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>programming advice?
post s/b/d@bw+height

>The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc)
>registered dots offenders list

previous thread:>>75094555
Loose skin from being 375 lbs a long time ago
You wanna pay for a full body tuck for me?
based Figgy
405 front squat is impressive
when are you marrying gobu?
I think it's time to start investing in a belt and sleeves. the unequipped natty limit has come
why did this faggot become a tranny?
Yes it is, estrogen belly is soft and flappy. Male belly is tough and hard. Its just facts. It has nothing to do with your bw.
>be a fat fuck
>being fat affects your hormones
>fucked up hormones destroy your brain
>now you're a tranny
Thats how it goes in 99% of cases.
It's literally skin, senpai
Some fat, yes but literally skin
Turns out I always was one
okay now so why would a weak faggot, take hormones to be even weaker and than train like all of sudden he wants to be strong?
it's absurd to me how people can reach this outside 200cm+ roided strongmen
like yep there's 3.5pl8 on the bar and we're still not at a bodyweight squat/bench
I felt too fat at 93-94kg @ 180cm
you felt fat at 180cm when I at 190 was absolute stick at 96kg. So stick people told me I weigh below 80kg
Easy: wow addict with unlimited hot pockets and mountain dew
Plus depression possibly from unprocessed dysphoria
Weigh ins in 30 minutes lads
Did you just call me senpai REEEEEEEEEEEE IM NOT THAT OLD 30 IS YOUNG, YOUNG
wait it is today?
is there stream?
No, it's tomorrow. But weigh ins are today and tomorrow. No idea about stream, asking when I get there but probably not.
Weigh deez nuts lmao
tomorrow I got family meeting I will be probably after 30 shots of vodka nearly passing out at this time
odds on over/under 300?
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280kg/617lb has fallen…
>twink who cant even bench 3pl8s (beginner weight) dls 280
And people still claim sumo is not cheating. You want powerlifting to be taken seriously you need to ban sumo.
There is some dude on ig deadlifting like 350 and struggling with 1rm 180 squat
I know which is why i cant take dl seriously. Its bench or ohp for upper body and squat for lower body as a strength metrics.
pull 280 conventional then
Enjoy youth while it lasts. Nice work
You can't hold they weight even with straps.
You need to work on your grip, if you ever want to compete and not just post webms on plg try to do all your lifts at comp standard.
Nobody cares about competing he can make ig reels and make way more money
264.2 lbs
And no livestream, sorry guys. But I'll get my stuff recorded and post it when I'm done.
>bobby is only 20lbs heavier than me
good luck, be safe
Rare Kuba W
that explains Z7Qz+hfeqts
Let's see if we can get a set of stupider posts this thread
Rate my cut. Yesterday I had

Breakfast sandwich
Green apple smoothie
12 pizza snacks (they're little pizza bite things)
2 chicken wings
3 sausage patties + bun
About 1.5 cups on homemade macaroni salad
A tiny piece of brownie
A little ice cream, maybe .5 cup

Have no idea about the nutrition facts of most of it because that shit was not labeled and it was a special occasion. The goal is to not eat nearly that much daily and I usually am successful. Just not successful enough to really get a nice deficit going at the moment
Looks good. You'll be over 300lbs in no time!
shoulders and knees not locked

>3:50am hamburger patty and a brioche bun: 520kcal
>7am sf Gatorade and a Celsius: 30kcal
>10am-noon protein shake with hot cocoa mix: 500kcal
2pm: tortilla, rotisserie chicken, shredded cabbage, chipotle hot sauce: 530kcal
Currently 224 lbs, will have one more meal of meat and veggies before bed
here's a better strategy for you
>throw everything out of your refrigerator / freezer
go buy
>fresh beef, pork, chicken, fish cuts
>fresh potatoes (rice if you are sexually attracted to men)
>fresh vegetables of your choice
>butter and salt plus pepper
continue lifting as normal, eat to mild/moderate satiety every meal

you are lazy and didn't meal prep? you are skipping that meal

it's that simple, there is no way to over eat on this stuff unless you go full retard with the butter or dairy products, you will most likely plummet in weight the first month or two without really losing any strength. if you get stuck, start adding in low to medium intensity cardio 2-3 times a week
>you will most likely plummet in weight the first month or two without really losing any strength.
why should I listen to you? how many years experience do you have cutting?
>8am yogurt, oats, blueberries, walnuts, glass of OJ
>12pm ground beef, red bell pepper, spinach, rice, homemade tzatziki, quart of milk
>8pm steak, potatoes, spinach, quart of milk
want to cut? Just reduce quantities by 25% and make the milk water+whey instead.
you can just say cal
Keep counting your slop meals then, fatty
Oink oink
He’s like 5’7” (170 thirdie units)
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>taking cutting advice from morbidly obese men who have never had abs
School of bobby nutrition
Eight years cutting. I'm 280 lbs.
I'm not charmin and I thank God for having mercy upon me for it not being so
cutting is the simplest shit ever, just eat 1kg of chicken a day and drink 1l of cola for energy
That's not a cut
>goyum juice
>hot coco mix
What are you doing
>t. charlatan
>Eight years
impressive, very nice
and what was your starting weight?
The sugar free Gatorade and Celsius were freeeeeee
And the cocoa mix is simple carbs for workout
>squats, sldl, lunge, glute medius superset
>That's not a cut
what do you mean?
Easy guide to cutting:
Find a meat, carb,veggie, season accordingling. Portion and Make enough for 5 days. It's that simple.
200 lbs. I had some set backs
>eating cold leftovers for 4/5 days
I only do small cuts, 1-2 months max because I don't become too fat to begin with. The choices of food reflect that, I add semi-slop on top of a base diet of whole foods to reach surplus.
>become too fat. this means 20%, not 30% dreamer bulk MOM I AM POWERLIFTING
>cut down ~10lbs, easy as shit because I just remove everything extra that isn't part of my medieval farm owner diet
>eat at maintenance for some weeks, start eating surplus again
simple as
You will
You can always just eat for maintenance and do LISS on nonlifting/light/upper
Shitter Fartered his obese ass
Jesus you fat fuck what are you doing that’s not how you cut
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425 zercher dl
FAT tlaw has weighed in at 200lbs even- fully clothed, fully fed, fully watered, fully FULL
Feel ok i guess hopefully i dont fall apart tomorrow lol. Goal is podium (ideally 2nd or 1st) with MWs
Also gotta remember to get Tristain to sign my belt
Swag and also money
Good luck tomorrow bobbeh
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Squat 8x435lbs, 8x3x425lbs
CGBP 5x175, 3x215, 2x3x255, 2x3x2pl8
18" deadlift 2x5pl8, 2x545lbs
Pendlay rows 5x2pl8, 4x245, 2x3x265lbs
Squats felt pretty good. The backdowns went better than the top set. I probably rushed the my warmup. I was very fatigued for deadlift so I called it after two sets.
welcome back to adulthood
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Good work.
Checked and based.
Good luck this weekend bobbu, tlaw and smiggy. Not sure who else is competing because I have been skimming the threads, but good luck to you too.
Oh god tell me cold isn't back
I eat leftovers cold
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No cpaps at the Pole of Inaccessibility.
How tall is you, that's a good lift
6'2 215
Thx man
I'm kneeling so hard. That's hella impressive
That's my last pull for fun from now. I'll most likely pull now in the stiff bar with kilos strapless. Got a coach too.
Good work too.
When is that limit? I've reached 380 squat and I'm leaning forward too much, thinking I might have to use a belt now.>>75106044
is will ratelle natty? dude is my age but yacked as shit
wtf hes stronger than you so he must be on the sauce right?!?!?!?!?!??
Calm down Will
We just pretending Simon didn't front squat 405 but without the belt, knee sleeves, and weighing 30lbs less?
smiggy hit better depth
Such an aggressively tasteless way to refer to the squat. You make me uncomfortable.
Xir broke you with one word. Now they/them/she/her/him knows how to hurt you.
>being this new
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Fridays are for diddling
Prowler work to stay loosey goosey for tomorrow. Mile 1-3 @ RPE 7.5; 4-5 @ 5, all zone 4 work to push that threshold.
Decent drive tomorrow, any pregame hype music recommendations?
UFC Noche tomorrow. It really is a fairly lackluster card. I only care to see Merab and Valentina to come out on top. Brian/Diego, so long as it's entertaining, I'll be satisfied.
Starting blindside flanker. Time for the work this summer to pay off.
Lawrence of Arabia, Tech N9ne, Rob - bring home the hardware tomorrow.
>Oh, does my derangement, unhealth, and tragic mental situation unsettle you? I guess that means I win.
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I'm getting therapy, medication, doing a mix of resistance exercises, and feel pretty well-adjusted
Oh and cardio
I'm not new. I'm an eternal casual.
If I'm understanding correctly, fatsit is a derogatory term used by people who don't like lowbar. The correct response is to lowbar and not be fat. Embracing and embodying the ill repute and throwing it in their faces is a classic faggot tactic and I'm rightly disgusted by it.
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That's great. That you're lifting. That you're enabled, drugged, and well-adjusted to pretending to be a woman.. not so much.
same person?
the estrogen definitively killed his shitposting edge
Can I put unflavored whey in tomato soup
Of course.
I don't see any cops around.
Stocked up on dudewipes? Go ahead. Just make sure she doesn't find them.
Good run this morning,
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>On medication for mental illness
>Injects hormones into xir's ass every few days
>Sees gender affirming therapist weekly
>Well adjusted
You're more delulu than Robert.
Lat pulldowns
Overhead press
Tricep pushdown
Ez bar curl

Now to get wasted at family meeting
I like how the holes are lined up
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>Lawrence of Arabia, Tech N9ne, Rob - bring home the hardware tomorrow.
thanks anon, so will I

super impressive, sorry I missed this earlier
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I just figured out how to get the increments down to 0.5kg per side without paying 217 thousand euro for a set of fractional plates.
how long until bobby drops the weight?
I just made a kind of package rectangle shape out of duct tape and filled it with sand until it was the right weight. Taped it up. Made some loops out of electrical wire so it can attach to the bar and just taped it to it.
Always find it really weird how it takes a while to warm up during cardio which feels like a struggle at 140BPM or so, before it suddenly becomes easy out of nowhere when your body decides to do everything it can with switching energy systems or whatever it needs to do to maintain pace
Here's the iron podium for today https://ironpodium.com/events/live/2024-devoted-strength-classic
Fluff training today:
3x15 hammer curls
3x20 dumbbell curls
3x15 skullcrushers
3x20 dumbbell shoulder press
3x10 weighted chin-ups
3x20 face pulls
5x20 lateral raises
today I saw someone do some weird one-side deadlift with an entire barbell on the side
I don't know what to think anymore
you got this smiggy!
Why do all the commercial gyms i go to have barbells that spin on your hand and aren't stable? I try to pull when deadlifting and it just rotates?
Is it some different kind of bar? Olympic bar or something?
Crossfit bars :'c
In my gym they these XF bars which I assume means crossfit and the grip is ass. Honestly, any bar with aggressive knurling is goated.
Good luck stronk bois
Enjoy losing your gains
I actually quad inject
My glute injection is quarterly
My therapist helps with the previous shit I've dealt with and helps me live a much more comfy life
I guess I could instead seethe and mald at strangers on the internet?
>implying I have ever benched 285
That's really sweet of you anon, thank you <3
that's eleiko's multipurpose bar
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need some energy on this last event fellas
Sending you my energy, was in a fight for 3rd but I don't think I got it. Scoreboard isn't updated for two events yet.
scoring error, I am actually in 1st by 1 point now. Still need that energy but not under false pretenses

Sorry to hear you might miss podium Bobby
Here's the video lads
My forearms were fried, I just couldn't grip it. I practiced with a 205 stone before the event and was fine but just too tired by that point
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You'll get it next time
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Tied 1st lost the tiebreaker REEEEEEEEE
3rd place woooo :)
When a program says 5x10 tris how do you do them?
>heavy with long breaks
>light with very short breaks
>start heavy and drop the weight as needed
I feel like I have no fucking clue how to use her drive on bench
Leg drive jfc
Watch the Mendelson video on how to bench or the Calgary barbell one. They teach opposing styles so experiment with what feels better for you.
Any specific program you're looking at? If it's 5/3/1 BBB for example then you could do it any of those and be fine.
I'll check it out
Slowly converting my attempts to webm but not feeling great about em
Left shoulder has been kinda fucky today too
Fuck dislocations
Here's the last set from today
>sin against god
That's more of the Scot Mendelson style of bench, so probably emphasize watching that one. (9) could almost certainly help you out as well if he decides to come around as that's the video he suggests and the way he benches personally. I'm not sure I'd be able to help out much as I use a constant tension leg drive instead of a heaving style.
The alternative being just keep my legs pushing me up the bench the whole way through, I take it?
Yes, with a very light butt touch on the bench and not resting on it.
once again mogging charmin ultra into bolivia
It's only 155 lbs though
Shaman benches at least 185 for 5s, right?
>3rd out of 5 participants
Good job fatass
6 actually :)
>I can't help
>Tries to help
You really like hearing yourself talk don't you fat boy
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Promises made, promises kept. Really happy overall, especially since these dudes are all bigger than me
Hell yeah
Good shit
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its over for plg
misgrooved my turd rep on my turd set of push press, had to dump the bar with the same weight I did 2x5 with for the two previous sets

no I am not one of the strongfats I just like to olyLARP on my shoulder & tri's day

owari da
man nine. why didnt you use the webms that were posted here instead of those shitty phone quality vids?
they look like shit too when reformated for ig. if only there was a way people could dm them
should i as i powerbuilder incorporate cleans in my workout routine? i know i am an adult and i can do whaterver i want, but i need to hear from experience
Why do you want to incorporate them? Just for fun? To work on power production? To get an introduction to Olympic weightlifting?
im just doing them for fun, im not really seeking any benefits

but maybe in the future i will switch to weightlifting altogether. who knows
Enter: The Power Shrug
Then that's all that matters, what exactly are you expecting us to say? No, because they're not as fun as you think? Lmao. Kind of hard to rebut fun as a reason.
Danial Zamani is posting again, he has a shirted bench press with 375kg posted and a raw bench fail with 345kg posted. This guy made huge headlines when he allegedly benched 804 raw 2 years ago but he can barely do 800+ in a shirt. Nobody raw benches near their shirted bench. Idk why none of the talking heads are discussing this; He stole the 800lb bench press from Julius and all the glory of it and he clearly used fake plates since he can barely do 800 shirted.
I would cum in your tight little ass hole so hard
Wasn't experiencing some personal problems? Could have detrained. Not that I think he's legit either. What bench shirt was he using, do you know?
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What a pathetic sport.
mirin king
Found the bench shirt video, no clue what shirt he's using but not able to touch even with no belt and lockout didn't seem particularly difficult. I think that's not unreasonable for him given his raw bench. My best equipped bench was 425 when I did 385 raw.

Wonder if I could have gone higher desu. It didn't feel particularly hard outside of my erectors screaming at me. The silver dollars maxed out at 937 too so I only had 120 lbs to go.
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great vid bob
>true blacks
crts just keep on winning
that 70" TV cost me $40
Based booby
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>when you nut but rabbi keeps goin
Reverse shitter fartered his ass
red face? how mad were you??
I said "take THIS, anonymous poster on 4chan!" out loud
I kneel.
Silver dollar plus a deadlift bar is extra dumb.
Domination. I stole four of their lineouts and it was so disruptive they threw away from me so much they were penalized three times for not throwing down the tunnel (so call that seven steals). Not as offensive dominate as I would have hoped (zero trys and two assists), but I made such a defensive impact that I was unanimously nominated from both teams as Man of the Match! Going to celebrate with some whiskey and coke and get back in the weightroom tomorrow.
Congrats guys

Seeing you lift in powerlifting comp plates is weird

Coke 0 right? haha
>Coke 0
Get out of my walls.
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Good work, strongfrens.
I know things. Also congrats brother
>t. knower
Yes. The coke hierarchy is real sugar>zero>hfcs>diet.
Thank you; I'll support your noche brethen tonight, minus Grasso
stop replying to namefags
Good shit senpai

Ty frens
post a timestamped video of your sbd total and if its more than twiggys ill do as you say
>try to fit in by repeating the fuck name/tripfags meme (despite not being relevant in this thread)
>don't know the difference between tripfags and namefags
Just keep lurking.
>minus Grasso
Bro what, she's the cutest, i'm getting hammered on gin tonight for grasso

I know you want to namefag too
what if i weigh half as much as him but lift 80% as much as he does
Only powerlifters are allowed to use a trip in this thread.
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Thank you, thank you.
Sorry, dude. It's White girl summer.
Fair to both of you
Strongman is nearly powershitting stupid at this point
>thinking ortega would win
lmao have you not seen lopes' last fights?
You're new. It happens.
Never trust an Ortega, rookie mistake
Good point. The person who didn't understand the difference between a trip and a name is a certified oldfag.
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I kneel... It is indeed white girl summer
0 reps in the webm
Do I really need shoes if I can lift barefoot? Is the heel elevation strictly necessary for perfect form?
Do I really need a belt? It's not like it's made of contractile tissue.
Do I really need micro plates? There's a half kg discrepancy in a couple of my 25kg plates anyway. Can I not just do 100kg for 6-8 reps when I'm unable to progress to 105x5? I'm trying not to yndtp but I'm also trying not to pay 6170 moneys plus 6-8 years shipping time.
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Reminder that Clarence Kennedy drinks a liter of onions milk a day and is still stronger than you. There's literally nothing wrong with onions milk and it's the highest protein plant milk with 50% more calcium than cows milk.
Every day
>Do I really need shoes if I can lift barefoot
only if youre competing. otherwise do as you please
>Do I really need a belt?
if you can brace like a chad, no
>Do I really need micro plates?
a pr is a pr
hes also a cruiser
You forgot to mention he does liter of roids
So since i stopped squatting my lower days are really short, any suggestions what should I add. Maybe more ohp
Yeah, soi really isn't a problem unless your eating impossible burgers where it's something like a literal million times more plant estrogen. And even then it's hard to say the impossible burger is also mostly not food so we're looking at a shitty diet and plant estrogen effects together.
But actual milk isn't a problem either and it has more nutritional density than soi milk.
we saw your thread, thanks for the spam, jackie tran can use it to make musubi
>we saw
No i didnt speak for yourself
after some normal and innocent web searching I have determined that Figgy sent this man to ruin my day. A second rep of the log would have won the comp also.
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should have just banged out a third immediately. I underestimated the time it took to walk over to the bar and strap in with this style of strap. Rushed the restrap and ended up a little off balance. Didn't matter, other guy put up 3 really easy and probably had 5+
Even with the flubbed first bag and not getting the third I still had the fastest 2 bags and I don't think getting the third by that point would have made a difference. Tlaw reminded me we received Cerberus coupons at another comp recently so I should just buy a bag and fill it to 55 and throw it every day.
smoked everybody on this one, made up the vast majority of points here
What happened to figgy actually? I havent seen him in a while.
Had to win this event outright to win the show but the other guy just did it flawlessly. I never even hit all 3 bags in training and felt this was pretty snappy but still 8 seconds too slow. Need to make a point of getting out the 330 I have more often.

I made a run at the 350 "money bag" for $100 cash and a year membership to the gym immediately after this but I pulled it up to knees and gassed out.
he teaches economics on TikTok
theres a whole lotta bbws over there if im being honest with you (nice comp btw)
fr fr?
he really does it? like do you have an actual tik tok?
holy fuck it is real
>a few hundred views on tik tok
Poor guy...
>I should just buy a bag and fill it to 55 and throw it every day.
nah, just find a 24-28kg KB off of marketplace
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he eats eggs on tiktok
Good vids. Smart guy.
he's genuinely sub 80 iq. we still stan though
iq is not real chang
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any strongman program recommendations for a noob looking to get into the sport?
Imagine being dumber than an 80IQ
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Hey everyone,

Has anyone here tried the TSA 9 Week Beginner program? I'm really interested in hearing about your results. Could you share what your starting stats were and what you ended up with after completing the program?

If you’re not familiar with it, here are some videos that explain the program:

Introduction to TSA 9 Week Beginner
Review and Results

I’d love to hear your experiences or any advice you might have!
Sean I've been having very high volume poops lately. They pile up above the water and smell bad. Diagnostics?
We call that a Sunday Morning around here.
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Good work, smiggy. Very fast on yoke and frame.
Don't converse soles feel squishy with that much weight on you?
Any lifts that are good for building quad mass that don't put lots of stress on the knees? Knees (patellar tendons) have been screaming while doing back/front squats so I'm planning on giving them a rest for 1-3 months.
tampon removals
leg extensions
Have you tried strengthening the patellar tendon?
kang squats
nothing, im not even joking. Just stop squatting my life has been so good since i stopped and my dl is skyrocketing.
Destroy the Opposition you pick squat or deadlift to specialize in.
>Destroy the Opposition
any pdfs online? didn't find anything on a quick google search
It was in the pastebin but I see it is not restricted access so you need to issues an apology to The Keeper Of Information.
how do you lern how to front squat?
>Just stop squatting my life has been so good since i stopped and my dl is skyrocketing.
Considering this. Wanna do steep/fast hikes often for cardio anyway
my football coach showed us
>any pdfs
There used to be...

Three pdfs for the calisthenics under the sky,

Seven for the manlet powerfliters in their halls of iron

Nine for Strongmen doomed to die,

One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Blobby where the fat lie.
One Drive to rule them all, One drive to find them,
One Drive to bring them all and in the pastebin bind them.
In the Land of Blobby where the Fat lie.
It's still get to able. It's only the all in one link that's locked.
>knee sleeves on the shins when the lift starts at the knees
I didn't want the bar to get caught on my knee sleeves and didn't feel like taking them off fully since I was going to keep them on for all the other events.
I admire how you autists have kept this general alive for so long
I used to lurk in the Supermong, Isley, Trappychan days
So you must be really strong? Thats like 10 years of lifting
Wiped his ass.
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Sprayed his oldfag butt
programs not really, this is what I do

thanks, it's interesting being the "fast one"

nope, just about perfect flatness and thinness with enough cushion to not beat up my feel too bad.
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>Average sumo puller physique
Hah, I wish. Time to cut
Any of you guys have a good public Spotify playlist when you need motivation for ID?
Anything by Lana Del Rey
Anything by Utsu-P
Twink is both a mindset as well as a physique
Anything by Sabrina Carpenter
Anything by Houshou Marine
Chappell Roan's music
I just listen to vtubers
Anything by the Baha Men
I liked her armor and I like when Kaminari Clara sings her songs
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move aside faggots
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Went to Western Euros

Represented GB

Was injured on week 2 of my training, did 2 equipped squat sessions

Bombed on squat
Bombed on bench
Did 2 deadlifts and missed 3rd

Solid day out, had a great holiday. Don't tell the GB team I went Scuba diving the day before I lifted. I dived a wreck, shit was so cool. Was in the engine room of a sunk ship. Was proper freezing in there despite the regular sea being warm af.

See you niggers when I am training properly again
This has been screenshotted and sent to parliament. Enjoy prison, chud
Before or after he taught you to back squat on his cock
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IPF basedboys
genuinely shocked by how every guy except for far right look like the bong meme.
Glad you had fun georg
wth? since when did weakman become a bong?
He doesn't look like a classic bong because he's... A Spaniard Lel. A spanisher who lives in England. Like when I represented Australia, despite being a bong
Are you the fat fuck in the middle
Damn Isley, well there's always next time
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>can't box squat
>can't white light
xir was right all along
Diddly 3x5x4pl8
Weighted Chins 3x5x+25kg
Bent Over Row 3x10x1.5pl8
GHD Weighted Back Extension 3x10x0.5pl8 (barbell on back)
Machine pull down 1x6x3.5pl8, 2x8-12x3pl8

Stuffing my face. Looking visibly fatter.
Winter is coming.
far right looks like frank
damn nigga how new are you?
>Bent Over Row 3x10x1.5pl8
way too light go for at least 2pl8s next time or 3x15
I've done 3x5x2pl8 from the floor, I could progress that and let the form become increasingly bombastic or I can tighten it up and do it from a hang with a deep stretch at the bottom as I did today. And it's after DL and weighted chins I'm taking down to doubles so I'm not gonna move much weight anyhow.
Strict prone leg curls or make them a little like a reverse hyper for extra hamstring work after sumos and sldl?
Say hi to Rajiv and wish him well
>Bombed on squat
>Bombed on bench
>Did 2 deadlifts and missed 3rd
a fine representation of GB if I do say so
When was the last time Isley managed to make a total?
February of this year. You can just check open powerlifting.
What did i do?
>isley posts
>thread is kill
he never learns

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