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Can you get big just doing pull ups?
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I know this might blow your mind, but there are these belts you can wear which have ways of attaching weighted plates to them.
i know, but you didnt answer the question
No but you can become quasi "ottermode"

Chins/pullups are my most resounding exercise. Big lats and slightly developed arms goes a long way.
ottermode isnt big, its just being a twink
Roger that you fucking retard
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yes, but the real redpill is doing exclusively neutral grips
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you need some rows and deadlifts or you'll just end up looking like a pencilneck
No. After years of spamming pull ups you grind your shoulder to dust due muscular imbalance.
No, you'll just get bigger back and biceps.
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these are what lats built by pull ups look like
Idk man I've been doing pull ups cuz I'm a calisthenics fag. And I don't have late for shit. I might be too fat but wtf. Pull ups have only given me good arms and forearms.
I.dont.have lats for shit
i have big ass cobra lats and i mostly do pull ups
Ok but developed traps have an upside down u shape from the front, exactly the opposite of what you've drawn. Fucking retard holyshit
More like being a fatty dyel that probably flops around on a bar and calls it a workout. It's impossible to do pullups with at least okayish form and not feel it in your lats after, and lats can obviously be seen at any bf%
show me a natty with overdeveloped traps
You could get a decent back and biceps doing just chinups.
Supine grip chin ups is the one that uses the most biceps.
Developed traps look exactly the opposite of what you've drawn which exposes yourself as a dyel
Won't be able to escape dyel biceps that way though. You're doing a compound lift which has high emphasis on your back muscles (which are basically the torsos largest muscles) and you expect to be hitting your teeny tiny bicep muscles at the same rate too?
Biceps won't grow unless you isolate them I'm sorry.
You have ten seconds to give me your best pull up form demonstration
You can get strong.
Do your bicep curls people, especially if you don't have T-rex arms, chinups/pullups ARE NOT ENOUGH, I know from experience
He's right though, you're probably more than ottermode if you're trying to brag about it dickshit
Lol you're the retard. Depending on insertions some peoples traps are basically a straight line from the top of the neck to the end of the clavicle and some peoples start about mid neck and curved
I used to do nothing but pullups, bicep curls, and pushups/weighted pushups, I didn't pay attention to what I ate or any sort of routine, just did them all the time whenever. I got in really good ottermode shape, the only thing was my back was dispraportionately large. so I'd say throw some shoulders and bench press in there to look peak aesthetic otter.
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Yea, he's wrong all right
>inb4 he had small traps
The nigger was all traps from the back
>small muscles are targeted less in compounds
Where do I buy the exact same bar setup in the picture?
You need to lift big to get big, bodyweight won't cut it.
can you tell how low your lat insertions are? A big part of Lee's lats is that they're so low they go all the way down to his abs.

Fuck your mother you stupid homo.

That specific enough?

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