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/fit/ - Fitness

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To have a woman all u need is to be fit and have money...that's all you need.. girls.are easy when you are fit and have money
When you have money you will learn they all have a price
Just give them an allowance
when will you niggers learn that you can have a woman even by being the most disgusting fucking slob on the planet
plenty of dysgenic retards have had women in the past, present and plenty more will in the future
But they need to start somewhere
Women want to feel special. It doesn't matter how you make them feel special. I've seen a short ugly fuck turn a lesbian straight because he was funny and nice. He was even poor. You niggas are just miserable to be around.

Take a look at the quality of your friends before you even bother worrying about the quality of your women
it's not even worth it man
they will always find more things to cope about
always try to minmax some small inconsequent thing
and never try to not be miserable fucks, though i sympathise with how one can get to these depths
I've been so fucking jaded, I can be friendly with women but maybe it's because I've been on social media too much. I cannot for the life of me get myself to ever talk to a girl I think is cute. My brain just automatically locks. I'll still be cordial but I won't say anything that's outside what I need to say.
You should harass women on dating apps. Does wonders for confidence
you have lost the ability to seek the mystery in women
this is not entirely your fault, as women are happily revealing any and all of their mysteries for all to see
stop going on to social media, stop consuming relationship advice
im not rich
Used to do that as a kid but it's not fun anymore. They have like 50 different guys texting them at once and honestly I do have an older sister and seeing how she treats guys kinda disgusts me.
Maybe that's the thing. I don't want to see a cute girl start talking to her and realize she's a fucking asshole that I spent like $200-300 on a date with. They just feel low value if you're trying to get an actual relationship rather than just casual talk and casual workfriends or something.
You don't even need to be fit. Those sheikhs in Dubai pooping all over top 0.1% instagram "models" sure are fit right lol
You don't even need that much money really. I have a friend who's a classic IT nerd, slightly obese, complete dyel with beer gut, already balding at 35 and he married some 8/10 gold digger lmao
He makes like 70k euros a year in a poor Eastern European country, which is an insane salary for the standards here. Probably the equivalent of making 300-400k in USA.
>$200-300 on a first date
lmao just go for coffee
dunno how it is in the USA but i don't feel like most women are as assholeish as they are on social media
also social media is to women what 4chan is to you
you are not as vile IRL as you are on 4chan, the same (mostly) goes for women
only some of them cannot differentiate between social media and reality
idk again as I said I have an older sister and she treats her guys like actual boytoys yet she never puts out and it kinda disgusts me.
There's like 20 other guys that can just fine dining her within the first 30 minutes of chatting on a dating app. that's why dating apps are trash
despite what has been said, they're not ALL like that
though i do get you
I know. They're a lot more common and hard to weed out though. I mean I'd get it. If the tables would turn, I'd be like that too but that's just how it is and I can't seem to ever try to get a gf because I'm so disgusted and turned off of most modern women.
First, there is a contradiction in what you say. If she really was a lesbian, by definition she was not attracted to men. To say that a man 'turned' a lesbian sounds more like a simplification that ignores the complexity of sexuality. She was most likely bisexual or exploring her sexuality, but that doesn't mean this guy 'changed' his orientation. People don't change their sexuality just because someone is funny or nice; attraction is more complex than that. So next time, better not assume that someone can 'convert' another person; in reality, sexuality doesn't work that way.
>dude money lmao
I am literally a millionaire and a kissless virgin.

Women absolutely don't give a shit unless you're driving around in neon green lambos
>millionaire khv
You are either larping or beyond retarded for that to be true
>fit and have money
Aaaaaand it's worthless.
IKTF, not a virgin but haven't gotten pussy in years and don't really care to anymore. Nothing to talk to a woman about. Sometimes women approach me and I have to basically tell them "I am fucked up and you don't want any part of this."
>I cannot for the life of me get myself to ever talk to a girl I think is cute. My brain just automatically locks.
Are you watching porn? Are you looking at Instagram often? How much time do you spend on 4chan?
It's probably because you're unlikeable. Do you have cool male friends?
>To have a woman all u need is to be fit and have money.
that's exactly what puts me off from having a relationship. I know they're not here for me, they're with me for different factors
Why do you think that? There are no yachts or fast cars or flashy diamond watches or anything like that, from the outside my life is pretty much the same as before I just don't have to worry about my financial situation as much anymore
Most of my friends are in IT, so probably not the "cool" type if that's what you mean
Do your friends take you to bars and restaurants? Are they all married?
I don't mean to be rude when I call you 'unlikeable'. What I mean is that you may be awkward and standoffish in conversation. The only solution here may be to just talk to more women, more often. If you have beta friends who aren't good with women, they'll rub off on you.
I know alot of /fitcels love to argue this, but personality and intelligence are probably the two most. Granted, I am good looking, but women always tell me that it's those two things the reason they give it to me. Fit, looks, money, they get their attention first, no question. But we are talking about getting a woman, who is so beautiful she gets basically every and any man she wants and why she chooses you. I am lucky, I have continually picked up the hottest women in my life, and this is what they tell me.
Sometimes I go to bars and restaurants with them yes. Some are married some not, I'd say around 50/50 ratio.

I am definitely not standoffish but yeah definitely at least slightly awkward, or to be more precise a bit reserved. It's definitely my own fault that I'm still a kissless virgin, my point is that money or being in shape alone doesn't mean shit
just be goodlooking be bro kek
>women always tell me
>this is what they tell me
if you had actual experience with women you'd know to never follow what they say but only what they do
>here may be to just talk to more women, more often. If you have beta friends who aren't good with women, they'll rub off on you.
My friends all all KHHVs. Great group of close knit nerdy dudes I've been hanging out with for decades, but they are pussy repellant incarnate.
I agree. They're good traits to have, but they won't get you all the way there. I recommend that you go to libgen and download "On Game" by Heartiste. I know that PUA people seem ridiculous, but you can pick up a thing or two just by leafing through it. The only way to put the knowledge to use, though, is to practice. I suggest approaching unknown women at bars - you don't need to fuck, or whatever, just talk to them and get used to it, get comfortable with it. I was awkward, too. It just seems to melt away over time.
Knowing game as a man doesn't mean you have to become a pussy hound who's prowling through bars every weekend. It's helpful knowledge that will allow you to form meaningful relationships with women.
There's nothing wrong with them. I'm friends with khhv types too. They're fucking smart guys and will give you the shirt off their back. However, it's always good to have a diverse set of friend-groups. Go out there alone and meet people. Maybe you'll befriend a cool mechanic, or who knows? Maybe you'll find a chick
you forgot to mention he's also 5 feet tall indian janitor

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