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/fit/ - Fitness

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>get 9 hours of sleep
>progress on all lifts while eating a deficit and doing less volume
>get 7 hours of sleep
>stall on everything while eating a surplus and doing plenty of volume
The problem was sleep the whole time. I have left such an insane amount of gains on the table.
Please sleep.
i wish i didn’t feel so dead without sleep. i can’t make it through the day without it. is there a way around this?
i need more time being conscious
I sleep 6 hours and make fine progress
If you need 9 hours of sleep there is something wrong with you
you'd progress more if you slept more and trained harder
I wake up naturally after about 6.5 hours and always have.
>6 hours sleep every night
>wake up
>immediately want to kill myself
I don't want to be like this anymore but I have more energy at like 1 am than I do at any other time during the day.
Stop drinking 3 monsters a day.
please don't assume things
i havent touched caffeine in my life. it's pretty normal for people to naturally sleep 6-7 hours a night man. 9 hours suggests some kind of problem to be honest.
>have wife and two kids
>Only free time I get is before they wake up
>Can only gym at 5am
>And get to sleep earlier than 11pm if I want to have a clean house
On a razors edge here.
>go to sleep at ~11:30 PM
>wake up at 5:30 AM
>go back to sleep ~ 6:00AM
>wake up at 8:30 AM
how do i fix this? I don't feel tired but I know it will fuck me up
go to sleep at 10pm, dipshit
He's on a cut anon
starving yourself
so yes, something is wrong
whats wrong with you fucking faggots fattening up then starving yourself. how is that healthy?
Time for a home gym
>The problem was sleep the whole time.
yeah I just reached this conclusion too, but I can't just SLEEP as I want, I have hard time falling asleep and yesterday I woke from a nightmare and stayed awake for 2 hours. total sleep less than 4 hours :(

should I medicate bros?
restpilled sleepmaxxer
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there is a reason why top athletes are mega snoozers
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>spend 4 years between ages 13 and 17 sleeping <5 hours a night because I was playing l*ague of legends
>sometimes just skip sleep altogether
>grow up to be 5'8"
>dad is 5'11"
>brothers are 6'0 and 6'1"
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>damaging and stressing your body so much that you need 10+ hours of sleep to function
I need a new bed because mine is so fucking hot but it cost like 1000 dollars and i don't want to go through the asspain of getting a new one just to end up with new problems

like seriously I have to sleep in just the duvet cover but then i wake up over being too cold at like 5 in the morning, which still is better than the fever dream inducing hotness under the actual duvet, and this is in sweden so it's not exactly because of the climate
It depends on your genetics, anon. Some people need more sleep than others.
>duvet cover
Get one of those fabric blankets that's just a blanket. Idk what they're called but it's just like an all in one blanket with no cover and no filling.
I used to always sleep with duvets before moving to australia and now I only use blankets because it's too fucking hot
I'm going to just put two covers inside each other tonight, but one side of your body being satanically hot due to insulation can't be a sustainable way of sleeping, it's too unstable

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