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There's a guy in my gym working out in Chelsea boots.
He is gonna fuck you up
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that's literally me.
post proof
what a cringey tryhard faggot!
rofl even
no I won't post myself on 4chan, delete this thread or ill destroy you outside the gym

the boots count as weight you asshole

Theyre just jealous brah fuck em
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hurr durr 3lbs to a dyel doing pullups
He looks effay ngl
OP why are you furtively taking pictures of men at the gym?
Reminds me of when I signed up for the uni gym years ago and did my first workout in dress shoes, chinos and a long sleeve button shirt. I had no idea what I was doing too. All dressed up just pulling away like a madman on the rowing machine.
Good morning saar
lol, didn't you ever do gym in school? I know everybody makes mistakes early on but how did you not know what clothes are appropiate to exercise in?
not him but first time I went to a gym was in Uni because my friend tricked me into going with him kek. Forgot exactly what I was wearing, wasn't anything fancy but it definitely wasn't gym clothes either
A while ago I saw a paki deadlifting LMAO3PLT in jeans, brogues, and gardening gloves.
Hawaii Five-Homo over here
Sleazecore /fa/ggots always end up looking zesty
What an absolute chad
this >>75098210
you are definitely indian, aren't you ranjeet?
Fear and Loathing in L.A. Fitness

I literally always wear the complete opposite, vans, baggy pants and a hoodie
fancy or not I always wear the same stuff
This is why we have a "NO HOMOS ALLOWED" sign on the door of my gym.

on google there are 27 1 star reviews saying "not LGBTQRSTWQQSTR++++ friendly"
start a blog you fucking faggot
Based if true.
We can't lift here... this is bat country.
Can only hope to be this based one day
coke levels?
That is straight boy fashion right now, gays are in another slobcore phase.
punch this fag in the face you bitch
>"Roiders could be here" he thought
>I've never been in this gym before
>the cheap preworkout circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of roidtrannies in the gym
>"With a lean physique, you can lift anywhere you want" he said to himself
Absolutely based beyond belief
That's a shame, where do you lift now then?
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mogs 90% of /fit/
>order some fucking boots man, or we'll never get out of here alive, impossible to walk in this muck
He's working the gym alright.
kek what a nerd. There's this sleazecore faggot that I always see hogging the adjustable bench, whenever I make eye contact with him he fuckin glares at me through the mirror. Fuck I hate that bastard
Any other homegym anons in here?
congrats, you just outed yourself as indian, anon

>when he lurks /fit/ and /fa/
The man I aspire to be
Dressed to impress

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