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> people first start letting fighters with different styles fight. BJJ practitioner rapes people stronger and bigger than him by a factor of 2
> wrestler's proceed to take the throne when fighter get more competent in both striking and grappling
> the biggest STAR of the game, making UFC a world-wide phenomena, CONNOR FOOKING MCGREGOR gets RAPED LIKE A CHILD by a Dagestanian man
> Sean O Malley, THE NEXT CONNOR MCGRGOR, THE UFC SUPERSTAR gets steamrolled by a Georgian wrestler who's smiling as he's kissing the striker's impotent already checked out head
> all this with the UFC rules that already heavily favor strikers

When will retards realize that striking is a retard monkey style that gets you only two things: brain damage and losses against grapplers?
lmao even
Man schizoposting certainly has become popular.
Consider though, whether something like this belongs on the fitness forums.
That's how UFC positions him, I agree that he's not as charismatic or important for the sport
> consider if combat sports belong on a fitness forum
Is it true that Tim Welsh actually yelled at Aljo to rush forward which he did thinking that's his trainer and not his opponent's and as a result got KOd?
Strikers just need to time knees to the level change again.
There are alternate sports and extreme sports boards. Is the fitness board really the best place to autisticly argue the merits of specific styles in combat sports?
>autisticly arguing the merits of what can and cannot be posted on a fitness board
> hey professional combat athletes, why don't you just... LE KNEE?? :)
Because people don't have the reflexes that superheroes in movies do. You can only try to guess but if you guess wrong... you get taken down.
wrestlers are boring but def meta, thats why i watch muay thai and boxing instead
Combat sports are neither alternate nor extreme. Fuck off gymcel.
> implying wrestling is not THE most fun sport to watch aside from maybe judo
I agree that when they just lie there for 10 min it's fucking boring but all you need to do is remove the retarded "don't striking the lying person" rules and the meta will shift to 90% grappling + 10% striking over night.
cuddling with other ass mad compensating MManlets for 2 hours several times a week is a niche sport compared to going to the gym or going for a run
Working out is niche in general. So what do you propose, we discuss eating cheetos and jacking off instead?
> le niche
Doesn't make it not fitness gymmy.
> all the NPC tards bitching in the comments about LE BORING WRESTLERS again
For fuck's sake instead of bullshit Mexico history they should've had a disclaimer in the sphere
Okay then take it to the regular sports board.
OP is a homosexual arab that copes with the fact that there are no good arab fighters by fantazising about faggot sex with his favorite UFC guys
> implying you can fight without being fit
cho cho go away sandnigger
> cope from Malley fanatics
due you're a sandnigger
Nope, just a proud Russian spreading what should be obvious to begin with: grappling >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit > piss > striking
Why do you fantasize about pedophilia and faggots in your opening post?
It's called exaggeration. Read some books please.
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>dude it's just an exaggeration
sure, it is
lifting is just superior to it from a holistic view point unless you're in a life situation where casual violence is very coming, in which case I'd just carry a weapon
for the record I used to do no-GI grappling for some time, it's a fun sport but the farther you get and especially when it's in an MMA context it tends to filter for very bad personalities
>casual violence
what's formal violence like
very common*
>lifting is just superior to it from a holistic view point
Literal non-sense.
> gives you meaningful confidence
> teaches you how to defend yourself and others
> is mostly cardio which is EXTREMELY more important for health than lifting
> is much harder
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Gun>knife>groin hit>biting>eye poking>punching and grappling
> another fightlet larping as a street fightah
Lemme fix this:

knife >>> gun >= grappling >>>> striking >>>>> shit > piss > just standing there >>> LE DIRTY TECHNIQUES
>or the record I used to do no-GI grappling for some time, it's a fun sport but the farther you get and especially when it's in an MMA context it tends to filter for very bad personalities
Yeah unfortunately once you're out of college the only options in most places are BJJ gyms which have byfar the worst people of any sport I've ever participated in.
>BJJ gyms which have byfar the worst people of any sport I've ever participated in.
There's no way that's true. It can't be worse than boxing and MT.
ok so lets just remove all the dirty technique rules from mma and see what the fighters do.
hint: they'll just use the dirty techniques because they're EFFECTIVE
I really feel bad for Merab.
> Clearly heart in the right place
> fucking 11 win streak at this point, had to get 10 wins in a row to challenge the champion
> not just dominates but STYLES on the opponents, makes them look like helpless kids
> gets booed
> gets fucked with by Tim Welsh before and during the fight
> gets nudged by a cocksucker referee to fight in a way that would hugely benefit Suga
> wins anyway
> sucks Dana's dick as his victory speech
> will still probably be getting the short end of the stick
Some of them, yes.
But saying "dirty techniques > fighting" implies that a random asshole who's not trained in fighting will beat a fighter just by using dirty techniques which would never happen in a million years.
half that shit won't work against a trained fighter.

I'll give you that
I'll give you that, although it will be difficult for the random joe to beat a trained fighter even if he has a knife.
>groin hit
Except any competent fighter knows how to defend kicks, he'll grab your leg and take your ass down or he'll simply check your kick.
You'll still get your ass beat no matter how much biting you do, it won't put your opponent out like a KO or submission would.
>eye poking
Good luck eye poking a trained fighter without getting KO'd into oblivion the moment you close the distance
>It can't be worse than boxing and MT.
The worst you usually encounter in boxing gyms is cocky kids with a few amateur wins under their belt who think they are champion of the world already. IME the oldheads tend to keep them in line.

BJJ gyms are all full of weird nerds on roids who never played sports during their youth and specifically picked BJJ because they want to larp as fighters without having to risk getting humbled in sparring. They all claim it's for their safety/health yet are willing to risk herniated disks, hyperextensions, ripped tendons etc. and ruin their bodies with retarded PED cycles and bizzare diets... the real reason is they don't want to get knocked out and risk the blow to their fragile egos.

There's also a huge subsect of technique obsessed bjjcels who are extremely petty about strength and bodyweight and are forever butthurt that they get tossed around by even mediocre wrestlers, if you happen to roll with these types of guys on the wrong day they will legitimately try to injure you out of spite. And I mean actually fuck you up... not just "go too hard" when sparring like you would in boxing... they will intentionally try to snap your shit up and break your arm if they get the chance.
> the BJJers are bad because they don't wanna RISK IT IN REAL SPARRING
> ...except they constantly risk it in a different way which is also bad
> they... LE NEVER PLAYED SPORTS [as if anybody aside from blackpill incels gives a shit]

What a bunch of incoherent rambling.
I agree that retards who injury you out of spite should be killed but other than that you seem very bitter for no reason and I suspect you made the last part up to justify your seething.
Yes because they're required to wear gloves. There's bo equivalent of gloves for wrestling, it's full contact. The gloves however make the striking not full contact, they're forcing them to wear pillows on their hands.

So it doesn't count.
>strikers suck
Yeah I’m more of a DA/SA fan too
> they... LE NEVER PLAYED SPORTS [as if anybody aside from blackpill incels gives a shit]
nta but this is a very good indicator of someone's personality. The companies in my industry that favor former athletes when hiring are the most productive and successful ones.
>gives you meaningful confidence
>gives you real life practical strength
>passively increases your cardio anyway
>is accessible and can be scaled for everyone, you can go be casual for health and wellness only or you can chase ridiculous lift numbers, aesthetics etc
why not do both since they both complement each other?

>Lifting makes you better at fighting because you're stronger and more explosive.

>Training martial arts makes you better at lifting because it increases testosterone through competitive activity, instills shit loads of discipline, and it helps you maintain a lean physique because of all the activity you're doing.
The rules favor grapplers, you silly faggot. Grappling’s success is predicated on the rules of the sport. The dimensions of the octagon and the fact that they crotch sniff on a canvas aid their skills. You also can’t hit them on the back of their neck when you sprawl on them. Why do MMA fags live vicariously through other mens achievements?
>Implying grapplers wouldn't be even more dominant if they allowed strikes to the back/head of grounded opponents.
Do you really want shit like wrestlers taking people's backs and headbutting the rear of their skulls in for tko wins? Because that's what you'd eventually start seeing if you stripped away the modern ruleset. And yes allowing rabbit punches would make things like dlts more dangerous but it wouldn't do much to negate grappling, there's plenty of ways to get someone on the ground.
Yeah seeing a whole body move is definitely harder to see than a fist moving at much higher speeds, nobody in the history of ever has knee someone in the face going for a takedown, what was I think.
I know people are fine with decisions if the fights were good, but were UFC 306's main card fights even decent?
Most of the card was pretty good except for the co and main event.
Only issue with the main event was herb going full retard.
Unfortunately he wasnt going retard, he was executing his master's instructions to sabotage Merab and help LE SUPERSTAR win. Everything was against Merab
Why did you describe it like that?
merab mopped the floor with o malley
Dont care

Still hitting the heavy bag
I need to delete my social media accounts that are linked to my name because I went on a schizo pro Israel rant in response to some stupid Palestinian activist. I'm not even Jewish why do I care
Not sure if solid bait or actual newfaggotry
rip bodybuilding.com
there are other websites for you to be an absolute faggot on as well but here you are
>BJJ guy pulls attacker to the ground and takes his back
>attacker's friend comes over and stomps BJJ guy in the head
Wow, I'm glad I did BJJ so I don't have to get brain damage
>grapplers win in fights where the other person cant bite, push fingers into the eyes, pull fingers etc
>I'll give you that, although it will be difficult for the random joe to beat a trained fighter even if he has a knife.
not even close
mma fighters have a shelf life of 3 years. the suga show just hit the 3 year mark theres nothing special or meaningful about it
mma sucks
Strikers are still better to watch, people love watching somebodys head get taken off with a good punch or kick, nobody but you fags enjoy watch a sweaty man grind against another sweaty man until they tap out. Faggot
>implies that a random asshole who's not trained in fighting will beat a fighter just by using dirty techniques which would never happen in a million years.
This is how pissys training partner died, sucker punch to the back of the head by an untrained guy
>I will use the superior fighting style in a fight
>I will grab onto the person and go to the ground
>now I will block ther friends kicks with my skull
Your argument fundamentally flawed in that the 2 people you used as examples of strikers versus wrestlers are not long time champions and had their careers fast tracked to the top. Also they only represent the lighter weight divisions. Middleweights and Light Heavyweight are dominated by strikers right now. Longest reigning Heavyweight Champion was a striker. Welterweight has always been a back and forth mix of strikers and wrestlers. The effectiveness of wrestling is often weight dependent and there are far less effective wrestlers at high weight divisions. Afterall the grappling arts rely on you moving your opponents weight. Naturally it gets harder the heavier your opponent is. Jon Jones is a great wrestler but the majority of his fights have been striking matches. The majority of fighters in high level MMA are striking focused. I am not saying grappling isn't a necessary skill, but striking is also and usually more so.
>mma fighters have a shelf life of 3 years
Not really. There are plenty of examples of guys fight for over decade. The real rule you should go with is they are going to start losing past 33. Statistically that is when fighters are more likely to lose than win. If you are saying 3 years at the top of the division well that is pretty close.
in modern mma champs dont last longer than 3 years
It may look bad, but the lighter weight divisions just have a huge pool of people. If you don't sell a lot of tickets and PPV then it is going to take a long time to get to the top. Also fighters get plenty of say in their next fight. If he wanted a top 10 fight he could have gotten one years ago. He didn't and that was his choice.
Okay so you are just talking about the champs. It has always been rare for a champ to stay on top, but we still have examples of guys who reigned recently for a long time like Jon Jones, Israel Adesanya, and Demetrious Johnson. Anyone staying champion for 3 years has always been rare.
Meant for
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MMA is a sport and watching two grown men grapple each others asses in missionary position lying on the floor is boring and gay as fuck
UFC is entertainment and striking is so much more fun to see than that gay ass shit, which is why I switched to watching ONE instead
Grappling is superior in a sport filled with restrictions and rules, attempting to grapple in KotS for example is a death sentence almost always because fighters aren't limited with illegal moves.
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plus nobody thinks youre cool when youre riding someone elses dick rolling on the pavement in front of your girl
somebody watches the golden one
Because it's funny you fucking NPC retard
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fuck off to asp or whatever shithole you come from. bjj is the martial art of fat failures. never forget that the gracies got their ass handed to them by japanese pro wrestling, a fucking performance art
> hurr untrained person can kill you from the back
Yeah they can also kill you when you're asleep. No fucking shit faggot.
Jon Jones is a top fighter precisely because he's equally good at all the components, like Islam.
But most of MMA fighters are still at the lower level of having a specialization. And within that lower level grappling is king.

Also for real life, if you're heavy, almost nobody can knock you out even if you're a shitty striker but you can take people down without taking more than 1-2 shots.
3-2 is not mopping the floor u nigger
4-0 more like
I sure would rather strike the groin, bite, and poke the eyes from the top position rather than bottom.
>I have no friends myself
>if you're heavy, almost nobody can knock you out
Not really true. There is a selection bias for people who can take heavier shots at heavier divisions as typically bigger guys have more power so you have to be able to take harder hits. Now to your main points.
>Jon Jones is a top fighter precisely because he's equally good at all the components
>most of MMA fighters are still at the lower level of having a specialization
>within that lower level grappling is king
I am not saying that grappling isn't fundamental. I am saying that we see a lot more fighters who are specialized in striking who are successful than grapplers. Only prodgies and those who have grappling their whole life at an elite level like division 1, Olympians, and Dagestanis are successful with a grappling focused style. The grand majority of fighters get to the top without that level of wrestling and mainly use striking. I would say wrestling is about 40% of fighting while 60% is striking so it is a huge component. Even the best wrestlers use knowledge of striking to get takedowns. You can see them use faints, footwork, and striking to get their opponent in a position where they won't get knocked out coming in which is a very big danger. They have their whole mass moving in quick which makes any well timed strike much harder. If they don't understand striking at a high level they could easily be put out. Sorry if this is a bit rambly and scatterbrained. I haven't fully woken up and there is a lot of different things to be said on this.
Based judo enjoyer. Strong as shit + judo + dirty boxing = de wae
> The grand majority of fighters get to the top without that level of wrestling and mainly use striking.
Talk about selection bias. That's because they are just genetically gifted with a KO-hand that sleeps people (Sean is one example) and they don't need a lot of skill until they've had some fights in UFC.

If we're talking 2 regular people, the grappler almost always wins. And that "almost" exists only because of lucky KOs
If UFC rules were similar to Pride, grapplers would have less of an advantage, bjj fags for sure would get wrecked way more often
>Knees on downed opponents
>Soccer kicks
All this needs to be brought back
how effective would biting be vs some grappling fag? would they let go if you start take out chunks of flesh from their arm or leg?
Of course not. At least you're smart enough to actually ask this as a question instead of blindly repeating retarded shit

Out of all the LE DIRTY stuff pretty much only eye pokes work and things like kicking the knees
>That's because they are just genetically gifted with a KO-hand that sleeps people
>If we're talking 2 regular people, the grappler almost always wins.
That is a pretty good point honestly as personally I hit like a freight train so my perspective may be off. My ability to put someone down with one punch definitely could skew my opinion on it. A guy without the ability to put someone down with one or two would definitely be at a much greater disadvantage against a grappler. That does also reinforce my point that grapplers are much more effective at lighter divisions.
>That does also reinforce my point that grapplers are much more effective at lighter divisions.
Could be. Also they may not have the required cardio to be as effective at constant wrestling.
>post a arab
A lot of lighter weight divisions have trouble with cardio due to a lot of fighters doing harsher weight cuts. I think middleweights and welterweights tend to have better cardio, but that is still a case by case thing. McGregor was a prime example of a guy who fucks up his cardio with harsh weight cuts. He could train for 12 hours a day grappling or standing up and never get tired against guys 2 divisions bigger, but after cutting close to 40lbs over 6 weeks he would get out of breath just standing. Khabib though would cut a similar amount of weight and be just fine on fight day. Although Khabib would cut the last 20lbs in 48 hours so they did have different methods of cutting.
not fitness related
If you’re alone and attacking a group, or an individual within a group, you fucked up. This argument applies to any martial art.
How does this help? If this was allowed, the grappler could just gouge eyes from mount or bite you from behind
Why does everyone in ufc look like an oblivion character?
Don't respond to braindead retards, just r*port for extremely low quality.

>Also for real life, if you're heavy, almost nobody can knock you out

Huh? You think you have a health bar that gets bigger as you get heavier? Only strengthening your neck helps (a bit) against blows to the head.
> You think you have a health bar that gets bigger as you get heavier?
Yes. McGregor would never knock out Tom Aspinal even if he just stood still
You can win that with boxing if other people don't lift and don't do martial arts. And most people don't. Grappling gets you stabbed.
There are like 3 knock outs from that because your reaction time would have to be perfect otherwise you're getting picked up and put back down.
This. In all of MMA history it happened 3 times pretty much. BUT YEAH JUST KNEE THEM LMAO I SAW THAT IN A MOVIE
Yeah the kickboxing in pro fighting is not like I imagined it growing up. Grappling works especially well when your opponent sucks dick at boxing.
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Yup. Nothing is more exciting than ramming your fist into another man until he gives up.
This is the gayest thread on /fit right now. OP truly is a faggot.
I forget, can anyone remember what happened to Sterling? The grappler that held the belt before O'malley?
>all this with the UFC rules that already heavily favor strikers
- can't knee an opponent on the ground*
- can't kick an opponent's head when he's on the ground*
- can't use certain elbows on someone on the ground*
*at least one hand or knee touches the ground

there are a bunch of rules in the UFC that only exist to make takedown attempts less risky. you're wrong and biased and you should have made this thread on /sp/ instead.

dudde you diddled his asshole like jeffery epstein diddled thoose kids (not this is just an exaggeration)
he makes himself grounded in the process. he is often lower than the opponent, especially when he presses them against the fence. but this is all beside the point. my point was that the UFC ruleset overall does not favor strikers. I was NOT arguing that the garden gnome was aided by this ruleset. I was NOT trying to argue that the reddit wigger would have won if you removed those rules I mentioned. maybe you inferred this?
imagine being o malley 5'11 the king of manlets getting ur bussy demolished by this 4'11 short GOD
Merab and khabib are wrestlers....
You are responding to the judo pedophile who takes every opportunity to shit one bjj, independent of the topic.
fightfags are so cringe
call me when there's a league where you can bite. suddenly nobody would do any headlocks anymore because that's their artery gone. maybe you can drown your opponent in your own blood before you bleed out, lol
>when your superstar sits on his title without fighting, gets obliterated in multiple consecutive matches, then goes on cycle so hard that you have to dump USADA to get him fighting

UFC is such a shitshow.
It absolutely favors strikers precisely because for the most parts the rules protecting the grounded protect people who are on their back.
When did Jones get obliterated?
> another schizo babble cope
Retard if you knew what headlock actually is you would know it's impossible to bite the headlocker as a headlockee
Don't BJJfags love being on their backs? Wouldn't it be better for strikers if they had more options when people take the Roycepill?
I like merab but he's legit fucking retarded
ayy, I agree Jones is better. The point is that the UFC pushed McGregor way past his best by date.
Pride rules would fuck up crotch sniffers
Noo, you can't do the no-no strike that the 'best fighter in the world' left himself open to.
bring it back
Great shot
So what you're telling me is that Cage fighting is now a certified faggot sport where 2 grown men roll around on the floor while playfully kissing each other? I'll give it a miss op.
> literally this fucking clueless
BJJ is about TAKING CONTROL ON THE GROUND AND GETTING A SUB OR INTO A DOMINANT POSITION. Yes without striking being in full guard (google what that means faggot) is pretty good, but there are plenty of ways to get on top and stay on top.
They are still low key pushing him. I'm calling this right now: he will never fight again no matter how often they put his name on future cards
No I'm telling you GRAPPLING IS WHAT WORKS IN FUCKING REALITY. And you can call it all you want but the fact is you would get RAPED LIKE A TODDLER by a grappler even if you had some striking.
> proceeds to upload a clip that shows dominance of wrestlers
Yup that's what happens
>my grappling is alpha as fuck, let me show you.
>but no 12-6 elbows, eye gouging, biting, grabbing fingers, or groin strikes. Also don't grab my hair to easily control my head that's illegal bro.

it doesn't always work in reality, because in reality people have weapons. you tangle up with someone, you might get stabbed, or someone else might stomp your head in. life isn't ufc. safest thing to do IRL is hit the guy as hard as you can with a punch, elbow, etc then run.
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Bunch of fucking pussies cheering for some dude holding someone down for 25 minutes, meanwhile Sean was ready to SNIPE his ass…boring ass sport lmao. Your champ is an ugly midget just like all of you haha. Party at my place later btw, all chads and stacies who rooted for our boy O’Malley are invited, no incels allowed (almost this whole site lmaooo). Heard Alyssa from chemistry is gonna come, can’t wait to suck those boobs ;). Catch ya later

Holy shit will you shut the fuck up with this river of cope?
With guns grappling is infinitely better. With knives, striking is better. Which is why you should be competent in both
reposted from the sports thread

no cope here, just truth. I live in the third world, my coach has killed people. one of the laws of the streets is always throw hands and get away. you don't want to be there very long, basically you want to be in and out. the main benefit of grappling is knowing how to get out of someone wrestling you rather than using it as the first thing you do. nothing is good against a gun or a knife, if someone has a gun, you're dead. if someone has a knife, you're dead or going to the hospital plain and simple. you are delusional.
I don't disagree with obvious bs you just said. But taking someone down well and then soccer kicking them is the most surefire and reliable way to end a fight quickly
>ever entering clinching range if given the choice.
>Wasting a moment on a downed opponent rather than disengaging.

LARPing is fun but real life is another animal, kiddo.
Striking is cool grappling is gay simple as
>That's how UFC positions him
>That's how the hype machine markets him


Oh they decided to try and sell you a fight by making it sound like it's between the two greatest fighters who ever lived? Wow.
The gloves are there to protect your fists, not to protect the other fighter's body. They allow you to punch much harder since you don't have a fear of injuring your fist.
All these retards are going to have a brain made of swiss cheese by the time they're 40 because their """sport""" is literally poor people giving each other brain damage for entertainment

Being a "fan" of this shit is a personality disorder
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formal violence is getting blown up by artillery

It seems you tested this on yourself you brainlet.
say I'm really tiny (because I am), obviously one of the big things to do is just put on a lot of muscle but would I be better suited for grappling or wrestling considering the average opponent would have more mass than me?
This, but unironically
You're better off training for cardio and explosiveness.
Not that strength and mass aren't important, but it's a weight-class sport, building muscle requires strategy, you should optimise for your weight class and that should be optimised for your body dimensions.
If you're optimised for your class, opponents won't have any more mass than you, so that's not something you'll have to worry about.
Issac Newton boxed, faggot.
Fightfags are so funny in their delusions.
eventually ufc is going to enforce a stricter rule on crotchsniffers
its not fun to watch, especially when they're boring like merab
And what do you do for entertainment? Go to the fucking opera? Kill yourself faggot
There should be less rules and no standing fighters up. Ever. That is the worst thing. It would be far more exciting and the shitty drawn out matches shorter.
You are the type of homo who wears a suit to the beach
yes it is called ULTIMATE fighting championship
If you wanna compete - what the other guy said, otherwise build as much muscle as possible and train everything.
They picked the worst possible most un-charismatic cunts that ever exist with the most play it safe styles to ever exist with the worst personalities and decided to hype them up for a year, what a fucking shit show.
Its literally an arrogant reach bully against a faggot smother grappler.
Its like khabib vs connor but dollar store.
Fuck this.
Get Jones and Aspinall or something, better yet get peraira vs Jiri 3
>all this with the UFC rules that already heavily favor strikers
Can you knee to the head on the ground? No
Can you 12 to 6 elbow? No
Can you kick opponent's head while the opponent is on the floor/knees? No

Conor murders Khabib in the street, if not, why Khabib didn't do SHIT in the press conference???? BITCH ASS WRESTLERS GET THE FUCKING ROPE.
Nobody has actual grand master swag
>destined to get fucked
This isn't helping my AGP
I've had people tell me shit here but I'd bet my bank account I could wreck anyone who's ever come here, on top of that I made more progress on bench in less time than anyone I've heard of.
>Get Jones and Aspinall or something
>> implying jones will ever fight after securing a free win against `cic
>Can you knee to the head on the ground? No
>Can you 12 to 6 elbow? No
>Can you kick opponent's head while the opponent is on the floor/knees? No
Those things precisely favor strikers you fucking braindead retard. And Khabib kills and rapes Connor on da street 9.5 times out of 10.

He didn't do shit in the conference because he isn't a nigger monkey clown lord, but a humble man from Dagestan.
Ass Gaping Porn-addiction?
in that ballpark yes
The Periera/Jiri fights were based. No way either fight was seeing the final bell with those two knockout artists. Only other fight I could remember being that excited for was Dricus/Izzy, Periera/Izzy 2, and Lawler/Condit. Strikers are just much more exciting and while we can acknowledge the advantages of grappling and its effectiveness, nobody wants to watch pure grappling matches.

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