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Why are they like this?
because they want to get stronger
I'll take the fat powershitters over the hoard of zoomer twinks at my gym ANY day of the week.
Don't think anyone would argue with that, anon. The ad hoc circuit run by 8 gays simultaneously, consisting of random reps and sets on randomly selected machines and bench. Low effort on everything other than bench.

Powerlifters are misguided, but their only sin is spending an hour in the squat rack. Which is also my sin, mea culpa.
when I got on /fit/, I saw a lot of hate for powerlifters, I didn't understand why, I thought it was just some blind internet feud. then I met a one at the gym who hogged the squat rack and took the adjustable bench with him, slamming weights and grunting for attention, I finally understood why they get so much hate
You can spend as much time in the squat rack as you want if you have your own rack.
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I hate fat people.
Powerlifting is only acceptable if they are willing to wear chains and drag a plough through my fields as I whip them. Powerlifters are uncivilized scourge and needs to be auctioned at powerlifter sales. They do not deserve rights, do not deserve to own land, to vote, nor to reproduce but for the sole purpose of breeding more powerlifters to push my ploughs on my plantation.
Anything over 3 plates is not slamming for attention
then he's definitely an attention whore because he slams 2 plates while doing less than 5 reps
You started out as experts right?
Because they're lazy and what's described here is by far the easiest form of "exercise" there is.
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>Why are they like this?
Everyone on /fit/ calls you a dyel beginner if you can't do powerlifter weight, so they have to.
zoomzoom got mad
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>walk in
>set up squat rack (I squat every time of course)
>do 5 reps
>take a 5 minute rest
>repeat 5 times
>5 is a holy number
>now that 30 minutes have passed, lower the bar and start benching in the rack for 30 minutes
>oh good I'm finally done
>steal the bench to do skullcrushers
Not my problem
>I got mogged, I finally understood why they get so much hate
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i bet you are fat
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>>5 is a holy number
It seems that most powerlifters are fat but so are most people. I think they're still right about compound barbell lift supremacy and I personally follow the same discipline without being fat.
Not even close. Do you think training like me but lighter for 10-12 is a magic skinny pill? This honestly is a gigantic cope. Even when you look into PL competitions basically none of them are fat until you get to the top weight class.
Yuh. I had a free coach from gym class in public school. He was the expert I just lifted the weights.
Cope. I mog all powersharters
Cope. You shart when you see a powermogger.
I have beat up some powersharters before. Watch yourself
I started out not retarded. 3 days ago some zoomzoom was benching 70 kilo next to me and he barely got 3 reps in, legs wobbling, hips fucking the air, and then he decided to ADD 20 KILO TO THE BAR, almost decapitated himself because he doesn't know how to bail and i had to save his life, no biggie *flex
that was the gayest fake story ive ever heard
You are gay and you smell bad
Have you ever had a man ejaculate in your ass? Yeah I thought not loser
1 x loaf of bread
500g raw honey
500g grape
12 rashers bacon
12 slices black pudding
8 sausages
6 poached eggs
200g butter

This is my powerlifter breakfast
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literally me
A weed like you wouldn't understand
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>volume block day
>resting 8 min between sets
>some dyel zoomer faggot looking over seething
>”Excuse me S-Sir, h-how many sets do you have left?”
>14 and then GPP.
>”C-can I work in with you…?”
What is this the bronze age? No one needs to be strong anymore
>never improve
Post wrist or nose.
I just said no one NEEDS to be strong anymore, how is that an inprovement? Id argue you need to eat more because youre getting heavier which means more money down the drain
I guess not if paying people to do everything for you is viable, but if you need to carry heavy shit up stairs having muscles is badass.
Woman here and I speak for every woman in the world. I wont date men with huge muscles, they look like theyre compensating for something(small cock) and muscles are yucky
>doesn’t post wrist or nose
You lose Jew.
I am an ironworker. Every single day my strength is required and there is no limit on how much is useful. My foreman is much stronger than I and is able to accomplish many more job-related tasks as a result. I want to be a mini-crane.
0.5 kg of honey is diabetes.

Might as well eat half a kilo of table sugar
No, but I learned and didn't waste my time. I and others are in the gym providing good examples. The broccoheads ignore the good examples they're given, so they are judged. I don't know if it's not wanting to be a tryhard or just being too stupid to follow a real program, but, regardless, their approach wastes their time.
It's better to look strong than to be strong
>look muscular
>don't actually pose a threat
lol faggot
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>gets pwned by a martial arts fag that's 45 pounds lighter than him
It's good to be stronger but getting that autismal beyond training for competition is gay. Cardio and muscle endurance matter too.
Let's not get into manlet martial arts fantasies. A better angle is that very early on, getting 'stronger' doesn't improve any facet of your life.
1/2/3/4 is already way stronger than 99% of non-lifters and stronger than at least 90% of lifters.
Squatting 400 vs 500 has no impact outside of the gym
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*teleports behind you*
Nothing personal, kid...
all you had to do is not be a social inept retard and ask "how many sets do you have" or "can I work in".
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This is a great example of the zoomer mindset.
No one gives a shit about blue collar nigs. I spit on them whenever I see them
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>Woman here
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I love walking up on zoomers and they can't even look me in the eye.
Thats probably because you look like a disgusting fat freak you disgusting fat freak
Lower your tone junior or post body.
Post jiggly tits
I would kick your ass if I see you in person.
You wouldn't even look me in the eye lil zoomzoom get your fucking money up.
Reply if angry and brown.
This dude is fucking hot
I'd let him do everything.
I accept you concession.
Back in the corner.

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