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> just natty bodybuild bro
that’s good enough for 95% of women.
>inb4 i dont lift for women
you are the male equivalent of make up and yoga pants whores saying “i dress this way for myself”
He looks better than you
lol he has good body already
but what about that 5%?
Well? Let's see OP's physique!
Actually lookin good anon don’t doubt yourself
Once again, lack of neck and traps ruins his physique, especially the lack of traps.
Also, wearing women's glasses doesn't help.
i ain't much of a bodybuilder but I am wanting to get some nice gains, been working out for the past 6 months and got down from being a 270 fatass to a 205 fatass. lol
Get a hair transplant, contacts, and start mewing easy
who cares
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Natty bodybuilding gives you the perfect body aesthetically and functionally? Damn op, you really showed them natty fools
>you are the male equivalent of make up and yoga pants whores saying “i dress this way for myself”
>who cares about getting the hottest 5% chicks
everyone who isn't gay like you cares
Hardgainer seems like a stretch here if natty
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He has a good body but his head is too small because he was probably malnourished as a child.
u walk around without a shirt on all day???
retard no one sees ur fizeek get real
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Turns out face makes a huge difference.
sexy chud
>Bro, I can't at 20 pounds of muscle in 6 months. I must be a hard gainer

Billions must lift
he looks great?
needs more arms and shoulders
i also have a small head like the OP picture
don't think it's because of malnourishment, just a genetic thing because my entire family on my mom's side has small heads too

he should cope with longer hair and a beard, adds a few inches
He should do it in thus order
LEFORT3 with CCW rotation and genio (this is bread and butter of hardmaxxing should fix most problems associated with facial reccesion such as forward growth,long philtrum, thin lips, Jew nose, eyebags and some other stuff)
Than I would do a hair transplants, supraorbital fat grafts, lip filler and whatever the ear operation is called
>Mfw can't decide if OP is supposed to be black or white pill
>i lift for health, im not vain i dont need attention like how women do
Also everyone:
>nobody can tell i lift when i am natty and lean :crying: :crying: :crying:
If you ignore the face, his body looks great. If you don't think so you just have roidtranny standards.
>hard gainer
>can't eat enough

These people are almost as retarded as the fat fucks who can't lose weight.

Nigga just eat more food it's really not the difficult.
his face is fine, he just looks dead inside and his haircut and glasses make him look like a huge goober. you guys are crabs. I bet this guy has a wife and kid by now or is on his way to. much better than you freaks for improving himself.
Op gonna post his body yet?

Dubs and he dies
Retard. I lift for the only people who can appreciate musculature... Men.
>large nipples
Is there a bigger cosmetic nerf than this?
Heavy 3pl8 and over smith machine shrugs
It's not the hottest 5%. It's a random 5% who really like muscles with the same distribution of attractiveness as the other 95%.
still mogs 95% of /fit/
His brain is broken by lookism garbage that they all make up themselves and anyone who doubts it is automatically labelled some sort of bluepilled. They've taken it so far they've ended up hitting themselves in the head with a hammer - you can't make this shit up - in an attempt to stimulate bone growth, because even theoretical microscopic growth in the brow ridge is supposed to make you look so much better. I mean it's the fucking dumbest group of people you could ever imagine using the internet. I know the vast majority of them are teens but, like they should all be on a watchlist automatically. I wouldn't be suprrised if it turned out a ton of school shooters all posted in the same forums.
It's because they don't take accountability. It's ironic because it's the same group that constantly screams "women don't take accountability" yet they refuse to admit that being terminally online, chronically masturbating, and avoiding all human interaction is the reason why they get treated like weirdos. According to them it's never their fault, if it's not their height it's their face, if it's not their face it's the fact they weren't born rich, if it's not money then it must be women's fault. These "people" are impossible to reason with, and should be put in a psych ward before they rape someone.
he looks as muscular as me and I'm fat
does this mean he's more muscular than me or me?
that face is not good for any women, guy is fucked
He looks like Paul Bettany, dumbass just needs to drop the glasses and grow out his hair
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My face looks exactly like his. Please be honest with me, how over is it for me? I really need to know how this face rates. Is it a deal breaker?
Go outside, touch grass. His face couldn't be more average.
his face is perfectly fine. He looks retarded because of his expression, haircut, and glasses.

It's mostly the mismatch between the body he has and a face of a nerd.

If he got rid of those ugly ass glasses and grew out his hair he'd look 10x better
Ok so you're saying it's not an advantage nor a disadvantage? Just average? Still salable with good physique and personality?
Somebody tell this nigga to do more arm/shoulder work. I've never seen a more torso-dominant physique in my life holy shit.
The dude is OKAY, he just needs to grow out his hair. Girls would crawl on him if he did.

It's over because you are here on /fit/ asking that question and also posting that nasty image.
Ok thank you for your honesty
He looks good, just needs to lose the glasses
based and true
Lose the glasses and gets a fade cut and he's all set
He's lasik and a haircut away from being a proper chad
In english?
Looks good except needs trap work
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Lasek or PRK. Lasik is outdated shit.
>My face looks exactly like his
ya but you have those dumbass ears like he does
Actually, fuck LASEK too, go SMILE.
he needs to wax those hairy nipples
and wear headphones for a decade to push his ears in
The small head is good. His clavicles are only average length but smallish head gives the illusion of wider clavicles. Heroic proportions. Large jaw with average or small clavicles looks weird
fucking hell, I literally look like this
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There is always a bigger fish
Goddamn dude, you nailed it right on the head
You really need to get off the internet and go outside anon.
He mogs 99% of all men even with the 4/10 face and big nipples /fit truly is a deranged board
Based and truth pilled.
he would look great if he grew his hair out a bit, took off the faggy glasses and got rid out the chud pout
>no facegains
there are so many guys who look better than this guy, dont know why you guys are obsessed with him
i have never met a person with a "small head" or at least not one where the small head looked ugly. most ugly people look like they have heads too large because of tiny traps and neck. conclusion: train your traps and neck
Pussy obsessed subhuman projecting.
I will get as big and as strong as I possibly can. If there was ever a reason I was doing this, I've long forgotten it. This train has no brakes.
Lack of neck moreso, I'd say. Big traps and a pencil neck would look ridiculous, but you can have a thick neck and smaller traps and still look decent. Neck is like forearms in that even if it is big and everything else is smaller, it's still an indication of a more basic underlying strength, in a way that chest and biceps arent
That's NH isn't it? Looks great here
Lighting and aesthetic are very important
Let's be honest, with a handsome face no one would shit on his body.
just because youre satisfied with mediocrity doesn't mean the rest of us are, lifting for women solely is a pajeet sounding idea. I wish to push my body to see how muscular and strong I can get.
would you still do it if you were the last person on earth?
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>thats good enough for 95% (but not all women)

bro this guy is twice over whats required for the max level of muscle required by women. This guy has body dysmorphia for thinking hes not there yet
You cut out the end of your sentence bro What you meant to say was

>I wish to push my body to see how muscular and strong I can get because I have severe self-esteem issues that makes me feel like I am at war with every other male because of how I was mistreated as a child and getting swole doesnt make the bad thoughts go away like I planned them to so I must continue
yeah I would because I genuinely enjoy it
Youre projecting, I was never mistreated as a child nor do I have severe self esteem issues, I enjoy lifting weights and growing stronger, It is enjoyable.
Really? Girls would literally crawl on him if he got a haircut? Shut the fuck up you bluepilled retard.
How do i fucking train my neck? I am fit and muscular and can bench 2.5pl8 for 8 reps but my face is fucking ugly to the point women don't ever look at me and rather choose to stand on a full bus than sit across from me, and i also have a fuckung disgusting massive gay alien skull and a giraffe neck. Ive been doing neck bridges at home 4-5 times a week for a month now, and my neck has gotten more defined but not fucking thicker by even a sliver (i measure it every week). Give me some neck exercises so i can hopefully stop being a friendless incel loser one day
No gym for your face
This. Dude is a 5/10 face with school shooter autism vibes and dad glasses. He can't fix anything but the glasses and he would probably still squint because bad genetics. It is genuinely over.
He looks good. There's no reason to lift further it won't make him more attractive.
Only powershitters need roids.
why the fuck would you cut your hair that short when you have big ears and a wimp skull?
The second and third sentences are correct. The first is not.
Can't you see he's going bald, retard? Do you like combovers?
his hairline is receding but long hair can cover that like just get a tiktok e-boy hairstyle
Btw lookism was never about roiding like a monkey. It was always about face/height.
The retards who say natty lifting is bad are anti-lookism copers who think roiding does anything (it doesn't)
bro looks like an unit
where's your body OP?
post your body
Hey man i have a gay alien skull and have had that balding hairline since 17 and i tried growing my hair out but instead of getting longer my hair just started to look "bigger" and it looked terrible and my mom told me she is going to kick me out of the house if i don't shave it off si i did. How do i grow my hair out without it looking like shit and making me even uglier?
Lookism =/= roidtrannies

Learn the difference you fucking retard. It's funny your example of hitting yourself with a hammer actually does more to improve looks than shooting roids.
Women don't like roidtrannies if the hammer improves your face even 1% that's still infinitely better than roiding. Safer too.
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this mf gives me all the hope i need to keep thugging it out.
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grow your hair from behind in a way that makes the back of the head vertical instead of curved, then this will hide the gay alien component and prevent people from knowing the exact shape of the back of your head, and perhaps give the illusion of a warrior skull
This hair looks like shit though. Like actually awful. You jump from the fire and into the pan
Ok i guess ill try this, maybe then ill get some friends
you can grow the hair on the sides of your head too
He needs to take the violencepill, it's the only thing that will change your face.

>95% of women
No he's already past the tryhard arc. Your fitness needs to look effortless to appeal to women. They have to think it's just genetic.
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>just hide your features bro no one will know

They know. A girl once told me she wouldn't date me until she saw me beardless because "gotta see that jawline"
kek, they are aware now it's so hecking over for chinlets
Based Chvd
Anon has stage 4 brainrot from looksmaxing forums.
Point to one male in existance who bears PRIME chico, you can't, just a fact.
he's fucking brown eyed dawg
I'm married and 39 with kids. my standards are too high to ever meet any girl worth cheating with and I don't have the motivation to even try. I lift to see what I can achieve and hopefully look pretty good
Ever since I did my first cycle all I want are fat girls. Like chubby to mildly obese. It’s like this animalistic lust that comes out and I can’t help myself.
body is fine just get onto face gains asap
sounds like a really sad existence. have fun "clapping" them bum cheeks dude yeah cool
any big hollywood actor looks better than this guy >>75115356
there is no muscle level "required by women". WHILE NATTY more muscle makes you more appealing, full stop. you can also attract women with complete spaghetti arms but then you need other status attributes or a better face or more height etc.
pointing out that a man with less muscle could still get laid doesn't mean that a man with more muscle won't have it easier.
Post your own body fat faggot
Yeah, when I'm sitting there in the gym, tearing my muscles, I just fantasize about all the girls I'll finally get once I finally get big enough
Honestly, what the fuck is even the point in coming to this board? The guy looks excellent and the ugliest bastard crabs here who don't post body/face will find the absolutely most autisticly small thing to nitpick about and call him ruined. The people here are absolutely insane and have no social lives, guaranteed. Please just kill yourselves.
This. Also the dude looks tall. If he isn't getting puss, then lifting isn't the problem.

Roidtrannies are like always retarded.
Also those hairy nips, if he shaved those fucks and grew his neck some he would look completely different
Unironically good physique
the brown eyes is a nice touch
>bum cheeks
When I say bum
>A girl once told me she wouldn't date me until she saw me beardless because "gotta see that jawline"
If your beard is big enough to hide your jawline you're just being a lazy bum. Trim your shit bro it takes like 10 minutes.
>Lack of traps in a pose where the traps are stretched
Just say that you don't lift
Dude looks fine
Lmao metrosexual ass faggot LOL
>zip beard up in hoodie
>beard get in food
>beard get caught in lathe and rips your face off
trim your shit you homeless bum you dont look manly you look like a degenerate slob trying to hide your lack of chin
Lmao. Sucks to suck fag. Enjoy being a fag, fag. LOL.
just smile nigga. everything else is perfect
He just has a nerdy face and the glasses aren't helping. Slap an 80s porn stache on that guy and get rid of the glasses and he would look manly as hell.
I'd molester his hard manstick with my faggy sucker
this is cope
go look at natural body building competitions. if this guy was natty, he would get first place without even trying.
Not bad

If a vile amgic elf kidnapped whoever reads this and gave them the choice to have their body transformed onto the guy in op or peak fat nikocado you KNOW everyone's picking the guy in the op

It's a good shape
anon wants the guy to saw off his skull bones at the eye sockets and reattach them in a new position
you've never felt the touch of a woman. they're all the same it doesnt matter
He has a good body but he needs to get a better haircut and lose the glasses
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But I just lift to be strong
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I take cialis to maximize gains. I consider myself natty though. I don't use gear
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He just needs to work on neck, traps, side delts, and arms.
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Squintmaxx to improve eye area. Mew to improve lower third.
Nobody is doing 33 correct form, chest to floor, proper slowdown pushups in a fucking minute.
A full range, good form pushup by it's very definition takes more than 2 seconds to do.

They are either referring to the floor humping bullshit or are taking numbers out of their ass. Either way the entire infographic can be discarded as nonsense.
Unfortunate reality:
80% of ALL women have the same standards (or delusionally higher) as that top 5% of women. If you can attract an 5/10 or higher women, you can attract top 5% women, easily. The only problem when you pursue really hot women, is that there's more competition.
Just because a 9.5/10 woman doesn't find you attractive, that doesn't mean any 7/10 women will either, even if you're looksmatch with a good career.
no girl has given me a bad reaction when i tell them i am on steroids
if she actually likes you, you can tell her just about anything
insane how people who literally never talked to a single woman aside from their mom know so much about them, lmao
he looks good desu you should have posted that broscience guy dom whos been natty lifting for over 14 years and looks DYEL as fuck.
blackgymmax called this guy a subhuman and now he's seething kek.
Nice try, I'm married.
But I'm sure you'll find your soul mate who loves you for who you are and looks past your physical faults! Hypergamy doesn't exist, so just keep putting yourself out there and being yourself! :)
Unironically better than 99.99% of humans dead or alive and better than 99% of /fit/.

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