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/fit/ - Fitness

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This was an incredible level of development for just a stupid movie scene. If it's legit he should be doing fitness shows, sponsorships, or showing dem abs on the regular. You just don't reach that fitness peak then let it go away, right?
>this is your brain on being a brown faggot
I hope you die
It's a valid point my friend, Why don't you speak to it
He looks like a fit dude who habitually lifts and dieted for a few months to get ready for his movie. You are just so used to being mediocre and fat anyone with abs is impressive to you
I've been dieting for 5 years lifting heavy for 3 years. This 50 year old man mogs me. Idk why u fags keep acting like a few months of cutting. I'm guessing with the help of trt it could be a few months
Lol, you just called yourself a loser
>everything there is cgi
>the muscles are completely real
He's literally named Huge Jackedman.
he is tiny irl anon
He’s shredded as fuck but he has terrible inserts. His body looks pretty horrible tbqhf
niger lol
>bro check out how bad my body dysmorphia is !
>you're actually just a faggot cus you think that guy is fit! haha that guy is fat and dyel!
>omg im so sad cus im not big enough!!! ;____;
great culture guys, amazing
don't forget the random racism added in. this board is almost as shitty as /mu/ it used to be a funny board
There are literally natty 16-17 year olds bigger than hugh fagman
CGI is definitely at play here. Look at how large his biceps on the right are compared to the left.
Partially perspective as well. Bigger side is rotated towards the camera and left away from it. Look at the diff in hand sizes.
A little bit, but his muscles still look unnatural.
Yeah his pec is also like concave here which makes no sense
Shit. That looks retarded. I can't unsee it now.
it's clearly ps3 tier cgi

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