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/fit/ - Fitness

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>56% of the world's population cannot swim.
Here in denmark i think its mandatory for every class to have 2 hour swimming lessons in a week.
Everyclass at my school atleast had it down to like second grade.
good times, the last 20 minutes we got to play
still too many browns in this world
If all you had is drainage ditches full of human shit runoff and flatworms, you wouldn't learn to swim either.
Whoa, don't cut yourself on that edge, Anon!
Same in the UK, early years (between 8-13 at my school). The play time at the end of swimming lessons was basically an excuse for boys and girls to touch each other up.
what phenotype is this
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I finally learnt how to swim this summer, it feels good bros
Altough, I worry about extented exposure to the chloride in the water, my equipment smells weird afterwards
>SAAAR captcha unrelated
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>I worry about extented exposure to the chloride in the water
It's fine, people have been swimming in it their whole lives.
At what point does chloride become saturated with the dirty?
You add more chlorine anywhere from 1-7 days, depending on the pool and how heavily used it is.
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How do you swim properly when you're negatively buoyant? I have that bone density thing where you sink in fresh water because my ancestors racemixed and now I'm sturdy as hell but I can't swim in anything but salt water
Push yourself up. People swim with 100lbs strapped to them. It is absolutely do-able.
>excuse for boys and girls to touch each other up.
someone should have told me haha
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Climate change might not be so bad after all.
You're not breathing properly
Everyone who has "bone density" is just not breathing properly
Your lungs are your buoy and they're plenty enough to keep you at the surface. Engage your core to be flat at the surface of the water i.e. streamlined

You can prove to yourself that you don't "sink in fresh water" by breathing in a full breath and curling into a ball in shallow water. You'll feel that you float and that your back is at the surface. Slowly breath out through your nose. You'll feel that you keep floating at the surface until your lungs are at like 20% capacity, then you'll sink

The key to swimming is in the breathing
Not the guy you're replying to, but I also have negative buoyancy which plagued me my whole life, dad had the same issue. We're built like Neanderthals. When I was a kid, my best friend's dad who was nearly an Olympic level swimmer spent forever over the summer trying to help me learn to swim and even he gave up eventually. "I don't know why you don't float anon. You're about as buoyant as a rock." The only way I can float is to get fat as fuck. When I got fat in my mid 20s I was able to float and was astounded. Once I was lean again it was back to walking around on the bottom of the pool...
So all we have to do is flood the world.
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based apocalyptic trips
What even is this reply meant to accomplish? Are you trying to lighten the mood or something? I'm literally going to rape and kill you lots and lots, no coping will ever save you, shitskin
You get the rope too, faggot.
Are you the same Pepe who called Brad Pitt a fag on /k/ without knowing it was him?
God damn that's hilarious
Gonna need a screencap on that.
If only it were real.
i can "swim" aka kick my legs around, maintain treading and go a certain direction but I still freak out looking at how deep the water is. i just cant get past it, ever since I was a child for literally no reason. passed swimming lessons as a kid and still hate it

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