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/fit/ - Fitness

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Why aren't you jump roping, /fit/???
jump rope now!!!! It will change your life!!!
It is the ultimate cardio for confined spaces. I'm just too thin as it is so I've been avoiding all cardio as of late.
it hurts my balls
>inb4 just wear tights bro
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No bro!!! you gotta hang, that will change your life!!
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NGMI if you're not crawling like a baby 5 times a week
>Why aren't you jump roping, /fit/???

I can't jump right I either jump too high and explode my feet or I can't time it. Jump rope is for naggers and women because their brains are smaller and more suited for rhythm based actions
Y’know. I have a tall enough fence. I’m gonna do these when the sun comes up more
When will normies understand what POV means?
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But I do. In fact I started my /fit/ journey years and years ago when, on a whim, I got a rope and started jumping. I still vividly remember the DOMS i got after the first week. Yeah, DOMS from jumping rope, that's how weak of a faggot I was
I do. I'm the only one that does it in my gym.
I mean it does help alot with standing posture and tendon health.
Shit excuse, do cardio, eat more
I have bad knees
>skipping at home = based
>skipping in the gym = cringe
you're the only one who does it in your gym because the rest of the people are socially aware enough to know it is a disturbance to the gym vibe, just like shadow boxing and olympic lifting
skipping is good in a boxing/muay thai gym, just like shadowboxing. olympic lifts are good in a weightlifting club/crossfit box.
regular gym is for regular lifts for regular people
do you also watch tiktok reels on your phone full volume in public?
I don't give a single FUCK what you smarmy, socially maladjusted weaklings care about I'm going to fucking SKIP at the fucking gym after a work out for my cardio and you can suck my fucking dick.

You aren't going to stop me.
The BITCHES won't stop me.
The STAFF wont' stop me.
(YOU) Deserve death for being a fucking loser.
I'm going to skip EVERY FUCKING DAY, and I hope it makes you mad.

See, (YOU) have to worry about what gay little women and men think at the gym. ME? I'm fucking free, free-er than you will ever be. I'm going to use my rope, I'm going to do my burpies, I'm going to curl in the squat rack, I'm going to do my weighted pull ups, I'm going to do my OHP. I'm going to lift, YOU are going to cry about what you think is "acceptable" at the gym. I don't even wipe my fucking bench, but (YOU) probably do, don't you you weak FAGGOT.

Stay mad you cut dick faggot. Never (YOU) me again you fucking disgusting inbred freak. (YOU) don't even lift.
Also FUCK regular people. Regular people make me sick with how fat and weak they are, I'm fucking not normal so fuck out of my way while I skip my fucking rope.

*thwap thwap thwap thwap thwap thwap thwap thwap thwap thwap thwap thwap thwap thwap thwap thwap*

That's the sound of me getting stronger than you.

*thwap thwap thwap thwap thwap thwap thwap thwap thwap thwap thwap thwap thwap thwap thwap thwap*
Yeah. ...`cept my ceiling is too fucking low so the rope hits it
>people are socially aware enough to know it is a disturbance to the gym vibe
>ugh le noisy noisy make me hurty hurty, think of my le feefees
lol next workout i'm going to blast the air bike at max intensity and make that strong wind noise echo through the entire place just to spite clinically autistic people like you, get the fuck out of my gym you socially autistic freak
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I just bought a jump rope this week. I'm still pretty shit at it and can only go for like 45 seconds max before the rope gets caught but it's a huge improvement from day 1 already. I'm aware that I'm jumping too high as well but I don't know how to solve that yet
But I am. Every lunch break I jump rope. Portability is one of the real benefits of the rope. Lets you keep a flexible schedule. Nothing beats flexibly choosing between jumproping and hanging myself
Because I suck at it. Tell me how to not suck and I will suck you
I tried weighted jump ropes a few weeks ago

My calves and quads were destroyed. I had trouble walking for avout 3 days. Recommend 10/10.
it didn't do anything for me other than getting better at jump rope.
>come back from lunch sweaty af
Holy based
Tbf jumping high ain't bad, it's just a different way to use it, more plyometric. For going lower, one thing that kinda helps me is to tighten the core and think of it not so much as jumping, but as shifting weight from the ball of one foot to the other.

Also thanks for the cute maid. She's mine now.
Most autistic Chad itt
i count as well. 1 to 8 works best. do that and focus on the slap and my breathing and the count. your body is lazy so eventually you get faster and don't jump as high as it is more efficient and uses less energy. the type of rope makes a difference too, bearing speed ropes are way easier for low quick jumping as opposed to swinging ye ole leather round and round as it is a lot slower so you must jump higher to clear it.
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Thanks. Yeah I guess the goal is to eventually be able to do all the cool boxer tricks but mainly I just want 30 minutes of good cardio. The coordination and rhythm will come to me eventually in the next few months
I can do one leg, high knees, L to R, forward and back, side to side, 360 but I cannot double or cross over. Any tips, anons?
5'9", 230 lbs
Too fat to jump rope?
Can you do it on something soft?
it makes the arches of my feet ache so I prefer cycling. maybe something is off with my form idk.
>inb4 fatty
I'm 62kg..
Use rubber mats. I prefer to and I am only 170# You don't need to kill your knees and it makes your rope/cable last longer. Plus it is quieter.
Your shoes or form need addressing.
takes a few weeks to condition your feet and shins. did mine anyway.
i made a platform using 1.5m by 1m marine ply and put rubber feet on it. it was sort of like a spring board.
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its a bit clickbaity isnt it?
if you look at his channel, it's like every exercise will transform you or something

which is true. but you could substitute his whole channel with a 3 seconds video that says "exercise is good for you"
That is every fitness e-celeb. Fitness is solved, everything else is just personality.
i guess their content is for newcomers
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Sancta basado
I'm too poor to buy rope so i just jump without one
>regular gym is for regular lifts for regular people
the gayest fucking thing I've ever read. My gym exists for the expressed purpose of getting ME as jacked, stacked, succulent and dense as humanly possible. I'm gonna do power rows, I'm gonna do kettlebell snatches, I'll do my O-lift, I'll do my shadow boxing, I'll bring a buddy to wrestle on the sledpull mat. You cannot stop me, faggot.
Desk job, no big deal for me, plus I keep the sessions short. 20 min rope interval, 10 min catching my breath.
It's more than just jumping bro. Your arms get a little exercise from it too.
based kween poster. hope you get some chocolate milkies today
especially if you get a heavy jumprope. they're crazy exhausting
I am glad you passed the first test. Also glad that my trolling has become subtle and discreet enough to still work.
Skills like these don't take years but decades to hone.
Anyway, carry on and you're all going to make it.
t. the anon who made the normiefag post who also does olylifts in spandex dick bulging tights, grunts like a gorilla, slams shit, leaves sweat snailtrails everywhere and freaks out the normies
another good way to assert physical supremacy in the gym is full tilt balls to the wall sprints on the curved treadmill
My back was sore when I first started
Unironically crawling is harder than you think and supposed to be good for the joints
Not crawling like a faggot like this guy, bear crawling or that kind of crawling where you go low to the ground
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no, YOU go rope yourself!
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I've started to incorporate it desu. This guy has a crawl routine that synchs perfectly with his hip mobility routine which I've been really liking:

also wanted to say it feels pretty damn good on the shoulders, wrists, and hips after a long time of being sedentary. I refuse to do butterfly stretches without doing the animal movements first, it just warms and loosens my hips up so damn good
>i'm a retard on purpose!
oldest trick in the bookarooni
I literally do. It's a really good skill to have and I've gotten more compliments from it than from lifting so far
How long did it take
bit swarthy but I'm put some dick to her I reckon
I started practicing it late last december everyday for 10 minutes and stopped doing it daily in early February.

So long as you do it for about 10 minutes each day for about a month you can easily go from beginner to advanced. It sounds like bs but that is literally how fast it took for me; it will likely take you the same amount of time as long as you're not overweight. Just be sure to land on your forefoot/toes.
Put in the wrong reply number whoops
you are all too easy to troll
read over the post again and imagine someone on fit thinking like that
But I do. I just did.
I can't do that. I need to learn advanced rope jumping.
I too have bad knees. It is not that bad at all. I also do a few rounds of shadow boxing (5x2 min) to warm up. Almost no impact and pretty intense.

That is if you don't have access to a rower or an assault bike.

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