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I want to do 4 sessions a week, but I don't know if I'm better off repeating exercises every time or reducing the number of exercises per session a bit and separating big lifts into each day. I'm planning on Work-Work-Rest-Work-Work-Rest-Rest. These are the 2 candidates at the moment:

>Routine 1:
Day 1 and 3
Hip Thrust
Abductor Machine
Romanian Deadlift
Calf Raises

Day 2 and 4
Overhead Press
Bench Press
Barbell Row
Hanging Leg Raise

>Routine 2:
Day 1
Hip Thrust
Abductor Machine
Lying Leg Curl

Day 2
Overhead Press
Hanging Leg Raise
Bench Dip

Day 3
Romanian Deadlift
Calf Raises
Leg Extensions
Bulgarian Split Squat

Day 4
Bench Press
Hanging Leg Raise
Barbell Row
Bicep Curl

Yes I want big legs. Feel free to shit on specific exercises or point out deficiencies.
damn raiden in mgs2 got insane birthing hips lmao tf
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I never knew he was built like THAT.

This thread is now about Raiden's ass
works for me
trannomachines incel, they dialte in response to trauma.
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Hijacking this thread to ask for a critique of my lifting routine I plan on starting and doing twice a week.
I'm a runner and my main goals are upperbody strength and working on my legs to prevent injury(specifically my knees as they are weak after 20 years of obesity(I'm almost skinny now). I want to start slow and I will add more exercises as I progress
Day 1
Goblet Squat 3 x 5
Hex bar deadlift 3 x 5
Bench press 3 x 5
Dips 3 x fauliure

Day 2
Bulgarian split squats 3 x 10
Romanian deadlifts 3 x 10
Barbell row 3 x 5
Pull ups 3 x failure
Any suggestions? Do the number of reps/sets matter?
>wall of text
Pick things up and put them down, deciding the manner in which you do this is not worth the effort you're expending on it.
I am already doing a 3x a week full body routine, but I am not recovering fast enough, so I want to do a split.
Either is fine I'm partial to 1.

Usually you're only going have one big compound a group per session. The second lift for that group is going to be in a lighter rep range. If there's a 3rd it's gonna be an accessory in an even lighter rep range. So a 3rd option is to rotate the order and intensity for a lot of these but sets per week are what's going to be most of it. ~6 heavy compound ~6 medium range ~6 accessory range. If you manage at least that for each movment category it's gonna work as well as anything else. I usually prefer less variety and just rotate lifts or intensity between mesocycles because it makes tracking progress in the short term easier and your compound strength doesn't really fall off so you know it's at least where it was where you left it.
by a lighter rep range do you mean lower weight higher reps?
6-8 (around 80-85%orm) heavies that aren't part of like specific strength regiment
9-12 (around 75% orm) medium compounds
12+ (around 70-80% orm) accessory range
Why are hanging leg raises the only repeated exercise?
I was doing ab wheel too before but I wasn't doing it right so I got rid of it for now
You're missing arm work I think
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Newb who started with full body x3 the whole year and now moving to this one as I've exited skelly mode, I mixed PPL and UL splits, but its a bit time consuming. My week looks like A, B, rest, C, D, B, rest.
He is basically wearing shapewear
cope and seethe raiden is a wide hipped twink
this was meant for >>75124148

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