind of hoodie and im outside a lot so i would hardly consider golds gym merch mainstream (at least here in germany)
compared to shit like teveo or gymshark
Whatever man, do what you want. The only thing more cringe than wearing a brand name is asking permission to wear something.
Yes. You can like things without being good at them or even doing them at all. Especially the pursuit of 250lbs of muscle mass since chances are you can't even physically do it.
why do i have a harder time controlling myself eating in a small surplus (200-300) than when im cutting or even mini-cutting (500/750-1000 deficit)?
im eating the same kind of foods in all 3 cases, just more of them when bulking and less when cutting
shit doesnt make any sense to me
I wonder if it's the fat. you need more water to digest fat
I'm watching entertaining fitness videos and it looks like strongmen basically do 1rep and then increase the weight. Is that right?
im going fucking insane, am i supposed to be a mouthbreather or what? are my ears just clogged? how do i get rid of it? im normal bmi
checked, and do your ears click a lot when you breathe through just your nose?
I found a set of dumbbell exercises, but partway through i started vomiting and couldn't continue.

Exercises (2 sets for every exercise)
1. Seated overhead triceps extension + single leg Romanian deadlift
2. Upright rows + split squats
3. Hammer curl + front squat
4. Pullovers + chest flyes
5. Pushups + bent-over rows

Is this set of exercises good? I got to the front squats and I was just so out of gas I couldn't continue and my stomach got upset when I pushed. I feel like the RDL + split squats + front squats is too much at once. Should I maybe move them to the end of the session next time so that I can finish the less-tiring stuff?

The single-leg RDL also made my lower back tired/hurt. I haven't really done any exercise that uses it so maybe it just got tired or maybe I did the RDL wrong.
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Is this transformation natty achievable? Guy claims to have done it in 2 years. He's 6'1, 80 kilos
It's achievable. Did he no one knows.
I'm not that anon but mine do. Is that not normal?
it probably is. maybe some extra earwax
If anything feels weird or causes joints to pop I'd reconsider it. *coughuprightrows*

Otherwise I mean it's better than nothing right? It's not a big gym routine. One thing, add overhead press.

You should get used to it in a couple of weeks. Do the lifts you care about most first.
Upright rows felt terrible on my left shoulder. I chalked it up to being weak on that. Anything I should replace it with? Could I do overhead press instead of it?
>Do the lifts you care about most first.
Will do. I went back once I didn't feel like vomiting anymore and finished the curls, did the pushups and bent-over rows. Now I feel like vomiting again.
OHP will do lateral deltoid, and for rear and rotator cuff there's dumbbell face pull.

-dumbbell in one hand
-bend over and support other arm on bench or knee
-from hanging, raise dumbbell past your ear.
What kind of chalk is most useful? I see all these options like blocks and balls, is there a point to them? I have a homegym so I don't care about portability. Do I just get powder?
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So. im starting to spar at boxing and i realized that im absolute SHIT at dodging blows to the head.

How can i train for that?
don't spar you retard. Even the pros don't spar anymore because hits to the head are incredibly damaging and you don't even doing it professionally.
And yes, I just saved your brain, thank me
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I've been told that I should grow out my shoulders and back in order to look more attractive

1) what workouts should I do to accomplish this?

2) what body type do women generally find attractive an show can I achieve that? Pic rel is me
Awesome. That actually seems much nicer than upright row. Thanks!
Why aren't I making progress on overhead press? Been going to the gym for about a month and have made progress on every exercise except overhead press.
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I don't know where else to ask this but you guys are smart so I'm asking it here.
I eat like 2 cans a tuna a day basically and have been doing this for about 2-3 weeks. If I continue down this path will I get mercury poisoning and die?
love this nigga, he based
>train optimally natty
I hope I can get a physiotherapist or someone who can help me avoid injuries and recover to normal able-bodied man levels, and then to healthy levels of strength and robustness (and health)
>3 years
one more, and maybe 40 would be a good age to be healthy
thanks for the hopium, anon
I did 2 wild caught frozen salmon fillets (4oz each, like under 4 bucks) a week instead to spread stuff out, and still get the recommended fatty fish omega 3 stuff
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> elp
the lower on the food chain the fish, the less mercury (biomagnification). I settled on sardines. shrimp are even lower on the food chain. but canned stuff has bpas, which are definitely not good for you. also note that the advice keeps changing on whether wild caught or farm raised is better.
apparently drinking green tea blocks mercury from entering the bloodstream. but green tea may have effects you don't like (caffeine etc)
Can you get into good shape with only dumbbells and a bench?
Yes. Splurge on a pull up bar tho
I'm in a sizable deficit and lifting to lose fat and hopefully not too much muscle
Recently got a blood test to check levels and get the right supplements during it, and I have a high creatine kinase level (related to muscle breakdown) of 250 U/L
Anybody know if that's normal while losing weight, should I decrease the deficit and go slower and try to get even more protein? I aim for 160-180g daily
yes sometimes. esp in the morning/noon but near the early evening-night hours that shit doesnt happen anymore.
gets really bad when i go outside during aforementioned times
How do I warm up correctly for SS? just the bar?
surely those king mackerels arent the ones being put in tins right?
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I've been going to the gym regularly for the last 3 years while I've made modest gains, I didn't care much because my main goal was fitness over all.
Today my ego came down crashing by a fucking ladder.
I was fixing the panel light, which involved going up and down and standing while mounting the whole thing, my legs started shaking and could barely stand anymore.
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And this is how I look, which made me so frustrated.
What do I need to add to my workout to fix this?
You're showing your upper body, but the problem seems to be the lower
you arent making any sense, so your ego crashed metaphorically and need advice on what to do to not look so DYEL anymore?

or you literally fell off a ladder and fucked your shit up? can you just explain in normal simple easy to read terms and not speak in riddles
unlikely but possible
dunno progbro but I respect your music choice so bumping to draw attention

Since you're showing your back instead of your front and have love handles I'm gonna say that you should go on a cut tbqh
The book says 5 sets with increasing weight and decreasing reps, but this is just a rough guideline. Try what works for you and on bad days do more.
2x5 with the bar
1x5 ~40%
1x3 ~60%
1x2 ~80%
>the problem seems to be the lower
I do squats and calf raises.
Standing on the ladder for long time, make my legs shake.
While the fat electrician, can do it effortlessly.
>Since you're showing your back instead of your front and have love handles I'm gonna say that you should go on a cut tbqh
I never said I'm ripped.
I said I'm going to the gym but failed to stay standing on the ladder because my legs could not carry me anymore.
Maybe your hip flexors suck. Maybe you just lack cardio.
Do some hanging leg raises, go on a run/inclined walk regularly
>go on a run/inclined walk regularly
I'm do.
>hanging leg raises
I never did those, so maybe I'll try.
I just feel humiliated that some fat 50yo that never went to the gym could do better than me while I was doing all this work.
What workout do I need to get bigger forearms extensors?
Currently I'm holding a dumbbell between my fingers with my arms down by my side and extend my wrist only
Is this good?
oh shit I was doing it wrong then
I was doing
2x5 bar
5X3 100%
wait it's 5X3
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First Bulk! Successfully cut 25 pounds last year, confident I can do it again.
Bulking through January 2025, but it's been harder than I thought! Eating clean at 3200 calories a day, measuring hard, but losing weight! Upping to 3400 calories a day today. What do you guys usually consume on a bulk? You guys hit 4k calories regularly?

Any advice would be appreciated, love you guys
>forearms extensors
Do pushdowns. Oh, you mean the extensors in the forearms?
>you mean the extensors in the forearms?
Ok, what you want to do is...
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I started doing calisthenics at home to not embarrass myself when I go to gym in the next three months.
What do I need to do to get myself to do pull-ups?
I can't even do dead hangs, Is there something even lower?
on my bench sets when i unrack the bar by doing a pullover motion (kind of) i feel a discomfort in my sternum, ive cut down a few kg and it started happening, wtf is going on and what am i doing wrong?
Why do I always get nightly cramps (mostly calves) when I break keto for a carb refeed? Is it because my muscles are so depleted from glycogen and start to slowly fill up or what, i'm supplementing a lot of salt+potassium+magnesium so shouldnt be short on those
>embarrass myself when I go to gym in the next three months.
bro, just fucking go nobody cares
Just go to the gym now and stop being a faggot, nobody cares about you and you'll stop being weak much faster
If you can't dead hang whatsoever it's probably your grip. Are you fat?
If i currently have it so I do three days at the gym and one rest day would I lose all my gains if I switched to a rest day in between each day? I went to college and since I do a lot of volume I end up taking two to close to three hours at the gym and after classes and homework and the gym it's too late to have time for much else, would my gains suffer too much if I switched to have a day in between each one? I know I'd get gains slower but would it at least maintain what I have currently? I do one day chest/shoulders/abs, one day deadlift/pull ups/rows/abs, and one day legs/biceps/abs for reference.
Why do needy and insecure woman turn me off so much to the point where I feel disgust?
If I eat shitty for a day and am trying to maintain should I eat at a deficit for a few days to try and offset it or just keep eating at maintenance after?
db shoulder press and db bench press are ok replacements for their barbell variation.
what about squat and deadlift?
dumbbell lunges / step-ups
dumbbell SLDL + back extensions
what the fuck can I do to get potassium on a cut when im sick of eating potatoes
2 months of a sweet potato every day i cant take it anymore im swapping to rice for a month
am i just stuck buying electrolyte supplements
i get the rest of me electrolytes just fine, i eat yogurt/blueberries/granola/chicken/rice/eggs/onions/olive oil every day because autism is my superpower and I can eat the same meals forever until i'm suck of the taste of it
Milk/dairy, supplement (just buy mineral salt / nosalt whatever you have there, one with reduced or no natrium and being mostly potassium)
>Are you fat?
No, just tire easily, I'm skinny. too skinny in fact.
I can't hear a thing out of one ear, I think it's become blocked with wax. Any good remedies for a blocked ear? I have tried Otex for a few days now but no success yet, I'm thinking I might need to get someone to clean it out but not sure how I'd do that.
go to a place in your town/city thatll wash it out with water
Have you done either? They are completely different
>I am DYEL
> Doing PPL currently
>My leg day is
>Leg extensions
>Hamstring curls
>Calf raises

I'd like to change lunges to something else because I don't like them. Also I am worried about volume(doing like 5x5 stronglifts*) but what would you add or replace for Leg day?
they are literally two entirely seperate exercises, they are nothing alike
at least look up youtube videos on how to do these exercises before asking this
pretty solid leg day imo. if you don't like lunges, may i suggest bulgarian split squats or split squats instead? personally though i would go with split squats because im kneesovertoes guy-pilled.
Because SS and SL swap it.
If I strength train a certain muscle once per week and endurance train it once per week, will that be too little strength training to make any progress?
>Leg day
>Arm day
>Chest day
Can't you do all of these in a single workout (or different workouts through the week) to grow?
yeah, it just depends how often how intense and what your focus all want to be
Yes, you have figured out what a full body routine is
Idk why I replied to >>75069619 here. It wasn't supposed to be a reply to anyone. I'm reposting.
If I strength train a muscle once per week and endurance train it once per week, will that be too little strength training to make any progress?
Why are feels/bar threads deleted from the board?
>bench press
>pull ups
>push ups
>lateral raises
>barbell curls
>dumbell skullcrushers
>bentover rows
>kettlebell swings
>ab wheel
>calf raises

is my whole body covered with only those?

would you add anything more?
face pulls
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Thank you
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is now.
Retard calculation is to base dumbell weight off of weight added to each side of the barbell e.g. 225 barbell -> 90lb dumbells. In your case, 70% of 210 bench (~145) -> 50lb dumbells
Why do I never feel anything in my chest while doing pushup?

I feel the soreness only in arms, mainly triceps.

I have zero chest muscle, and don't even know when chest is actually used. I do even physical work with just arms.
Zero mind muscle connection. Try to squeeze your scapulae together, and pause at the bottom

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