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They made a new version of their previous video. Exercise still isn't a reliable way of losing weight.
what is according to this fag? Ozempic?
I didn't watch the video but exercise alone isn't enough to lose weight. It takes an absurd amount of cardio to burn even like 200 calories.
Not a reliable source
13:08 minute video just to say dieting.. lol
This. Diet is king.
Mentzer fags are right, diet and rest is basically 90% of gains if you just go to failure properly.
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>don't exercise
Exercise for health, diet for weight loss.
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>still citing the bullshit Hadza paper as their primary source
>To estimate BMR for Hadza subjects, we entered each subject’s body mass and height into age-specific prediction equations developed in a large sample (n = 10,552) from a geographically broad set of populations that includes populations in sub-Saharan Africa [27].
equation predicted BMR lol
>Measuring TEE using Doubly Labeled Water
The military studied this method when developing MREs, and there are caveats:
>When the soldiers move to the location of a field-training study, drinking water with a different isotopic abundance will mix with TBW (Figure 12-1) and appear as a change in elimination rates, leading to errors in the measurement of energy expenditure.
nomadic hunter gatherers that move around over 5 miles per day with no routine might be a problem
>Therefore, in military nutrition studies employing DLW, a control group not receiving isotope must also be studied to correct for background shifts in isotope.
Hadza study did not have any controls

And the most damning part of their study,
>Only farming populations had greater TEE than predicted for their body size. In comparisons among individual subjects, female Bolivian farmers [13] had higher TEE than Western and Hadza women (p<0.001 both comparisons, Table 1), and farming groups (n=3) had consistently greater TEE in population comparisons (t = 2.76, p = 0.006, Table S1) (Fig. 1,2).

If activity doesn't work, then why do farmers systemically burn more calories even when controlling for body mass?
Running burns a lot of calories. 8 miles is somewhere around 1,000 calories, which can be done in an hour with consistent training
It's complete and utter horseshit. Fucking redditors.
>It's complete and utter horseshit. Fucking redditors.

Translation: It doesn't conform to my previously-held beliefs about diet and exercise! Yeah, that's not the way science works.
Remember when these guys did a video about immigration and it was literally nothing but government propaganda repeated ad nauseum
Activity burns cals dumbass just not enough to be the primary method of weight loss. Do you think a fat lard can walk 8 miles just to burn 1000 cals? Get out of here
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>be me
>training for 1/2/3/4x5
>finding it so calorie intensive that I have trouble eating enough
>not relating in any way to anybody who has any trouble losing weight and any excess energy with which to excercise
>wondering who the fuck all you non lifting faggots are and where the real lifting forum is
objects in mirror are bigger than they appear
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Lifting weights/working is SHIT for calories loss (see powershitters). It's 80% diet and 20% cardio.
>an absurd amount of cardio to burn even like 200 calories
Ok bro
their entire study/line of research says that hunter gatherers that walk 9-13km/day burn the same amount of calories as sedentary people, controlling for body mass. If that isn't obviously bullshit to you, you might be retarded.
There are clear systemic issues with how they collected data and they just handwaved that shit to push out low quality papers.
>People having trouble losing losing weight
Try GAINING mass, it's hell.
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Why is working out just about losing weight?
This video is one of many “scientific” defeatist propaganda campaigns to assuage the hurt egos of fatties. The structure is always the same.
>Exercising burns calories!
>but you return to an equilibrium of metabolism, and the habit is hard to stick to, so it doesn’t work
>But exercising is healthy for other reasons!
>But also being fat is ok! And it’s actually not your fault, it’s food’s fault!
It is unbelievable the lack of personal accountability people are willing to accept in treating their own bodies correctly. How can this video claim that the obesity epidemic is caused by overeating, not laziness, when overeating is a result of mental laziness. Not to mention the complete ignorance to the concept of progressive overload. Yes, your body returns to a caloric equilibrium after working out for a while, that’s why you increase the intensity over time. Is dieting more important than exercising? Fucking obviously. But just because one technique works better than another doesn’t mean you can’t do them at the same time for optimal results. If you cannot handle dieting and going to the gym, you deserve to feel bad about your body. Just like if you can’t brush your teeth every day, you should feel bad about your rotting mouth.
we just had this thread
whats the point of this?
having lazy discussions?
having lazy hate wars with normie channels?
finding lazy confirmation of your lifestyle, AGAIN? yesterday wasnt enough?
It's a slide thread. Somebody doesn't want you benching 3pl8 and denying the holocaust.
Why are Hazda people not fat and Americans are obese then?
why does it make people here reeeeeee to say diet is for weight loss? if you ONLY care about weight loss it's way easier just to eat less than to sweat it off
>Somebody doesn't want you benching 3pl8 and denying the holocaust
they cant stop me
>implying kurzfags are science
>implying you can't lie with statistics
This video seems quite good.

What I gathered from this is if you dont exercise your body will get overamped by stress and other functions that is being fuelled by your calorie surplus

This is really encouraging news for me as someone with chronic stress. I'll be upping my cardio to 5 times a week
It actually makes a lot of sense why humans would have a hard-wired calorie budget into them. It would act as a stopgap to prevent anomalies from destroying themselves and the tribe

>the guy with ADHD who has so much energy that he burns 3x calories than everybody else thus requiring 3x more hunting resources allocated to him resulting in potentially disastrous outcomes during famine

Having each human of the tribe requiring approximately the same amount of calories consistently (individually) makes a lot of sense
Checked. Based anon gleaning hope and motivation from all sources no how intentionally programmed to kill him they are.
Just consume the propaganda chud stop asking questions
*Channel funded by the Gates family btw
except they clearly note that the Bolivian farmers expended well over what was their expected TDEE, also that makes no fucking sense because you're going to get to a point where regularly active people completely break this bullshit model (athletes, soldiers in wartime, farmers again)
>Moreover, as Pontzer admits, athletes and subsistence farmers present a clear challenge to his model because they exceed the proposed limits on energy expenditure, even after correcting for body size
also I haven't seen any explanation why a sedentary fat fuck would burn as many calories as a dude who has to legit kill everything he eats or dig up fucking tree roots
4channers are too uneducated to realize saying 'exercise is not a reliable way to lose weight' does not mean 'do not exercise'
I don't think people should workout aka diffrent exercises everytime. hear me out. everytime you workout diffrent exercises your building new muscles that will never be used. everyday we use our walking distance and arm strength. so it's better to workout the important exercises based on your job worklife.
We have known this since forever. Diet is more importnat than exercise when it comes to losing weight.
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You seem to be lean and buff. Good on you!
>obesity epidemic
So you believe in fantasies. Next thing you know, you will be talking about the moon being made of cheese.
>It actually makes a lot of sense why humans would have a hard-wired calorie budget into them.
it could make sense
but it's not real
stop sucking kurzniggers dick
exercise on its own isn't enough to lose weight
ftfy op
>it makes sense sitting on your ass all day id the same as working on the field for 12 hours
What lazy and coping fatties don't get is that not only exercise (and being active overall) is good for your physical and mental health, but you can quickly burn absurd amounts of calories like that. (See picrel for my afternoon ride, I made friend with some nice sheeps along the way.)

I actually need to count calories, not to avoid eating too much, but to ensure I eat enough.
>Exercise still isn't a reliable way of losing weight.
Diet will always be king.
Sleep quality with always be prince.
Weight lift will always be the clergy.
Cardio will always be the peasant.
>There are clear systemic issues with how they collected data and they just handwaved that shit to push out low quality papers.

Nope. There really aren't. Doubly labeled water is the gold standard. You should read _Burn_.
This guys just says whatever our (((overlords))) tell him to say
>Why are Hazda people not fat and Americans are obese then?

Because the Hadza do not consistently eat above their TDEE, for a variety of reasons. Anyone considered "obese" has. And the longer they have, the more obese they are.
>Implying you have the intellectual honesty to admit you don't understand.
>regularly active people

The Hadza are regularly active, and more active than you for sure since their survival as hunter-gatherers depends on their activity, and not a trip to the nearest grocery store.
editorial regarding that paper, tearing it apart
Fat in spite of Exercise? An Alleged Paradigm Change Results from Calculation Mistakes
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>absurd amount of cardio to burn even like 200 calories.
>absurd amount
That's like 20 minutes of running. How fat are you that you consider this amount absurd
g8 b8 m8
>editorial regarding that paper, tearing it apart

>For many years, I have read the popular magazine Scientific American, which treats many interesting topics from Big Bang to a variety oftechnical [sic] news.

Error in original. Opinion discarded.
Is this the one where those calarts retards claimed that exercise is bad for you because it causes your stress hormone levels to rise and kills you?

One of the most blatantly jewish videos I've ever seen.
How fucking lazy are you that a 20 minute run is insane amounts of cardio
The video still talks a lot of bullshit. They just revised some of the more serious fallacies.
Even if you give them the benefit of the doubt the idea of the video becomes pointless at best, useless at worst, invalidating itself.
>you don't lose weight by exercising
>you still should do it because its good for you
Just tell everyone to eat less, you don't need a 15 minutes video to say that.

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