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In the ancient times, was getting fit the only thing that mattered? I mean if you were fit you could just get women by force and food by force and everyone respected you just because you had big bulging muscles? So in a way we must have some unconscious memory of this. But now a little effeminate man can just shut you down because he is wearing a badge that the government issued him that gives him violence monopoly.. How do I cope with this?
People didn't have big bulging muscles in antiquity generally. Actual Greek sculptures (not Renaissance era remakes/artistic exaggerations) were ottermode at best
The leaders had the biggest muscles that's how it worked the strongest were at the top.
You cope with it by realizing that you live in the current year and therefore play by the current years rules instead of ancient ones.
dumb ass faggot
everybody was weak
even if you took shit by force you'd probably have looked like a skinny fat freak
being in groups was much better, using weapons was much better, so you'd only take stuff by force in a group and with weapons,not with your muscles.
Humans are fucking WEAK accept it dumb ass
Almost any man can overpower almost any woman.
So why aren't you?
Because of social contract? Have you even read the op?
>so you'd only take stuff by force in a group and with weapons,not with your muscles

Ayo that racist!!
>the slaves were on the top
It was a thought-provoking question. It clearly failed.
Lower your voice

So what would you guys want? Total anarchy? Let me tell you you're not getting one crumb of pussy in that scenario
It's not that bad, just avoid police. You can't murder or rape at will but you still have the intimidation factor that can go a long way.
t. roided criminal
>tiny penis
>So what would you guys want? Total anarchy?
>Let me tell you you're not getting one crumb of pussy in that scenario
I would
>still bigger than yours
2 humans are going to be stronger than one
Someone disturbs the order they kill him with rocks.
Your view of ancient man puts him outside of the social unit which he likely couldn't have flourished without.
>posts roman (at earliest) era sculpture when I was clearly referencing classical Greek sculptures
yeah but im not some greek god statute with a tiny dick, im just a regular guy
>Classical antiquity, also known as the classical era, classical period, classical age, or simply antiquity,[1] is the period of cultural European history between the 8th century BC and the 5th century AD
>greek god
That's the neat part, he was legit just some dude. A priest. Not even a warrior.
Feel fucking mogged by some pastor with 15in arms and 3D stomach veins
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>he was legit just some dude
I can concede there then, but I'm pretty sure that's the only non ottermode classical sculpture out there.

I think it's unlikely this was based on a living reference. Seems like some artistic liberties were still taken here. In antiquity the most robust dudes would not have been 10% bodyfat
incel thread
the hawaiians supposedly made Kamehameha king after he overturned the 5000 lbs naha stone.
Bulging stomach veins appear at single digit bf% and only if your core is developed
Like in present times, the only ones would would be expected to have big, lean bodies were athletes and competitors. Like today, they used a lot of specialised equipment and diets that the average person would not be arsed to learn to use or to bother eating, the latter especially because there's a lot of social significance around meal-time for the higher social classes.

Those expected to fight of course have an expected level of fitness, but not necessarily to the degree that one expects of the mentioned group. And of course this fluctuates with the cycles of war and peace, China for instance basically seasawed between masculine and feminine traits being what are desirable because in war time you obviously want a big man who can fight shit and in peace time you want a guy who spends all his time inside studying Confucius.

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