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Why are ketolards always fat?
Why are you so insecure? I buy my beef from family friends who run a small farm, they are not certified organic but the cows free range and if we have time they even lower the price if we come and help process. Other than that I eat venison. Admittedly they eat GMO crops but I like being in the woods.
Need to get back into fishing to spend time with my Grandpa before he passes.
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Because of their deficiencies in essential micronutrients like fibre, vitamin c, polyphenols, flavonoids etc

>everyone telling you to not eat carbs is fat
>everyone telling you to not eat fat is slim
it's that fucking simple
Lol. Lmao, even
How are you possibly getting trans fats from that?
>B12, Vit D
ohhh nooo
not that anon but theres a small amount of trans fats in ruminant meat. they might even have some beneficial effects, its the trans fats from seed oils that are really toxic
Why are vegans always insufferable FAGGOTS?
veganschizo thread.
And if microplastics are everywhere that means they are in the soil and also in plants.
because vegan isnt a diet, its a political ideology.
Just like being a faggot isnt a sexual preference, its a political identity.
2 sides of the same faggot coin.
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Don't eat carbs
>>everyone telling you to not eat fat is slim
Plenty of fat people in that camp too. Just lift and stop pushing some fad diet like veganism.
I was under the impression trans fats occurred only from heat and chemical processes.
Keto is gay but veganism is far gayer. Any fad diet is only for a short time period and to make you pay attention to your food and be excited in your diet and pay attention to what you ingest.
Balanced diet heavy on hydration, lean meat and colorful vegetables, low on sugar and PROCCESSED BULLSHIT is the key to long happy life.
why do vegans shill an absurd amount of fiber? i believe that fiber is good for you but the vegan recommendation is grossly way over the top and will just make you retarded from all the serotonin spike, the RDA is fine.
You keep posting this image, even though it's been shown to be retarded multiple times
Fat people are the most interested in dieting. Who could have seen that coming?

Anyway, am 168 lbs @ 5'11". Never went above 180. Planning to go to ~155.
>Why are ketolards always fat?
I'm diabetic I have to be on a keto diet. Sugars and carbs fucking destroy me.
I feel sorry for your hairline
There seems to be conflicting anecdotal evidence on whether keto ruins or restores hair growth.
>False dichotomy
>Carnivore this and that
>Plant based diet
Next to no one is on a carnivore diet except some YouTubers or whatever. Every Omnivorous person eats a plant based diet - in that the bulk of the calories come from plants. The majority of people in the west are overweight and it's because of highly processed carbs and sugar, derived from plants. No one is overweight from eating meat.
Vegan diets are as extreme if not more than the carnivore diet, regardless it's a false dichotomy and a pointless comparison.
>why are the people on what is generally considered a drastic weight loss diet fat?

Man, why can't you just enjoy the mysteries of life with a sense of wonder?
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football is low iq though. that's why a bunch of niggers play it
NFL is literally jews paying nogs to distract White men from the real problems in our country.
nigga though he was doing something by posting this kek
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Reminder that Clarence Kennedy drinks a liter of onions milk a day and is still stronger than you. There's literally nothing wrong with onions milk and it's the highest protein plant milk with 50% more calcium than cows milk.
>t. proud to be da based alpha chud
you were under the correct impression
We don't need those, and fibre isn't a nutrient it's technically an anti-nutrient. Vegans get sick because they're malnourished, it's that simple. If it wasn't so obvious that vegans get sick and meat reverses diseases you wouldn't have to spend so much time on your discord server shilling your stupid diet. You're in a losing fight against reality.
You're right the standard western diet is something like 80% plant based. But I eat maybe the inverse, 80% animal foods, so I'm not technically a carnivore but I recognise that nutrition comes from animals. My gf is Greek and I know the culture there is similar they eat a LOT of pork, goat, and fish. Same in France, Italy, and of course east Asia. What's strange is that a lot of the supposed vegetarian "blue zones" used in propaganda eat the most animal-based diets in the world, like Okinawa for example. It's perplexing that people think southern europeans and the japanese are eating salad and grains for meals, they would be in for a massive shock if they visited those places they eat way more meat and fish than Americans.
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OP (Moxyte) is a faggot who's never heard of naturally raised animals
>calling others fat
nice projection
America only eats fat? china only eats carbs? I don't understand....
because it's a fad diet
they get so defensive because they really want to believe that keto it going to help them lose weight
I'm curious about how you're supposed to turn the vegan side into any kind of meal. 22 cups of watermelon and 350g of raw kale? What exactly do you do with this?
>I was under the impression trans fats occurred only from heat and chemical processes.
That's because you're stupid and don't know anything about nutrition, like most people in these threads. You all like to make all these absurd claims about what diet is best or whatever but when we get down to the basics, you literally don't even know what types of fat are in the food you eat. But you think that you know enough to declare one diet as the optimal one? You even think you know enough to promote extreme isolation diets like veganism or keto?

Browsing these threads is like getting a constant lesson on the Dunning-Kruger effect.

>A type of trans fat occurs naturally in the milk and body fat of ruminants (such as cattle and sheep) at a level of 2–5% of total fat. Natural trans fats, which include conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and vaccenic acid, originate in the rumen of these animals.
Weird how you didnt answer the question
Could tell by the flat undefined look
Thats not how you use the word evidence
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>The one that pushed bug eating is the same that pushes anti keto propaganda

Color me FUCKING surprised
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>absolutely seething
so the anti keto is a bro bug food movement? cool
>why are x
at least have some variety in your single sentence threads cmon
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nordic as fuck posting
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No thanks
hell yeah
Don't forget the pound of bok choy. I think that's $1 a pound at my grocery store.
am I lower iq or something because I just can't wrap my head around the rules or anything
The only argument ketoniggers have is a straw man. How about some peer reviewed studies with results that are actually replicable you dumbfucks?
I always have to shake my head when I see this picture. 90% of prussians these days are mixed raced slavs, nothing white about them. Even their names sound eastern.
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Yeaha and I bet every other poster here buys their beef from their local cattle rancher's small farm, small batch, organic whole-grain-fed supercows .
Just about all chicken and beef are free of hormones and antibiotics.
They probably eat an excess of food, just like people who eat what they because the drink diet or zero sugar soda.
If it’s a whole food I am eating it. Keto/vegan argument is retarded as they are both inferior diets. If you want to be strong and healthy you will eat Low GI whole food forms of carbohydrates, meats, dairy, eggs and lots of vegetables as god/nature intended. Buy high quality food, unmolested by modern food science and disgusting forms of food processing and your body will thank you.

Keto freaks and weak vegans are both disgusting and unwanted.
It's almost as if eating some vegetables would actually be beneficial.
>organic whole-grain-fed
Your retarded logic aside, healthy cows eat grass, not grains.

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