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Any halfway decent freezer meals out there that /fit/ recommends? I'm letting my cravings win lately.
Cook real food retard
Yeah but nice to have a few things in the fridge when you don't get a chance to go to the store no?
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I like the, "Devour" brand and these but I really mostly just cook pasta and chicken breasts.
Frozen meals are like a once a week thing if that.
Nigger, are you fucking retarded?
Cook real food retard
big ass marie callender chicken pot pies
shitty ahh ratio of calories to protein but its 25g protein so good for a bulk ig
Buffalo chicken mac and cheese mega bowl there's it like 40g of protein in one of those
>when you don't get a chance to go to the store
doordash real food retard
cook real food and freeze it for when you’re feeling like a lazy faggot
Why not just drive to the fucking store
And frozen meals are for quick consumption when in a hurry/don't have the time does that make me an animal anon
You are as bad as the slop slurpers.
Paying extra to sit on your ass and have someone bring your food to you instead of getting it yourself makes YOU the goym cattle
I doordashed chinese food today. My delivery driver was a black guy named Tyrone (not kidding) and I tipped him $10 cash on top of the original tip because I felt bad for him as I assumed he was underprivileged. I have never seen someone's face light up like his did. You will never know this feeling.
I know the feeling of being racist. I like it.
Mfw you will never know the feeling of making minorities bring you the most complicated orders possible in heavy rain/blizzards for 0 tips
People will eat that shit food their entire life and claim they have stomach issues / IBS lol
Fags both of you are fans never use food delivery apps in any cumircumstance unless u can't fucking drive or walk for some reason
post body
These are good to have but make sure u have chocolate milk to go with them.
Cook real food you dumb cocksucker
But wat if he doesnt want to one day
It would be preferable to not eat at all then to eat chemical slop
make real food then freeze it retard
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>Kid Cuisine
Seeing this makes me feel compassion for my parents. (Nothing wrong with the occasional TV dinner, they fed me just fine.) Imagine the work they did to raise 4 kids. The mountains of groceries they had to buy, the schedules they had to stay on top of. It's a shame they ultimately got divorced. Mom wanted out after 25 years. Dad wrote her letters trying to convince her to stay. My brother found them like a decade ago, I never saw them. It's a shame us sons turned out so badly. I'm the oldest and I'm a NEET. So promising as a teenager but my mind broke down in college and that was a long time ago. Next two are heroin addicts. The youngest is doing okay, I suppose. Nothing extraordinary. I don't know where I'm going with this. Kid Cuisine, man. Bill Clinton was president back then.
But wat if hes hungry though? And wat chemicals? Take ur meds schizo
What if he don't wanna
Tfw you don't understand the unregulated delivery nog economy is being used as a loophole to bring in more nogs and their spawnlets
I can't imagine having enough money to use doordash including tip after bidenflation. It's like $30 for a taco supreme. In what world do are you that rich and eat taco bell. Oh well, people are mostly dumb as fuck.
Bump I'm in need of something good
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For the faggots calling this shit goyslop you'll never take my gains
11g of protein for 410 cal is terrible
this makes me want to vomit
Surely we can do better.
Yea, frozen broccoli and frozen chicken.
Add in some guac for fats.
I like the lean cuisine steam bowls. Sodium bombs like anything else processed, but they're at least pretending to be real food unlike your pic related. And a lot of variety.

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