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/fit/ - Fitness

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For a bit of perspective, normies consider this “jacked.” You don’t need to be any bigger.
you don't "need" to be dyel Mr gupta
He's not jacked but I love the guy.
t. /k/ommando that finally watched "The Wind That Shakes the Barley" recently.
Still need to watch Oppenheimer.
we've got to the point where the majority of adult's bodies are so fat and sloppy that anyone who is not fat is deemed 'jacked'.
He looks old as FUCK
Pretty much. Well defined pecs in a tshirt? Jacked.
He is almost 50.
Damn. Based on this picture I would have him pegged at 65-70. Maybe it’s just because I look super young for my age idk but some of these white folks age like milk
He is Irish, so assume Vitamin D deficient and barely functioning alcoholic.
He is almost as much a shitskin as (You).
>according to basement dwelling forum, pale skinned, blue eyed, blonde and redhead people are not white
I am done with this website.

You have lookism-induced brain damage.
We will not miss you. Irish are the nogs of Yurop. Cursory glance at history will prove it. Bongs are cunts though.
according to the inventors of the term white, irish people are not white.

It's in the historical tomes
imagine lifting just to look jacked to normies
>Literal matriarchal cannibals
oh no, No, NO
Headhunters. Deal with it, brown boy.
A tight shirt is all you need?
>The Wind That Shakes the Barley
GOAT tier film anon.
guess its easy to call yourself young looking when no one knows what the fuck you're supposed to look like, nigger. you don't look human, you just look like a sentient gignatic turd
So you haven't read any actual history.
He looks like an elf next to other people.
Drones have killed warfare. I know the old generals said that about machine guns but this shit is both /k/ino and gay as fuck. Some fucking zoomer who cannot even do 10 pull-ups can have 50+ kills and not even know how to sight a rifle or where to stab with a bayonet or how to throw a grenade.
did this guy age 10 years in 2?
Is there a term for when someone makes a claim so ridiculous that it can't possibly be sincere, yet somehow it still manages to compel armchair experts to attempt to justify or explain that claim with made up bullshit? I see it all the time where someone will just say the stupidest shit imaginable and then it gets a dozen replies from people justifying it or trying to very passibly disagree by compromising or conceding. It's like the mere act of claiming something to be true will get retards to bite, no matter how stupid it is.
Wow he has grey hair
He looks decent to be fair. Not jacked, but far more aesthetically pleasing than the average gymbro.
Sometimes "the big lie", sometimes shitposting.
Normies also believe in the Holocaust and that Osama was responsible for 9/11.
/fit/ called me dyel and my gf/family told me I am getting too big

Social media, and jealous people anonymous over the internet, can easily fuck up the perception
Don't take what the retarded spicjeets say on here too seriously
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>normies consider this “jacked.”
We're not aiming for what normies consider "jacked"
Ye we are
Fit would have my thinking I’m a dyel twink but in the wild I get told I look strong and fit. It’s all a matter of perspective I suppose.
peasant mindset
>ermmm ur not allowed to have fun anon
Kek this. I hate dyel skinny fags with 8% body fat that larp as ripped dude. Like nigga when was the last time you deadlifted? Niggas are Auschwitz maxxing
Everyone on here is compensating for a warped worldview lmao. Wonder how that happened.
It's the same for calisthenics twinks that have "jacked abs" and 11" arms. Nobody is impressed by your 20 pull-ups, you weigh 100lbs. Start squatting heavy and bulking and you might start growing some hair on your chest
Why would I have to imagine it, retard?
It's okay fatty, I'm sure there are plenty homosexuals impressed by your glutes
there is more to race than skin color. they are northern australoids. west cromags. their genetics is heavily corelated with redheadness. irf4 is genetic marker for them. eastern euros have their own cromags. smaller chinned, look like bit chinky australoids. think of caveman looking ruskies with snubbed noses. rugged skulls equal rugged uncivilozed behavior and low aesthetic sensitivity. other primitive race among so called better races is siberian tungid. panfaced, slit eyed big boned mongol-orc, very different from gracile and elegant orientals proper. also if you want source of real nordic angelic race then its globular amphora not steppe niggers.
so did gunpowder in a way. axes, swords and spears are more bloody and manly than guns. but who cares. war sucks and violence is both unclean and animalistic.
Blacks have lower IQs so tend to say dumb shit
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Yeah, it's called "bait"
>be on fit for years
>Wanted to have sex with women
>Was lazy AF, didn't go to the gym
>Get redpilled down the line on women
>Now want to have sex with men
>Actually go to the gym with regularity
>Now I'm in the process of making gains
Thanks /fit/
are you retarded
Imagine caring what normies think, if I ever did, I've have killed myself 25 years ago.
Giving a fuck about normie opinions is worse than death, because normies are retarded niggers.
There is help to get, anon. You don't need to remain a seething fatty mcfat forever. I believe in you

Remember 1/3 of Americans are overweight and another 1/3 are obese. You're ahead of 2/3 of Americans just by being a healthy weight. You put on a bit of muscle after 6 months in the gym, so your chest and arms have some definition. You're now top 10%. It's that easy.
Meh irl height and size mogs who gives a shit about definition if you weigh under 200lbs
Don't mind the eternal angloid. They got raped and muttified by the romans to such an extreme level, that they have to overcompensate by claiming their whiter neighbours are the real subhumans. This may also be why they choose to fight against real white people in every single war
Holy fatty cope
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>I look super young for my age
He's got small arms, but a decent chest. I wonder why. Some people get muscle implants, you know.
ok they're white trash.
it's not that complicated to say.
I don't live my life for others, why limit myself?
Take the /lean/pill and things will be better
you need to be put in a mental institution, for the safety of everyone around you.
This board is so delusional lmao. He looks great for his age and you don't, that's why he's on tv and you're not.
I lift for autists
I get the bait part, I'm moreso asking about the compulsion some people have to try and explain the bait under the premise that it's actually sincere. Like they're trying to show everyone how smart they are with their roundabout logic, when really they're accidentally revealing how gullible and easily persuaded they are. Just wondering if there's a term for this so I can start buzzwording it ad nauseam. It's almost like reverse psychology but not quite.
Enjoy your body dysmorphia
i dunno, normie standards are all over the place imo. they'll respond positively to a guy like this and pretend he's jacked af but then post aquaman and say he has a "dad bod" like there is no consistency. a lot of it is just bf % i'm sure, but still I guess what do you expect getting someone's opinion on fitness when they have literally 0 knowledge of the subject.
Who cares

Normies think you're jacked as long as you have 14" arms without being obese lol. I dont give a fuck, I bench 2.5pl8 currently and it would make me really happy if I could get that to 3pl8. fuck normies
I thought nordics come from Yamnaya -> Corded Ware -> Battle axe, i am a newbie to race science, is true or not?
He's 5'7". Without roids he probably couldn't get any bigger.
Short people can get more muscle easier than taller people...
Relative to their size yes. They cannot get big though.
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Just be low BODYFAT and have some muscle.
I think I look like shit but then I go out and realise I'm the best looking dude standing next to normalfags. I don't even lift anymore btw I just don't eat garbage.
Pro IRA terrorist slop movie, Ireland prospered under British heel
correction: normies think this looks jacked when they see it in a narrow angle lens photo. irl murphy is a skinny 5'7 dude and nobody thinks he's "jacked" when they meet him.
lmfao the twink dyel 8% body fat is the one scoring you absolute mental troon
When confronted with it you’ll just say some sad cope like "I dont care about bitches I do it for myself (read:males)"
it’s called being a good person
try it if you’re being sincere
Only for the English maybe... for the rest, it's the Eastern European. Especially the gypsies...
at the end of the day I’m puzzled with /fit/ psychology
If you want to prove your virility why would you try to impress other males with an action man body instead of just being lean with visible abs to fuck girls? what is the endgame of looking like a roidtranny except telling the whole world you are insecure?
certain types of desirable women are attracted to jacked men
I have only seen low status white trash superficial stacies attracted to this type of body. Is it an American thing?
>low status white trash superficial stacies
That's my exact type though.
I get you then. Got the feeling it is not the case for most people in this board though
wearing a bra lol
He looks fine. That is the thing with male aging though, its better to have some muscle. If he didnt have muscle, he would look even worse.

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