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Comrades, do your kettlebell exercises
isnt it really bad for your joints? all those uni lateral movements seem heavy on the spine and shoulder joints
soviet science confirmed that kettlebells strengthens and protects the spine and joints.
As with all things it depends on if you're egolifting. Good, controlled swings as cardio / warmup have been fine for my lower back, even helpful, as I've had a lumbar disc injury that still acts up sometimes.
Yes, comrade
I know it's eccentric of me, but honestly that kind of sinewy physique, with arms that are whip like but well defined, and a torso that's boxy but slim, is kinda what I'm aiming for. It's a build meant for just generally being tough as shit. So I've started doing high tep kettlebell work, and will report on the results.
thats legit. being strong and fit. looking good. having energy and good health.
it's an overrated dumbell, nothing special about it
Went from 210lbs ->174lbs with only kettlebells. Full TGUs are a game changer for anyone who sits most there day. Been exploring Monsterlifts the last couple months and have become stronger than I thought possible using volume cycles.

Been around longer and has made more, stonger men than
what routine? or just random moves?
Any good snatch based routines out there?
Is Pavel Tsarsouline based or a grifter?
He is based
He's certainly not grifting. He's a salesman and hypes his shit up but not dishonestly. Just look at the OP image. It's a very honest statement about how you'll be hard but small. Granted it doesn't end up like that for most kbfags but that's not his fault. The kind of guy who can be hard and wants to be small isn't a large group but the kind of guy who thinks it'll be easy and chooses it for that is.
This is the kind of guy pavel will work for. You really need to read naked warrior cover to cover twice and start doing what he calls gtg with one arm pushups.
How do you personally implement kettlebells? Every now and again I will do a program minimum of 100 swings and 10 Turkish get ups as a finisher
When I was a pavel cultist I did one arm push ups, pullups, and pistol squats all day and used kettlebell snatches as my conditioning.
based and comrademaxxed
Nice, so pretty much greased the groove throughout the day? What does your training look like now? I am and have been running 5/3/1 for a couple years now and might have to get a bit more serious with the kettlebell again.
>Nice, so pretty much greased the groove throughout the day?
Yes. That and high school powerlifting in the football off season.
>What does your training look like now?
Now I'm an SS cultist.
>I am and have been running 5/3/1 for a couple years now and might have to get a bit more serious with the kettlebell again.
Basically what I was doing. It worked for having good bodyweight ratio lifts and infinite energy. Now I like having bigger arms and still being useful when there's weight to carry.
why would I want to lose weight
I was reading about the Grease the Groove training method, which is essentially several small bouts of exercise throughout the day, and I had a realization that this is the method for the 21st century. When I consider how sedentary my friends and coworkers are, and how sedentary I am outside of the gym, it is a brilliant system to keep a person moving throughout the day. I am really going to try an incorporate something at work next week, doing a little something every hour just to keep the blood moving and the muscles active. I swear an hour a day in the gym is good, but it has a hard time combating 17 hours of sedentary behaviour, and small hourly workouts could be the key.
A good girevoy sport program will do a block of snatches. 3-4x/week, do it for time.
I would be satisfied with kettlebells only if it didnt leave your neck small.

Double kb front squats are the best squatting movement ive ever done
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It's not eccentric. Literally every normie begins by thinking "man I don't wanna look like one of those bodybuilder types I just kinda want to be like lean and athletic brah". It's not as appealing in real life though.
He doesn't look like he lifts.
Kettlebells are pretty based tool to have as it takes up way less space for a home gym. I mostly do clean and press, rows, and front squats with my two 24 kg competition kettlebells.
do some light neck bridges
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>isnt it really bad for your joints? all those uni lateral movements seem heavy on the spine and shoulder joints
Clubs, hema/buhurt, staff work, maces, kettlebell, Bulgarian bags etc are all good at distracting joints. Think about dead hangs but better.
>good at distracting joints
what did he mean by this?
putting the joint in traction, eg pulling it open, versus compressing it. An overhead press compresses the ac joint. A club swing or dead hang or hand to hand kettlebell swing distracts it.
you keep using that word, I don't think it means what you think it means
okay you win
>Controlled Randomization
I mostly use only 1 kettlebell for the whole routine. For monsterlifts I use 3 of the following movements (kb rack position squats, cleans, single arm press, single arm swing, snatch, high windmill) [all unilateral movement, ie, L/R] with the rep scheme '4/3/2' for 3 sets and cycle through move every couple days. I only exercise Mon,Tue/Thur,Fri. I travel for work every day (technician) so I keep a 30lb kettlebell in the truck. When I get home I use the 40lb for TGUs
Volume cycles with weekly waving intensity
L Reps / R Reps x Sets
Start low, 5/5 x 3, and walk it up one set every workout. At the start of the next week, drop down and start 2 sets below where you ended the last week.
whats not appealing about being agile and strong?
cool. looks like an interesting routine. combining movements is something ive been experimenting with as well. ive been doing: snatch weight to top, press, reverse lunge, high windmill, lower weight.
S&S is a meme

Geoff Neupert's King Sized Killer, snatch only program (boring asf but gets your snatch RM up the roof)

Best routines are Joe Daniels KBOMG, Neupert's The Giant / KB Strong / Dry Fighting Weights, and Keith Weber Extreme KB Cardio for stamina
>S&S is a meme
I don't know if it is a meme but like 90% of replies on SF forum to literally any problem is "do S&S". They basically thinks it's going to solve everything. It's just two exercises which one is kinda useless.
A&A is a better program, if you want a Pavel program.
I don't train hardstyle, also don't like Pavel's work that much. Only did ROP in the past with questionable results. I generally don't believe when people post about the results and don't provide proof.
>yeah, I totally packed 10lbs of muscle with this minimalist program and no, I won't post before and after pics. You have to buy the program/book and do it yourself to really see the results
I always looked at Pavel's more popular programs as beginner programs. Not only beginner in kettlebells but also in training in general. And I reckon they would be good for that. But once a person becomes experienced, or they already have a huge training history/capability, they need something more stimulating. Geoff Neupert's programs are a good next step I find.
Also, a thing that gets missed with Pavel's programs is that they are also designed for people who are already doing other things, not just kettlebell training. If a person is an athlete, competing regularly, and training their sport regularly, S&S is a great addition. Or if they are doing construction or firefighting, already working hard, S&S works great as well. Pavel himself competes and trains in martial arts, thats his sport, and so he looks at kettlebell training as something to help get better at martial arts, not just get better at kettlebell lifting.
Really, if a person wants to experience the true benefits of kettlebells, they should training more similarly to GS. Long endurance with a ballistic movement is what makes them unique. I'm talking sets of 1-5min continuous, or reps 50-100+.
Last winter I autistically read nearly everything Pavel wrote, so ask an questions if you are curious.
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Pavel's Power to the People book is what got me really started in lifting. Just a basic barbell and plates in my backyard, no squat cage, no bench, that shits unnecessary all you need is the weights.

Also I didn't buy the book, I just skimmed it at Books a Million lmao.
I'm running something like this right now. I took a long break from the barbell so I'm building back into it and this is such a great program for that. My program, if you are curious:
Deadlift 2x5
Press 2x5
Pullups 2x some reps not to failure
Cardio 20 mins approx 65% mhr
5 days a week
Dont know how long I'm going to run it but it is nice. I assume, at some stage, I'm going to do separate strength and cardio days.
I've read some of the Pavel's books as well. S&S, Q&D, ROTK so I can actually talk shit about him.
>they should training more similarly to GS. Long endurance with a ballistic movement is what makes them unique. I'm talking sets of 1-5min continuous, or reps 50-100+.
I've been autistic enough to actually get into GS, shit is brutal and very unpleasant to train. But it gives you some sort of acomplishment once you are done with the workouts. First half of the year I spent accumulating volume in jerks. So around 180-220 jerks per workout. Very lovely I muset say. Now I started doing long sets, even more lovely.
Thats great and thats kinda what I do. Pavels very early stuff was like that, very GS inspired. Now he has people doing plyometrics with kettlebell. 10 hard swings and rest for long time. Just do actual jumps and throws. But But long or high rep sets are fantastic. As you say, very brutal and hard, but it gives me endless energy and I move far better.
I don't know if I move better but my endurance went up greatly, strength as well. I think snatches and jerk are great combo and you don't really need much more, maybe some squats and that's it. Or at least for me.
I think once I get to a certain level of my strength phase (this is me >>75124984), I am going to do a kb session once/twice a week where I do long sets of one-arm swings and squat+press. Something like 10 swings right arm, 10 swings left arm, 5 squat+press right arm, 5 squat+press left arm, but do it continuously for long sets. No break between exercises. And as my endurance builds, I will increase the set lengths
swings 10reps -> 15 reps-> 20reps etc
squat+press 5reps-> 8 reps -> 10 reps etc
I think you would be better with ABC program from Dan John. Doing ABC as EMOM is really good stuff that build endurance and strength. Check it out, you might like this.
I will look into it. Thanks.
>If a person is an athlete, competing regularly, and training their sport regularly, S&S is a great addition
I can see this
There's an article on strongfirst about a trainer who took on a pro MMA fighter and trained him with pretty much S&S alone

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