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whats the point of this? why not just drink milk?
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why not just drink more milk?
probably people falling from you need X amount of protein or you will die. anything over 70 is more than enaugh which is impossible to not hit if u eat 3x a day
It's not milk powder it's a byproduct, it has amazing protein to calories
A simple google search would have answered your dumb shit question, there's a thread for this in the future, look for QTDDTOT
You'd have to drink an insane amount of milk to get the same amount of protein as one shake
>muh protein to calories
calories aint hurtin nobody, so again I ask whats the point of this
More volume, less dense
Also more sugar
volume is good though
>Need to drink over 800ml or 250ml for same amount of protein
You are a retard
how do you know you get all the protein from whey?
it's only 3 cups of milk to get one scoop of protein equivalent.
>anything over 70 is more than enaugh
What are you a retarded little girl? You need at keast 1g per kg of bodyweight.
So you're a fat fuck?
the science is settled chud
real milk (also known as "unpasteurized milk", "raw milk", or simply "milk") is not lawful to sell in most of the US.
Less calories and more protein
I want the things I consume to be cut with Chinese mystery powders like melamine. I also need it to taste like choccy milk because I never grew up from being a child. I happily spend 3x the cost per gram of protein vs just drinking milk because milk has other calories which the internet told me were evil.
biased source
This, it's useful to fatfucks who need a meal replacement diet powder, but useless to bulkers. You'd be retarded to skip out on the calories of milk if you're bulking, it's nature's gainer shake.
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ridic more cals per proteins
>So you're a fat fuck
No im really skinny
It's a dairy byproduct that used to get thrown away. They then started marketing it to gym bros. It's sold as a supplement so it's less strict on FDA regulations so (((they))) get away with putting more heavy metals, bugs, and saw dust in it.
>is not lawful to sell in most of the US.
I don't think that's true
You can't get big if you don't wat big
>It's a dairy byproduct
Yeah I'm aware which is why I asked why not just drink milk
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>biased towards the truth

500 calories for 30g of protein or 150 calories for 30g of protein you little 90 IQ retard? If you can’t understand why people would want one or the other you’re actually fucking retarded.
>500 calories for 30g
Sounds perfect to me
arent eggs better plus they taste good
my queen
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Y-You're not supposed to mix it with milk?
skim milk powder is the ultimate red pill
dirt cheap, low calorie, high protein, still has plenty of micronutrients unlike whey powder
i eat eggs with milk
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>i eat eggs with milk
what do you mean exactly
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I eat boiled eggs with milk (from a cow[spoiler]?[/spoiler])
50g powder + 250g milk is a quick and easy 50 grams of protein
Post body then
I'm black
I didnt ask
I will not be posting my body
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>grams of milk
You dont eat frozen milk?
You don't whey your milk?
Just eat Greek yogurt unless you are making a recipe with this
You.spend too much time on 4chan
How do you know
I have a lactose intolerance so whey isolate is way easier on my stomach than actual milk. It's also cheaper per gram of protein on average.
I drink it with milk.
just drink more milk and force your body to adapt
mix it with milk and get the best of both worlds
>his shakes are one scoop
never gonna make it
They remove the sugar and fats from the milk. Better protein per calorie. Price wise it used to be better per gram of protein than milk. It is also shelf stable. You would also look like a psycho chugging a gallon of milk in the gym, but no one bats an eye when you down a triple scoop of whey.
Oh yay only 36 additional grams of sugar too
You add it to milk to make the milk have even more protein.
Sugar is good for you
Missed the point entirely
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Because I like my protein choccy gainz
Not this shit, but other, better whey yes.
>no one bats an eye when you down a triple scoop of whey.
Drinking 75 grams of protein at once is not normal
Shut up nerd.
Sorry you were wrong
This is the whey
Jannie this is the thread
too much milk gives me the megaruns
Of LEAN bodyweight. The lack of the word "lean" has to be psyops now to waste money in protein.
Although Whey when you are on a cut, especially when fasting, is super welcome.
because milk has butter in it retard
I only want the protein, and milk doesn’t taste like chocolate peanut
Just drink buttermilk. buy full cream milk and shake it for like 20 minutes then pour the liquid and throw out the butter. voila you have a protein shake. add some stevia and Cocoa or something for flavour.
what's the least disgusting flavor of powder, i have to order a refill soon
sure buddy, i bet the stats are through the roof for hydro, just a small premium + tip
It literally does not
>voila you have a protein shake.
Buttermilk is not high protein relative to the amount if calories it has
Protein is anabolic. Excess protein is awesome for muscle retention and building when in a calorie deficit. Protein synthesis and absorbion is impaired in older individuals. Eating a lot fucking sucks if you like to eat somewhat clean or have dietary restrictions. I'm a fat fuck at 120kg and aim for a little less than the 1g/lb standard. I don't think I need quite that much, I hear the lean mass argument, but am often at maintenance calories or less and I'm older too. I aim for 200g. Double scoop for breakfast, double scoop before bed, protein bar for snack. Gets me 120g and the other 80g has to come from lunch and dinner which is pretty easy.
Ironically enough, white chocolate. Thought it would be shit but it was the best one I've tried from Gold Standard
more leucine and casein than any other food
>skim milk powder
its extremely filled with sugar
might as well drink a soda
Although I do largely think protein powder is shit (I still drink it every day) milk just makes me full and bloated where as a protien shake makes me feel nothing, which is good because I don't want to be full and bloated all day
200g of protein a day at 120kg is retarded. No wonder you're 120kg??!?! Why are you eating at maintance while that fat
Because at this weight and activity level I'm capable of shedding weight really fast if I want to. I've done it a few times now. What I seen to be incapable of is keeping it off in the long run and maintaining my workouts and recovery on a meaningful deficit. I've reached the point now where I'd rather eat close to maintenance and high protein while continuing to make progress in the gym and having good recovery than fucking with what is working. I'm never going to be 120kg and 10% body fat. But I'll take it as far as I can before doing some kind of cut. Last time I stuck to calorie counting and a deficit I dropped 12kg in about 6 weeks. I'm not saying that was fat. Water weight, food in transit etc, but realistically as long as I'm around the same weight I'm not sweating at the moment.

I'm 6'2". My goal weight is still around 105kg. I squat 208kg and deadlift 247kg. How much protein would you eat?
Because milk powder doesn't have added lactase, artificial flavors and a nice package.
I've been lucky and have found a few gallons of milk for under $2. Even if it's low fat or fat free it's a steal, 10g of protein and 120 calories per cup.
most sane individuals would rather not be obese than have some extra strength but you do you
It is. I have to buy my raw milk from a Mennonite family because they don't follow the laws of men, only God
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Milk gives you diabetes because of all the sugar. Don’t drink a lot of milk
It's the cheapest source of protein you can find and consume it's as cheap as 1 dollar for 26 or so grams of protein per scope.
What if I mix my Whey Protein into a glass of milk?
the illusion of control and specialized knowledge. they can just drink milk
I mix my whey into a glass of high protein milk. That's 80 proteins!
it is for lazy chimp niggers who are to lazy to cook some real food for a few minutes
chicken breasts and eggs are infinitely better protein per buck ratio, while also having far more nutrients
it's for fat people and pencil necks who don't want to gain weight
drinking milk and eating meat is a better way to get both calories and protein
>WPC = 104
>WPI = 159
Nigga is this true? What is bioavailability even measured in??
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He always brought home milk on Friday.

After a long hard week full of days he would burst through the door, his fatigue hidden behind a smile. There was an icy jug of Tuscan Whole Milk, 1 Gallon, 128 fl oz in his right hand. With his left hand he would grip my waist - I was always cooking dinner - and press the cold frostiness of the jug against my arm as he kissed my cheek. I would jump, mostly to gratify him after a time, and smile lovingly at him. He was a good man, a wonderful husband who always brought the milk on Friday, Tuscan Whole Milk, 1 Gallon, 128 fl oz.

Then there was that Friday, the terrible Friday that would ruin every Friday for the rest of my life. The door opened, but there was no bouyant greeting - no cold jug against the back of my arm. There was no Tuscan Whole Milk in his right hand, nor his left. There came no kiss. I watched as he sat down in a kitchen chair to remove his shoes. He wore no fatigue, but also no smile. I didn't speak, but turned back to the beans I had been stirring. I stirred until most of their little shrivelled skins floated to the surface of the cloudy water. Something was wrong, but it was vague wrongness that no amount of hard thought could give shape to.

Over dinner that night I casually inserted,"What happened to the milk?"

"Oh,"he smiled sheepishly, glancing aside,"I guess I forgot today."

That was when I knew. He was tired of this life with me, tired of bringing home the Tuscan Whole Milk, 1 Gallon, 128 fl oz. He was probably shoveling funds into a secret bank account, looking at apartments in town, casting furtive glances at cashiers and secretaries and waitresses. That's when I knew it was over. Some time later he moved in with a cashier from the Food Mart down the street. And me? Well, I've gone onions.
Its not, so
You mix it with milk

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