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/fit/ - Fitness

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I’ve spent 20 years lifting weights but I never bothered putting effort into my diet to get my body fat down low

For the first time this year I finally decided to stop being lazy about diet and have lost a lot of bodyfat and I look the best I have ever looked in my life

It’s depressing because I spent all of my 20s and most of my 30s in a bulked state, I missed out on being a young hot ripped guy… now I’m just a old 37 year old ripped guy with grey hairs

I missed out on being a ripped guy in my 20s out of pure lazinesses

you're probably still fat
Nah I didn’t ever get normie-fat, I was gymcel-fat so like 18-20% bodyfat. I spent the last 20 years maintaining 18-20% bodyfat and always being either maintenance or slight gaining.

Cut down to single digit bodyfat this year.
>maintaining 18-20% bodyfat and always being either maintenance or slight gaining.
Really easy to do accidentally fr.
oh well
same age as you, did the same stupid thing.
I didn't bulk but I always ate enough shit to give me enough fat to not express what I truly was.
Guess who's in his twenties and knows better than u
jackie chan is in his 70s
oh well i'm like 20% at 20 and was cutting anyway, will just extend it for as long as it takes.
>single digit bf
hope you're not natty because you won't be able to do that and have any muscle left at all.
Absolutely fine if you have a gf/wife honestly
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Thanks for the wake up call, man. I needed that having just turned 27.
Its okay you can still get a 18 y/o girlfriend to worship you and re-live your young years through her
Bulking is a scam from the fitness industry to get you to spin your wheels for years on end, getting nowhere.
Your goal if you have a brain should be to be ripped year-round, no matter what.

Fitness is simple. You move more, train more, eat well.

They overcomplicate this shit to keep producing online content to sell you shit.
You don't need to watch dozens of hours worth of fitness content. You don't need any of that shit.

Lift weights, get lean, etc.

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