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/fit/ - Fitness

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I am 21 and can only afford the gym and bulking because i am jobless thanks to our shitty economy thats practically soviet tier of shit. so please give me advice on how i can bulk while being poor as fuck
you type like a fag

eat more.
hope you like milk
its the only thing keeping me from killing myself
You cant afford any type of oil, peanut butter or rice?
I am basically a neet living at home and my dad refuses to pay for anything because he is a old fuck head
you need a job
you can get one, stop blaming the economy
>applied to 40 places
>non e of them actually hiring
>even mcdonalds isn't hiring

sure thing i will fucking get a job the second i can
Where’s the nearest Amazon fc to you?
40 miles
Got any schooling or training?
You're also going to want to join lidl's free membership program if you have a lidl near you. They harvest your purchase data, but in exchange you get things like $1.99/lb chicken breasts.
Get walking, boy
Don't worry. It's going to go down soon. There's a recession and deflation coming.
Learn to shoplift and build your home gym NOW, because it's only going to get worse.
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Chicken and rice nigga. Beans. Manager special meat. Clip coupons do research. Every grocery store sells 2-3 pound cooked chickens for $7.

Economy sucks for sure and it isn't fair. But so what? The alternative is lay down and cry and lose all your gains.
>i am jobless thanks to our shitty economy
you are jobless because you have no marketable skills
I was a NEET for years, now I'm training to be an air traffic controller. Look at government jobs that pay you for training. My collee degree did absolutely nothing for me. Low level jobs are unironically all taken by immigrants, applying for basic shit like fast food or restaurant work is pointless if you aren't an illegal or a felon. Honestly a good job for NEETs is to be a truck driver.
Are you from the U.S, OP?
>Live in the wealthiest country on Earth where even homeless live like kings
>Complain about thr economy
>blames everyone else
>doesn't have a job
>by pic I assume he smokes and spends a lot of money on frivolous shit

>>wonders how he doesn't have money for things
homeless people here are mindbroken drug addicts who die of fent overdoses within the first 6 months of being out on the street, homelessness + drug addiction is a death sentence unless they have some sort of social network that's still sustaining them but this is rare.
Rice, beans, frozen fruit + veggies, chicken thighs, bananas. I make 220k a year and I eat the exact same way I ate as a broke college student. Also avoid getting a girlfriend, most women have zero concept of delayed gratification and won't understand your goals and will want to go to expensive restaurants. If you get jacked you can just fuck whores for the cost of a beer + pizza.
jewish hands typed this
Bro, I have a wife. Maybe learn to read? "Most women" indicates that there are in fact some good women, but the vast majority are consumer driven vapid whores. Not saying men are any better btw.
I usually don't waste time engaging with these guys but hell, what an entitled little child.
Not complaining like a woman would be a start, then get rid of this entitled attitude and get your ass to work, with these figured out you might accomplish something, who knows
I've watched American classics like 600 pound life. I was always surprised how even the poorest Americans, who can't even work, can afford to live in fuck huge mansions. I was explained that this is something called "section 8", where you get given a house, for free, just for being American.

Is that not correct? Is it possible to suffer from want in America?
Ground turkey and chicken, pumpkin seeds, canned fish, peanut butter, quinoa, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, chocy milk, buckwheat, oatmeal
jews have wives, I don't get your statement
>I make 220k a year and I eat the exact same way I ate as a broke college student.
Bro im 32 and make 900 euros per month and i only have 40k in the bank and i live really frugally, is this justified or nah?
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>things are bad :(
>don't worry op things will get worse
No just eat ground poultry and drink chocolate milk
i eat chicken eggs and some fish alone with the rice/bread. is it good?
you should be happy that things are getting worse, maybe then this rotten civilization will crumble and get a fresh start
they're allowed to get section 8 funding because they're niggers. Whites don't get gibs they just get to die early and have nigger nurses dance on their graves
Chicken and turkey have like 27g protein. You could get 4lbs for 10 bucks, eat half a pound every day for like 60g protein daily for only $40 a month. For $80 a month you could do the same with chicken breast. Sardines have around 20g and low mercury for $1.50 the tuna I have is 32g a can and was only $1
how exactly do you find these jobs?
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They find you
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They disdain desperation, you have failed the test.
Basically here is my diet and tell me if i can make it cheaper.
30g oats with 1.5 scoop of whey
1 chicken breast wrap with mustard and store bought lettuce hearts (the lettuce hearts are 2.15 euros and it makes me four wraps)
same wrap 3 hours later
at night right now im eating sardines with some rice but i have trouble with it because i get hungry again but i think i should replace it with salmon
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Ok Fatrick.
nigga you gotta apply for months to get some shit tier jobs. you need connections to get something real and you get those connections at work or school. unfortunately i’m a leaf at community college so everyone at my school is a jeet but from my shitty retail jobs i’ve worked with people who have gone on to mid level office jobs and can vouch for me at their place of work. unemployed rn since it’s the last year of college and might as well have a bit of fun while i finish it.
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>unfortunately i’m a leaf at community college
What has happened to nature?
Pork is dirt cheap where I live now, it's shit quality but beggars can't be choosers. Good luck brother.

Join the Army
Worst girl.
Chicken and dumplings. All you need is water, chicken, flour, and some spices. Boil chicken with some spices. Make a dry dough with flour, salt, and water. Cut and roll into balls. Throw them into the boiling chicken broth for about 15 minutes.
money printing and government spending
Wagie having a ragie
Tomorrow, back in cagie
Look at us civil service job sites, sign up to take the test if you meet the minimum qualifications and then wait like 6 months to years to hear back. Just know that you'll have to get a security and medical clearance for some things so don't be a drug user, also if you need a security clearance you might need to take a psych eval test so don't be a depressed schizo. Also some jobs have age cut offs; if you want to just say fuck it and just be a cop, know that you age out of it at like 28 at least for nyc where i'm from. Same shit with firemen but they recruit from EMS workers
Things are getting worse for you and better for the biological 0s, this is not something to celebrate.

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