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/fit/ - Fitness

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>be 2002 - friend is cheating on all the schools tests because he says “we’re never going to use this and I need perfect results so i can get rewarded by my parents for perfect grades”
>be 2005 - friend and I play WoW, after level 10 he says he can’t be bothered and pays a chink to grind his character to level 60, after that was done he bought a ton of gold
>be 2009 - friend and I are playing Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 competitively - he gets banned from the league we played in because he got caught using wall hacks
>be 2012 - friend starts working in his family business, he gets paid entirely in cash while claiming NEET benefits
>be 2015 - friend and I get into lifting weights, within 3 months he starts taking steroids because “natty gains are too slow”

if he has no shame or pride in himself, he's winning. but by most people's standards he isn't contributing to the world, just making it worse
The pattern is that your friend mogs you. Remember: CHAD ALWAYS WINS
Friend seems pretty based. I bet he fucks cute girls with a thick Viagra cock.
It's called working smart, try it some time.
>noooo you must follow the rules
Nobody has succeeded at anything by playing fair
Brutal truth nuke
How is taking steroids smart?
You have done the right thing in all those situations, but the way life functions, there's really no reward for you for being a good boy. Truth is, opportunistic people are the most successful. Sure, there are some that have achieved greatness while working hard, but then again, you only got so much time alive, so apart of the steroids, cant blame him.

His worst offense is the leveling though, WOW in 2006 at about 14 is life at its best.
>be adhd/ probably autism kid
>always barely passing zero interest in school, never try beyond what I need to make it to next year, literally plan to get 60s & 70s and always get exactly what I go for, in short half assed my way through with bare minimum just so I could day dream and nap often put in the retard / black kids classes because GPA was that low
>eventually start applying some effort because goals, still half assing it but actually doing all homework and assignments and taking notes in class paying attention, just never study
>get As, everyone believed I was cheating was this whole thing even staff thought I was dumb but was literally just kind of actually trying to get more than a C for a change
>mfw didn’t write my first essay until 12th grade
>same shit happens in college, pay attention take notes do homework and assignments get As
>classes start becoming more demanding, start getting Cs
>build a social life start getting a few Ds
>other aspects of life become harder too
>Mfw I never learned to truly apply myself the way my peers did, never built real study habits, never learned to apply that same work ethic on anything that wasn’t immediately enjoyable like fitness so now peers are miles ahead with everything able to have a full social life while doing masters and PHDs and having a blossoming career doing great in all of that while I’m a college drop out who can’t seem to focus on more than one goal at a time without it fucking up other areas
You’d think they could have told me this…
chill bro, don't compare yourself to others, specially if you have adhd. it's pointless. it is good that you enjoy immediate rewards like lifting weights provides.
i get around life by setting short term challenges. right now uni is setting those challenges for me, otherwise i'd lift weights and play counter strike or go skateboarding (i think i have adhd too).
lift weights, eat, doomscroll, scratch your balls, get high on coffee, get shit done in 2 hours instead of 4 or 6 like normalfags and go back to scratching your balls. don't over think it.
enjoy yourself for some time, get fat, then look in the mirror and realize "hey i'm a fat fuck, i should cut", then you start cutting and before you know it, you made it, and it wasn't because of the need for external validation, but because you know that being a lazy fat fuck is disgusting
idk if i'm getting my point across.
stop comparing yourself to others, it doesn't work that way, you're just putting presure on yourself

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