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If so, which diet is superior and why?
probably watchers or fasting, if it even is diet in first place
Retard. Just stop eating so much.
I think for most people the simplest, most effective diet is you can eat anything you want in any quantity, but you must cook it. Only buy raw ingredients. Suddenly, you're not drinking sugar or lathering your food in ranch, and your caloric intake is like halved without leaving you any less full.
>Is pic related true?
>If so, which diet is superior and why?
have you ever considered that different things work bettet for different people based on their genetics/preferences? find which works better for you. if you cant tolerate fasting, try keto. if too much meat makes you feel sick, try portion control
>Is eating less true?
>If so, which meme diet should I try?
i completely agree desu, but then i knew a guy who was absolutely xbox hueg and he cooked the vast majority of his food from scratch
funny how you can replace the last collumn with "dont eat carbs" and it still is the same, huh
Ketogenic diet for fat loss and muscle bending doesn't make sense.
>how are you going to build muscle without a protein surplass?
>how are you going to lose weight when you are eating mostly fats that have the most calories and easily surpass your BMR?
>how are you going to train harder when you don't have even the minimum amount of carbs?
I could go on. Are keto schizos?
>>how are you going to build muscle without a protein surplass?
what stops you from consuming 200gr of protein while on keto? that would be exactly 1/3 of your TDEE on a training day while the other 2/3 come from fat
>>how are you going to lose weight when you are eating mostly fats that have the most calories and easily surpass your BMR?
by eating less than you spend
>>how are you going to train harder when you don't have even the minimum amount of carbs?
by burning fat which releases the carbs that are used to store the fat chains and in worst case, glyconeogenesis from converting protein into sugar
>>I could go on
pelase do
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Alright lil-bro, you've reached the end of your search.
You are finally going to learn which diet is the truly the best.
The full and complete TRUTH is that...
The best diet is the one that works best for you
Everyone is different
CICO followers seem to be completely ignorant as to hormones and micronutrients. It's weird, as though they think the body is a fixed and accountable caloric spreadsheet. How calories are used is down to hormones, calories can be excreted or wasted, micronutrients also drastically affect nutrient partitioning. CICO is valid in such a narrow scope (assuming all other factors like hormones and micronutrients are equal) that it is functionally useless. It's why bodybuilders need coaches to get into shape, because it's not just as simple as "eat a deficit bro".
Probably intermittent fasting.
With enough protein, and enough fat for your hormones, you can push all your carby food to the evening, after lifting.
That gives a SLIGHT nutrient partitioning advantage, and paired with your body not immediately cannibalising muscle during a fast, you MIGHT build a bit more muscle and lose a bit more fat than you would on the same deficit without using all those tricks.
But, that's really minimal gains, getting on the diet that you can stick to is way more important.
All the tricks in the world don't matter if you have to go back to maintenance after a couple of weeks.
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technically true but nonfructose carbs increase metabolism and are hardly at all turned into fat. lowfat mogs all. fat you eat is fat you wear.
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fat cope
Fuck off, eat a few eggs, don't skip your veggies, and keep a caloric deficit.
Also, don't count calories lost to exercise, just adjust your daily intake IF you see an excessive loss on the scale.
correct, carbs dont make you fat
overeating does
now do tell us, which is easier to overeat, a 500gr chicken breast or a 500gr bag of m&m's?
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August 2046 Reckoning August 2046 Reckoning August 2046 Reckoning August 2046 Reckoning August 2046 Reckoning August 2046 Reckoning August 2046 Reckoning August 2046 Reckoning August 2046 Reckoning August 2046 Reckoning August 2046 Reckoning August 2046 Reckoning
sort of but no
the way you lose weight is always by creating a caloric deficit
it's kind of like saying walking is the same as running because they both involve your legs

notice the real mechanism all these successful diets use is altering macros especially protein because it's the most important macro and helps you eat less
intermittent fasting doesn't do this but that's why it doesn't work on its own
Yes, the pic is 100% true.
However, you shouldn't underestimate just how much easier IF, and especially OMAD, makes creating a calorie deficit. It really works.
And eating less fat also makes it easier because fats are more calorie dense and less filling than protein and carbs.
I will be laughing at you in September 2046. The micronova will eventually happen, but trying to guess the year, let alone the month, is retarded. It might even happen well before that point in time.
>which diet is superior
the one you can follow thru
For me it's Paleo or Low carb, Easy and intuitive
>actually being a micronova-cuck in 2024
fucking retard we all know the swahali neogenic microcosm envelopement is the next reality extinction event

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