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eat your onions go-i mean guys
Hes right tho
Did /fit/ lie to me?
Buy an ad kike israel
I'm getting real tired of seeing this guy all over jewtube.
>then get off of it
I really should.
He isn't.

Not this time.
So is he right or not? he didn't present any papers meanwhile i've seen papers linked here that came to the conclusion that onions is not good for you.
Most studies will be fake regardless because agrocorps paid for them after the initial ones(which revealed it). Intl fermented onions has less propensity to be estrogenic. If you truly thought that onions didn't lower test then why is it suddenly now included in all labels(along with gluten/gmo) as something that isn't an ingredient.

These are the same people telling you that Sneed oil is healthy for you. Don't belive Kike Israel.
He's right. You guys took the soiboi meme way too seriously. Alcohol has estrogen too.
>Y is bad too, therefore X isn't that bad
i don't care for the musings of a roided up kikelet
>alcohol is directly linked to more estrogen but helps people relax and have sex more often.
>basedbeans arent even a good nutritional replacement outside of making asian girls pretty after many many many many many many generations and selective breeding by the women, the women upon coming to the west then choose men who are not native to their homeland and have a "white fever"

Mike pops antidepressants so i don't really care what he has to say.
Not what i said retard
Yes it is.
i'm going to go on the other end of the IQ bell curve and just day eating too much of anything is bad. Go look at anything in your fridge that's a dressing, condiment, "diary product", etc and if it's multi ingredient, the first one is always basedbean oil. I wouldn't eat a fucking apple 5/6 times a day, why would I eat basedbeans? The safe thing to do it just cut it out and you'll get plenty from eating out and "accidental" consumption because the shit is in literally everything now onions green was a documentary
Can I interest you retards in:

>endogenously produced estrogen in men
It's pretty cool, keeps your fucking brain from frying. Not sure about the anabolic benefits, but estrogen is neuroprotective and if you watch a fucking 20 minute cycle breakdown from MPMD or just read up for and hour on wikipedia *basic fucking human biochemistry* or get a degree in pharmacokinetics, pharmacology and endocrinology, you'll find that estrogen is pretty important and most retards who suffer negative side effects from steroids do so mainly because they kil their estrogen production, thinking
>test good
>estrogen bad
It's like saying:
>protein good
>carb bad
Both are fucking important you retard and you need both. I'm also sick and tired of the whole "scientifically most accurate way to suck on your dick and shoot cum down your throat fitness" bullshit, along with Mike (although I like him as a character, I just am annoyed by the whole movement), but you can't refute a man's argument based simply on the fact that you don't like him. The guy has a degree in sports science and knows his shit; he has absolutely god awful genetics in some parts but managed to fucking climb up on the top of hierarchy, has a succesful business, a faithful wife, friends who like him and work with him, a career in sports (who gives a fuck if he's successful, most of us will never ever even be able to compete, he did) and that in itself is reason enough to consider his opinions and words.

Life isn't as easy as "Test man onky" and "Estrogen woman only".

I feel that /fit/ and 4chan is full of very intelligent people who ride high on being smarter than the average normie, but using that as a drug to numb themselves to the reality of the world. It saddens me, because every almost single anon I've interacted with here seemed more intelligent than the average person I work with in my life, but most of you are just unable to give life a proper try. Stop shitposting and take life seriously for once.
God damn blind leading the blind here. “If it wasn’t true why would so many people believe it?” Great reasoning you retarded goat fucker. Marketing does not indicate truth, it’s just pandering to what people believe

Söi is completely fine for the general pop. If you aren’t allergic it’s fine. The phytoestrogen concerns don’t pan out, they are based on two case studies of a prepubescent boy and an elderly man eating ludicrous amounts of the stuff
>cardio is bad for you
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fuck you
>I feel that /fit/ and 4chan is full of very intelligent people who ride high on being smarter than the average normie
new here?
>bart kay
OK then why are asians so low t?
You're a fucking idiot who thinks people are short on estrogenic compounds in the age of microplastics? Kill yourself, littleraly midwit incarnate. You're being poisoned by every other Comercial product in some way(not just phytoestrogens) and you're still here defending onions. Test levels have been on steady decline for over 60 years.

I'm not eating the onions nor will I allow you to call it "ok" to do so. We already have massive pollution of phtoestrogens and other hormone disruptors in the environment. Significantly more than your body would ever need to ingest.
My point was that the truth has already been revealed and even food distributor and corps won't deny it(when it comes to brass tax of losing sales). It's only on intellectual/scientific levels where they now try to dispute it again with bunk science. It's been replicated with rats already plenty of time. Only vegans like you will pretend it's good for you while coping hard.
Fart Gay is the biggest fucking retard to touch fitness. He's worse than Vshred
Again, that’s just pandering to anti-söi sentiment in the market. Referencing rat studies to assert that a hypothesis is true in humans is knuckle-dragging-tier thinking. I will repeat the only human outcome based data that suggests onions products may have a feminizing effect are two extreme case studies where the subjects were eating absurb amounts of onions every day and were prepubescent or elderly. A case study is an N=1 and virtually meaningless for making population level advisement

Just admit you are retarded and incapable of independent thought. You will absorb and parrot whatever your current information bubble serves up for you if it appeals to your feelings and biases. You are less than useless in an intellectual sense, you are the type of human that is really only good for being a worker ant and I’m sure you do a great job at it. But hang up your coat in the domain of reasoning please it’s not going well for you
Those labels don’t make them lose sales, it just gives them more sales to people who oppose onions
Nta, that's exactly what you said
I'm white and mike is my favorite slavic youtuber. Normally I don't watch slavs, because they have no idea what they are talking about, but he is funny and based.
Wrong, the few slav Youtubers that are out there are all great
>Dominik Sky
>trainer winny
>It's like saying:
>>protein good
>>carb bad
but that's correct. so it must stand
>test good
>estrogen bad
>The guy has a degree in sports science and knows his shit; he has absolutely god awful genetics in some parts but managed to fucking climb up on the top of hierarchy, has a succesful business, a faithful wife, friends who like him and work with him, a career in sports (who gives a fuck if he's successful, most of us will never ever even be able to compete, he did) and that in itself is reason enough to consider his opinions and words.
is that you mike or did he pay you? why the fuck are you riding him so hard?
If they weren't labeled as not having onions, then they would sell less to the health conscious. Fact of the matter is that since the information went mainstream like a decade ago, many more products as alternatives without onions(even vegan/vegetarian). People stopped buying shit with onions in it.
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>I will repeat the only human outcome based data that suggests onions products may have a feminizing effect are two extreme case studies where the subjects were eating absurb amounts of onions every day and were prepubescent or elderly.

There won't be any relevant studies because they won't allow them to be conducted(and have prevented them thus far).

>Just admit you are retarded and incapable of independent thought. You will absorb and parrot whatever your current information bubble serves up for you if it appeals to your feelings and biases. You are less than useless in an intellectual sense, you are the type of human that is really only good for being a worker ant and I’m sure you do a great job at it. But hang up your coat in the domain of reasoning please it’s not going well for you

You're littleraly just a midwit fedora tier retard parroting establishment funded science and establishment narratives. Meanwhile calling me dumb while you're doing exactly what you acuse me. No one intelligent even trusts establishment studies(nor did in the past if they were paying attention), the replication crisis from several years ago was the nail in the coffin. Anyone here with two brain cells to rub together already knows why there is onions laced into basically every product(even when not required). The rat studies and circumstantial evidence alone are more than enough for anyone with common sense. I bet you took the Vax too, lmao.

Yes, just keep pretending you're some paragon of rationalism and some intellectual elite for believing lies meant to assuage midwits like you.

My nigger are onions only bad because of the phytoestrogens? I hadn't heard this stuff before.
Phytoestrognes are the biggest reason by far, but also the fact that it has a tendency for some of it to accumulate in the body(delay in processing). Also, most onions(like corn) in the market is giga gmo farmed in giant crops to be as cheap as possible and processed to absurd degrees(and many processed food will already have some ultra processed onions). If you eat processed foods(lol), then you're already slowly consuming amounts of onions and it accumulates.

If you're eating healthy already then it's not an issue to eat some fermented onions occasionally(like Onions sauce or some tofu). But it's not something that should be part of anyone's staple diet.
>rat studies can be used to confirm hypotheses relating to human outcomes
Retard. Worse yet, retard with an overly inflated ego. Basically the exact archetype you’d expect to see falling deep into conspiracies and paranoia because you’re incapable of parsing information in an ordered way. Your le meme picture doesn’t mean shit

Deploy some humility in your life and just admit you’re waaay out of your depth on this. Idk why faggots like you kick and scream when presented with extremely basic fundamentals in a domain you know nothing about. Animal models aren’t an appropriate basis for making claims about how something interacts in humans. Anyone who says that they are immediately loses any credibility to people who know fuck all about dietetics research

Also, you don’t get to cherry pick. Either you reject all research on the schizo basis that it’s “da joos!!” or you accept research on its merit on a contextual basis. There is plenty of incentive for corporations to shit on söi, it’s a no brainer as it’s a heavy competitor to dairy and a growing competitor for meat. I wouldn’t claim the case studies are a conspiracy because I don’t baselessly distort my reality to conform with whatever makes me feel good or smart or unique or whatever shit is motivating people like you to do so
Imagine unironically taking advice from a 5'4 jewish roidtranny who looks like complete trash
Retards like you are why democracy is sham. It isn't for a Shepard to pay mind to the mindless babble of his flock.
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I eat basedasauce and picrel every single day. I don't give a fuck.
All that text with absolutely no substance other than "nuh uh". You could have just said Shalom instead.

Shalom samefag, try to hide it better next time.
>These are the same people telling you that Sneed oil is healthy for you
Only Americans could come up with retarded conspiracy theories around cooking oil.
Euro cuck too stupid to learn about even something as basic as bromide poisoning. Not that it's the only problem with sneeds. Sneed oils and trans fats are littleraly waste byproduct by big agriculture and people were fooled into eating it.

It's not some conspiracy theory anymore at least, every has known know for decades about this. Imagine being so contrarian that you shill for seed oils here. You must be vegan or someshit.
Oxygen is a plant waste product, and we're just here to clean it up for them.
>Euro cuck too stupid to learn about even something as basic as bromide poisoning
We don't brominate our foods in my country because we're not subhumans. Also, I eat olive oil because I prefer the taste and quality food is the only thing I have to burn my money on. I just don't buy the bullshit I've heard about seed oils.
>every has known know for decades about this
Nice English my American friend, but what exactly do you mean by "this"? Most complaints I've heard is how they are linked to inflammation, but the evidence I've seen has been weak.
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Olive oils are not lumped in with seed oils due to the fact that they are processed in different ways(has been for thousandsof years). Seed oils are extracted using chemical processes. You may not brominate your bread or other foods, but seed oils will always use bromide in their process.
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Remainder that neither onions nor sneed oil schizos have ever posted body.
> links a video of random youtuber screaming over screenshots of canola oil poorly photoshopped over stock images

this is your divine source of misinformation anon? check yourself into a mental hospital bro. can't believe cretins like you are walking the same streets as a chad seed oil consuming superhuman like myself.
>Olive oils are not lumped in with seed oils due to the fact that they are processed in different ways(has been for thousandsof years)
Yes, that's why I decided to mention it. I hardly eat seed oils.
>Seed oils are extracted using chemical processes
That doesn't automatically make it bad, so I think we have to be more specific, and also talk about what levels are left in the food. You're going to find residues of pesticides, heavy metals, etc. in all types of food, and I'm currently more concerned about heavy metals in fatty fish than I am concerned about seed oils until I see some good evidence about the levels in those.
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seed oil is as source of omega 6 and vitamin e , simple
Like this anon said, seed oil persists and accumulates in the body(like many other foods). So the amount of anything(H.metal or Bromide) will be multiplicative over time with consumption. It doesn't matter if something may seem low specifically per serving, it will accumulate.

Heavy metals from fish are definitely another big issue, but that's the tip of the iceberg as far as all fish are concerned. Don't eat any fish that was raised in a farm.
Ok moxyte.

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