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/fit/ - Fitness

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The more /fit/ I get, the more I don't want to be the bigger man anymore and the more I want to punch someone in the fucking face.
Is there a way to counteract this? I don't really care about the consequences anymore and I just want to put assholes back in their fucking place.
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you're the asshole
you'll get shot
your last moments on Earth will be as a faulty plumbing experiment with your arteries all fucked up
Good. Thank god this fucking society and planet is FUCKED.
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You feel it as well? That primal urge to put weaklings in their place? To split the skull of that random failed male who disrespected you?
The fact that you are impotent and no longer have the monopoly on violence, and that dysgenic weaklings can openly mock you with impunity.
It is sickening, absolutely sickening.
It's not even weaklings. It's just if you're gonna talk shit, why should I be the bigger man and just de-escalate? Fuck that.
They are weak because they take advantage of the monopoly of violence having shifted to "authorities".
god i just wanna FUCK

Is that the problem? I'm sexually frustrated?
You must be new lol.
all new lifters feel like this
Just focus on yourself, be a 1% and every one else looks stupid
Cameras everywhere and lawyers are expensive.

You sound like a manlet and are posting pictures of Bruce Lee aka king manlet walter mitty

Also street fighting is 100% retarded, you can easily fuck with the wrong guy and be the guy who was turned retarded after catching the fade and banging his head on the floor, then you'll have to be physical burden on your loved ones rather than just an autistic burden that you currently are, touch grass bro.
That's not Bruce Lee.
3 years in.
We're so scared of the consequences that we don't bother fighting back. Is that why politicians can bend you over and you just take it? Is that a way to live?
You're indian, white guys get laid
Why do you have to make this into some type of race thing? Is it because you're so indoctrinated by mass media that instead of fighting against something that matters like the class war and corruption, you'd rather get two middle classes going against each other like blind bulls in a ring?
Use your new powers for good instead of evil.
Make sure the guy who litters gets a good talking to.
If you're a minority you can get away with crime, whites and asians will do the time
Race is everything in america, it's not a homogenous country
Enjoy losing everything for some fag like some honor culture nigger thug.
Impotent tiny pecker onions commie kek I can tell you really lack the brains.
same i have to control myself
Why should you counteract it, this is your inner nature. Just start a fight with anyone who disrespects you. The worst that can happen is you could go to prison or die, we're all gonna die anyway. And prison is not so bad. At least you'll sleep well knowing you did the right thing.
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is this true?
t new lifter
Consequences? Dudes who start shit are always the ones who call the cops. Just laugh at their little tantrum theater.
>Is that why politicians can bend you over and you just take it? Is that a way to live?
Stock market all time high, a rising tide floats all boats. Get into the 1%
Yeah, wait till you put on your first 30 pounds of muscle and if you are young, you will feel that energy and aggression.
>white guys get laid
Dude, "incel" is literally a white thing. A dying race is literally a white thing. holy shit. White girls are the most hypergamous and with immigration, white guys are competing with men of every other race.
I've read a lot of indian posts on this site but this one takes the cake
Don't get humbled, if any of them pull a knife or know how to fight you're fucked.
Don't listen to them, OP.
Never posture, that's what loses people fights.
Always go 0-60 instantly and fight like you're in a deathmatch (you are). That alone will win most fights. You'll get beaten occasionally, but that's the price you pay.
no its not a white thing
he's right. you're a tradcuck thats why you cant face blackpill reality
Found the kike.
jesus fuck you guys need to stop infighting with each other. the real enemies are the businesses and government and you're all falling into their fucking retarded scheme to make people fight against strawman and each other.
You probably have raised cortisol levels. There are supplements you can take rhodiola rosea, ashwagandha, or even cacao.
But would I want to be "healed?". This is the most alive I've ever felt. It feels like I can actually be my own person and I'm not restricted by social norms anymore.
Why are you still pissed right now? You aren't in a conflict right now are you? Take something to chill out and let go of the conflict instead of still dwelling on it. Lowering your cortisol doesn't make you less able to to be aggressive or resolve conflict, but it does keep you from dwelling on shit hours afterwards.
I'm in the same boat, bro. The raw power of wrath makes you believe you are invincible. Adrenaline from anger floods your brain with dopamine. But it is only temporary. Every time, the comedowns are awful. The realization that your primal energy is powerless against the machine, paired with your depleted, overspent reserves, will send you in a dark spiral of anguish and sadness, with no one to empathize with you or console you. In the worst case, you will be shunned and vilified for your anger even by your closest peers, regardless of how dignified you were, for that is the power of deceit wielded by jews, women, and feminine men. We, who thrive in the physical world and who are honest of the souls, we are born to be cucked in this accursed world. Take solace in the fact that your experience is shared by strangers through a screen, for that is all you will have.
I'm not really pissed but I'm quite happy knowing if a cunt wants to try me. I'll let him give it a go. But desu he's probably going to be sucking my cock and taking two weeks of fermented cum up his mouth.
How about the fact you eventually fuck yourself over by fucking with the wrong guy and getting shot or stabbed.

Civility is everything.
Without it it doesn't matter how strong you are, if things get that bad we aren't civil. I'll just hit you with my truck.
Some things are worth dying for and some things aren't.
Take a fucking breath cunt and realize you're angry.
Anon why are you going straight to extreme measures? Something you gotta fucking spank a kid when he's misbehaving. Same thing.
And that's exactly my point too. Why do assholes get a pass to be pricks? Why not fuck around and find out. It's because we don't fight back that allows these fucking retards along the streets.
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>I don't want to be the bigger man anymore and the more I want to punch someone in the fucking face
Been there before. I'm in an armed organization and as such cooperation is important. However some of my squadmates are not only painfully out-of-shape but vocal about their dumbass opinions as well. Perhaps getting /fit/ (especially if you also have a decent education) inevitably gives one a sense of superiority making it harder to deal with people you perceive as untermensch
Lmao, you are riding the high of realizing you are strong for the first time, you will calm down over time.
You are free to walk out of your house right now and sock the first person you see, but that's going to land you in jail or 6 feet under. Realistically I'd recommend you to join any combat sport gym and probably get humbled by someone even stronger, and by humbled I don't mean humiliated but the spiritual gift of humility at realizing there are people stronger than you with more self control and rationality.
Robin shu is peak aesthetic
>tell kid to calm down and take a breath
jesus christ the autism
Because young men lack perspective on what is worth "fucking around and finding out".
It's up to older men to mentor younger men.

If we just let aggressive young men fuck around 24/7 a lot of needless death and violence occurs.
No assholes don't get a pass, but you being needlessly aggressive is just going to get you killed.

Go to your local Waffle House at 12AM on a friday or saturday night for a year straight and you'll find what is worth fighting and isn't fighting for.
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I hate the fact you posted Robin Shou, my idolized body and post like a retard with retarded thoughts.

t. asian manlet working towards his physique
Don’t listen to pooh bear he’s literally a white worshipping nip whose openly admitted on here he’d let white men fuck his ex
(Aka 90% of them)
Some fat untrained fuck will still whoop your ass. There are dudes who are stronger than you and have fought more without lifting a single weight.
yeah go pick a fight. you obviously have never been in one. then you'll get humbled and grow up. probably will take a few times though. right now you are at the mental level of a highschool freshman.
I know, you need to get punched in the face. You need to fight somebody who knows how to fight, so you can realize how weak you actually are.

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