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What's up negroes, show me your routines and your local bouldering gyms
I live in a 3rd world shithole, I wish we had this
where are you from? I'm from third world shithole and we have many of these
The town I'm in for school has a shitty gym. Anyways I'm quite the novice so I'm not sure what muscles I should try to build.
Is it worth it unless the gym is giant?
It's $90 per month, and I'm afraid to be bored.

It's like 5$ per session in Serbia (which lasts whole day, but in reality you can't do more than 3 hours because you get tired and your hands get fucked up)

You should pay per session and see if you like it or not. + you won't be able to do all the routes, so you always have something to do, and by the time you do everything (if you are even able to), gym will rearrange stuff so you have a brand new course. It's really fun with friends,

Also, you don't have to be a super human with perfect body to do this, but you shouldn't be fat because you can't do shit if you are overweight. And guess what, whole gym was fucking fit. I've never seen a place where there were 50 people and 0 were fucking overweight. It was beautiful
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my routine is find a route just above my level which is 6C right now and grind it out over multiple sessions. when I get too tired for worthwhile attempts I leave it until the next session and do lower grades.
climbing 2x/week and 1x regular gym. I'm starting to notice my muscles other than fingers getting tired nowadays. still notice my tendons in my fingers and particularly my elbow too is lacking so I try to be mindful of that and not go overboard.
90 sounds expensive how much is single entry? you dont really need that much my gym has about 250 routes on 3 floors but even 1 floor would be enough if it's not packed. it has multiple locations I can visit too.
Routine depends entirely on what part of training phase I'm in for bouldering but typically either conditioning / power-endurance or pure strength.

Mix of campus + fingerboarding and boulder circuits / moon boarding.

Just ticked my first outdoor V8 after a reasonable break
what grade is equivalent to 1/2/3/4?
Maли aлпиниcтички клyб, нaђи их нa фeјcy
Any lifts that help with developing body tension?
Recommend me some Youtuberchannels. I suck on overhangs.
Make sure you’re training one arm lockoffs, use a band for the other hand and hold progressively further down until you can lock off without needing it.

Should also be training front lever progression until you can hit a full lever.

If your wall has a campus board you can also train tension with moves where instead of powering between rungs at max stretch you lock off fully, including engaging core between each reach
fuckjng love climbing bros. I'm 6'3 but skelly mode, so its fun actually being good at something. I can climb v6nxoj
Noob plateau is V4, I'd say you're doing well if you can do some V6s, getting beyond that takes a lot of effort. You'll never get higher than V9-V10 unless you've been climbing since childhood or just have good genetics for it (slim body, low weight in legs, with freakishly strong finger tendons before doing any hangboard training). If you're a fitcel with joocy thighs from squatz then you'll be at a disadvantage from that
What's it called when a board has a numbered sequence of holds on it? My gym has one that goes 1-130, going around and around the board in a circuit
>first tried it yesterday
>got filtered at 28-29-30 sequence
>stuck for 2 hours no matter what I try
>finally decide to skip it and continue the sequence from 30
>get filtered again at 36-37 and call it
I am unbearably shit at this climbing lark
cyka blyat
make it yugos
I literally gave him the name of a gym in Montenegro. There's many of these in Ex-Yugo.

Just in Belgrade there are like 6
One of the most dyel activities ever along with cycling, its always just a bunch of autistic conc camp survivors lmao

>dyel activity
>literally doing 135% weighted pullups on 10mm edges

There's no advantages to being big in climbing. Also generalizing climbers as a single group is like calling anyone who lifts a roidtranny.

Now here's a dyel climber mogging some power lifters.

boulder is for white nerds.
I just go and climb whatever feels hard

Yes, a smaller gym means the problems are going to be of better quality ones but make sure the gym has some sort of kilter/moon/tension board because as you progress they give the option to work on multiple problems on one board.
Yea I love bouldering with my boulder bros we can
>pretend to be inclusive liberals but still be gatekeeping jocks
>never learn to climb and just do pull ups the whole way up
>climb with our legs?? Why???
>measure each other's v scores
>break our legs because we climb too high without protection
>never touch real rock ever

proper outdoor climbing is not only a physically rewarding sport it is also mentally rewarding. Bouldering is stupid and dangerous. Gym climbing is for getting something in during bad weather. Otherwise you should go outside. Touch rock.

>doesn't know what outdoor bouldering is

jesus are you dumb?
Read the part about breaking legs. Outdoor bouldering is stupid and dangerous. Every person I've known that does it has seriously injured themselves because they climb way too high for the shifty little mat they bring to do anything
I've been bouldering outdoor for years and have never injured myself. Sorry people you climb with are incapable of reading landing zones, bringing enough pads and having proper spotters.

That said, sport climbing and trad are both far superior although you can't exactly put trad ahead of bouldering wVhen discussing risk.
I've been going a couple of times alone and with friends with single day passes and will sign in to a gym next month. Any shoe recommendations and things to look out for when I buy them?
Don't get carried away by all the flashy hyper-expensive aggressively downturned shoes. Nothing you climb as a beginner requires them and they will very annoying for any vert / slab.

Same with downsizing loads, get a pair maybe one size down that are comfy to wear for a reasonable period of time. You'll likely absolutely shred the toebox rubber in short fashion as a beginner anyway which is all part of learning.
>You'll never get higher than V9-V10 unless you've been climbing since childhood

cheers, I'll be frugal with the shoes then. That money seems better spent on a nice pair of solid pants that don't get fleeced by the walls again anyway haha.
try on as many as you can you really can't tell from just online shopping.
dont listen to those clowns that tell you to downsize 4 sizes or whatever because >it'll stretch over time. my shoes fit well from first wear and still fit well now dont notice any stretching.
resole shoes when needed. it's like half the price of a new pair.

Dumb people due tend to hangout with other dumb people..... oh wait.


Bouldering is S tier although Trad and sport are awesome, there's something that's just more aesthetically beautiful and therapeutic about bouldering.
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>Any shoe recommendations
Depends on your session.
I bought a pair of cozy climbing shoes, only 1,5 size smaller as my first pair.
But I boulder 3 hours at a time + exercises.
Just make sure your shoes have decent rubberized surfaces for heel and toehooks.
You probably won't be able to take advantage of an aggressive bouldering shoe in the first 100 hours of climbing.
After you have holes in your first pair get them renewed and try on an aggressive soft compound pair of shoes as your second pair.
Most guys in my gym and my friends run orange Scarpa's.
Have fun staring at climable building walls, anytime you go out btw
You have like actual IRL climbing there that you could be doing and I bet its not crowded at all because its such a random place to be
070 baby
I'm White
Your wholesome heart warming ebm would literally be impossible to have happened without white people.

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