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All of this... for what?
So an upper middle class chubby white woman with big knockers will settle for me
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for a mid (or worse)
Its about the journey not the destiny
I don't know, wearing a t-shirt and seeing my defined pecs' reflection in the sunglasses of my friends today was nice.
you tell me retard, you are the one doing it
even the wagie in the back is like wtf
is there anything more humiliation ritual, than having to racemix to get a mate?
I like looking better than the girls I fuck. Gives me the feeling of having more control of the situation
Marrying a single mom beats beats that
>try an hero and fail by some miracle
>decide I’ll try again after getting some pussy, fix everything in my life lose over 100lbs in year you from malnourished scrawny to the strong jacked friend
>force self to overcome every issue like social anxiety fear of women laziness money too, stop wanting to an hero
>eventually get gf, get pussy, have lots of friends
>friends go own ways, find out Gf was taking advantage of me being inexperienced virgin that goes to shit
>why am I even trying for? Back into depression
>start climbing out years later, fix money, get gf again
>turns out to be bop, around same time best friend betrays me in unrelated ways
Now I’m right there with you OP. Idk what the point is. I’ve still been climbing out and trying to fix things in my life, recently had some big headway on that, but why am I doing this? Every time I do well things go to shit if results in pain. Idk what I even fucking want anymore. I want to be happy. And while I know I can become happy all by myself, idk what the point of it is if I can’t share it with other people. I don’t think I will ever trust anyone. I’ve almost always been backstabbed. I have a few bros I talk to weekly but I haven’t hung with them since college, I’m afraid to get close. And there’s a handful of women too where it’s like that. I’ve become a recluse, like a Sasquatch who wants to be alone, just moving weight with no real purpose. Pussy is overrated, very few women are trustworthy and even fewer of those are actually attractive or worthwhile. Friends come and go, too many aren’t genuine.
The only reason I can think of for all this is to lessen life’s blows. Have my money in order so I’m not broke paycheck to paycheck, have a healthy strong body so shit is easier, look good because it feels better than looking like shit. That’s the only real reason.
she looks cute and probably has a wet succulent grippy pussy and very soft skin
she has no make up on, seldom will a girl look even half that good without make up
>find out Gf was taking advantage of me being inexperienced virgin that goes to shit
it's about a lack of respect. always is. lying to you. going back to an ex. etc.
I am really after the most beautiful woman I can get, so I don't care about race. The vast majority of Asian women are ugly, but there are certainly beautiful ones. Most Asians posted on 4chins are ugly. I am definitely not going to marry and have family with and ugly woman just because she is white. Nor a hot white whore or fu king mentally unstable. When you weed out white women you are left with a small pool and demand is high. Asians have much greater supply.
Man I honestly just find it too exhausting to elaborate that shit ended like 10 years ago. Just all the usual manipulation shit you see but imagine how easy it would be an a legitimate autistic man who just a few months prior had never had a social life or any friends. Like you know those feral humans they’ve found and how sometimes they’re able to be rehumanized? Taught to bathe, speak, sleep indoors in beds, eat normal food, manners etc? Well imagine how easy of a time you’d have manipulating a person like that who just a few years ago was living in the woods and had never seen another person. Also sort of >>75120321
I guess in short
>do over the line bad thing
>convince me (near effortlessly) it was normal and I was a piece of shit now
Pair all the above I said with having a chick who sucked my dick dry and let me bust raw whenever I wanted as often as I wanted, first pussy in my life, I couldn’t even think straight on top of it all
Because it feels good? Fill my life with things that make me feel good?
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>admits he is autistic
>"i was taken advantage of"
>aka: i set no standards and didn't give the bitch the boot
This is the reality for both men and women in the normie world. Stop caring if it doesn't appeal to you.
Whatever helps you sleep at night man

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