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Is this peak natty?
looks as natty as Mike O'hearn tbqhwyfam
>scarfs down 7 raw garlic cloves a day
only if you’re a vegan
He stopped being natty in 2019-2020. He had to start roiding because he got into the WWE main roster. He never claimed or looked natural after that and now he's probably on TRT
He was never natty to begin with you fucking delusional retards
He just upped the dose and started abusing HGH
Call me delusional, call me a coper. But I genuinely believe 2018 Eric was natty. No roid skin, no capped shoulders and traps, no chud lines. He looks like a different nigga now
He took some roids back in the day, he had a video about it.
In that video he said he tried something one time in college that doesn't count
>doesn't count
Doing cycles or blasting for some time literally improves your muscle-building and strength potential permanently even after coming off. There are studies regarding how gear affects epigenetics. Once you stop being natty, you can never go back.
My ancestral memory tells me this is bullshit
>started abusing HGH
That costs thousands of dollars a month and offers no benefit in his use case that testosterone and traditional "safer" anabolics wouldn't offer. You watched a "liver king cycle exposed" video essay on youtube and like a retard just took that information and 1:1 copypasted it here because that's what you think makes you sound knowledgeable.
>offers no benefit in his use case that testosterone and traditional "safer" anabolics wouldn't offer.
what kind of bizzare cope is this? Are you just assmad that you can't even afford chinese kits?
>he had a video about it
Post the link then. Only thing I've ever encountered was him talking about preworkouts in the early 2000's like Jack3d which had amphetamines in them but that really isn't the same as doing a cycle
Body of a guy who dropped marathon running for tennis
You think bloated = GH because you saw a video on youtube. The fact that you jumped straight into this very unlikely explanation shows you don't even know what you should know to appear informed on this subject.
It's certainly peak homosexuality...all bodybuilders are closet bum bandits.
WWE drug tests and he would not be able to be using. Most guys in the WWE actually look a bit small because they're natural, and Eric was definitely probably the biggest.

I don't believe he hopped on (again?) until after his stint in the WWE where he blew up from 260 to 300 pounds.
>WWE drug tests and he would not be able to be using. Most guys in the WWE actually look a bit small because they're natural, and Eric was definitely probably the biggest.
I believe they do some sort of semi-credible 3rd party drug testing in the NXT program where Eric was until ~2019-2020 but the main roster clearly is exempt from any of that. They probably have some doctors giving them PED advice so they have the optimal stack to recover from injuries, cut weight, gain mass etc. and that there's not another Chris Benoit incident to deal with. They either look past the roid use in the main roster or straight up provide them the stuff and it's most likely just TRT+ some anti-estrogen and during cutting/mass/injury recovery phase some other anabolic like deca, peptides etc.
>You think bloated = GH because you saw a video on youtube.
Strong projection. If you think a pro athlete has no use case for GH you are just as retarded as the other anon who thinks it's responsible for bugenhagen's current size.
>no chud lines
Nasolabial folds are a natural part of aging, you'll get them in your 30's too zoom zoom.
Why do all these guys have shaved bodyhair
For the same reasons they do roids and get tattoos and take shirtless mirror pics flexing to post online: Vanity, insecurity, and homosexuality.
Because it looks better
Na it's correct. I can gear briefly when I was 19 and my "natty" gains after I stopped were better. 30 now and hopped back on gear again this year but was able to slowly add contractile tissue the whole time I was off gear (albeit, very slowly, but more than I probably would have been able to as a lifetime natty).

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