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So, you could consume 3 Big Macs and a vanilla milkshake daily and take in just 1845 calories. Can this be for real?
Barely any protein in a big Mac.

McDonald's patties are so thin.

You gotta eat at least 2 lb of meat to grow. Unless u wanna be a 90lb dyel twink for the rest of your life
>3 Big Macs are 1800 already
The quest to find a non-retarded fatty continues
It roughly the same as an average whey shake
she would be my happy meal if you get what i am saying
Not according to the McDs nutrition calculator, lists them as 493 each.
is that fucking wolfram alpha
560 cals for 26g protein is not great.

Premier protein shakes is 30g protein for 160 cals

If you want to eat burgers, go to a nice burger place and eat properly. Not mcdicks
Oh OK, the current site's lying then, unless they shrunk it.
>unless they shrunk it
this happens every year or so with every food product, its totally reasonable to assume a "big"mac has also shrunk
>spend more money, goy
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quarter pounder is better protein/calorie ratio
double quarter pounder even better
Bro is saying to eat somewhere better that's not supported by faggot Israelite's you fucking faggot.
just fucking brain yourself.
isnt just the cheapest hamburger the better option? protein to cal ratio shouldnt be the most important thing. price per protein minus half the calories is better
and plus, you have more money to eat real food afterwards, mcdonalds is only ever a "payday" meal to last you a bit longer
>mcdonalds is only ever a "payday" meal
damn bro get that income together
no im not talking about your money budget, im talking about your calorie/hunger budget
payday loans work when you run out of money and you need a small amount of (shitty) money to last until your next payment
mcdonalds works the same way, you run out of "calories" in your body (basically you get hungry) and you cant eat a proper meal for whatever reason (out in public, at work and no time etc) you take out a payday meal. its a (shitty) meal that will last until you can actually eat something
ah i see
dunno what you meant by "price per protein" then
i was curious (about protein/cal) ratio of the dqp vs double cheeseburger tho and the dqp came out ahead
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>not going for 3 of these bad boys plus a ginger tea (1620 cal/96g protein)
>not gonna make it
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still loses to the dqp (in protein/cal and taste)
im not a burgerland resident but my formula is [protein in grams]/[price in dollars]-[total calories]/8
my contries mcdonalds might be different but theres a comically cheap burger just called a hamburger and it takes me 1 minute to order it and then get it and costs about 3 minutes of working at my wage
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yeah damn better macros

I still prefer the taste of the triple cheese its just so overwhelming to my body
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Crazy how in 2000 the girl would be a 10/10, but nowadays it's a 6/10 at most.
>in 2000 the girl would be a 10/10
if anything a girl like that was more attainable and more common. was not a 10/10 in 2000.
t. dated women much more attractive than that
>nooo you can't stop me from eating slop
Yes you can. Don’t think youll last more than a week before you are genuinely suicidal thoughbeitever

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